What annoys you at the gym?

HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
I work out a lot...usually about 5 times a week. I am over weight, and I sweat...a lot...but I kick my own butt as hard as I can on a daily basis.

There are two women around my age at the gym. They are over weight themselves, but who am I to judge? I was on the treadmill one day, and noticed they walked in with starbucks frozen coffees and went and sat on the bikes. As the sipped on their frozen coffees, they sat and made fun of people in the gym. They made comments about how people looked and how much they were sweating. As they sat there, makeup on...hair done, barely moving and drinking their iced coffees, they had the nerve to make fun of other people in the gym! And let me remind you, they were not skinny by any means!!!

Isn't the whole point of the gym to work out? I don't know why I care, but I hate it when people judge others because of their weight. I hate it even more when it is one heavy person doing it to another. And then on top of that, to make fun of them for trying to improve themselves???? I would love to say a few choice words to these women!

On another note..I get really annoyed when people sit on the benches and machines and talk on their phones, while everyone else is waiting to use them!!! Gym manners people haha!


  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Wait, what kind of bikes we talkin here? I hate recumbents, so my opinion might be worse if they were recumbents.

    I can concur this would annoy me as well. You just have to remember, we all started somewhere at one point. Clearly they will not get far at that pace. But on a collectively positive note, caffeine an hour before your workout can do wonders. =/

    I judge people all the time. But I NEVER say anything outloud, nor do I stare, point or make gestures. For me, it's a form of over bearing, that I do to myself. So it's no blunder I would to others. I use it for motivation... But I'm always supportive and positive to everyone I see. There are so many times I want to say something to people I see swinging 5lbs around for 2 months straight. Or those who leg press 20 lbs while sitting down. But I HAVE to put myself in check. It's not my place to educate. But I struggle with that everytime I go.

    Makeup = pointless. Perfume to the point of toxic = rude. I sit on benches sometimes and just rest, but I never do it when there is a line, or if that is the only machine in the gym.

    What annoys me, since we are on a list. Those who walk up to you and ask to hop in. As if your last set will throw them off balance, OR WORSE, when there is another machine just 20 feet away that is the same F***in thing! I always agree to let them, then just go finish on the machine they could use cause they were to broken. It's my form of passive agression.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I hate the cell phone on machines as well. Also not to make anyone mad here...BUT people deodorant has been invented and you can get it cheap/on sale and great prices with coupons..please use it..please.. Also I hate when I am on the elliptical and the person who gets on next to me wreaks from cigarettes like they just smoked 20 in a row..ughh gross...
  • a2902c
    a2902c Posts: 96
    People who use the gym as a place to pick up girls. I always see guys (a lot of trainers) walk up to really good looking girls and hit on them!
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    grunters.... sounding like they are having an orgasm at the machine . distracting
  • Cwilbanks12105
    Cwilbanks12105 Posts: 99 Member
    People chatting away on their phones. Normally I could care less, but today I forgot my headphones and the chick right behind me was loud as hell. I'll admit, I'm a bit cranky at the gym..I do not enjoy working my *kitten* off lol it took everything in me not to turn around and tell her to stfu.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    On another note..I get really annoyed when people sit on the benches and machines and talk on their phones, while everyone else is waiting to use them!!! Gym manners people haha!

  • davidjulian
    davidjulian Posts: 24 Member
    "Annoy" is probably too strong of a word, perhaps "bewildered" is better: it bewilders me when people bring their bags (usually their big purses) into the gym with them and set it next to their cardio machine of choice, or cart it around the weight floor with them. It's like, do they not trust the lockers in the gym?

    I just don't get it.
  • cheri07
    cheri07 Posts: 6
    The only thing that annoys me at the gym is when people don't wipe down the machines! Seriously! I realize that sometimes people forget, but today I was doing the weight machines. I make a point of wiping down every machine I'm on when I'm done. So many people don't. And they are sweaty! Even when they see me wiping down a machine, they don't. Otherwise, it's whatever. I might think to myself that drinking soda after working out isn't the best choice, but I don't know their circumstance lol.

    Making fun of people at the gym is really low. That's horrible!
  • melanieweekes
    That is so true - people texting and playing with their phones on the equipment and staring at those of us who just want to get in and do a good workout (red faced and puffing!) and get out of there. And seriously, those women sitting talking about others - I believe in the concept that those that want to sit and criticise other people are simply pointing out traits about themselves that they can't stand and don't do anything about! Bitter, fat and miserable.
    At least those of us that aren't quite skinny yet are doing something about it. It is so hard to be in a gym with skinny people but at least we're getting off our bum and moving!!
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    I hate when all the sexy women used the last row Cardio equipment lmao

    Just kills my motivation to workout in the first place lol
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack
  • QueenCatlady09
    QueenCatlady09 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh I welcome the guys that want to hit on ladies in the gym! doesn't annoy me at all =] haha
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    hahaha I must be a bad person because everything annoys me at the gym. I try to go to the gym earliest with less people. When I go to the gym I do my thing ignore everyone and do my thing and get it out when I am done. I don't even make eye contact with NO one at the gym. Not there to get hit on or hit on guys. I am there for a reason and the reason is to get to my ideal weight goal and feel good. If I see people acting like that around me in the gym I will go complain to the manger of the gym. I mean every gym that I have been too have signs up on walls saying no more 30 mins on the machines. But so far I got lucky and haven't seen people act like that. I do see them come in and actually work out and leave when they are done. I signed up this new gym and see how it will go and how people are in this gym.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    My biggest pet peeve at the gym is when the guys on the weight floor spend more time checking themselves out/flexing in the mirror than they do actually working out. It's like, "nice biceps, bro - maybe they would be bigger if you actually worked them out, instead of just staring and willing them to get bigger."

    LOL, I've never said anything, but I might have to use that line next time I experience it. The mirror are there to check your form, not for narcissism.
  • nicoleh82
    nicoleh82 Posts: 52
    having the dumbells i want just next to them and not using them and having a nice ole chat....... grrrrrr
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I hate a mess. At my school gym, most people were generally good about racking their weights, and the gym staff would reset the plates so that there's at least a decent amount of each weight at each station. Now that I'm out of school for the summer, I'm going to my parents' gym. Trying to find a plate in there is like a wild ****ing goose chase. I've literally had to wander around the weight area looking for weight plate and clamps every time I've gone there.
  • Sierra_419
    Sierra_419 Posts: 201 Member
    when all the machines are taken.. when people dont wipe them after being used .. when girls dont care that their thong is hanging out for everyone to see .. when people stare at you while u are working out... lol ... yeah
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack

    All the 17-19 yr olds in my gym are like this... they cant even do a full motion rep either... they lift heavy but not correctly! then they strut around like they are best thing since sliced bread...

    They come in massive groups and take over the whole gym with their antics and constant talking.. Its a good 20 minute rest between reps.. its annoying!
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    Curling in the squat rack
    Dips in the squat rack
    Military presses in the squat rack
    Talking in the squat rack

    All the 17-19 yr olds in my gym are like this... they cant even do a full motion rep either... they lift heavy but not correctly! then they strut around like they are best thing since sliced bread...

    They come in massive groups and take over the whole gym with their antics and constant talking.. Its a good 20 minute rest between reps.. its annoying!
    And on such days, not a single rep shall be done.
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    That's quite rude of them, maybe you should have a word with the trainers?

    My gym is quite good really, very friendly and helpful but the other week I did have some lady come up to me while I was using the cable machine, I had just finished a set so was taking my 30 second break and having a little stretch. Without a word she starts changing the set up, I told her I was still using it and she said 'oh I will use this side and you use the other'..... ahhhh no I am using both sides and there is another machine on the other side of the gym or come back in about 2 minutes when I will be done.