Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • ashmx250
    ashmx250 Posts: 52 Member
    Wow just did my first day of ripped in 30, sheesh! Thought I was gonna die!! Lol
    Like how really tells you to kick butt!
    I just finished Week 1 Day 6 and I still had sweat dripping down my forhead on the last circuit lol! Also I was wondering how is everyone doing RI30 to end up with 30 days of workouts? Not sure how many days I should stay on the same level? If I stay on each level for 6 days then that's only 24 workout days by the end... I could just do 7 days straight, then take a break day and start on the next level then do level 4 for 2 extra days or something... hmm i dont know. I just really want my break day to land the day before starting a new level.
  • jjean905
    jjean905 Posts: 175
    I finished RI30 a little over a month ago! My results were awesome. I did each workout for 1 week and finished it in a month. Each week it got alot harder but by the end of that week, I could tell I was much stronger. During the month I did the program, I lost about 6.5lbs but definately toned up alot. I am now doing JM Body Revolution and love it also
  • kandy221
    kandy221 Posts: 79
    bump-will do this when done with 30DS
  • 2wawas
    2wawas Posts: 44 Member
    I started doing Ripped in 30 about 3 weeks ago...I love it...I definitely see a difference...I do it on the off days from Zumba (as much as possible). I missed a week due to work commitments and I really missed it. It's a killer but it definitely gets results if you stick with it!
  • Jydica
    Jydica Posts: 4
    Wow just did my first day of ripped in 30, sheesh! Thought I was gonna die!! Lol
    Like how really tells you to kick butt!
    I just finished Week 1 Day 6 and I still had sweat dripping down my forhead on the last circuit lol! Also I was wondering how is everyone doing RI30 to end up with 30 days of workouts? Not sure how many days I should stay on the same level? If I stay on each level for 6 days then that's only 24 workout days by the end... I could just do 7 days straight, then take a break day and start on the next level then do level 4 for 2 extra days or something... hmm i dont know. I just really want my break day to land the day before starting a new level.

    Well if I'm understanding correctly...lol
    Technically, your rest day is part of the workout routine. So say u start on Monday, u take every Sunday off, then come monday, you start the next week!
  • Jydica
    Jydica Posts: 4
    I finished week one but week 2 was so hard! I did it 3 times and quit because i still wasn't getting the moves right. But i've lost some weight now and gained some new muscle so maybe i'll try it again!

    I haven't gotten to week 2 yet, but maybe you need to do week1 again to make sure you really get those base moves down before moving on,
    I know how stinky it is when the moves are so tricky!
  • ScrappyKat
    ScrappyKat Posts: 34 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow to supplement my twice weekly personal training weight lifting workouts. I'm looking forward to it for sure. I want to smash this weight off.
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member

    I'm starting RI30 on Tues, I'll be alternating it between Les Mills Pump :smile:
  • suziemaus
    suziemaus Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Very new here to this forum, but I found you while searching for an answer. I have only skimmed through the 18 pages of thread here, but still am unable to determine if this workout is really meant to do EVERY day? I can handle it (I think) :wink: and am incorporating other cardio on most days, but still - I've always rested a day or so in between strength workouts in the past.

    Why hasn't Jillian come forward to tell us? I see that I'm not the only one with the same question. A bit confused.

    BTW, I did about 4 of her Week One workouts last week (even added on some other weight lifting from Jackie Warner videos on those days, as I felt I needed a bit more upper those days and have had success w/ Jackie in the past.)

    So, Obviously, I'm really confused. Started Week Two the other day (cheated big-time, LOL!, but made it through it all last night.) I think I can handle it again tonight, but...is that wise? I gave it my all yesterday. Should I work on something else!?

    Thanks in advance for your input! My goal is really to be RIPPED, ASAP. Have been able to drop close to 10lbs. a month in the past with good diet and exercise, but maybe it's age or fatigue that is catching up with me? :wink: Have approx 10lbs. to lose and want to be strong and defined, too!
  • ashmx250
    ashmx250 Posts: 52 Member
    Hello! Very new here to this forum, but I found you while searching for an answer. I have only skimmed through the 18 pages of thread here, but still am unable to determine if this workout is really meant to do EVERY day? I can handle it (I think) :wink: and am incorporating other cardio on most days, but still - I've always rested a day or so in between strength workouts in the past.

    Why hasn't Jillian come forward to tell us? I see that I'm not the only one with the same question. A bit confused.

    BTW, I did about 4 of her Week One workouts last week (even added on some other weight lifting from Jackie Warner videos on those days, as I felt I needed a bit more upper those days and have had success w/ Jackie in the past.)

    So, Obviously, I'm really confused. Started Week Two the other day (cheated big-time, LOL!, but made it through it all last night.) I think I can handle it again tonight, but...is that wise? I gave it my all yesterday. Should I work on something else!?

    Thanks in advance for your input! My goal is really to be RIPPED, ASAP. Have been able to drop close to 10lbs. a month in the past with good diet and exercise, but maybe it's age or fatigue that is catching up with me? :wink: Have approx 10lbs. to lose and want to be strong and defined, too!
    I think it's meant to do every day with one day of rest after 5 or 6 days of workouts right? I'm just going by what she says in the beginning.. But also, if your doing a bunch of other workouts incorporated on the same days and your starting to feel too tired to give it your all, I'd say taking a day off of it to get some energy back would be a good idea so that you can start strong on your next day.
  • Shampa21
    Shampa21 Posts: 3
    Hey Everyone,
    I just got the Ripped in 30 video after reading a zillion positive reviews on amazon (well maybe more like 40 reviews). It sold me and I just got it yesterday. Have not tried it yet. I feel like Jillian is staring at me from her picture of the DVD asking me to get my butt in gear. I am intimidated, since I have been absolutely out of share for about 4 years. But it's never really a good or bad time to start getting in shape..... I just have to do it. I will try it out tonight and hoping to have "bad *kitten*" experience.
  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello! Very new here to this forum, but I found you while searching for an answer. I have only skimmed through the 18 pages of thread here, but still am unable to determine if this workout is really meant to do EVERY day? I can handle it (I think) :wink: and am incorporating other cardio on most days, but still - I've always rested a day or so in between strength workouts in the past.

    Why hasn't Jillian come forward to tell us? I see that I'm not the only one with the same question. A bit confused.

    She does. She says in the intro to do the workout 5-6 days a week.
  • Fairieluv77
    Fairieluv77 Posts: 95
    I just started this week. Today was day 4. I'm getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get it done before work. The first few days I felt like I needed a nap when I got to work but today has been pretty good. :) I actually liked Ripped in 30 better than 30 Day Shred for some reason. Planning on doing each week for 5 days plus yoga every afternoon and some walking (besides walking the dog) or elliptical too when I can fit it in. Hoping for great results!
  • justkell44
    justkell44 Posts: 14 Member
    I just started this week. Today was day 4. I'm getting up at 5:00 a.m. to get it done before work. The first few days I felt like I needed a nap when I got to work but today has been pretty good. :) I actually liked Ripped in 30 better than 30 Day Shred for some reason. Planning on doing each week for 5 days plus yoga every afternoon and some walking (besides walking the dog) or elliptical too when I can fit it in. Hoping for great results!

    I too did 30 Day Shred before Ripped in 30 and doing week 1 I too liked it much better than 30 Day Shred. I felt like it went faster. But, that all changed in week 2. I only did week 2 for 4 days before I jumped to week 3, which I like much better, although it is crazy hard. But, the important part is I don't mind doing it. The only thing is, according to my HRM I burn less calories in week 3 than I do in any other weeks.

    From doing both I think week 1 of 30 Day Shred is the best workout cardio wise. I think I'll definitely keep that in my rotation in the future.
  • Fairieluv77
    Fairieluv77 Posts: 95
    Finished day 5 of week 1 today. I feel great! Hope I can still say that next week. I'm gonna take the weekend to do other types of cardio and pick back up with week 2 on Monday.
  • ashmx250
    ashmx250 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm on day 5 of level 2. I've only lost one pound since staring and my measurements havent moved much (in comparison to when I did 10 days alternating NMTZ and BFBM) But thats expected I guess since these workouts are only 25 min and bmbf and nmtz are like 40-50min workouts. Anyways, I was going ask, has anyone else notice that level 2 of RI30 seems like it doesn't get you as worn out as level one or as worn out as when you were doing 30DS? I feel like I'm still spending so much time trying to figure out how to do a couple of the moves then when I finally get it right they're almost done! Like one of the last ab moves where you extend one leg then the other while doing sit ups, I always get confused on which arm they are extending out with which leg. Oh well,.. I'll get the hang of it, and by then I will be on lvl 3. I think maybe I need to just watch it through sometime.
  • Hey everyone well i did ripped in 30 but then i went for vacation and got off track!!! All you ladies can add me if you want cause i know for sure i need encouragement big time =]
  • Hi all!
    I did my first day of RI30 today and it was rough to say the least! I'm looking forward to posting again in 30 days or so with good results :).
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    I am on day 3 level 1 if RI30 and I am loving it. For a quick workout it kicks butt. I had to increase the weights I use on some of the exercises. I'm also doing Extreme Shed and Shred, these two combined are definitely making a huge difference in my muscle tone. Love JM, she's tough but worth every drop of sweat. I don't have any weight to lose, but I just want more shape and less jiggle to my muscles. I can't wait to move on to the other levels.
  • Hey everyone, well I finished RI30 2 weeks ago and now im starting all over again but doing it backwards =] . Also im doing 6packs six weeks and love doing both after i finish my workouts I drink muscle milk / or jillian michaels whey protien they both help me recover faster and help with muscle.You ladies can add me if you want the more encourgment the better .I see all of your ladies goals and its AMAZING keep up the good work .......
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