Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm 42, 5'4" currently 138lbs and eat 1800 every day. My favourite calculator is http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ Just enter all your details and eat the same calories each and every day only adding extra if what you burn brings your net below your BMR.

    My numbers are BMR 1352, TDEE 2095 (moderately active and daily calories 1781 - I've rounded it up to 1800 :))

    I find it so much easier to just have my goal as a set number each day rather than have a lower goal and eating back exercise calories.

    I've been losing weight every week and really why would I want to lose the same amount but a lower allowance? Nope. Give me more food ;)
    That is a GREAT site! Thank you! It has my TDEE right where mine is with my Body Media. I've been eating around that amount and have gained and not lost, but I'll keep going!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Since I don't go by MFP calories I don't know how I'd figure out my net as I go by my TDEE and then subtract 20%. Since I'm using my BMF I haven't been using my HRM so I don't even know how many I'm burning exercise wise to create the right net.

    I have the bodybugg and I looked at what my average TDEE was for a month. Then I took 15% of that off to leave me at 2000. So I made MFP set at 2000 for calories in. Then to do my exercise calories I add back anything that I burn over the 2000 on the following day. So like yesterday for example, 2250 was my total burn when I checked it this morning. I add the 250 as exercise calories that I eat today since I have already created my deficit. I have been doing this for almost 5 months and it is working for me!! I weighed 166.2 on Dec 30, 2011 and this morning I weighed 155.2*

    *I do gain a pound that I have to "re-lose" when I ovulate and I have been in the last 20 pounds this year so I want to lose fat more than lean weight by going slower :wink:
    I had to read that four times. Haha!! The terrifying thing is my Body Media has my average TDEE at 3000 calories. Seriously. I treach a lot of fitness classes so it makes sense I guess. So 20% off of that is 2400 calories. So I should eat 2400 every day and if I burn 3100 on a crazy day like today I'd add 700 to the next day? Or 100? This seems like so much food, but I've been stuck in the 150's for 2 years. Unable to get out.

    :laugh: it is a bit confusing at first, but you got it! You want to eat 2400 each day and when you burn over that eat that full amount back. So in your example you would eat all 700 of those exercise calories back the next day. So the first day you start doing this you won't have "exercise" calories. I add them to the next day since I don't know the full 24 hour burn until midnight and I am not staying up that late to know let alone eat!?

    On the opposite side of that, on low burn days (if you have them :wink:) you do a quick add of calories in for the amount you did NOT reach 2400. An example is over the weekend I stayed in bed most of the day and only burned 1800, so I added 200 calories as a quick add the next day.

    If that number is huge just start by eating an extra 200-300 each week till you reach the 2400. Then work on eating the exercise calories back.
    Well I burned 3300 yesterday and ate 2300. But I'm going to burn the same today because I teach two spin classes and one cxworx class. If I eat it all at once I will definitely gain. I'm going to have a blow out on Mother's day at an amazing brunch. I just have no idea how I'd POSSIBLY eat all that. and I'm not being the annoying person that says they can't eat 1200. That would be 3300 healthy calories. OMG!! That's a lot of veggies and chicken.
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm 42, 5'4" currently 138lbs and eat 1800 every day. My favourite calculator is http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ Just enter all your details and eat the same calories each and every day only adding extra if what you burn brings your net below your BMR.

    My numbers are BMR 1352, TDEE 2095 (moderately active and daily calories 1781 - I've rounded it up to 1800 :))

    I find it so much easier to just have my goal as a set number each day rather than have a lower goal and eating back exercise calories.
    I've been losing weight every week and really why would I want to lose the same amount but a lower allowance? Nope. Give me more food ;)
    That is a GREAT site! Thank you! It has my TDEE right where mine is with my Body Media. I've been eating around that amount and have gained and not lost, but I'll keep going!

    It is a great site. I got it from the Eat more to weigh less group so I can't claim any credit for finding it :)

    Apologies if I've misunderstood but have you been eating your TDEE or your TDEE minus 15% which is what you should be eating every day to lose weight?
  • kionig
    kionig Posts: 77 Member
    yes, im eating more than 1800 a day after a five week re feed at 1900-2300 daily to reset my metabolism. i gained 4 lbs but lost 4 inches and have substantially more energy. now trying to figure out where i go from here.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    Easy to make that target!

    Eat things like flaxseed oil, nuts, avocado. Healthy fats. Not filling but very energy dense!

    I'd have no problems hitting 3000 calories if I needed to! Could easily eat that amount each day!
  • fergie137
    fergie137 Posts: 33
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    After looking at my food long I notice that most days I eat around 1800 cals because I am active. Is this the same as most in this group? or is this people who eat 1800 on rest days?
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    bump for later
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    After looking at my food long I notice that most days I eat around 1800 cals because I am active. Is this the same as most in this group? or is this people who eat 1800 on rest days?

    I eat 1800 on rest days that number is my TDEE minus 15%. TDEE accounts for my daily exercise of 3-5days a week, so its ok to eat that on rest days. Of course I am still new to this and waiting for my weight to stabilize, but a lot of people have success with this approach!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm 42, 5'4" currently 138lbs and eat 1800 every day. My favourite calculator is http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ Just enter all your details and eat the same calories each and every day only adding extra if what you burn brings your net below your BMR.

    My numbers are BMR 1352, TDEE 2095 (moderately active and daily calories 1781 - I've rounded it up to 1800 :))

    I find it so much easier to just have my goal as a set number each day rather than have a lower goal and eating back exercise calories.
    I've been losing weight every week and really why would I want to lose the same amount but a lower allowance? Nope. Give me more food ;)
    That is a GREAT site! Thank you! It has my TDEE right where mine is with my Body Media. I've been eating around that amount and have gained and not lost, but I'll keep going!

    It is a great site. I got it from the Eat more to weigh less group so I can't claim any credit for finding it :)

    Apologies if I've misunderstood but have you been eating your TDEE or your TDEE minus 15% which is what you should be eating every day to lose weight?
    I've been eating LOWER than my TDEE -15%. That is around 23-2400 and I've been eating 18-2100 most days. So it wouldn't be a huge bump up, but right now I'm up an inch in my waist and half an inch in my butt/hip area. Not sure if this is temporary?
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I'm 42, 5'4" currently 138lbs and eat 1800 every day. My favourite calculator is http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ Just enter all your details and eat the same calories each and every day only adding extra if what you burn brings your net below your BMR.

    My numbers are BMR 1352, TDEE 2095 (moderately active and daily calories 1781 - I've rounded it up to 1800 :))

    I find it so much easier to just have my goal as a set number each day rather than have a lower goal and eating back exercise calories.
    I've been losing weight every week and really why would I want to lose the same amount but a lower allowance? Nope. Give me more food ;)
    That is a GREAT site! Thank you! It has my TDEE right where mine is with my Body Media. I've been eating around that amount and have gained and not lost, but I'll keep going!

    It is a great site. I got it from the Eat more to weigh less group so I can't claim any credit for finding it :)

    Apologies if I've misunderstood but have you been eating your TDEE or your TDEE minus 15% which is what you should be eating every day to lose weight?
    I've been eating LOWER than my TDEE -15%. That is around 23-2400 and I've been eating 18-2100 most days. So it wouldn't be a huge bump up, but right now I'm up an inch in my waist and half an inch in my butt/hip area. Not sure if this is temporary?

    For me inches went up before they went down again, so I'm sure its just temporary. Consistency is really important....pick a calorie goal, go 4-6wks, and reasses. That's the advice I always get!!!
  • Lovesummer3473
    Lovesummer3473 Posts: 22 Member
    So I just popped on to this topic and I have a question. I am 39 and 5.4 1/2 150lb's and would like to lose 15 or 20lbs. When I did the recommened setting it put me at 1480. When I do my workouts I bump it up to 1800. I've really been struggling the past year and decided to give MFP a try again but I need to be faithful just wondering if there is any advice out there for me from anyone else that has been struggling to see the scale move? Thanks :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    So I just popped on to this topic and I have a question. I am 39 and 5.4 1/2 150lb's and would like to lose 15 or 20lbs. When I did the recommened setting it put me at 1480. When I do my workouts I bump it up to 1800. I've really been struggling the past year and decided to give MFP a try again but I need to be faithful just wondering if there is any advice out there for me from anyone else that has been struggling to see the scale move? Thanks :)

    Search the group Eat More to Weigh Less...there you will find amazing information and lots of people that are struggling, PROMISE! I am one of those people!!!
  • Mom23djd
    Mom23djd Posts: 38 Member
    Bump so I can read all this later. Awesome!!
  • Lovesummer3473
    Lovesummer3473 Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks I will do that :)
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member

    You can add me to that list. I'm 5'5", 109 lbs and eat an average of 1800 cal a day. Sometimes less, sometimes much, much more. I don't have any great weight loss stories. I've always been this size and eaten this much.
  • susiekate2
    susiekate2 Posts: 9 Member
  • mrsjacksn
    mrsjacksn Posts: 113
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    So, I am a little baffled by this whole concept. I honestly tried to find the answer myself but the thread is soooooo long.
    Here it goes...

    I used WW before and then the calorie recommendation from MFP and would lose crazy slow or not at all. It took me nearly a year to lose 20 pounds and then I got discouraged and stopped counting. Even when I am not dieting I do not eat terribly but I managed to gain it ALL back in only 4 months!! I think my metabolism is damaged from eating too few calories for too long which is why the weight came back so fast.

    I am 30 years old, 5'6" and 166 pounds. I am pretty sedentary daily due to school but I do burn 300 calories by running 3x's per week. My BMR is 1490. My daily calories to maintain (TDEE) is 1848. So I suppose on my running days I burn about 2100 calories.How many calories should I be eating while still losing? Right now I eat my 1490.

    Thanks for any input, I am super lost.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    So I posted this wall of text in our Group - Eat more to lose weight. It has some very poignant tips for people as most people set their activity levels incorrectly.

    Hey Guys,

    Some of you have followed me from when I started until today. I think I am 6 weeks in this week. This week was a stale week (only lost .2lbs, and no inches) but I have attributed it to a few things that I will test out.

    1. I recently upped my workouts, so I think I have netted under my BMR. So now I have re-adjusted my calculators and upped my calorie intake

    2. I found that me, and it seems a LOT of people on here have a hard time "guesstimating" both their exercise and calories needs.

    We all have the Scooby Calculator to find out our TDEE, however we have to be honest when we fill it out or we get incorrect numbers.

    To me, and I am guilty of this, I think I have been doing the following:

    1. Underestimating my activity level

    2. Overestimating the amount of food I have eaten.

    I finally came to the grips that I am more than light activity level (I do 3-5 hours of workouts a week, but have a sedentary job). However the Sedentary job does not matter as I am still doing 30-60 minutes of 120+ heart-rate workouts a week. That's considered moderately active.

    So I think I have fixed #1.

    To test my theory of number 2, I went to Target and bought a digital food scale, and a set of measuring scoops. Every meal, for the past 5 days I have either weighed or measured (unless its a single serving container).

    After doing this for 5 days, I found that I was CONSISTENTLY underestimating my food intake by as much as 15%!! So instead of me thinking I was eating 3000 calories, I was in fact taking in roughly 2550 calories!!!! That IS my BMR. So adding that to exercise, I was netting below my BMR for a while it seems.

    So now with those two tools, and being honest about my activity level I am finally consistent (starting today) with both my activity level and caloric intake.

    I just wanted to share this with you for anyone who is "guesstimating" or "ballparking" their calorie intake, that you may be way off both low or high.

    This really is a science, as you can measure pretty much every calorie going into your body.

    To do this lifestyle change I STRONGLY urge everyone to do the following things:

    1. Be honest with your activity levels

    2. Get a digital food scale, and measuring cups/spoons/glasses

    3. Be Ultra consistent

    Just some tidbits.....YMMV

    Feel free to add me as a friend/join our group if you want some help in this process.