ITT: Ask me anything about losing weight..



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have a friend who asked me if she should bump her calories up, after I told her I went to a dietitian who upped my calories because I'm burning way more than I thought. She said that what she's been doing has been working, so my first thought was to keep doing what's working for her, and when she stops losing to eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks and then switch it up. But I'm not certified in anything, and only know what I've read, so I'm asking here in hopes of getting a better answer for her. TIA! :flowerforyou:

    I think the answer really depends on how long she has been on a VLCD (and how much of a deficit she was on).

    so i am the friend who asked. umm what exactly is VLCD? sorry i am trying to figure this all out and im so confused.

    VLCD - Very Low Calorie Diet
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I was talking to a nutritionist the other day and he was saying that if I get the proper amounts of fats in my diet, (fish oils, flax seed etc) that it will be easier for my body to drop fat since my body will realize that it is getting the necessary amounts.

    So essentially I would cut out the bad fats (saturated) and increase the good fats to reduce my current body fat %...what do you think?

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was talking to a nutritionist the other day and he was saying that if I get the proper amounts of fats in my diet, (fish oils, flax seed etc) that it will be easier for my body to drop fat since my body will realize that it is getting the necessary amounts.

    So essentially I would cut out the bad fats (saturated) and increase the good fats to reduce my current body fat %...what do you think?

    Well you still would have to eat at a caloric deficit to encourage weight (fat) loss. You don't have to completely cut out saturated fats. They are natural and healthy but you don't need a lot.
  • Sublog, you really need to get back to this thread. It's still live :drinker:
  • Pearl0105
    Pearl0105 Posts: 35 Member
    Sublog.........u shouldn't have let those two ruin a perfect informational thread for the rest of us. I would take advise from u anyday since u have learnt from experience than from those know it all's. For crying out loud u have lost over 100lb!

    Thanks though for your input, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and getting tips from you.
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    I have a friend who asked me if she should bump her calories up, after I told her I went to a dietitian who upped my calories because I'm burning way more than I thought. She said that what she's been doing has been working, so my first thought was to keep doing what's working for her, and when she stops losing to eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks and then switch it up. But I'm not certified in anything, and only know what I've read, so I'm asking here in hopes of getting a better answer for her. TIA! :flowerforyou:

    I think the answer really depends on how long she has been on a VLCD (and how much of a deficit she was on).

    so i am the friend who asked. umm what exactly is VLCD? sorry i am trying to figure this all out and im so confused.

    VLCD - Very Low Calorie Diet

    oh ok. well i have been doing this since january so 4 months. my MFPnumber theyw want is 1760, i try to net around 1300-1400, and my bmr from the fat 2fit site states 2205. so what should i be eating?? i workout out at least 5 times a week...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have a friend who asked me if she should bump her calories up, after I told her I went to a dietitian who upped my calories because I'm burning way more than I thought. She said that what she's been doing has been working, so my first thought was to keep doing what's working for her, and when she stops losing to eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks and then switch it up. But I'm not certified in anything, and only know what I've read, so I'm asking here in hopes of getting a better answer for her. TIA! :flowerforyou:

    I think the answer really depends on how long she has been on a VLCD (and how much of a deficit she was on).

    so i am the friend who asked. umm what exactly is VLCD? sorry i am trying to figure this all out and im so confused.

    VLCD - Very Low Calorie Diet

    oh ok. well i have been doing this since january so 4 months. my MFPnumber theyw want is 1760, i try to net around 1300-1400, and my bmr from the fat 2fit site states 2205. so what should i be eating?? i workout out at least 5 times a week...

    Is 2205 your BMR or is it the number in the table (the one that has the activity levels)?
  • yeowiepower
    yeowiepower Posts: 31 Member
    bump for later
  • Carim007
    Carim007 Posts: 45 Member
    When is Sublog coming back ... !!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    When is Sublog coming back ... !!!

    Apparently he is not.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I was talking to a nutritionist the other day and he was saying that if I get the proper amounts of fats in my diet, (fish oils, flax seed etc) that it will be easier for my body to drop fat since my body will realize that it is getting the necessary amounts.

    So essentially I would cut out the bad fats (saturated) and increase the good fats to reduce my current body fat %...what do you think?

    Well you still would have to eat at a caloric deficit to encourage weight (fat) loss. You don't have to completely cut out saturated fats. They are natural and healthy but you don't need a lot.

    I've already been eating at a caloric deficit, I have great muscle tone, but I still have a layer of fat covering it. I will lose 3 lbs, then a few days later gain back 2 lbs, and can't get back down for weeks.

    oh, and I upped my protein to 100g a day or more.
  • bump
  • leondrel
    leondrel Posts: 5
    Haha interesting, had a short read of those arguments.

    I wonder why people put so much faith into "qualifications", so what if someone hasn't got a piece of paper saying that they read some books and did some tests that may or may not have been a real indicator of understanding.

    Anyone can read articles and nutrition studies, learn from them and apply the knowledge to their own efforts, if it works, why can't they share what they did? Because any time you speak outside of your "qualifications" you're not to be trusted? Man all those parents out there without a "Registered Parent" certificate must be in trouble trying to help others...

    Reading that sugar argument was interesting, I think chattipatty2 was slightly confused about the realities of sugar, insulin and GI, white table sugar only has a moderate GI, lower than a baked potato. It's bad logic to conclude that "Sugar leads to insulin production. Insulin stores fat." All carbs will raise insulin production, and sugar doesn't even raise it the most, that is not what causes the increase in visceral fat noted in the articles.

    The problem, as the article said is the high-fructose corn syrup that the US loves so much, those large amounts of fructose that are processed in the liver, are what causes the visceral fat increase. Here's a real study link for those interested

    Also, I'm just a network engineer that loves nutrition and human biology as a hobby, so I don't have that magic paper that tells people what I say is true, lol
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
  • xjulesjx
    xjulesjx Posts: 75 Member
  • Lance_K
    Lance_K Posts: 104 Member
  • mlocke19
    mlocke19 Posts: 1
    ok so I have been stuck at just 13 pounds since January. I havent budged. I have been working out at least 4 times a week. I do 30 to 45 min on the elliptical. The weight just doesnt seem to want to come off. I do have a thryiod problem and some people so its really hard to lose with it. But I dont know if i just hit a brick or what is going on.... Can u help?
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189

  • katgirl985
    katgirl985 Posts: 212 Member
    Alright, this is more of a personal question...

    Did you ever get frustrated/ want a break or even (gasp!) self-sabotage?

    How did you get over it?

    I've been at it for almost 16 weeks and have been VERY strict with myself, to the gym 6-7 times a week, eating about 1300-1500 calories a day and have lost 40 pounds. The past few weeks the weight loss has slowed a BIT but I'm seeing much bigger changes in my body composition.