GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Gosh...I'm coming into this fight kinda late, but I'm going to throw in my two cents: I've always eaten less than my husband. Why? Because he's half a foot taller than me and he's a man. Men NEED more food than women. They have larger stomachs and they use food differently. I always serve him a LOT more food than I serve myself. Sometimes I'll get seconds, but that's rare. Sometimes he won't eat a whole lot. Neither of us (at this point of being together almost 8 years) pays attention to what the other eats. If he were in the same fitness boat as I am, I'd be concerned if he over ate on a regular basis, but he has a very physical job.

    For all the women ****ting on the men for their opinions, chill the **** out. Seriously. Everyone has their own preference in a partner. Some men don't give two ****s what their partner eats, some men care. You're not with that man, so why does it matter what he thinks?

    My husband is the exact same height and only a few pounds heavier than me. No he doesn't need more food just because he has a penis.
  • rmsturdy
    rmsturdy Posts: 73
    I would think it should be more of a product of that person's lifestyle. If a guy is dating a serious competitive athlete, she SHOULD eat a lot and that should be awesome. I know it used to be a point of pride for me that I could put down as much food as any guy because I actually NEEDED that much food. My boyfriend at the time loved taking me out with his friends and their dates because I'd chow down and they'd be stuck with their tiny salads and I was tiny compared to them even with my muscles. I needed 4000 calories a day just to maintain my weight. It's killed me now that I'm not working out that much any more though. Took me years and several bouts of stomach flu to shrink my stomach back down to normal size. I can't eat anywhere near what I used to now.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    This. Christ Almighty.. It kills me how no one is allowed to have their own opinions. Someone will always have a different opinion on how they feel about something. Why must people criticize?

    For me, it's not just about different 'opinions'. It's about equality of the sexes. WHY must we have to have such crazy different standards by which we judge men vs. women? Why in the world do we judge the value of a women based on how much she eats in front of a guy?

    I'm not trying to be inflammatory here... but in my opinion, judging a woman based on how much she eats is sexist. I feel annoyed at the men who do it... and I feel sorry for the women who do it.

    I really just don't understand why our society must break down something as simple as FOOD and EATING into feminine and masculine qualities. It's just sad.

    So yah... I get annoyed by 'opinions' that in anyway suggest that my actions are somehow inappropriate for my sex. That includes eating. That includes science and math.

    I mean, we're not talking favorite colors here. We're not talking a preference for cars vs. trucks, high-heels or flats, and so forth... we're not even talking big boobs. I honestly don't have a problem with men liking big boobs or red heads or blondes or whatever. That doesn't bother me. But viewing a woman negatively because she EATS more food than a man? Wow. More than an opinion to me. That's sexism.

    And that's my opinion :P


    If a guy ever made a crack about how much I eat I would not think twice about leaving him alone at the restaurant/house without another word. It would be a deal-breaker for me. That's how whole EDs have started in my family. What I eat can only affect MY calorie count, fella. So don't worry your pretty lil head about it. What kind of insecure, silly little man would even...
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Um, yes, even if you are the same height and weight, a male's energy requirements are higher than a female's.

    Not by huge amounts, just a few hundred calories, but his energy requirements are higher than yours.
    My husband is the exact same height and only a few pounds heavier than me. No he doesn't need more food just because he has a penis.
  • only2bfit
    only2bfit Posts: 44
    Ooops started a few arguments..

    For the record I really don't think its being sexist, I think men usually require more food than a lady.

    Especially a lady with my height lol.
  • only2bfit
    only2bfit Posts: 44
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    Haha I really didn't mean to start any arguments!! I was honestly curious.. I dated a guy that was okay with me starving myself to be skinny, he actually started telling me I was looking me really good (let me remind you, I was on the heavier side of average weight for my height/age before I stopped eating). I wasn't sure if all guys are secretly like that and just pretend to like a girl who can eat or if they really don't like when girls eat alot.

    Its really not a trap! :/ LOL
  • only2bfit
    only2bfit Posts: 44
    Honestly, I've noticed this more and more lately. I went on a date Wednesday. I ate WAY more than he did. Then he pointed it out.

    And the last guy I was dating would say things like "With the way you eat, I know you love food..."

    AND the guy before that used to always talk about how I'd eat just as much as he did.

    I don't think it is strange to think men think this because it is obvious they DO. I notice EVERY TIME I eat more than the man sitting across from me. It makes me feel weird because I KNOW he notices it AND is probably judging.

    I don't wish it were the case, but I've seen it firsthand a lot.:grumble:

    ^^Yesss!! This is why I asked the question, glad someone else knows what I'm talkin about!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    okay so i love food but up to recently pre much had anxiety attacks every time i ate in public... and now i have ppl judging me on how much i eat? rlly?!
  • dayswillpass
    This thread has done nothing but breed arguments lol
    Lordy lordy.
    However, my fiance and I eat very similar portion sizes and he does comment on it. He likes the fact we can go to a sushi restaurant and order an incredible amount of food and be able to enjoy all of it together.
    It just depends on the dude. I've dated a lot of guys who have ate less than me and a lot of guys who have ate more than me, and as a few others have said- they DO notice. E-ver-y time.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    My husband doesn't care if I would eat more than him, but I can't!!! He is also 6'4" and works a physical job. If I were to eat as much as he I'd be sick. The only time he cares about the volume of food I eat is if I don't eat enough. I'm one of those people who tends to not eat, or forget to eat when I'm working or stressed out. My husband just wants me to be healthy and get enough nutrients.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    This. Christ Almighty.. It kills me how no one is allowed to have their own opinions. Someone will always have a different opinion on how they feel about something. Why must people criticize?

    For me, it's not just about different 'opinions'. It's about equality of the sexes. WHY must we have to have such crazy different standards by which we judge men vs. women? Why in the world do we judge the value of a women based on how much she eats in front of a guy?

    I'm not trying to be inflammatory here... but in my opinion, judging a woman based on how much she eats is sexist. I feel annoyed at the men who do it... and I feel sorry for the women who do it.

    I really just don't understand why our society must break down something as simple as FOOD and EATING into feminine and masculine qualities. It's just sad.

    So yah... I get annoyed by 'opinions' that in anyway suggest that my actions are somehow inappropriate for my sex. That includes eating. That includes science and math.

    I mean, we're not talking favorite colors here. We're not talking a preference for cars vs. trucks, high-heels or flats, and so forth... we're not even talking big boobs. I honestly don't have a problem with men liking big boobs or red heads or blondes or whatever. That doesn't bother me. But viewing a woman negatively because she EATS more food than a man? Wow. More than an opinion to me. That's sexism.

    And that's my opinion :P


    If a guy ever made a crack about how much I eat I would not think twice about leaving him alone at the restaurant/house without another word. It would be a deal-breaker for me. That's how whole EDs have started in my family. What I eat can only affect MY calorie count, fella. So don't worry your pretty lil head about it. What kind of insecure, silly little man would even...

    Hell if a woman works manual labor like a man, she should be able to eat like one.
  • kford12
    kford12 Posts: 112
    I don't really care about how she eats. As long as she cooks and and has big tits I'm good.

    Hahaha! Actually laughed out loud at this!! :laugh:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Whenever I'm out with guys and get a salad I get harassed and they're always like "COME on, I know girls can eat way more that that." So I usually just get something normal and eat it all to avoid the comments.

    It even looks funnier if she on the heavy side and she does that. You're just looking at her like, "yeah, that's how you eat, eh?"

    I don't mean that in a mean way. But, seriously? It's so funny. i see it all the time. Women at work, very overweight, and they'll cut a donut in half. Yeah, if they were at home, they'd eat 4 of them, or more. I don't know, but I don't know why they put on that front.

    Don't be so quick to judge. She may actually be trying to lose weight and is trying not to deprive herself. You can't always judge a person by their body weight.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I really just don't understand why our society must break down something as simple as FOOD and EATING into feminine and masculine qualities. It's just sad.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    This thread has been quite entertaining (although I haven't read all 9 pages!)

    Honestly.. I don't care how much someone eats, and if they cared so much how I eat then I wouldn't be with them.
    I used to have a MASSIVE appetite when I was younger. I still do in terms of the course of the whole day as I get hungry often, but I find it hard to eat huge meals in one sitting because I'm just not used to it anymore. If anyone said they find how much I eat a turn off I'd be thinking "wtf!?" I can understand if I'm eating so much, I'm putting on loads of weight from it and becoming overweight/obese, but a large appetite and staying slim? What's the problem?

    I like that my bf eats more than me, but not from a turn on / off point of view. More so, that certain things I like eating (but not loads of) come in big packs that have a certain use by date. Sausages come to mind, I like sausages but I don't want to eat them everyday so that the whole 12 pack gets used up in time, I just fancied 3 for one meal, and now the rest has to be eaten soon. This is where the bf (and his ability to eat anything and everything!) come in handy. Same goes for restaurants, if I get given more than I can handle, "Here, you want to finish mine?" and it rarely goes to waste!
    I wouldn't be put off him if he couldn't handle that much by any means, it's just a bonus!
  • keaani34
    keaani34 Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with you Lolli.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Honestly? You want the honest truth?

    I want her to have no appetite. Why? Because when we go to dinner, she can't finish her food and I get to eat it. I'm not even joking. I'm dead serious. My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 4 years and she is such a slow eater, quite thin, and gets full fast. I love, love, love eating out with her because I get 1/4-1/2 of her food. This benefits me greatly.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I use to eat like a hog. Even when I was really thin. I remember at points in my life being 125-130 lb girl at 5'7 but eating like 2 hamburgers and 2 hotdogs at cookouts! lol That sounds utterly gross to me now! I use to eat almost as much as my 210 lb (at the time) 6'4 hubby. But now that I am watching my weight, I obviously don't eat that much anymore. However, I do look forward to getting to maintenance calorie status. lol
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    It doesn't bother me at all.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    I haven't been on a date or had to worry about it for over 12yrs. But...... If I were taken to dinner and I ordered something yummy I would eat it,If I paid for it I wouldn't waste it, If he paid for it,I wouldn't waste it.If it was a first date I might choose carefully Since I am losing weight. But If we went somewhere why wouldn't I eat..that would be barbaric