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The halfers club...for those needing to lose half or more of



  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Hello everyone! I also have to loose more than half my weight. About 130lbs. I had the lap band done and I am determined to make it work. The only thing is that I am lacking motivation. I work nights doing 12 hour shifts, and I am tired ALL the time. My kids are home for the summer and I don't seem to have the energy to get out of bed and play with them. I can barely get moving to take them to their activities. I don't know where to start. I know eating right and exercizing are the main priorities, but when do you start to feel better? I wanna be able to bend over and pick something up without my knees killing me. I want to be the average person in the room again. I don't want to always feel like Im being stared at. I want to be able to buy the cute scrubs, not the unisex ones that are either way too small or way too big, and I want to be able to buy a swim suit in a regular store and not have to cover up. I want to take my kids to Disneyland and not worry that I wont fit on the rides, I want to fit in the booths at resteraunts without squeezing in them, and I want my kids to grow up healthy and NOT follow my example.
    Sometimes I feel like I have info overload becuase I am told 50 different contradicting things from books, web sites, the personal trainers, etc. I finally just quit the gym and started walking at home, but again I am still lacking that little bit of motivation. I swore I would be thin on my wedding day, and that didnt even seem to inspire much motivation. So if that can't do it, what the hell can . PLEASE HELP ME!!!

    April, welcome to the group! My advice to you is stick with this site. Log your food each day, log your exercise, eat your exercise calories, and keep positive. Get lots of vegetables and fruits and protein to keep you from being hungry. And drink lots of water. None of this is anything new to you, I'm sure. We have all been through dieting before and we all know how to do what we need to do. It's all in the motivation and this site can help. When I started this weight-loss attempt, I was keeping track of my intake on paper and did ok, but not great. Since I've been using this site, I've been losing almost consistently (a few setbacks of course, which is normal, I think). It is amazing how much it helps to use this site. I know it can be hard to keep motivated when there are so many temptations but be strong, we can do this:) Good luck and anytime you need a shoulder to cry on/lean on, we are here:)
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Ok, I have learned something. Alcohol is bad! LOL It was my birthday yesterday and I thought I'd celebrate. I had a couple of rum and cherry coke zero's at the house before going out. Not too bad in the grand scheme of things. However, got to the restaurant and had a Long Island Iced Tea (by far the worst drink for calories). Then made the mistake of taking a bite of the plate of chicken nachos on the table. BIG MISTAKE! They were so tasty it led to another, and another, etc. You know where I'm going with this:) Then we went to a friend's house and I was given an Amaretto and Coke (NOT DIET COKE! UGH!) and in my tipsy-ness, I drank it. Wow, was it sweet!

    So I wake up this morning, a bit hung over, and get up to do my workout....Jillian Michaels Boost Metabolism (the longest of her videos, it seems). Made it through 35 minutes and started feeling nauseous, probably because I hadn't eaten breakfast. Well, 35 minutes will still count:)

    Now I'm getting ready for my official birthday party ... cookout at a friends house with burgers and dogs. I've planned for a hamburger but I'm bringing carrots/hummus and watermelon and another friend is making her yummy green beans with garlic. I'll try to keep the alcohol to a minimum because now I know it keeps me from being good and might let me partake of the s'mores!!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Kim
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Hi there, I just stumbled across this site and I think its amazing. I weigh 250lbs and need to loose 100lbs to be 100% healthy as far as my dr is concerned. Iknow its not quite 50% of my body weight, but is it ok if I still join? I have been at this weight FOREVER and need some motivation to keep trying to get where I need to be. You guys are all so inspiring!!!
  • traleen
    traleen Posts: 58 Member
    Hi all:
    I would like to join too if I may ? Im 5'4" and now 247.8 I have lost from 263 in Jan or so.
    Ive tried SO many diets ! I'm sure you can relate :explode: Jenny Craig, WW, cant recall that other where they send you the mega-preservative foods to eat, Metifast, you name it.
    I remember about 2004 or so being in some women's program for weight loss. (super expensive, i figured if I spent the money I would stick to it !) I was 238 at the time and the scale was not moving.
    The lady said to me, "you better lose now or if you keep gaining you will end up with weight loss surgery because you will be too heavy to exercise"
    Well that is pretty much what happened :sad: I can walk.. but knees and feet hurt. Walking steps feels dangerous. LIke my heart is pounding and that gives me anxiety.So I lose motivation for exercising when I know I should be out there Daily ! I can not give up.
    I found mfp from some other site. I was 130 years ago and felt great.140 would be ok too. So Ill see when I get there. Right now Im in a program that is calories counting, high protein, low fat. I just got back from vacation so..... starting up again !
    I know what its like to be the heaviest one in the room and I hate it !
  • Welcome all new members!

    "Halfers" is more an idea that we have to lose an entire person in body weight. Even if it's not quite half our weight, we all are going on a similar journey, very unlike the ones that someone who has to lose 20,30, even 40 pounds. So welcome all of you.


    Motivation is hard to get at times. All I can say is find something that motivates you. Do a search online for "weight loss simulators" its a little program that allows you to plug in your current weight, and your goal weight and see the difference. I've posted those pics on all the fridges in my house (we have 3 fridges and a stand alone freezer.... we cater!). So every time I open a fridge I see that picture and know that whatever choice I make will leave me in one of those pictures. If I eat that block of cheese, I'll be the obese one. If I eat that bowl of grapes, I'll be the thin one (eventually :laugh: )

    Exercise is hard to get motivated for, I know. I'm sure all of us know how it feels to just not want to exercise, or even get out of bed. The only thing I can say here is to remind yourself how good you'll feel afterward. Even when I'm sore, I feel good because I did something, I'm taking my health into my own hands and really doing something about it. Do little things first don't try running 3 miles a day right a way. Walk for ten minutes around your house every day, get up and move during television commercials. Keep little hand weights around and do some bicep curls while you're watching tv.

    DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP if you "slip up" or have a "bad day" or make a bad choice. Life is about stumbling and picking ourselves up, dusting off our knees and just keeping going. Get back up on the horse the next day, catch the wagon, and make it a better day. Think about -why- you made that bad choice. Are you denying yourself too much? Self sabotage is the biggest reason for "failure" in losing weight. (I believe we only fail when we let ourselves despair and give up)

    This is going to take time, none of us were 160 pounds yesterday and 303 today, we can't expect it to go the other way. Have patience, have faith, ask for guidance, celebrate successes no matter how big or small (with something other than food!).
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey, welcome to all the new faces, we are in this together.:heart: It is very difficult to lose a small female off the side of your butt.:sad: :laugh: But that is the boat a lot of us are in. If we encourage each other, share our struggles, and just plain listen to each other we are going to do this. So again I say welcome and you are all in the right place.:flowerforyou:

    We can do this ladies!!!!!!! We are all worth it and I am so glad everyone is here
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP. You have come to the right place for support, encouragement, and SUCCESS.

    :ohwell: When I joined Curves in April of this year, I could barely walk from the car to the door of Wal-Maart because of the pain in my knees and I would get so short of breath that it was embarrassing. And you could forget about actually shopping or gong to the Mall. The pain and the breathing problems would not allow it.

    Now I am walking 30-45 minutes most days, I' m breathing better, and I have almost completely stopped snoring. :happy: In a few months you will be a new woman.

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP. You have come to the right place for support, encouragement, and SUCCESS.

    :ohwell: When I joined Curves in April of this year, I could barely walk from the car to the door of Wal-Maart because of the pain in my knees and I would get so short of breath that it was embarrassing. And you could forget about actually shopping or gong to the Mall. The pain and the breathing problems would not allow it.

    Now I am walking 30-45 minutes most days, I' m breathing better, and I have almost completely stopped snoring. :happy: In a few months you will be a new woman.


    Jeannie, I am so proud of you. What a wonderful accomplishment and just think we are going to start feeling better and better and better as these pounds come off.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Welcome all new members. Glad to see we have some new faces.

    I was so excited this morning when I got on the scale for my weigh in. I officially hit 210 lbs (58 lbs lost) which is only one measily pound away from my half way point :)
    As my treat to myself I sent away my ring that my bf gave me last Christmas for sizing so I can wear it again :)
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome all new members. Glad to see we have some new faces.

    I was so excited this morning when I got on the scale for my weigh in. I officially hit 210 lbs (58 lbs lost) which is only one measily pound away from my half way point :)
    As my treat to myself I sent away my ring that my bf gave me last Christmas for sizing so I can wear it again :)

    That awesome, good for you!!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    I am down 4.2 pounds this week!
  • Only down a half pound. :( But I let myself slip due to being upset and tired. I rushed this week and I was cut, so I let the emotions get to me and control what I ate instead of my head.

    Next week will be better.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Good morning halfers! Well, I'm afraid my diet is going to falter this next week. I have had to take off to NY (from MD) because my mom has passed away. I've already been eating bad because I just can't think about calories right now. I also didn't have a computer until now and so I've tried to remember what I've eaten in the past couple days so at least I can be honest. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do and it hasn't even really began. We (my brother and I) will be having to get her affairs and possessions in order. It also makes it hard because he will need to go back Friday for work so the rest will fall to me. It will be tough but I will try not to derail my efforts for weight loss.....she was so proud of me and I know she'd hate it if I stopped because of all of this. I'll try to keep in touch as much as possible. Talk soon! Kim
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good morning halfers! Well, I'm afraid my diet is going to falter this next week. I have had to take off to NY (from MD) because my mom has passed away. I've already been eating bad because I just can't think about calories right now. I also didn't have a computer until now and so I've tried to remember what I've eaten in the past couple days so at least I can be honest. This is by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do and it hasn't even really began. We (my brother and I) will be having to get her affairs and possessions in order. It also makes it hard because he will need to go back Friday for work so the rest will fall to me. It will be tough but I will try not to derail my efforts for weight loss.....she was so proud of me and I know she'd hate it if I stopped because of all of this. I'll try to keep in touch as much as possible. Talk soon! Kim

    I am so sorry to hear this. :brokenheart: A mother is so special and I do not care how old we are, it is still one of the most devastating things that could happen to us. Know that you are in my prayers and that I am truly, truly, sorry for your loss.
  • Hi Kamcat - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It is a life changeing time for you.

    Please accept my condolences.

    Stay connected to your MFP supports! It will be more important than ever now - it is too easy to slide back into old habits and not care about yourself.

    Take good care of you1

  • hi everyone. i also have a huge amount amount of weight to lose.everyone here seems so nice. i also weigh over 200 pounds on a 5 foot 2 inch frame,so i have all kinds of health issues. i really believe i can do this with all the support of this site.good luck to all. jeannie
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    hi everyone. i also have a huge amount amount of weight to lose.everyone here seems so nice. i also weigh over 200 pounds on a 5 foot 2 inch frame,so i have all kinds of health issues. i really believe i can do this with all the support of this site.good luck to all. jeannie

    Welcome Jeannie
  • Welcome Jeannie

    Kamcat - I am devastated to hear about your loss. I'll keep you in my prayers. :( Try to keep up your spirits and don't kick yourself for slipping with choices. Weight comes and goes. Focus on honoring your mother and grieving.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Kamcat - I am so sorry to hear about you losing your mom. You will be in my thoughts.
  • :flowerforyou: Hi Jeannie - welcome - this is a great site and you will find all kinds of support, good advice and humour!
    just remember to take it one day at a time!!
    Best Wishes!:happy:
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