
  • Darla1960
    Darla1960 Posts: 6 Member
    Everyone is different so each person has to find out what they can eat and how their bodies react to it. I eat low carb but I do still eat bread. I usually eat 100% whole wheat bread and buns and I don't eat it for every meal or everyday. It just depends on what I want to eat. I don't like to eat the same thing over and over so each day is a new day for me. Portion size is key for me.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Actually, I have had a ton of sucess cutting out grains and my stomach loves that I have cut them out! I think everyone needs to go throught trial and error to see what works best for them. Plus you should do your own reasearch. I still eat fruit and veggie carbs including some potatos. I hardly miss bread and pasta at all. I'm not bashing your choice don't bash mine, I have put a lot of thought into it!!!
  • auntygill
    auntygill Posts: 108 Member
    I love my Bread , i wont give it up with out a fight.:tongue::wink:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    seen a lot of posts lately regarding "whole grain/wheat" bread/brown rice.. and such.. I am not understand why alot of people choose to cut them out COMPLETELY... I have lost weight with still eating bread, at a deficit.. eating healthy and working out...

    please tell me I am not the only one? share YOUR success so we can put the "bad carbs" posts to rest!

    I think this type of debate will continue until the next food item is demonized. Trying to pin obesity on any food item or macronutrient is just plain sillyness, IMO.

    I eat bread and I drop weight on 200-250g CHO/day. I also pay absolutely zero regard to digestive rate of CHO. I hit my macros and stay near my calorie goal and I use "some common sense" with food choices and that's about it.

    Why complicate it.

    I think I'm in :heart: !! Why complicate it indeed?!?! Work out, Eat, enjoy life, --it doesn't have to be so ridiculously overthought all the time. :drinker:
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I eat carbs. I manually reduced my carbs allowance on MFP because I wanted to. I eat plain white bread or plain wholemeal because the "fancy" types usually have a lot more sodium, much bigger slices, etc.

    I also tend to eat plain potato more than bread, since potato has less sodium and no additives. I try and eat my carbs earlier in the day, altho that plan doesn't always work out. I eat rice, pasta etc but I do try and control the portions.

    I am losing weight, because I am not starving myself as I have done on a previous weight loss attempt.

    The joy of MFP is you can log your planned meals and see how different things will affect your total intake, and then change and make better choices.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    carbs AND protein AND fat are ALL important! Everyone finds their own balance, but all 3 play a role, the carb is the fuel.

    I don't get people who deny themselves totally, if i did that I know one day I would rebel in a big way and wake up in a krispy kreme in a pile of sugar with a weapon in one hand and donut boxes in the other.

    Now i rarely eat donuts, but i make healthy treats so i don't fall off the wagon big time.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    I eat things (or TRY to eat things.. not entirely successful on some days) in moderation. And bread? Pfffft That's one of my many guilty pleasures, so it's not going TOO far. Since starting my journey, I'd never have considered cutting out grains.. that is until another member at the gym explained the whole 'low-carb' thing to me and suggested that I give it a try.... which I did for about a week or two until I found myself about to strangle others around me. That's when I just decided to go back to the drawing board and change the amount of bread and indulge only when I had calories/macros to spare.

    With the exception of Olive Garden breadsticks... those are a anytime food (kidding, kidding).
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    carbs are like the devils food lol, but seriously i have lost 70+ lbs eating carbs nearly everyday, either bread, pasta, rice , or potatoes, everything in moderation. on the other hand it was probably portion control of the same carbs that helped me gain my weight to start off with.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I don't eliminate carbs from my diet but bread isn't really a staple in my diet any more. Neither is pasta. No reason really. Actually with the pasta I found that I got very bloated after I ate it. I switched from spaghetti to spaghetti squash. Way more filling and a lot more nutritious than spaghetti.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    every one is different, when i eat bread of any sort i pay for it i..... get constipated and my belly ballons out like a football.
  • leaso75581
    leaso75581 Posts: 103
    19.5 pounds so far AND 24.25 inches. I don't even track carbs. I just eat and exercise.

    i like and exercise!! lol:smile:
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    I ate white bread yesterday. Also had some m&ms and an ice cream sandwich. Yeah.

    I weighed .2 lbs less today than I did yesterday. :) uh huh.

    lol this made me laugh. love it.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I have a piece of toast every morning before I leave for work, then when I get to work I eat breakfast which is usually oatmeal. I just cant give up my bread & butter totally!!! But it used to be like 3 pieces of bread a day, just cut back and I am fine.
  • Micksgurl
    Micksgurl Posts: 84
    2 Things Ill NEVER give up....Cheese and Bread!! I have lost 11 pounds and still eat both.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I eat bread every day and I have lost about 30 pounds since September of last year. I think it's important not to give up the things you love (and I LOVE me some bread) but just to enjoy them in moderation, or enjoy healthier versions of the things you love (instead of deep fat fried white potato french fries, see if you can satisfy that craving with roasted sweet potato fries, etc.). Otherwise it doesn't feel like a life change, you know? It feels like a sentence you're serving until you get to a number on the scale, and for me... that's just impossible. I would make a jailbreak. :)
  • psychodeli
    psychodeli Posts: 10 Member
    I think there is one thing all food companies get right - "Part of a balanced diet"

    You can eat anything as long as it fits into what else you eat in any given period :)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    seen a lot of posts lately regarding "whole grain/wheat" bread/brown rice.. and such.. I am not understand why alot of people choose to cut them out COMPLETELY... I have lost weight with still eating bread, at a deficit.. eating healthy and working out...

    please tell me I am not the only one? share YOUR success so we can put the "bad carbs" posts to rest!

    Because they make me ill.

    Congratulations on your gut which can deal with them. You must be so proud.

    No need to be a jerk about it. Celiac and gluten intolerance is still woefully underdiagnosed, and a lot of people aren't even aware that such a thing exists. The same goes with insulin resistance in the absense of full-blown diabetes or PCOS.

    To the OP - Carbs get a bad rap because the body can use them efficiently, and the foods that contain them tend to be calorie-dense (particularly the grain based carb sources). So, in otherwise healthy people, it's as simple as being far too easy to overeat when such products are involved.

    Basically (note - this is highly simplified for basic understanding, I'm sure someone with a biochemical background will rake me over the coals for errors borne out of such simplification, but we're talking layman's terms and general ideas, here):

    The body runs primarily on glucose, a form of sugar. The other fuel sources (except protein, which breaks down mostly into amino acids) ultimately get metabolized into glucose or glucose-like substitutes at some point or another. How long and how much energy it takes depends on the exact source. Pure glucose takes no time or energy, sucrose (table sugar) takes minimal, complex carbs take a little more (but it's just breaking stuff down, like taking a Lego structure apart), fats get broken down into the glucose-like fuel (glucose-like in that they don't need to be broken down any more and the body can use it directly if needed) that can't be used as efficiently and takes more energy to break down.

    The body is built to run as efficiently as possible, which includes choosing the best fuel source to run on. Therefore, if you eat a lot of carbs and/or sugar, your body will use it before anything else, because it takes little to no energy to convert it to something useable. Like so many other things in nature - the body choses the path of least resistance.

    Therefore, if you cut out carbs completely (such as the first phase of Atkins), you put your body into what's called ketosis, which is the release of ketones by the body. Ketones help break down fat to use as fuel in the absense of sugars. (Note: This is different from Ketoacidosis, which can be deadly.) This is why Atkins works at jump-starting weight loss, it forces the body to use a different fuel source, which requires more energy to convert (more calories burned).

    Grain-based carbs are becoming vilified because there is growing evidence that humans as a whole have a relatively low tolerance for gluten, as evidenced by the rise in Celiac and gluten intolerance diagnoses. However, it's still really hard to diagnose, because it isn't always obvious (the symptoms are often flu-like or just a general feeling of "blah" that can't really be pinpointed). Therefore, it's possible to be intolerant and not know it or never be diagnosed. For those that are intolerant, it can lead to bloating and derail weight loss.

    Additionally, many people become insulin resistant over time if they have a carb-heavy diet. Insulin aids in the absorption of glucose from the blood by the muscles and other cells and is released when there is a certain amount of glucose in the blood stream. In the presence of too much sugar over the long term, the cells stop responding to the insulin, leaving more sugar in the blood. In many/most cases, this follows hand in hand with Type 2 Diabetes (whether IR necessarily causes T2D is somewhat debated, but I don't doubt that it can). Women with PCOS also tend to be insulin resistant, making it damn near impossible to lose weight on a "typical" diet. Without a Diabetes or PCOS diagnosis, and especially if you don't get bloodwork done regularly, insulin resistance is easy to miss, because it doesn't really have any symptoms for the most part. Your body gets used to your normal levels of blood sugar, so until you reach the thresholds of blood sugar that put the body into a Diabetic coma, you may not even know you have it.

    What these two groups have in common is that they will often have a hard time losing weight on the relatiely carb-heavy diet that many people can do just fine on. They may not have energy (because their body literally sees gluten as a threat and launches a white blood cell army to attack it), or they may feel ill, or they may simply be unable to lose weight and easy to plateau. Switching to something like Paleo or Atkins, then, works WONDERS for these types of people. The catch is, though, that unless you've gotten a diagnosis, you may not even know that you fall into one of these categories (or, you may be borderline - just close enough to have some of the effects, but not enough for a diagnosis).
  • Fergie21
    Fergie21 Posts: 46 Member
    I eat bread almost everyday and am still losing weight.
  • Julietecosse
    Julietecosse Posts: 165
    All I can say is I struggled for years trying to lose weight. I am small and only 20 lbs overweight. Recently I stopped eating bread and potatoes, and finally I have lost 11 lbs. and was delighted to discover that I am able to wear 3 pairs of trousers which would not zip up. I think this proves the point that we are all different - what works for some people does not work for all of us. I had tried in the past to stop eating bread, but as I love a sandwich for lunch I was unable to sustain it. This time I decided to have a delicious salad every day for lunch, and I am not missing my healthy sandwich.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    @dragonwolf go back and call everyone out then who is being a jerk. I don't think it was necessary to say that as your opening line of your response.