Ladies before your visit with the OBGYN....



  • MostlyHealthyMomma
    MostlyHealthyMomma Posts: 44 Member
    Hahaha, I love it because I literally JUST did that yesterday for my doctor's appointment today. I don't think it's weird. I think they probably secretly appreciate it... I know I would, but they are used to seeing EVERYTHING so I'm sure not much surprises them anymore.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    That's really scary for you... you really need to have them regularly. I've had to have more than just a Papsmear recently (DEAR GOD!!!) and I get mine done yearly... now I have to have them (plus colposcopy) 6 monthly cos of pre-cancer cells...

    Please just go get one done... it's not THAT bad... and honestly, could save your life!!!!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    uhm.. I dont have to worry about it cause I always shave and give it maintenance LOL .. I feel like im dirty with a huge national park down there when I dont! :laugh:

    And about hiding the underwear.. yes!, even when im showering , I take the clothes (or at least the underwear) im gonna wear with me.. And I hide it with the towels. Just in case ´somebody´ has to enter the bathroom while im showering.
  • mellisaweldon
    yup, I do all those things if I can ( have a little trouble shaving what I can't see, lol) I even try to bring a jacket or something to cover all my clothes after hiding the under garments in the other clothes. Don't ask why, I don't know, I just do it if I can. Even though my doctor's clamp has a light on it, so there's no hiding ANYTHING. So there's MY tmi for the day. :laugh: :laugh: :embarassed: :blushing:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    That's the routine I follow as well.. all the way down to hiding my undies between my shirt and pants.

  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I totally hide my bra and undies, I have no idea why though!
  • b3llzy
    b3llzy Posts: 77 Member
    I do the opposite...when I know the appointment is coming, I try to grow something back in ...I get worried they might comment negatively about it. lol Plus I get ingrown hairs occasionally and I'd hate for the doc to be like "Wow, what is THIS?" haha
  • giadatje
    giadatje Posts: 59
    I make sure I'm shaved, clean, and that my feet are clean and I don't wear shoes that will make them stink.

    OH! And yes! I hide my bra and panties too lol

    Same here!!! Clean feet and not stinky shoes... And of course shaved and clean everywhere else :glasses:

    And I also hide my bra and panties... Don't want the doctor to know which kind of underwear I wear. It doesn't matter if it's granny's panties or sexy lingerie. :wink:
  • SweetProgression
    SweetProgression Posts: 65 Member
    tell him it's like getting a hair cut before an interview, it says a lot
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    I worry about being judged for shaving, so I'll just trim up, and hide the bra and panties in the rest of my clothes. I think it's because I want to maintain some illusion of privacy.

    I laughed my butt off at the girl who said she hid the speculum!! I have been SOOO tempted! I make them look for smaller ones, etc. But my current dr got the sample with no pain at all!

    I did have one dr that commented on my "smooth, non-lumpy" breasts, which kind of weirded me out, until I got the same comment from the dr I'm seeing now. How do you respond? "Why, thank you, I grew them myself..."??

    I've lived in 2 provinces in Canada, and to get on BC, you have to have a pap. And then have them yearly until you have 3 clear ones. Then you go to every three years, unless you have issues. Then you can have a bunch- at one point it seemed like everyone and their dog had seen the goods. Lotsa fun.
  • mellisaweldon

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    I agree, right after i had my first child i ended up having the cancerous type of hpv, and had to go to a specialist for another pap, and get it checked out. I had no idea that anything was even wrong until the specialist told me why i was there ( my docs fault, technically he should have told me first) but to think that it can happen with no signs to me, it can happen to anyone at any time. and that's coming from someone who was abused as a child and has a TERRIBLE time every pap because of subconcious pain. so if i were you id start getting more frequent checks, just in case, cause you never know. id much rather know in advance to take care of it than be surprised and not able to change the fact.

    by the way the specialist didnt find any that time so my body is back to normal, and ive never had that problem again but who knows for how long right?
  • All_Mimsy
    All_Mimsy Posts: 49 Member
    Hmmm. Guess I'm in the minority, because I don't give a **** if I'm hairy before an appointment, as long as I'm clean. I only trim anyway, because I have no desire to look like a prepubescent girl. Also, RAZOR BURN! Ouch.'s just hair.

    ETA: I do put my skivvies between my other clothes, but it's because I'm paranoid about them falling off the chair onto the exam room floor! (OCD...) :tongue: