please take a shower before coming in da gym..ugghh!!



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Who likes cupcakes??!!!!!!!!!!!

    I do! Do you know how to make a pine cone bird feeder though?

    Nope! I sure don't! How how how?!
    Here's some handy dandy directions!

    Lets make some ginger bread houses!!!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    i find it to be pertinent because your making a big deal out of a simple post..since youre so intelligent and wise why are you still lingering around a forum that discusses showering? smh..dont get
    Because I can, sweetheart. :flowerforyou:

    lol..its called being miserable.

    You realize you are doing the exact same thing. You're just waiting for the rest of us to respond. You must be just as miserable.

    Also, I have friends on Facebook with all levels of education. They can all speak with proper English. It's not about being high and mighty, it's about being comprehensible. I couldn't type like you do if I tried, it's not shorter. It's significantly easier to type and speak correctly.
    if i started this topic then apparently im going to respond..otherwise people like YOU are non-factors that dont have to keep responding..what is it with all the schooling in here??..if youre so smart then why are you still here talking about showering as well??..dont that make you just as me?? why are you so angry??.. what is this forum benefiting you?? someone taking you out for ice cream for doing this?? lol

    Wrong. There's no rule that you have to respond if you make the thread. AND you are basically only responding to the flame replies which you could easily ignore.

    Pot, meet the fricken black kettle
    wrong..then why would i start a topic and not respond??..youre not making any

    1) Because you aren't asking a question. You're making a request/statement
    2) Because you can choose to ignore any particular post you want.

    You lack logic and a whole lot of common sense. That high horse is going to have a hard time breathing at that altitiude
    lol..never knew of a nurse without common sense..lmao..but its ok..its sad when you have to constantly prove yourself to people on the internet..glad i dont fall in that glad you think im dumb or whatever it might be because people like me always come as a surprise when the resume is checked :wink:

    I've never known a nurse to get squeamish around smells.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    i find it to be pertinent because your making a big deal out of a simple post..since youre so intelligent and wise why are you still lingering around a forum that discusses showering? smh..dont get
    Because I can, sweetheart. :flowerforyou:

    lol..its called being miserable.

    You realize you are doing the exact same thing. You're just waiting for the rest of us to respond. You must be just as miserable.

    Also, I have friends on Facebook with all levels of education. They can all speak with proper English. It's not about being high and mighty, it's about being comprehensible. I couldn't type like you do if I tried, it's not shorter. It's significantly easier to type and speak correctly.
    if i started this topic then apparently im going to respond..otherwise people like YOU are non-factors that dont have to keep responding..what is it with all the schooling in here??..if youre so smart then why are you still here talking about showering as well??..dont that make you just as me?? why are you so angry??.. what is this forum benefiting you?? someone taking you out for ice cream for doing this?? lol

    Wrong. There's no rule that you have to respond if you make the thread. AND you are basically only responding to the flame replies which you could easily ignore.

    Pot, meet the fricken black kettle
    wrong..then why would i start a topic and not respond??..youre not making any

    1) Because you aren't asking a question. You're making a request/statement
    2) Because you can choose to ignore any particular post you want.

    You lack logic and a whole lot of common sense. That high horse is going to have a hard time breathing at that altitiude
    lol..never knew of a nurse without common sense..lmao..but its ok..its sad when you have to constantly prove yourself to people on the internet..glad i dont fall in that glad you think im dumb or whatever it might be because people like me always come as a surprise when the resume is checked :wink:

    Can you read? I didn't say you were dumb. I said you have some high opinion of yourself, thinks you own shiet don't stink and you lack common sense.

    Who gives a dead fat cat what your resume looks like? This is a fitness site, not
  • vleon1012
    vleon1012 Posts: 1
    taking a shower before the gym uhh ok
    thats as dumb as brushing your teeth before brekfast
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    ehh...then I have to take a shower before and after the gym, much too lazy for that haha

    My thoughts exactly! :wink:
  • Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.


    lol..then dont read it!!!..didnt know i was in english :noway:

    You may want to consider going back. You know, just to "freshen up"
    lol..and the trophy goes to.."drum roll"..
    Ah, the "trophy" joke again. Excellent!
    lol..what i dont understand is why are the same people that have a problem with this forum keep coming back trying to find little things to nick pick about..dont get guess is you want everyone to agree with you so you can feel better i guess..*shrugs* or give you a round of applause *shrugs shoulders* personally i feel like youre mad because i have not stepped out of my character..

    :huh: I think the OP is confused. Complaining about stinkiness at the gym is one thing. Insulting other MFP'ers because they don't agree with you and saying that WE all are "funky" or stink is NOT a sign of character.
    lordy..smh..another non-factor...i havent insulted only defending myself..i didnt say everyone is funky..if you were as smart as you portray yourself to be you would understand that some people have poor hygiene and wear dirty clothes to the gym..thats where the smell come sound so smart and educated lady..i want to be like you when i turn 80
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I knew there was a good reason for my lack of faith in the medical industry.
  • lcarr1020
    lcarr1020 Posts: 62 Member
    I concur with this guy....It makes no since...It's the gym the one place you are going to get funky if you are actually DOING SOMETHING. lol
  • grisbane
    grisbane Posts: 1
    I usually think the stench comes from wearing the same gym clothes too many days without washing them (1 day is too many!)

    The only other issue I usually come across in when people from societies that don't have the same bathing etiquette that we in the USA have are working out nearby. To that I say "When in the USA, do as the USA PLEASE!!!!"

    Thank you for my rant time.
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    taking a shower before the gym uhh ok
    thats as dumb as brushing your teeth before brekfast

    Um..... I brush my teeth before breakfast... I dont wanna eat with a filthy mouth.. kinda gross.. IN MY opinion!
  • MissManicPanic
    MissManicPanic Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be ridiculous. The whole point of going to the gym is to sweat then shower AFTER not gonna waste water for middle class snobs like you. I don't see you smelling like roses after your gym session either and please use the English language properly. Da is not a word. I think you'll find it's the. And did you consider perhaps that she had gland problem? Which would mean it wasn't her fault.
  • GUUuuuuurrrrl where do i begin....I went to the gym last week and went into the weight room it also has a sparring section and wresling mats. I went over to the mats to do some crunches with my boyfriend. He was done doing them and as im still on my last set these two dudes come walk right by. My boyfriends face wrinkled then he laughed and didnt say anything to me....I took in a deep breath to say "what?" but all that came out was coughing from the smell AND Taste (ya...i swear i could taste the funk) i have never smelled such sour salty balls smell....they smelled like homeless men that havent washed the stick and sack in weeks!!!! Ughhhhhh
    lmao..took your breath away..and thats what im trying to tell some of these non-factors..coming in the gym already funked up and then start sweating which creates more funk is not
  • tmaiden25
    tmaiden25 Posts: 4 Member
    I so understand you! But you know what's worse?? Imagine a crowded strength training class... I came in a little late and got the only remaining spot, behind a girl with suuuuper tight yoga pants (and by super tight I mean, could see every mole on her *kitten* every time she moved and her slightly torn thong). Also she was all wet from a previous workout and smelled pretty awful as do a lot of us after workouts... Every time we bent down or did squats, not only did I have her *kitten* in my face, I had to smell the godawful smell... Since then, I do NOT like yoga pants..

    ewww. I have trained with people who don't wash and their gi smells like *kitten* sweat. It's really gross when you get traingled by someone and their balls smell through their gi they are right under my nose as I am struggling for air.

  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Who gives a dead fat cat what your resume looks like? This is a fitness site, not

    So I read through the first page of posts.... and thought to myself who does this chick think she is.... I get that there was a lot of what looks like drama... but then I saw this response... and lost it in a fit of giggles ha ha

    can't say I've heard that phrase before...

    also... more on point... to the have unrealistic expectations. It's a gym. People sweat. If they didn't then there wouldn't really be a point. I go to the gym right after work. I have a desk job... I'm not stopping at home to take a shower just to get sweaty and take another one. Come down off your high horse, or work out at home.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    quick question....what does "smh" mean?

    Super Man hanglides

    so every time she writes "smh" she is doing a superman handglide?

    I thought it was more along the lines of "superman can't actually fly.... he fakes it.... and your childhood was one giant lie... go be sad in the corner"

    actually, back in the day, superman couldn't fly. He could just jump really, really high.

    it's all a conspiracy, I tell you!

    well, its only a conspiracy if the government taxed Superman on all leaps he made but gave him tax subsidies whenever he flew. Therefore, the government could control his behavior and MAKE him fly.

    I'm truly speechless at your abilities right now... be careful... or the government will tax you each time you troll a thread and force you to be nice
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.


    lol..then dont read it!!!..didnt know i was in english :noway:

    You may want to consider going back. You know, just to "freshen up"
    lol..and the trophy goes to.."drum roll"..
    Ah, the "trophy" joke again. Excellent!
    lol..what i dont understand is why are the same people that have a problem with this forum keep coming back trying to find little things to nick pick about..dont get guess is you want everyone to agree with you so you can feel better i guess..*shrugs* or give you a round of applause *shrugs shoulders* personally i feel like youre mad because i have not stepped out of my character..

    :huh: I think the OP is confused. Complaining about stinkiness at the gym is one thing. Insulting other MFP'ers because they don't agree with you and saying that WE all are "funky" or stink is NOT a sign of character.
    lordy..smh..another non-factor...i havent insulted only defending myself..i didnt say everyone is funky..if you were as smart as you portray yourself to be you would understand that some people have poor hygiene and wear dirty clothes to the gym..thats where the smell come sound so smart and educated lady..i want to be like you when i turn 80

    What does smh mean?
  • Don't be ridiculous. The whole point of going to the gym is to sweat then shower AFTER not gonna waste water for middle class snobs like you. I don't see you smelling like roses after your gym session either and please use the English language properly. Da is not a word. I think you'll find it's the. And did you consider perhaps that she had gland problem? Which would mean it wasn't her fault.
    wow!!..middle class snobs like its people like you that keep hell hot and full
  • Who gives a dead fat cat what your resume looks like? This is a fitness site, not

    So I read through the first page of posts.... and thought to myself who does this chick think she is.... I get that there was a lot of what looks like drama... but then I saw this response... and lost it in a fit of giggles ha ha

    can't say I've heard that phrase before...

    also... more on point... to the have unrealistic expectations. It's a gym. People sweat. If they didn't then there wouldn't really be a point. I go to the gym right after work. I have a desk job... I'm not stopping at home to take a shower just to get sweaty and take another one. Come down off your high horse, or work out at home.
    lol..never knew i was on entitled to my opinion..arent you??!!!!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    It's a parody of this thread. OP is a smug bug in a rug
This discussion has been closed.