April Move your @ss Challenge



  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member


    Up to date today: 11.8 miles walk/jog
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    Goal: 100 miles, 1,000 minutes

    4/1/2012 125 min, 6.02 mi, 528 cal - 60 min strength training, 65 min, 6.02 mi and 528 cal elliptical variety
    4/2/2012 65 min, 5.95 mi, 528 cal - elliptical variety
    4/3/2012 Rest Day
    4/4/2012 75 min, 195 cal - strength training
    4/5/2012 65 min, 6.10, 534 cal - elliptical variety
    4/6/2012 70 min, 2.6 mi, 151 cal - walking slow pace
    4/7/2012 140 min, 6.26 mi, 744 cal - 65 min, 6.26 mi, 549 cal elliptical variety; 75 min, 195 cal strength training
    4/8/2012 65 min, 6.45 mi, 562 cal - elliptical variety
    4/9/2012 125 min, 8.85 mi, 700 cal - 65 min, 6.1 mi, 528 cal elliptical variety, 60 min, 2.75 mi, 172 cal walking moderate pace

    Total minutes: 731
    Total miles: 42.23
    Total calories: 3,942
  • cngeike
    cngeike Posts: 305 Member
    Hi all. I am kind of late in the game, but I am going to challenge myself to do 60 miles for the rest of the month. :) I walk mostly, but might start the couch to 5k thing. I need to think about that.
    Anyhow, I will give it a go
  • lesliepo
    lesliepo Posts: 4
    I'm starting late on this challenge, so I'll say 50. I'm only three days in on MFP. I'll figure out my miles for the last 3 days and get back to ya.
  • mwilke
    mwilke Posts: 378 Member
    Did c25k week 2 day 1 for 2 miles. Brings my total to 11.5 miles so far.
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426
    After a couple days off driving home from vacation, then unpacking/getting things around the house back to normal, I'm trying to get back in my groove - both eating and working out. A lot of you have been doing really, really well, so congrats to all who are moving!

    Special shout out to Dinos - good to hear about your business, hope the success continues!

    Now for my update:

    4 miles run today - need to get in gear or my goal for the month might be in jeopardy, but I'll try to catch up this week and next.
    Total for the month 22.5 miles run.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    3.6 miles run today. Ticker is being stubborn but I'm at 19.4 out of 50.
  • alaliberte
    alaliberte Posts: 205
    40/150 completed

    Ran 3 miles today.
  • alaliberte
    alaliberte Posts: 205
    I mean...

    40/120 completed. I'm subconsciously tacking on more miles!!
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    4.21 miles this afternoon

    Ticker updated

  • butters1
    butters1 Posts: 1,540 Member
    4-2 Treadmill 2 miles, outdoor bike 8.8 miles (+weights)
    4-3 Treadmill 1.25 mile, 1 mile swim
    4-4 Treadmill 3.6 miles, 1.4 stairmaster (+weights)
    4-5 Outdoor bike 8.8 miles, 2 miles outdoor walk
    4-6 Treadmill 3.6, 2.2 stairmaster, .5 swim (+weights)
    4-7 Treadmill fit test 2 miles, 1 swim
    4-8 REST
    4-9 Treadmill 3.6., Bike 12.5
    4-10 Swim 1 mile, Outdoor leisurely walk 2.4 (+weights)

    To date: 57.65
  • Breezedew
    Breezedew Posts: 134 Member
    Great Job everyone!! Spring break is over and kiddos are in school! Time for me to hit the pedals and pavement and get back on track!!!

    4/6= 9 miles total (7.5 miles bike =1.5 mile walk)
    4/7= 4.5 miles walking
    4/8= 0 miles
    4/9= 2.5 miles walking
    4/10= 11.70 miles bike

    Total : 53.9 miles

  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 160 Member
    Hi all

    It's soo good to see everyone moving..you all inspire me to keep going!

    Swam 1.5 miles
    Bike. 3.0 Miles
    Walked 3.0 miles

    Total done 52/160
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    To all of you @ss movers,


    and Keep Moving Gang! Everybody's doing Awesome!
  • dranaeli
    dranaeli Posts: 24 Member
    This is my first time doing this challenge and since i am late I am aiming for 30 miles :smile:
  • JTH11706
    JTH11706 Posts: 3,001 Member
    Nice to see everyone getting back at it after the holidays. Keep moving!

    5 miles running for me today, including 1.5 of HIIT and the BIG hill at the end. Beautiful day though.

  • spikesmom
    spikesmom Posts: 441 Member
    I think I didn't plan well. I got another 15 miles in today, but I'm not on track for my commitment. Between my daughter coming home from college, the holiday, and work travels, it will be hard to find time to get on the bike, but I will persevere!!(she says sarcastically!)

    Anyway, I'm up to 38, but traveling for work all of next week :frown:

  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I thought IF I hurried home from work and got on my bike I would beat the wind that was to come up. WRONG! It came up (30 mph) when I had already gone 8 miles and I had 7 miles to get back home!:noway: I stood peddling most of the way home! :grumble: It is a good thing I have strong legs and determination!!:wink:

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  • Luckysusan
    Luckysusan Posts: 947 Member
    4 mile run
    4 mile walk

    8 miles total for today.

    Sure is nice to be off of work this week!
