worst comment ever made about your weight



  • NicolettetheGreek
    NicolettetheGreek Posts: 246 Member
    That's disgusting! How horrible :(

    When I was 18 I was at a night club and - actually - was not even "big" in my eyes back then. A size 16 (Aus). Anyways, this guy came up to me, drunk and charming as he was, and signalled out his hands to show a great width and was going on about me needing a sign that said WIDE LOAD. I was so embarrassed and upset. Jerk!!!

    Some of these remarks are just "Nut Crunchers" Like you would do to the guy!! Insensitive jerks.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I had a bitter sweet comment of "you could be a wonderful plus size model" at Sephora one time. I didn't know what to think about that.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I had a bitter sweet comment of "you could be a wonderful plus size model" at Sephora one time. I didn't know what to think about that.

    Considering how many plus size models are average weight or even a little under but with some curves, I'd take it as a straight up compliment.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    My brother was the worst though! He would sing "Rat tat tat tat, Misty is fat" and in middle school, I would get bullied about being over weight, which I think led to my bulimia in 8th grade, which has haunted me through the years. People just don't get the weight of words.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    What a *kitten* he was saying that! Karma will get him for saying that to you!

    After my third child I was at the bank and the worst comment ever was (from the bank teller) "so when is your baby due?" I just had the baby last week! LOL I laugh about it now but at the time I felt gutted! However, the comment stuck and I did something about it. I lost over 20kg and still trying to lose the last 10kg now :smile:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    In the last week I've been ask twice if I'm expecting. Ain't dat some ish to just ask someone?? Well I guess if I saw a tall shapely young lady with a little pouch I might think the same thing but I wouldn't dare ask her unless she brought up the subject first.
  • fingerpaints
    fingerpaints Posts: 13 Member
    There are so many cruel people in this world. Thank you everyone for being brave enough to share here.

    I've gotten my share of them, including a classmate in high school writing a short story about how I was a cow- and the teacher thought it was a really creative story- ugh!

    As an adult, it has mainly been the insensitive things that people say, like a previous example- giving back clothes to a dressing room attendant that doesn't ask if you disliked them, but says, "Oh, didn't they fit?"

    Also, going out with groups of my gorgeous, naturally-thin size 4 friends and having guys point at me (a size 12) and call me their designated fat friend. That sucks.
  • shiny_lights
    shiny_lights Posts: 9 Member
    I've been lucky enough to avoid any weight comments in school, but back in high school one of my aunts loved to passive-aggressively rag on me. She'd buy me stuff for Christmas or my birthday that was obviously too small and sweetly say "Oh, I hope it fits! It was the biggest size they had.." or "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" and when I replied no (I went to an all-girls school, they were kind of hard to come by!) she'd reply with "Well, I can't say I'm surprised..." Luckily that part of the family moved away a few years ago so she can't say much to me anymore.

    I also once got "you'd be really hot if you lost weight. Just stop eating so much, it's not that hard" on a dating site. It stung at the time, but I'm way over it now. They didn't even have a picture or anything in their profile, so it was clearly just a troll.
  • notnaturallythin
    @ work...OMG! I didn't know you were expecting! She was totally serious and hadn't seen me in awhile. Sigh...My response was, "no, I'm just fat" - - -
  • frenchgrapes
    frenchgrapes Posts: 19 Member
    The worst thing I ever heard was said by a co-worker that I had some respect for. She was standing in the front office, talking with several other co-workers, and talking about someone else that worked in our organization. She was saying that person was a "sub-standard" person because they were fat. That same co-worker also has an absolutely beautiful daughter, talented, smart, athletic. What does she say about her daughter? That she has "fat" thighs.

    One thing I've learned over the years is that people who feel they have the right to be ugly and hateful to fat people are just ugly, hateful people looking for an excuse to show their true selves.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    In high school one guy called me the fat lady from the circus....I actually don't think he ever looked in the mirror cause he was also very overweight.....

    About 20 odd years ago, one of my brothers got caught for DUI.....I think it was mum who suggested that I be his chauffeur until he got his license back.....His response was no because I would break the seat......
  • ganzma
    ganzma Posts: 1
    Two - First my Grandmother. Hadn't seen her in a few years. Flew to Florida to introduce her to her newest Granddaughter. Went in to pick her up. She looked at me and said; "Wow, you got so fat I did not recognize you."

    Second, my kids; "Dad, your not that fat. Your not like those lumpy people on the bus that take up two seats!"...out of the mouths of babes!
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    I was standing at a bus stop one day, a young guy walked passed me and said "frigging hippo !"

    See, that's when you follow at a safe distance shrieking, "The paternity test says it's yours! Stop walking away from me! And when are you going to pay the hospital bill from breaking my jaw?"

    He will never say anything rude to anyone in public again.
  • projectconsistency
    I didn't hear any rude comments when I weighed 300 pounds; sadly I heard the worst comments about my weight as a teenager. When I was a 5'8", 170-pound kid in the eighth grade, a mean boy on the school bus started calling me Shamu. Between then and my junior year of high school I gained up to 220 pounds and then lost down to 160 pounds. I was taking a smoke break (yuck, I still can't believe I used to smoke!) at one of my after-school two jobs, and some woman told me pregnant women shouldn't smoke. That was the smallest I'd ever been, and I looked great. Hearing that someone thought I looked pregnant absolutely crushed me.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I got called a ``fatass```the other day.

    Cut me deep.

    Then again, it was an ugly old man in and escalade who said it.
  • emilybrokaw
    When I got married, I moved to Florida (from Kansas) and hadn't seen my parents in about 6 months.. By this time, I had gained about 20 pounds.. The first thing my mom said to me, "Well, at least we know you're eating well and don't need groceries." Thanks mom.
  • emilybrokaw
    "You have such a pretty face."

    If i had a dollar for every time i've heard that...
  • WelJen21
    WelJen21 Posts: 7
    *looks me up and down and says "well its a good thing your smart" .... um, thanks? A**hole!
  • WelJen21
    WelJen21 Posts: 7
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    When I was quite pregnant & still walked for exercise, a carload full of teenagers drove by and yelled "Free Willy!" That made me smile a little bit, since I knew I would soon give birth & lose most of the baggage.

    Also, in college, one young man I happened to be making out with at a party told me I really should exercise more to tighten up those wiggly thighs of mine.

    One of my customers, who later became a very good friend of mine, asked me if I was expecting.