April 2012 challenge for Late Night Snackers



  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 119 Member
    ME - 5
    LNS - 0
    Crochet Blanket rows - 5
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me: 7
    LNS: 3
  • I would like to know what others do in this situation: I get up at 3:30 am. I drive about 40 miles to and from work, about an hour each way. I get home from work around 4:30 pm. I get on the treadmill as quickly as I can. I walk/run for an hour, sometimes a little more. This puts me at around 5:30, 5:45 pm. I then try to eat a light dinner around 6:00 pm. I go to bed around 8:00 pm (to get up at 3:30 am this gives me about 7 1/2 hours of sleep). Is this hurting my weight loss because sometime I will eat a snack before bed time if I have the calories left to do so....btw I have been stuck at 146 pounds for the last three weeks...
  • NikiK_94
    NikiK_94 Posts: 18 Member
    This would be so helpful, its my downfall! x
  • ajs2mf
    ajs2mf Posts: 97 Member
    Me: 8
    LNS: 1
  • tjungkunz
    tjungkunz Posts: 39
    Sounds great! I'm horrible at night, I finally get all the kids tucked in, clean up dinner dishes, and have some "me" time! I can rationalize nearly any snack with something! Then, of course, regret it, especially when I had a good day. First thing I do any time I feel a crave (day or night ) is drink a glass of water, then if it's still there, I try the brushing teeth thing. Also have tried sipping on green tea. :smokin:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    cindy - in my opinion, it doesn't matter WHEN you eat your daily calories....so long as you are getting ALL of them in - and that you are making appropriately healthy choices with your calorie alotment. So, what your schedule permits, sounds perfectly fine, to me.

    (I often have calories left at the end of the day....so, I usually aim for a protein to satisfy my calories, and the macros I have entered for myself.)

    I don't drink anything past 6:30 pm, or I end up having to make trips to the bathroom throughout my sleep - and I lose too much sleep because of this (as I have trouble getting back to sleep).

    Me: 9

    LNS: 1
  • GtFt2012
    GtFt2012 Posts: 1
    This is my downfall too. Looking for motivation and support from others going through the same issue....Count me in!!
  • Ceit60
    Ceit60 Posts: 15
    Me 1
    LNS 0 :happy:
  • PSGPolly
    PSGPolly Posts: 868 Member

    Yay :flowerforyou:
    Now to start working on going to bed earlier
  • Thank you Beeps!
  • I'm in. This is a tough one for me as my husband's dietary needs allow a snack after dinner.

    I have this weird fear that if I don't eat a snack, I'll be hungry. I am already focusing on that in the midst of eating dinner. Sad, huh? Tonight I will give this a try though. I will have something to drink (non-calorie or 5-calorie variety) but no food.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Me: ZERO
    LNS: 5 :(

    Yesterday I 'committed' to stopping my LNS cycle- and instead pretty much did the opposite and was VERY BAD. I am not yet sure exactly WHAT the game plan is- but today I am comming up with one! NO MORE OF THIS JUNK TANKING ALL MY HARD WORK! Starting today :)
  • Me: 3
    Late Night Snacking: 0

  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    LNS - erm has won!

    Do over starting tomorrow :drinker:
    LIBMW Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join too please. My family have dinner at 5pm, and I don't usually go to sleep until midnight. That's a lot of time to snack!

    I try to make healthy choices, but have a terrible sweet tooth. I hope by joining, I'll think twice before stuffing my face full of food I don't really need or want.

    I also had a car accident 6 weeks ago, and haven't been able to exercise, so just as my weight loss was starting - it stopped. :angry: I'm starting to feel better again now, and I'm determined to carry on with the diet and fitness plan!
  • laurazj73
    laurazj73 Posts: 12
    OK folks... figure this one out.

    I am literally WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to snack. I normally wake up anywhere from 3-7 times a night. This is my "normal" sleep pattern and I've learned to live with it. What I DON'T want to live with is the fact that during several of these wake-ups, my brain goes on auto-pilot and I immediately head to the fridge and/or cupboards and eat whatever is in sight.

    I have tried not keeping junk food in my house so I won't be tempted to eat in the night. But it doesn't matter WHAT I do or don't have in my house, because basically, if it's edible, I'll eat it. Example: last night I ate shredded cheese straight out of the bag. Sometimes I'll eat just plain bread. It just doesn't matter what it is.

    Now, I realize that this is as much a sleep issue as it is an eating issue. I will be going in for a sleep study soon to maybe figure out why I'm waking up so much in the night. My question is.... until they figure out how to make me sleep through the night (if ever), WHAT can I do to deter myself from eating when I do wake up???

    For the record, this it not sleep-eating, because I am fully awake and aware when I'm eating. I just seemingly have no control over my desire to EAT!!!

  • leanne2376
    leanne2376 Posts: 217
    i am in

    me : 1

    LNS : 0

    I like this
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Late-night snacking can really destroy what has otherwise been a really healthy and balanced day of eating. Often emotional-eaters will find that their toughest "hours" are the night-time hours.

    We are here for you as you wade through your journey.

    Some of the "tips" that I have gathered include:

    1. brush your teeth. Sometimes just the taste of mint is enough for your brain to recognize that a meal is 'done' and nothing further is going to be put in your tummy. Even in the middle of the night, try brushing your teeth (rather than grabbing food)

    2. drink WAY more water. If you aren't drinking 12 - 14 glasses of water PER DAY, the munchies are KNOWN to come out at night!! Start in the early morn and try to drink 2 glasses of cold water before every meal and before every snack. That's 10 glasses right there (presuming 3 meals and 2 snacks a day) - add in the water you drink while you exercise and you'll EASILY be at 12 - 14 glasses.

    3. for a "sweet" craving - try chewing a piece of gum. About 5 - 10 minutes after you are chewing, the craving for "sweet" should disappear - and the gum cost you 5 calories (rather than 555!)

    Good luck - and keep at it. It really is just one-day-at-a-time. It really is.
  • starryol
    starryol Posts: 16
    I'm in please, like so many others I do really well during the day, but in the evening I'm looking for something even if I feel full.
    My head is in the cupboards, the fridge, the freezer in fact anywhere where there's food.
    I'm a sucker for toast, ice cream or custard
    I do get confused though. If I have calories left out of mt daily total then I make sure that I use them up - usually quite late at night even past midnight. Surely this can't be good for me even if they are 'left over' or unused calories?
    When you read articles about weight loss they all state that eating ater 8pm is a really big NO!
    I've tried drinking water, chewing gum and cleaning my teeth.
    I haven't tried talking to people like myself, those who late night snack.

    What is the bottom line about eating late - is it bad for you or not?

    Help - please