He Called me Stupid..is it Emotional abuse?



  • scarlet_goddess13
    I was in the same position once. Do NOT EVER allow anyone to speak to you like this. It is emotional abuse because it puts you in a bad place. I do not know you personally but everyone deserves to be treated good. No one should ever be belittled on a clogged kitchen sink!
  • Zumbagurl64
    Zumbagurl64 Posts: 155 Member
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Do you have Lifetime channel?
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    If you are planning on leaving, I would slowly remove your belongings from the residence, and store them elsewhere. He may not let you get them back after you leave.
  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member
    It's a relief to find out that I'm really not crazy and what he does and says is abuse.
    After reading stories and watching a few videos on youtube about emotional abuse ..it's relly mind ratteling.
    Seeing the symptoms and the profile of the abuser and the abused . I think back to times he said other things or did things.
    I read my journal and find entries that confirm this behaviour has been happening , I just reject him . As I explained before I can physically leave right now but will mid may.

    I'm now just a bit tired as the realization that the problem was not me ...but someone who supposed to loved me and I thought I was wrong the whole time.
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    It's a relief to find out that I'm really not crazy and what he does and says is abuse.
    After reading stories and watching a few videos on youtube about emotional abuse ..it's relly mind ratteling.
    Seeing the symptoms and the profile of the abuser and the abused . I think back to times he said other things or did things.
    I read my journal and find entries that confirm this behaviour has been happening , I just reject him . As I explained before I can physically leave right now but will mid may.

    I'm now just a bit tired as the realization that the problem was not me ...but someone who supposed to loved me and I thought I was wrong the whole time.
    i hope you are able to live a very happy and fulfilled life without him and learn what is good and not good so that you don't attract the same kind of guy in the future and if for some reason you end up in a similar kind of relationship you will be able to recognize it sooner and get out.
  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member
    Yes it is. I am in a marriage with the same verbal abuse going on. Some days it's ok, but most not. Most of the time I hate him and sometimes not. The abuse doesn't go away. You might ask why I am still in this marriage, because I don't have enough self esteem to leave. I have been loosing weight for myself and it is making me feel better about me. My coworkers are encouraging at work and one particular friend is supportive. My husband doesn't even say anything to me or mention to me about my weight loss. I hope you will add me as a friend, so that I can encourage and support you.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Yes it is. I am in a marriage with the same verbal abuse going on. Some days it's ok, but most not. Most of the time I hate him and sometimes not. The abuse doesn't go away. You might ask why I am still in this marriage, because I don't have enough self esteem to leave. I have been loosing weight for myself and it is making me feel better about me. My coworkers are encouraging at work and one particular friend is supportive. My husband doesn't even say anything to me or mention to me about my weight loss. I hope you will add me as a friend, so that I can encourage and support you.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    O_______O Are you kidding me? Calling you 'stupid' is considered emotional abuse???? Wow...I feel like I suffer from serious abuse now...........lol.....................

    Did you even bother to read the post properly? Do you understand psychological/emotional abuse in any way, shape or form?

    Yes I did, and if you even bothered to read my profile before opening your rude mouth you would *maybe* grasp that I have tangled with abuse in the past. And that is only what I have chosen to reveal to people on this site. God damn.

    So? Suffering with abuse in the past doesn't make you an expert, darling. And I read your profile. I'd have thought you'd be more understanding towards OP and not leave such an ignorant comment, but I was wrong.

    Oh right my bad, I know absolutely nothing about abuse since I never took an official class on it, absolutely nothing, just like I know nothing about, say, art because even though I draw a lot I've never read a book on it. Right. I'm not understanding because being called stupid isn't significant at all. Everyone gets called that, seriously. I am more sympathetic about the physical abuse, but I wasn't talking about that part. I just think it's funny as hell that being called 'stupid' could be so blown out of proportion.

    Taking a class, experiencing it, reading a book about it does not make you an expert.

    An expert on emotional abuse wouldn't read OP's situation and make such ignorant comments.

  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    NEVER have I smacked her in the face or anything REMOTELY to that nature, though she has slapped me several times throughout the years. Overall, yes, you are physically being abused.

    Not to be an *kitten* or anything, but why is a man slapping a woman abuse but not the other way around?
  • stebs1984
    stebs1984 Posts: 38
    I havent read the entire thread yet, just the first page and last couple pages.... Surely you have friends nearby you can stay with for the next couple weeks? family even, maybe a coworker or two? You might even be able to strike a deal with a hotel if you have to. I think you need to get out and get out now. If one of my friends were to be treated the way you have been, I would be over there in a heartbeat helping them pack their stuff and give them a place to stay until they get back on their feet. Not only that, i would be by their side while they're at the police station turning the loser in for abuse. Move your stuff out when he isnt home, or have the police be there with you while you move out. This is only going to get worse, so get out now while you're strong enough to leave.
  • Tybalt71
    Tybalt71 Posts: 1,081 Member
    If i may chime in here, i started reading this fro mthe back page 19 to the 1st, im confused on what exactly isthe issue here?-Ty enlighten me please
  • SmudgerSmithRhino

    I'm with Neverstray. If you were my daughter he would so have a shotgun up his *kitten*. Emotional and physical abuse is the same thing and both should result in his *kitten* been dumped *kitten* him off big style. I am sure that there are 100's of bloke on MFP who would support you and treat you like a proper lady.

    I'm ashamed that there are ****head men in this world, but if I ever found out that any of my friends were like this they would be very sorry,

    You are doing the right thing by getting out, sooner rather than later.
  • Margentine
    Margentine Posts: 113 Member

    I'm with Neverstray. If you were my daughter he would so have a shotgun up his *kitten*. Emotional and physical abuse is the same thing and both should result in his *kitten* been dumped *kitten* him off big style. I am sure that there are 100's of bloke on MFP who would support you and treat you like a proper lady.

    I'm ashamed that there are ****head men in this world, but if I ever found out that any of my friends were like this they would be very sorry,

    You are doing the right thing by getting out, sooner rather than later.

    Thank you for your kind words. I have friends that treat me better than this person. I'm just tired of feeling mentaly and emotionaly tired.
    Thanks for your uplifting words indeed.
  • everytree
    everytree Posts: 127
    Not sure where in Canada you're moving to but I'm in Vancouver. Friend me if you want!
  • 42hockeymom
    42hockeymom Posts: 521 Member
    If you were my daughter, I'd have a shotgun up his @$$.

    ^^This! I've got a 21 yo daughter, and a 15 yo daughter. If ever and I mean EVER a man tried to do that to one of them, he'd be toast. And then when my husband came home from being on the road (he's a truck driver) he'd be a greasy spot on the rug. Now, if you've elicited that type of passion from me, and trust me when I say, give me your address........ and you're a stranger..... YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS NOT A GOOD RELATIONSHIP. I get to type all of this, I'm a mom with a lot of miles on me, I'm old, HONEY YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE WORTHY THAN THIS. Pack your stuff and get out, stay with a friend, stay at a hotel, hell, stay at a shelter if you have to because you cannot stay with this *kitten*.
  • stebs1984
    stebs1984 Posts: 38
    Any updates on how you're doing? Hope you're doing well!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member

    This is what I'm scared about. I get pushed around a lot by my boyfriend, small things that don't hurt like slaps and pinches. Once in a while he covers my mouth so I can't breathe. And it's all done in a joking way (most of the time). But I get worried about this-what if it gets worse later, once I'm much more committed? Thanks for sharing your experience.

    PLEASE, be careful when things are like this. People play around all the time. And a sweet little pinch that does not hurt at all, is likely a love pinch, but there should be little to no pressure, and no power play behind it either, IMHO. But covering your mouth so you cannot breathe, that is a big, huge NO NO. That is unacceptable. That is a threat in my worldview. To me it seems like he's pointing out he has the power, and even over your life. I don't know what to tell you, but this part really does bother me a lot. I'll tell you, if I was going out with someone, and he did that, he'd never do that to me again. It'd be over, period. I sure wish you well.

    Wow, this is true. He actually dumped me last week, thank God! I don't know if I would have ever left, which is completely stupid and makes me feel like I need help. Even with how bad he made me feel about myself, even with all my friends saying I could do so much better, I still wish I was with him. I didn't think I'd ever be once of those girls.