worst comment ever made about your weight



  • Girlwithnoname77
    Girlwithnoname77 Posts: 108 Member
    Always been a big girl as long as I can remember and have been bullied about it my whole life. Sadly though, the one that stays with me is from when I was 10 years old and I was talking to my grandmother on the phone.

    "Grandma, I love you."

    "I love you too... but I would love you more if you weren't so fat."

    That's the most horrible sting I have heard! From your GRANDMA! :((((((((
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    I bought a coffee at a local cafe and was walking back to work, when suddenly a car with a redneck white trash hillbilly shouted "Hey there chubby girl".

    I was at my heaviest then....

    The part that hurt the most was that I knew it was true.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    I have always been big and there have been so many things that people have said or done that has about my weight.
    I NEVER heard the end of it from my stepfather. It was always "You're fat. You're ugly." I was around 9 at the time and it still continues today at 29. But some of the worst things was when he would lock me out of the house and make me run up and down the street in front of our house and around our block over and over again. Sometimes around our house and do countless sit ups and push ups and wrestle with my sisters and "I should win because I am so much bigger than them!" I was so embaressed to be seen and that continues today. I feel like I am never gonna be able to feel better about myself and I know that if he had just went about it differently then maybe I wouldnt look and feel this way now.:cry:

    This broke my heart. This is a form of abuse!! Wow, I can't believe thee way some people treat each other. You are beautiful, you are worthy, and your weight doesn't define you. Good work on your weightloss so far!
  • JillHoff
    JillHoff Posts: 30
    MIne was when I was in 8th grade. I really liked this guy and I had known him forever, we were buddies. Never in a million years would I believe that he could be so mean and then not realize he was being mean.

    Me: I wanted to know if we could go to the movies.
    Him: Sure
    Me: I like you
    Him: Oh um... this would be a date?
    Me: Yes.
    Him: You are so pretty and my friend but I don't date fat girls.

    I cried all night....I do have to say that we are still friends to this day and I actually told him about this and he said... he was an idoit that he could go back in time he would have taken me to the movies. (His wife is actually a friend of mine and we both are fighting weight problems)
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    Sigh so many comments have been said about my weight..which hurt.

    1. I had just miscarried my son and was devastated. I was just getting through each day without crying. I went for a follow up appt. The dr. told me I was so fat that there was no way she could of felt my uterus. I decided at that point to lose weight.

    2. The one that really drove home the most. I was up at a horse show doing some office work. I had stepped out of the office to take a phone call. The other office staff were like "She has gotten HUGE since last season". I went back and told her that was cruel. Both of those people need to drop some serious weight and it was effed up. I saw her at another horse show last summer..I told her..look..I am skinny and your still mean and fat.
  • zzruss
    zzruss Posts: 8
    Worst comment ever made about my weight:

    I can't even remember what it is or why I was there, but I needed an MRI. So I went to the room, and some blond chicky comes in and hands me one of those gowns with the back open... about 2 sizes too small...

    So now I am sitting there half naked, trying to cover myself up as best as I can when the little blond chicky walks back in an announces that they cannot do the MRI because the MRI table has a 275 lb limit, and that I am "obviously obese."

    Yeah -- That has hurt now for over 15 years... Nothing like being insulted insensitively by the opposite sex while your sitting there in pain trying to cover yourself up and hide.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    The earliest one I remember was walking home from Jr. High. "You wouldn't look half bad if it wasn't for your fat *kitten*."

    The one that hurt the most is when some friends of my parents were talking about me. They were right in front of me and didn't realize I could understand German as well as English. In German they had a discussion about how fat I had gotten since the last time they'd seen me. I was young and respected my elders, So, I didn't say, "Ich kann Deutsch verstehen!"

    Bi-lingual people of the world, don't assume that you can talk about the person next to you in your second language. They may understand every hurtful word you say.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    My family has always been overweight. So what always really irked me was them telling me I needed to lose weight. They never offered guidance on how to do this (I was young, so I didn't know anything about how to lose weight), they never offered to do it with me, just told me I needed to lose weight. I'm talking my mom, dad, and grandmother. (my gram obsesses about weight and can point out the tiniest little change in someone's weight, never mind she herself is overweight).

    I also struggle with those thoughts that my husband is going to find his eye set on a thinner girl and leave me.

    I must say, there have been a few times recently that I have needed to go in the infant section to buy gifts for an upcoming baby shower, and I suck in my tummy when I'm in there so that no ignorant jerks come over and ask me about my due date. Really?! Has society not learned that you don't do that?! I think it is incredibly rude! God help the stranger that comes over when I am pregnant and touches my belly. Their fingers will be aching! I'm sorry, but you do NOT go up to a stranger and touch their body!!
  • Kerchinga
    Kerchinga Posts: 25 Member
    I wasn't overweight until I got into my 30's so was spared the abuse a lot of you have suffered for years.

    However I had to change my work hours last year to avoid the bullying of a bunch of schoolkids.

    Started off making 'woofing' noises as I walked past them on a morning...progressed eventually to shoulder barging me and calling me a 'Fat Dog!' amongst other names and insults.
    I wanted to cry every morning arriving at work..... also got called a Lazy Fat C*** by a complete stranger driving past me in his car. Meh. :(
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Generally, a**holes roll off my back like water off a duck, but my former MIL was the Queen of the backhanded compliment. She and I were at the theater, enjoying a show, and I felt like a million bucks, had on what I thought was a cute outfit and I was just having a heck of a good time. During intermission in the restroom, however, she felt the need to tell me I was "a little hippy," despite my not having asked her a thing. This stuck in my craw for a couple of years (I was with her *kitten* son 20 years or so) until I finally told her one day, "You know, I think the world of you, but when you say things about my body, it makes me really angry at you. Please stop."

    It very well may have been the first time anyone had ever called her on it. She was still a b*%&h, but not to me.

    So, yeah, my policy on that is, eff 'em. It's more about them than you.
  • Back in the 80's I was working at a place called Crafts and More in Cranberry Twp, Pa. I was cutting some fabric for a lady who had her little boy with her, he was about 3 years old. His mommy told him what I was doing and he said who that FAT lady over there? I looked at her and all she said was for him to be quite...... I know it came from a little one, but the mother didn't even say sorry.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    My boyfriend and I have been together for 3.5 years and living together for most of it. Last Christmas my Aunt Joan came up to me and just started rubbing my tummy and smiling at me. I was like "Joan I'm not pregnant." She said "Oh don't worry dear, Aunt Joan can keep a secret. And Aunt Joan ALWAYS knows these kinds of things." All the while she was rubbing my tummy... Just as I was about to deny it again my Aunt Mindy walked by. Then she got all excited and I had to try and tell both of them that I wasn't pregnant. But they both thought that I was just 'keeping it a secret.'

    I saw both Joan and Mindy this weekend for Easter and much to their surprise not only was I not pregnant, I had lost weight. They didn't know what to say...but apparently they hadn't kept my 'little secret' a secret and everyone was expecting me to announce what the sex of my baby.

    ...it was one hell of a long Easter full of "oh no I was never pregnant." "No, I didn't lose the baby cuz there never was one."

    Gotta love Family...

    OMG - THAT is horrific !!!!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
  • DQMD
    DQMD Posts: 193
    Worst comment ever made about my weight:

    I can't even remember what it is or why I was there, but I needed an MRI. So I went to the room, and some blond chicky comes in and hands me one of those gowns with the back open... about 2 sizes too small...

    You know...it used to be that way for me. The gowns are to big now. I mean..I have to wrap them around.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Bump for later.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    My mother-in-law also had the stones to pick on me about my weight (she is larger than me). My husband also suffered for years at her hands. He has always been very skinny. His nickname was always string bean growing up, and then when his little brother came along when he was 10, she started picking on my husband more about his weight. When his little brother was a little older, he would play wrestle with him, being gentle so he didn't hurt him since he was so much younger (my husband was an excellent big brother), and she would say to my husband "come on kenny! you big whimp! your little brother is beating you!!"

    Years later, those people are no longer in our life. His brother grew up and became abusive to my husband, his mother hated me (she expected my husband to stay there in her house forever, always taking care of his little brother. I'm not kidding either. she told my mom that I "took kenny away from ross!") We tried so many things to pry their poisonous claws out of our life (we blocked their phone numbers, they changed them.) finally changed our own phone #'s. We are so much more happy and at peace without worrying about them calling, or causing drama.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    Wow - what a lot of mean people there are in the world...
  • "Why is my son even with you? You're so fat."

    This was said by my ex-MIL years ago when I weighed about 100 lbs more than I do now. I hate her.
  • A few years ago I was out with a group of girls (who were friends of a friend) when a car of boys drove past. They were being loud and obnoxious and one shouted out "oi oi fatty"

    Each one of these girls looked straight round at me, with pretend shocked faces.

    The fact that they all turned to me (despite the fact that not one of them was all that slim) hurt more than the boys comment.

    Girls are mean. :(
  • Last year, I was getting ready for a family reunion, I'd lost a bit of weight, just gotten my hair cut, and was feeling great. On the way to the event, I decided to stop in at Lane Bryant (one of those love-hate relationship stores) and pick up some slacks I needed for work. Within five minutes, I was approached by an associate who'd worked with me before a number of times. She promptly asked when I was 'due', gave me her 'congratulations' on having a baby...When I informed her I wasn't 'expecting' anything, she said "Oh, well, SOME of us just sit around too much, eating too much junk". Never so shocked before (or after). Not only was this rude and uncalled for, but it was also in a plus-size store... Talk about a low blow. Needless to say, I took a detour for some tissues on the way to the family reunion.

    Ironically enough, this happened at a time in my life where I was exercising the most. I played with a recreational roller derby league for about two years, plus worked out four times a week.