Is it ok to flirt



  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    Seems as though a lot of the anti-flirting folks think that flirting online equals random sex with strangers... curiouser and curiouser....

    I'm a huge flirt, always have been, always will be. My bf knows this, accepts this, and isn't threatened by it. We have one of those weird relationships built on... you know... love and trust. He flirts with all the gorgeous ladies on MFP, and I support that completely. Flirting and having someone flirt back can build confidence, and that confidence is fun to bring back to your own relationship.

    So all I can say is, chill out, get your flirt on, and enjoy the trip!
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Flirting whats that? -Ty, im no flirt, i meant what i said
  • abc_life
    abc_life Posts: 28
    I think its fine if its not overly excessive or creepy

    I wouldn't mind a hot guy to flirt w me on here or in real just doesn't happen, I get creepers 24-7 haha
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think there's a big difference between saying "oooh nice [anything except package]"/acknowledging your appreciate for the person's hard work/even a little gutter talk in jest and saying "oh, the things I would do to you would make the Heff blush."

    I think that some of my mpf's are freaking hot, but I don't have any imaginings about them. I accidentally made one of my males co-workers a little uncomfortable yesterday talking about my hubs . . . he does it for me more than anyone else on the planet.

    And to be quite frank, as to not be accused of impropriety, I'm more likely to overtly flirt with my female mfp's than the guys. For example, I would never ask one of the guys to give me a "good game" except in a very special circumstance that would and could never be viewed as a serious invitation, but I will regularly ask one of the ladies for a little spanking on my way out the door.
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    wait.. you can flirt on this site?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    sure, if you aren't attached.
    Flirting online is dangerous if you are married, however. I know lots of peeps whose marriage ended over "harmless" flirtations online.

    if a relationship is going to end over online flirtations, it can end over something else also. let's not confuse the symptom with the cause itself.
    Nonononono, the problems started with flirtations, then they found their "soulmate" online, became obsessed with that person they had never met, ignored their mate, and finally ended up meeting and cheating their harmless flirtation.

    My dad used to go to the bar with his buddies after work on a regular basis. My mom asked him not to regularly, and that it was fine in moderation, but going to some of the bars they went to with the guys my dad spent time with made her uncomfortable. He said he wasn't going out to pick someone up. She said that she realized that, but my dad is a good looking man and a good looking married man going out to some of those places with that kind of regularity is like walking into a bakery everyday and leaving without a cupcake every single time. My parents divorced when I was 8.
    The interwebz can be like walking in to a packed bar 24 hours a day. You have to know where to draw the line for you, and never cross it.
  • carlsonrobb
    carlsonrobb Posts: 914 Member
    let the flirting begin!!
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    It's pretty much how I converse...
  • DarthCeltic
    DarthCeltic Posts: 1,274 Member
    i never get flirted on... i think its the moobs.. or the sweatervest.. idk..
  • NessasMommy081311
    NessasMommy081311 Posts: 122 Member
    I think it all depends....I get flirted with on here often, and I do friendly flirting back. I am married, and most people would think that's not okay, but I tell my husband everything, and I don't say anything I wouldn't want him to know. Harmless flirting is a good self esteem boost, especially when most of us on here are trying to lose weight and better ourselves. Would I act on anything? No. I am happily married. Does it feel good to get compliments? Hellz yeah! I guess it all depends on the person though...
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    Yes. It's okay. It's also okay for each person to do as they feel and MTOB otherwise.

    You'd first have to define "flirt". "You look hot" doesn't qualify in my book. A hand down the pants might. It does take a lot to get my attention. Some people think a compliment means you want in. Unless it is a full-out offer of penis/vagina or declaration of undying love, with a date/time/location attached, it rolls off my back.

    So you're saying hand down your pants is okay ... right?!?!? :bigsmile:

    Since you could totally do that in front of my huzz, I think we are cleared for takeoff.
