Do you log your cheat days?!



  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    Usually if I'm going over my calories, it involves food I don't have full nutritional info for. I still try to log, though, because I'm in maintenance mode so I want to be able to track whether my maintenance mode is working. I would expect to gain weight if I went over by 3500 calories in a week, for example.
  • RahRahRiotSC
    RahRahRiotSC Posts: 29 Member
    I do. I mean... I totally blew it the other day. But it was very interesting to me because that day would have been any typical day for me before I started watching my calories. It showed me how far I'd come and made me really see where I'd been going wrong.
  • kspoon5
    kspoon5 Posts: 239 Member
    Yes I log everything. It keeps me accountable and lets me know where I stand for the week. I don't cheat weekly it is random for me and it is usually one meal or maybe one dessert. I think it is different for everyone though! Good luck Enjoy it !
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I plan to log a cheat day, the occassion has not really come up for one yet, but my boyfriends birthday is this week and we are going to a sports bar and I plan on not being concerned and just enjoying dinner.

    My question is how often people have a cheat day? When I did weight watchers, they gave extra calories and most people would have a cheat day the day after weigh in. I just think I need to start having them, but how often to stay on track or lose those last pesky three pounds.
  • cattraxs
    cattraxs Posts: 47 Member
    I log everything that I eat, no matter how horrible my food choices. The guilt of eating that crap is enough to keep me on track.

    ^^ yep!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I log it all, just like any other day.

  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    I do sometimes. Normally I only have a cheat meal once a week. I really feel that the one high calorie meal allows me to lose more weight each week.
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    Yes i log every single thing
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I don't cheat, but yes I log everything. I think I have missed 2 weekends in the 170+ days I've been here but it wasn't purposely. :)
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I don't have cheat days. But I'm Italian so when I go to a party with tons of food, this hasn't happened yet (as I started 9 days ago) but will happen in the next week for my nephew's birthday, I will not log, only because it will be hella hard to find out the calories in everything and I'll probably eat quite a lot.
  • zzzeldazz
    zzzeldazz Posts: 19
    This is my first week on MFP and I think, For Me, I must log Everything on Every day....Because what is the point about lying to myself?..That's what got me to the (over)weight I am now.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I don't have cheat days, but I log everything.
  • I do, even if it's only an gross estimate of what I did.

    A. It gives me an idea of how much I might have set back my weekly deficit goad so I can make up for it a little bit during the rest of the week with a little lower calorie intake or a little more exercise.

    B. It's a good educational experience for me to learn the consequences of some of my favorite high calorie meals since I'm still pretty new to weight loss.

    But I think it's okay to cut lose now and then just to keep your sanity and not feel deprived. Unfortunately, just like with anything I think I still need to be accountable for my actions, even if they aren't "wrong" per se.
  • First of all, I don't believe in cheat days. Those will only set you back. Second, yes, log in everything. Don't try to fool yourself into thinking that you're losing weight. You might not be recording those calories, but your body definitely is.

    Girlfriend, you might want to have some cheat days yourself. I am sorry, but a weight loss goal to be 88 lbs. is ridiculous.

    LOL! Yeah to be honest, I'm a little concerned too about the 88 lb goal you set for yourself.

    I'm pretty short so I find it acceptable. You might think it's a too small goal weight, but that's your opinion, not mine.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    yes i log everything! also loggin the cheat day helps me to cheat less. once i actually see the sodium and calories it really makes a difference for me.

    plus you know exactly how much you have to work off. :glasses:
  • blmr85
    blmr85 Posts: 57 Member
    I never used to, but since Im trying really hard again it might be a good idea to see what actually goes into your body. I dont however log adult beverages since I usuallt do mixed drinks, and I occasionally lose track of how many I have. haha.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    i log every dirty little cheat - hahaha.

    okay, so that sounded bad but, yes, i log everything i eat or drink - even on my 'cheat' days when i go waaaaaaay over on every chart imaginable! haha. i figure if i stay honest, even on my fun cheaty days, then i'll be more apt to stick to it on my 'behave healthy' days.

    the only exception i had to this rule was on st. pat's day when i had a few cocktails - i had NO real idea how to figure out the mixed drinks i had, so i didn't log them. i don't drink very often - so i figure that it won't be much of an issue long term. if i have a glass of wine or a couple of beers, i do log them, tho.

    this lol
  • Fitfaery
    Fitfaery Posts: 68 Member
    I don't have a set cheat day, but I do log my overeating to frighten myself into working harder afterwards x
  • CrazyMidget611
    CrazyMidget611 Posts: 102 Member
    I don't. Today is my free day. I won't log anything.

    That being said, I also don't go buck wild lol. If I want nachos (now you have me fiending them!), I'll have some nachos...I just won't have an entire order by myself. If I want a beer (sunny and 70 here!), I'll have a beer...but I won't have more than that.

    The reason I won't track a free day is, even though it is planned, if I see those calories in the red, I'll want to restrict so severely the next day to make up for it, and that's not healthy. I think it IS healthy to have a day every now and again where you don't calculate every calorie (like today), otherwise I'd go crazy...I already dream about counting cals!!!
  • Yes, I do. This makes me accountable when I screw up every now and then so I prefer to log them then pretend that I didn't cheat on my diet.