Do you log your cheat days?!



  • skinnylion
    skinnylion Posts: 213
    Except for my birthday, I log everything! (And I even added cake on my bday but made it worth just a calorie. :P)

    I think it's good to be honest with yourself. Just stop when you're full and keep track of what you eat so that later you can look back and maybe learn from it.
  • BrionyTallis
    BrionyTallis Posts: 90 Member
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Yes I do, even on my cheat day.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    I don't. Saturdays I still log exercise, but I don't measure my food and I don't log my calories. I don't go insanely overboard either. I have the same size cereal bowls, so I know I'm not chowing down 2-3 cups of Cheerios vs. the 1 that I'll measure out for breakfast during the week. I still make fairly wise choices.If I see it adversely affecting my progress I'll start logging 7 days instead of 6.
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    sometimes.. i don't log everyday even if i don't cheat lol
    i just forget :/
  • RoughDiamondUK
    RoughDiamondUK Posts: 151 Member
    First of all, I don't believe in cheat days. Those will only set you back. Second, yes, log in everything. Don't try to fool yourself into thinking that you're losing weight. You might not be recording those calories, but your body definitely is.

    Girlfriend, you might want to have some cheat days yourself. I am sorry, but a weight loss goal to be 88 lbs. is ridiculous.

    LOL! Yeah to be honest, I'm a little concerned too about the 88 lb goal you set for yourself.

    I'm pretty short so I find it acceptable. You might think it's a too small goal weight, but that's your opinion, not mine.

    88 pounds at 5' 2" would give you a BMI of 16.08. A healthy BMI range is 18.5--25 (ideal is 20). You really need to seek help if you think 88 pounds is acceptable for your height.
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I do not log cheat days. I have one cheat day a week.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    Tuesdays are my "treat day" (I don't call it "cheat" because it's planned, lol...that's just me). I use to not log that day, except for once a few weeks ago...I was mortified! I'm now modifying my treat day to not be ALL day but a few treat items. This coming Tues I will log and see what it looks like. I, too, have an eating disorder (compulsive overeater) and this scheduled treat day has pretty much saved me. I know I can have X, Y and Z on that day, so it keeps me from going overboard crazy with my eating, which can happen with just one bite of a trigger food. Some days I walk a fine line, but my treat day keeps me on track, as does MFP! :happy:
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I log mine. I'm kind of OCD that way! :)
  • kassied09
    kassied09 Posts: 397
    I usually do for a while..and then it ends up to be just too much food (I definitely go ALL out and make sure I eat all the crap I have been craving so I can get it out of my head for a while) But I do end up quick adding enough cals to cover it (and probably many more!)
  • toasterlisa
    toasterlisa Posts: 100 Member
    Every calorie, every day.

    That's the only way your brain really registers all the unnecessary fat, calories and sodium that you cheat yourself with.

    Food is the fuel for your great machine. Feed it the right amount of the best quality foods!

    Best wishes on your health and wellness journey!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    yes, I do. I get obcessive and log everything, though

    Me too!
  • Ilangilang
    Ilangilang Posts: 37 Member
    Yes, I like to see where I'm at....
  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    I would log them. As education. I know when the bad days are, and know if I want them, I can excersice and earn some of them back.
  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    First of all, I don't believe in cheat days. Those will only set you back. Second, yes, log in everything. Don't try to fool yourself into thinking that you're losing weight. You might not be recording those calories, but your body definitely is.

    ignore the haters. if 88 pounds is the goal youve set for yourself than let it be. people get a little too concerned about eachother here on mfp. your goal weight of 88 pounds will have absolutely no effect on their lives so no need to waste your time getting upset over their opinions : )
    just be happy. thats all that matters hun ; )
  • greene89
    greene89 Posts: 49 Member
    I never used to, But I used to have friday cheat day, And since that involves drinking beer be hung the next day and continue eating w/e i wanted through the weekend. So Now I drink light beers and log my cal's And make sure not to go over 500 cals over normal intake of 1300. But on cheat day I still Eat w/e I want But I make sure not to go over board on calories now because I was gaining all the weight i lost during the week on the weekend.

    Oh yeah And I make sure i work out in the morning cause i know i wont if i wait till night
  • ekloretto
    ekloretto Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I do. I don't think of them as cheat days though. I'm more of the mindset that I can eat whatever I want, good or bad, on any day and its up to me to work harder to burn it off and find the balance. For me I'm afraid that if I said no all week and then one day said yes to all of the cravings it would start me down a slide into calorie overload. I'd much rather look at every craving or temptation and think about what it is going to mean for my day and my goals. That way if I decide to get that milkshake or whatever I know that I am consciously committing to eating better and working harder to balance it out in the big scheme of things. But I log every bad for me thing I eat; I'm pretty strict with myself about logging anyways, even if I don't do it right away I always make myself go back and fill in prior days so that the diary is as complete and accurate as possible.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I log EVERYTHING, no matter how ugly it looks. I say, you have to be honest with youself about this process of changing your habits. If you start to cut corners and not log things, it might lead to other "oversights" you might not log. Not that it would be done intentionally, but subconsiously because you've alread ok'd doing it.
  • greene89
    greene89 Posts: 49 Member
    I do every friday. Because I drink n a few beers and eat w/e i want but keep it not more than 500 cals over what i normally eat.

    On normal day i have 1300 calories of GOOD food. On cheat day I have like 1800 of w/e food.
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    If it goes in my mouth, it goes on my food diary. That is the only way that I can accurately monitor how my body is responding to food. Eating food you like isn't cheating, though. It is just an aspect of your chosen lifestyle. :) No need to feel guilt!