Why do you "unfriend" people



  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    I delete someone if they havent logged in in over a month, if they say something to me that pisses me off, or if they refuse to eat at least 1200.

  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I'm the mad whacker..

    heh heh.

    me too.

    I <3 you.
  • lucky2too
    lucky2too Posts: 69 Member
    I had a medical emergency and was in a cardiac care unit for almost a week. I am so happy my mfp friend sent me a couple of "where the heck are you ???" messages. When someone disappears I send them a supportive is "everything okay/come on back" message, but after a couple of months...bye.
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    I rarely add people, honestly. That means I rarely need to subtract them. I'm introverted like that.

    I don't require much "support", just watching everyone kick donkey is motivation enough for me. I only cut the collectors or the inconsistent.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    I deleted a guy for creepiness, and I've deleted a couple of people for complaining about no progress yet they were eating less than 1200. I tried to talk to them about it but no success. I deleted one because she had an IDGAF attitude toward the way MFP works,and I found it discouraging. I kinda feel bad about a couple of them but I feel it's too early for me to put up with toxic people =/
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    Usually after they're gone for 2+ weeks.

    Or if they're not creepy enough.

  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    that have been part of your friends list? I mean, if they are posting stuff that is offensive, or never logging on and giving things a try, I can understand, but if you have had someone on your list, and have conversed with them practically every day for the last 4 months, and then just boom, they are gone? Just dont get it....kinda hurts ya know?

    oh well, life goes on.

    Some people will delete you if you get too much attention from all the other pals that you have in common and they feel you are takin the attention away from their self absorbed post. Mfp is real petty but so is the real world. Don't you watch the "House wives of Atlanta"?

    I have never thought it about it that way, but you are probably right.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    B*tch, two can play at this game!!

    *grabs the nearest flogger and...*

    Wait... Did I just see something shiny??

    Oooh! And Odus loses her head to LL in the first round! Not pretty but we all saw it coming, easily distracted that one...

    *sobbing* if only i could pay attention!!!!!
  • milf_n_cookies
    milf_n_cookies Posts: 2,244 Member
    Oh, and I delete people who tell me to eat more without understanding my story.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I recently couldn't handle all the people on my list, it just got to be too much and I got trigger happy and lost a bunch I didn't want to loose :frown: Most of them came back and that makes me happy, but I just don't remember all their names or how to spell them.

    I delete when people don't log in for a long time, are easily offended or take me seriously, and if they are way too inappropriate (I am a married woman). If they treat my page as a public forum and start jumping on my friends for their attitudes or language. If they are way too demanding, I am sorry I still love you, I just can't take too demanding. If they post too much bull sit that I really don't care about, like I just went to the Jon and such, HTF!!!

    I am sorry your feel hurt, I am sure it's not what they meant to make you feel, sometimes things just get to be too much. If you feel too strongly, just send a friendly email wishing them the best on their journey. This way they will have every opportunity to add you back in case they got trigger happy :)
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I delete friends who don't show me their boobs.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    I unfriend people who are pro-ana or unsupportive. It irritates me when people send me a friend request and then don't even make the effort to talk to me.

    This! I have gotten friend requests and then they never say a single word to me and hardly ever post anything that I could possibly comment on.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I haven't unfriended anybody yet, but I can see some of the good points for doing so.. I am like what one of the posts said, I keep my group small so I can keep up with everybodys day to day activities and progresses. I also agree that if someone hasnt logged in for a while, they will need a friend to come back to if they decide to come back...
  • maryduggins
    maryduggins Posts: 219 Member
    lol am I the only person who actually *knows* all of her friends? (; I don't add people... I get it, it's not the same as say... Facebook... but still... I don't know you ;P I'm not going to just start talking with you (; that being said I'm fine with people who've messaged me with advice or asked questions even. If I can help out that's great, whether I know you or not. And if you can help me, then I'm more than happy to take your advice(: but we don't have to be *friends*.
  • karendsmith
    karendsmith Posts: 167
    I also don't bother with friending men, I am not on here for a relationship, I am married. I want to have and give support from other women close to my age so we can relate to our trials and tributes...
  • elysianashes
    I pruned a bit this morning - people who hadn't been on for a week or more AND never really posted much to begin with... people who never did anything but log their food (never commented or posted on anything, never logged any exercise, etc.)... none of it was personal. I added a LOT of people when I first came on the site and I was finding that I wasn't interacting with most of them because it was too many to keep up with and I didn't want to spend 20 minutes posting "Good job!" "Way to go!" "Keep it up!" - it felt a little empty.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I consider it if their grammar is really heinous.
  • zeikiya989
    I delete people all the time. And I don't mind if I am deleted either, I don't want to collect and see how many friends I can have. I want real supporters, connections, real friendships and people who have time. So If we don't click or not on same path, or whatever and you are never going to support me as i do you, i feel please delete me, so your post aren't taking up my time. I am more likely to delete someone who has logged in 300 days in a row, but rarely supports me, then someone who we have a connection but they just haven't logged on in a week.
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    I take them off if they have been inactive for 7 days and/or don't comment. I like to keep my friends list manageable so I can comment and offer support daily.

    What if someone is on vacation for 7 days? Thats kinda $#!TT^

    I agree, I was sick with strep throat last week and the last thing I wanted to do track my crackers and soup and comment on posts... things happen.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I unfriend ppl who are non supportive for an extensive period of time, esp if I am always supporting them. I also unfriend people who are blatantly offensive. Sometimes I delete people if we just don't click.