Why do you "unfriend" people



  • cglyfer
    cglyfer Posts: 119
    I take them off if they have been inactive for 7 days and/or don't comment. I like to keep my friends list manageable so I can comment and offer support daily.

    What if someone is on vacation for 7 days? Thats kinda $#!TT^

    This is one of my big reasons also...and if they were my friend I would know that they were going on a cruise...they might have mentioned it a time or two before leaving...I keep my list under 30 peeps so I can stay in touch with each of them...if I don't have any contact with them over a weeks time I may cut them...
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Many reasons:

    1. You're not active
    2. You don't like my foul mouth
    3. We fundamentally disagree on something I value to the point it's a deal-breaker
    4. You're annoying
    5. You're too needy
    6. I got trigger happy...

    It happens.


    I mostly agree, but I tend to let people be a little needy. If they are always needy that is different but everyone every now and then just has a crappy day and needs to vent. But if folks are not being supportive or they keep telling people to do unhealthy things I'm out. (example: One person kept telling her friends to eat only cabbage soup, only 335 cal per day and she IMO needed help with an eating disorder. It was very sad to see and I could only offer advise to a point, if she doesn't want help I can't make her listen :cry: but I couldn't just sit and watch it either )
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    My friends list consist of peeps who have similar goals - it isn't just about losing weight it is about making changes towards a healthy lifestyle. My goals are set for complete health - mental, emotional, and physical - to be successful and to encourage those who I interact with their goals must be of similar.

    Therefore I believe I cannot encourage someone who has, in my eyes, unhealthy behaviors such as exercising way too much, not eating near enough and constant negative self criticism.
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    I deleted someone not so long ago, she was harming herself when she ate something bad and tell everyone she did it. She would not take anyone's advice and I felt she didn't want anyone's help and didn't want to help herself. She needed more then what MFP could give her! I felt bad for "unfriending" her, but else could I do? That's not what mfp is here for.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Many reasons:

    1. You're not active
    2. You don't like my foul mouth
    3. We fundamentally disagree on something I value to the point it's a deal-breaker
    4. You're annoying
    5. You're too needy
    6. I got trigger happy...

    It happens.

    pretty much exactly this.

    I like your blue footed boobies :blushing:
  • aquarianpixi
    aquarianpixi Posts: 131 Member
    I don't delete anyone. I don't talk much. I don't feel comfortable around people even online a lot of the time, so I don't talk, or leave a lot of comments. If someone has a question on my friends list I will help out any way I can, but I don't congratulate every completed diary, or even look at other peoples diaries.

    am I someone worthy of being defriended? probably. Just know that just seeing other peoples progress is just as motivating as, if not more so, then constant "congrats" comments.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I unfriend skinny people.

  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Don't take it personally. I'm sure whoever deleted you didn't think twice about it, and already forgot about you...so why dwell on it?

    Now if a REAL friend un-friended you, thats something to be upset about.
  • Kristy0728
    I delete people when I see they arent eating enough, or they arent using MFP consistently. I try to wait and make sure not logging in is a habit and not a vacation.

    I dont want a play by play and dont comment on the mundane and inane stuff. "I am home now." "Going to work now." Blah blah blah. Its not what I am here for. I don't want a modified "facebook" experience. I have a few friends, most of which are good about "wtg" and "good job" etc. Some that ONLY comment on the frustration stuff, and thats good to. They comment when I have questions and can relate. THATS what I was looking for when I decided to start friending people.
  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Many reasons:

    1. You're not active
    2. You don't like my foul mouth
    3. We fundamentally disagree on something I value to the point it's a deal-breaker
    4. You're annoying
    5. You're too needy
    6. I got trigger happy...

    It happens.

    I love #6! HAHA
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    I got unfiended recently by someone I was friends with for a number of months. I think it's cause I'm an a$$h01e at times and my humor is isn't always looked at as humor.

    I am supportive and active, but you live by your loud mouth and die by it.

    Happens to us all.
  • sipseyab
    sipseyab Posts: 59
    I've deleted a few people who I didn't think were taking their fitness seriously, or were obsessing about not losing weight after two weeks. It clogs up my news feed, and it's not helpful to me. I've also ignored friend request from people who have hundreds of friends already. I guess I don't understand why they need that many? I'm happy with my handful of buddies who are on a similar path as I am. People who post things like, "well, I ate myself sick last night and I'm so bummed and why do I keep doing this? Maybe I need diet pills?" Have some self control, that's how to be successful. I like to read news feed posts that tell what workout they did, how they felt about it that day, milestones, requests for support in tough times, etc.
  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    I deleted one guy because he posted status updates like every hour and they were always long and not helpful to me. It was annoying so I deleted him. This isn't twitter.

    Lol this isn't twitter
    I completely agree. Also childish people, people fishing for compliments every status, ppl who refuse to eat and then wonder why they aren't losing, and people who every status complain about this & that then do the same thing they did wrong the next day
  • cincymomof3
    cincymomof3 Posts: 329 Member
    To be completely honest, I unfriend people who I gain nothing from having as a friend. Selfish, maybe, but I'm here for me. :)

    That being said, people get offended when you unfriend them and some let you know! That reason alone makes me hesitate to unfriend people at times. I don't understand though. If you never comment/message/etc the person and they unfriend you, why do you care?
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    I have only unfriended one person who insisted that by accepting my friend request, they should be entitled to see my food diary - as it is a personal choice whether to share this or not, I chose "not" in terms of the sharing and the "friendship"
  • 2Bskinny4good_Stacie
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!

    um...bikermike, i might as well help you take one, or two more steps toward your goal...sending you friend request right now so you can add me....then immediately wack me if you'd like. :happy: :sad:
  • BeccaLevine
    BeccaLevine Posts: 315 Member
    I don't have standards for my friends on here like most of you do. Every one has bad days and I don't unfriend people because they need encouragement! I would only unfriend someone if they were being offensive in any way, but other than that, I like to keep my peeps around :)
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I delete "friends" whenever and whyever I like....i'm just like that. It's not usually for any personal reason. It's not you, it's me typa thing. And it wouldn't bother me if I was deleted off a list either...
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    that have been part of your friends list? I mean, if they are posting stuff that is offensive, or never logging on and giving things a try, I can understand, but if you have had someone on your list, and have conversed with them practically every day for the last 4 months, and then just boom, they are gone? Just dont get it....kinda hurts ya know?

    oh well, life goes on.

    I have wondered this as well.
    I'm a guy............so there's that!
    Some pals don't want guy friends but I have never/ not once sent a hit-you-up email, request, or message.
    I am on this sucker daily. I'm a supportive muthafer. I have people skills dammit.
    And it does kinda hurt because if a guy asks, "What'd I do" he could immediately go into the creep category and never get an answer. It would just solidify the creepiness by requesting again.
    2 cents
  • karmakim
    karmakim Posts: 32
    I have deleted people for 2 reasons so far - 1 for trying to make money off the good folks here - I don't think this is the platform - or at least not why I am here ... and second for posting 500 updates in a day - that my friend is just freaking annoying :noway: