worst comment ever made about your weight



  • heavensshadow
    heavensshadow Posts: 264 Member
    "MOVE, fatass!" .... I was nine at the time. I had just gotten the wind knocked out of me with a soccerball on the playground.

    "I would so *kitten* that fat *kitten*!" ...... this was just last year. I enjoy karaoke night at a local bar because, well, I'm not terrible at it. That particular night I was getting a following when I'd go up to sing. This drunk *kitten* in the bar of the bar decided this was an appropriate comment to throw at me as I was singing. Gee, glad you like the singing, NOT the way to go about asking for a date, though.

    Guy at a bar: "So, when are you due?" Me, a waitress: "......I'm not pregnant." Him: "Oh..."
    Five minutes later....Him: "So is it a boy or a girl?" Me: "......I said I'm NOT pregnant. THANKS."
  • liftandcycle
    bump...for later.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I was in 6th grade, so I was probably 11or12 possibly. I overheard my "friend" tell people that she had two best friends... ME and ME.. cause i was heavier JennX2. Ughh.. still bugs me today.

    As an adult it would have to be when my husbands uncle asked if I was pregnant. My reply.. nope, just fat. thanks!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Even though this thread was distressing I've read the whole 21 pages in parts since last night. I thought I'd had it bad, but seems so many other people have too. My ex cheated on me constantly and told me it was coz I was fat and unattractive. (I wasn't fat at this point, this came when I developed an eating disorder after splitting with him, and the reality of the shell of a person I was after 5 years in a sexually, physically, psychologically abusive relationship with him, then a year of stalking and court to get rid of him) I was that fat and ugly he wouldn't let me go and was he wouldn't as much as let me talk to another man. So why so jelous? I've never managed to get my self esteem back. Its really difficult. Added into that comments my mum made that I'd lost all my looks putting weight on, and that I shouldn't be my twin sisters maid of honour she should have had one of her thin friends, among others. 51lbs down and I don't feel any better about myself. I'm hoping one day I will. Sorry to everyone here who has been scarred by anyones words or actions I know how hard it is. I like a quote I see here a lot about someone can only let you feel inferior if you let them. Its true but how do you stop yourself letting them make you feel that way? I hope one day ill have the wisdom to not let it make me feel this way anymore. Zara x
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I hope you start feeling better soon, Zara. I know what you mean about not feeling better, though. It's ingrained in our heads now. Fat. Ugly. Not good enough by society's standards. Like just because we have extra weight, we're not worth the same amount of consideration as normal weight people. It's sad.

    I always worry my husband finds me fat. We've been through a lot together, lots of good and bad, and sometimes I just worry he's in it because of the kids. I don't think he adores my body the way I'd like. And he makes comment about overweight women ALL the time without realizing how much it hurts me when I'm right beside him and I'm overweight too. :<
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    I was at work bending over to clean something and some *kitten* that I work with made a comment about how big my *kitten* was, then the guy behind me goes" it's okay heather" while laughing the whole time. I said "sure" then he continues to tell me I cant go through life feeling offended. I felt like **** and left ten minutes early and cried on my way home..I thought those guys actually liked me. Guess not.
  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    I was at work bending over to clean something and some *kitten* that I work with made a comment about how big my *kitten* was, then the guy behind me goes" it's okay heather" while laughing the whole time. I said "sure" then he continues to tell me I cant go through life feeling offended. I felt like **** and left ten minutes early and cried on my way home..I thought those guys actually liked me. Guess not.

    Oh man....I feel for you; I've been there...down to walking out in tears. I find it amazing that it's *your* fault for the pain, but yet, they don't take responsibility for causing it. Never quite understood that one.

    I've got a few years on you, and trust me when I say, you'll come into your own, and you'll have to beat them off with a stick!!! Your gorgeous...you don't need validation from them...........

    I simply was asked when the baby was due........needless to say I wasn't pregnant. Granted, I was in a scrub suit in a hospital, and those are not flattering on *anyone*....plus, the little old lady who asked felt SO embarassed that I couldn't feel bad about myself; she felt worse.
  • cgbourque
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    ouch :(
  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    ouch :(

    Wow...that one takes the cake.....
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    A teammate of mine referred to me as the Michelin Man. I now have a sticker of the Michelin Man on my car as a little reminder and motivation.
  • newcomer9
    newcomer9 Posts: 38 Member
    Boyfriends grandmother said I think koreans and Japenese are really pretty and skinny. I mean beautiful! after 3 minutes of her emphasizing how pretty and skinny they were) She says but your pretty. She probabley didnt mean anything but i guess being being fat im not korean. And im not a beautiful korean, i see....i cried in the car with my boyfriend there afterwards. when i told him. I felt so ugle and still do, that was yeasturday by the way
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    bump for later
  • MsChrissyAnn
    MsChrissyAnn Posts: 102 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years and living together for most of it. Last Christmas my Aunt Joan came up to me and just started rubbing my tummy and smiling at me. I was like "Joan I'm not pregnant." She said "Oh don't worry dear, Aunt Joan can keep a secret. And Aunt Joan ALWAYS knows these kinds of things." All the while she was rubbing my tummy... Just as I was about to deny it again my Aunt Mindy walked by. Then she got all excited and I had to try and tell both of them that I wasn't pregnant. But they both thought that I was just 'keeping it a secret.'

    I saw both Joan and Mindy this weekend for Easter and much to their surprise not only was I not pregnant, I had lost weight. They didn't know what to say...but apparently they hadn't kept my 'little secret' a secret and everyone was expecting me to announce what the sex of my baby.

    ...it was one hell of a long Easter full of "oh no I was never pregnant." "No, I didn't lose the baby cuz there never was one."

    Gotta love Family...
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Some meth-head called me a "lard *kitten*" when I refused to buy him the train ticket back to NH he was begging for. Just a random Tuesday night, walking home from work. I actually thought I looked pretty good that day, but the fact that this a-hole could call me fat when HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TEETH, well, it put me over the edge.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    As you get a little older and wiser, it takes the sting out of the remarks a bit.
    The ones from strangers never bother me, but ones from Friends and Family really hurt.

    I was always bigger than I wanted to be, but not the biggest girl in my class... so I never felt ok in my skin, I have a petite sister and a petite mom, so I never enjoyed shopping for school clothes or dresses to wear to dances etc.

    I was always the fat/big girl with the pretty face........... well now I am 50 and they can't say that about my face anymore...

    So I guess I gotta thin out some too!!!!

    HANG IN THERE EVERYONE.. it does get better...eventually!!!!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Someone once said I was pleasantly plump, I was a size 6 and in highschool, I am a true curvey, but plump?... ><
  • jsalas979
    My grandmother told me one time that I had gained weight; a girl in middle school wrote in my yearbook telling me to "stay pretty and skinny" and then told another person about it and laughed (I was a butterball back then); and every single guy I have dated has cheated on me with someone MUCH skinnier than me only to come back afterwards saying how they screwed up and regret it. Even though they come back on their knees it doesn't help the fact that I wasn't good enough physically for them to stay around the first time. I haven't taken any of them back BUT it has definitely done a number on my self-esteem that has caused me to become obsessed with my looks and weight.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
  • subeesh77
    subeesh77 Posts: 20 Member
    I was always active and athletic throughout my life. Have played some sport throughout my adult life. Since I had metabolic syndrome , I was always overweight. All the comments that I got about my weight and shape has only impacted me positively to create a fire inside me to work my *kitten* off in the GYM. Some times the comments can positively impact to workout more, eat healthy and to show off later :)