A New Me - Let's get started!



  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Good morning everyone! How is everyone doing today?

    Welcome Lisa and Sarah!

    Silver - just take it one day at a time and do what is right for you!

    Megan - your dinner sounds great! What's the recipe?

    Katie - that is so awesome that you even attempted to get to the gym if it is raining that much! I'm very proud of you! :flowerforyou:

    Daniel - that's awesome news! Congrats!

    Kathy - how are you doing? What's going on in your world?

    My work out was KILLER last night. I swear I think Debbie is trying to kill us! I didn't yell any obscenities (oh, but I wanted to) but I did flip the bird at the tv a few times as I'm doing leg lifts and praying that my thighs do not explode mid air....:explode: It gets me through it though, so hey - whatever works...lol Today for lunch the cafeteria is having grilled cheese and tomato soup as a special....I can NOT pass that up! I LOVE LOVE LOVE grilled cheese and tomato soup. I'll just make sure to adjust my dinner so that I stay within my daily goal. I have lots to do before the party on Sunday, but I will try and keep checking in this weekend. It's our first weekend - let's get it started with a bang!
  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    A big HELLO from Houston!

    Name: Cheryl
    A little bit about me: I'm 47. I live with my husband who is Canadian. We have been together for 14 years next month. He loves me when I'm big and when I'm small. He is my best friend. We have a Jack Russell named Flash. We moved into a new house the past two weeks and worked our butts off. I did however, lose 5 lbs in the process. I work for a large Oil and Gas company located in Sugar Land (a Houston Suburb) and have been with them since 1996. I have been a yo yo dieter my entire life, but have found that this is the best site ever. I am obsessive about logging everything I'm going to put into my mouth first thing in the morning. I have been a member since May 2009.
    Current Weight: 129
    Starting Weight: 152
    Goal: 120
    Program: Jog 30 minutes on the treadmill every monining and evening.
    Short Term Goal and Reward: I already have everything I could ever want but if I have to choose would be to feel good about myself, and a longer life is my reward
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi Cheryl and welcome to our group! Jump right on in with the conversation and getting to know each other!

    I think you have done awesome losing 23 pounds since May - that is phenomenal! Keep up the excellent work! :flowerforyou:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Hello Everyone :

    Welcome Cherl and congrats on your awesome weight loss

    Good morning LisaC
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Morning!

    Thought I would check in! I managed to go to the gym last night, even though I really didn't want to. But I was glad I did afterwards. I have such a hard time making myself work out! I can eat healthy all day every day, but when it comes to working out, i suck! I'm supposed to be going six days a week. Last night was my second time this week! I will get better. I'm just so out of shape! I don't even feel like I belong at the gym!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Misskim: I am with you there about working out .... i too can eat healthy all day long but when it comes to working out UGH!!! i dont want too
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Posting the Indian Chicken salad pockets: (for anyone who wants it but LisaC requested it:tongue: )

    1 1/2 TBSP low fat mayo
    1 tsp lime juice(perferably fresh squeezed
    1/2 tsp curry paste
    3/4 cup(4oz.) chopped grilled chicken breast
    1 1/2 TBSP seeded chopped cucumber
    1 1/2 TBSP chopped red onion(i use celery since i dont like onions)
    1 whole-wheat pita(6 1/2" diameter) cut in half
    2 leaves green leaf lettuce

    In a medium bowl, combine the mayo, lime juice, and curry paste. Whisk to blend. Add the chicken, cucumber, and onion. Mix well. Spoon the mixture evenly into the pita halves . Add the lettuce , Serve immediately.

    Per serving: 186 calories, 20g protein.16g carbs, 5 g fat (1 g saturated) 48mg cholesterol, 2 g fiber, 304 mg sodium

  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Kim - great job! 2 days this week is better than none! I am working out 6 days a week also (my day off is on Sunday) so if you want me to hold you accountable I will. You'll just have to promise to keep me going if/when I start slacking. I've stayed motivated so far, but we all know that can change in a heartbeat.

    Megan - that recipe sounds awesome. We need to get you working out with us too girl! Can you fit in a walk today? That would be a great start! :flowerforyou:
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    I am a little tired this morning. My girlfriend came over last night and my husband almost pushed me out the door saying I needed a night out away from him and the kids. That its been months since I went out with out the kids.

    I honestly think our catching up was interferring the Eagles game.

    But either way I had fun. I had two beers and a vodka and orange juice. I know that is a big no no but I don't feel guilty at all. I honestly believe its all about moderation. :drinker:

    I got home at 1:19 in the morning to be exactly to find my husband and my 9 month old sleeping on the couch it was so cute. But I was up at 5 a.m. and it was time to burn some calories. Now I am at work trying to figure out what to eat for lunch.

    I have a can of Progresso soup in my desk the ones that are a 100 calories a serving. I think I may eat that with some fruit what kind I have no idea yet because I did not pack my lunch today so I will have to see what they have at the Seven Eleven up the street when it comes to the fruit department.

    And yeah me its 10:50 a.m. here in Philly and I already had 4 glasses of water.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I am going to do an hour of cardio this morning after breaksfast (I promise LisaC) :tongue: and try to workout on my "total Gym"
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    yes! I need accountability!!! My boyfriend tries to push me! But I just get all defensive and start making excuses!! I didn't sleep good...I have a headache....My muscles are sore...etc...etc....

    My off day is Sunday too. I'm doing body for life so that entails six days on, one day off. 3 days of strength training and three days of 20 min intensive cardio. So far this week I've done one of each!! lol....

    My problem comes from loving to sleep and working alot. I hate getting up early but that is the best time for me to go to they gym. I work from 7 to 5 six days a week. I work behind a computer all day and I know that doesn't use alot of calories, but I am exhausted when I get home. I have got to start getting up!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Judie - I agree. Everything in moderation! You deserve to go out and have a few drinks and a good time with friends! I think your lunch sounds great. Low cal soup and fruit should be a great combo! I really like some of the Progressive Soups and I'm really not a soup fan...lol

    Megan - sounds great. Let us know how the work out goes. I'm trying to keep you motivated, so you can stick your tongue out at me all you'd like :wink: You can even yell at me like I yell at the TV when I am working out....:laugh:
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Kim - where are you? I'm in Ohio, so EST. I'm willing to go out on a stretch for you - do you want to commit to BOTH of us getting up early to work out? I'll do it if you will. I'm even on vacation next week, so you better be feeling the love...lol
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    LisaC: Thanks for the motivation I NEED IT !!!! and i will stick my tongue out at you :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: and I might yell at you :laugh:
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    yes! I need accountability!!! My boyfriend tries to push me! But I just get all defensive and start making excuses!! I didn't sleep good...I have a headache....My muscles are sore...etc...etc....

    My off day is Sunday too. I'm doing body for life so that entails six days on, one day off. 3 days of strength training and three days of 20 min intensive cardio. So far this week I've done one of each!! lol....

    My problem comes from loving to sleep and working alot. I hate getting up early but that is the best time for me to go to they gym. I work from 7 to 5 six days a week. I work behind a computer all day and I know that doesn't use alot of calories, but I am exhausted when I get home. I have got to start getting up!

    I feel you I sit behind a desk all day and I am so tired once I get home. But let me tell you I use to work in a factory years ago and I was on my feet all day long. Minus my 30 min lunch break and guess what I am more tired now that I actually use my brain.

    What helps me is I have a 9 month old who wakes up at about 4:30 - 5 am every day for a bottle so once he wakes up I go down stairs make his bottle, put him in his play pen and I work out. Then I am up and ready for work.

    What I want to start doing is jogging in the morning. All my neighbors do it but my mornings are so crazy and two women were sexually assaulted on their morning runs that my husband does not want me out so early. I told him safety in numbers and he is like so what. And I told him it was not even in our area but he does not care so I am not doing that just yet. I have to give him his peace of mind as well.
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    yes! I need accountability!!! My boyfriend tries to push me! But I just get all defensive and start making excuses!! I didn't sleep good...I have a headache....My muscles are sore...etc...etc....

    My off day is Sunday too. I'm doing body for life so that entails six days on, one day off. 3 days of strength training and three days of 20 min intensive cardio. So far this week I've done one of each!! lol....

    My problem comes from loving to sleep and working alot. I hate getting up early but that is the best time for me to go to they gym. I work from 7 to 5 six days a week. I work behind a computer all day and I know that doesn't use alot of calories, but I am exhausted when I get home. I have got to start getting up!

    I feel you I sit behind a desk all day and I am so tired once I get home. But let me tell you I use to work in a factory years ago and I was on my feet all day long. Minus my 30 min lunch break and guess what I am more tired now that I actually use my brain.

    What helps me is I have a 9 month old who wakes up at about 4:30 - 5 am every day for a bottle so once he wakes up I go down stairs make his bottle, put him in his play pen and I work out. Then I am up and ready for work.

    What I want to start doing is jogging in the morning. All my neighbors do it but my mornings are so crazy and two women were sexually assaulted on their morning runs that my husband does not want me out so early. I told him safety in numbers and he is like so what. And I told him it was not even in our area but he does not care so I am not doing that just yet. I have to give him his peace of mind as well.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I'm in North Alabama. So Central time zone. You don't have to do that!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I weighed in at the Dr's today at 186.8. I wanted to weigh 186 when I went in and 186.8 is close enough for me! :laugh:

    I also had 2 of my medications raised. My mood stabilizer was doubled and my anxiety medication was doubled. So I'm gonna be tired for the next few days as I get to used to my new medication regimen , so I hope that I'll still be able to keep up on my workouts. Nothing like feeling lethargic. But after I get used to the medication I'll feel a boost in energy, because I'll be sleeping better and being running on all 4 cylinders. yay!

    P.S. I changed my weight for my ticker, but it's not showing on my ticker? Why is that?
  • jen622
    jen622 Posts: 13
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Jennie. I live with my soon to be husband in northern California. We will be getting married in a couple weeks. It is kind of a last minute thing, so I didn't have much time to lose any weight. I am trying to lose what I can in a couple weeks but trying not to stress about it too much.
    Other than losing weight, I want to have a baby soon after we get married. I know that having a healthy lifestyle will help me to not gain too much weight and will also help me to lose weight after giving birth to a baby. The one concern with having a baby right now is my debt. I have a high car payment and three credit cards to pay off. I am currently with a debt consolidator and that is working out but am trying to get out of my car payment. I will be trying to sell my car and just get a personal loan for the part of the payment that I'm upside down on. I would like to do that before I start trying to get pregnant because of the cost of child care.
    I also love to eat and hate to work out. I always wished I could be one of those people obsessed with working out but I guess those people have their own issues as well.
    Anyway... enough babbling. :)
    Starting weight: 144
    Current weight: 140
    Goal weight: 115
    Height: 5'2" Age: 28

    This is a great little group you've set up here! Thanks for pointing it out to me.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Silver - that's awesome! Keep up the good work, but be easy on yourself while you adjust to the new meds.

    Kim - Nope, let's do it. I'm planning on working towards getting up at 5:00-5:15 so I can get my workout done in the morning which will be starting the week of August 31st for sure. I will be working out two times a day next week and following a modified eating plan as part of the slim in 6 program, so let's commit to each other. You work out every day and I'll get my 2 work outs in every day next week. We are doing this to be here for each other, so we might as well start now! Does anyone else want to join in with us?

    Judie - I think that works out great for you. How was your workout this morning?