Wii Fit Team - September!!!!!!



  • kaja
    kaja Posts: 145 Member
    haven't been on my wii for weeks - doing other exercises - but actually managed to do 30min today.
    I'm gonna get back into using it but i hate the way it tells you off if you haven't checked in everyday.:grumble:

    What challenges are on the go at the moment?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tuesday was the checkin day. I'm OK if we all want to change it.

    Just found out how to speed up the pace on the free step. lol. I've had the Wii for a long time, but needed my teenage daughter to show me how to set a faster pace. My legs are sore, but it definitely will be a better workout.

    Have a nice Sunday all and good luck meeting your goals and making good food choices.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    What we had been doing in this group:

    -everyone sets their own goals for the month
    -we try to have a weekly challenge to make it fun
    -checkin on Tuesday

    With all the new people that have going, I most certainly am open to any suggestions for changes to what we have been doing so far. Just thought I'd let you all know what was already going on.

    I looked back through the posts and hadn't seen any listing of what we had done for the previous months.

    We had also started a new thread in September.

    Fitgal had originally started the group several months ago.

    Ideas? Suggestions for going forward?


    PS: gratz to all who broke 3k steps on free step! I know how excited you must all be.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I'm going to do the strength exercises 3x/wk for 30 fit credits this month.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I got to 2775 steps in 30 minutes........................................
    Trying real hard to catch up with you 3k'ers.

    good luck with checkin tomorrow.

  • constancemwj
    Ok i've been really bad this last weekend... and haven't got on my wii fit for over a week...
    so I need to get back on the wagon.....
    I'm going for 3X/45 min this week, and 2 day of something alse (probable running).... tonight I got on and did 20 min step and did 2395,,, I was so close to 2400,,, thats my new goal for this week. ( I haven't unlocked the 30min yet) My legs are going to hurt tomorrow.

    And checkin tomorrow works great...
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Just wondering...

    I usually do 30 fit credits on the Wii - if I do 45, I get the message about taking a break. For those of you who Wii much longer - at what point does it give you any further messages? I've not seen one at 60 fit credits and I've never gone beyond that.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JP- I've done an hour and just got the one message at 45 minutes. Not sure what it would do if I went longer.

    My goal is 5-6 days a week alternating between strength/yoga and aerobics for a minimum of 30 mintues and to get to 3,000 steps on 30 minute free step.

    Any one have any ideas for a challenge this week?

  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I'm thinking it's designed to encourage you to do 30 minutes... seems like it has a "slow, steady" philosophy of exercise.

    Anyway, finished my 30 strength fit credits - two thirds of the way through my commitment for the week.

    I still can't do those one armed things, and have a hard time with the pushups with my hands so close together on the balance board.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I would like to join. I have lost all my weight so far on the Wii fit. I purchased the riser for the board so it is now 4 inches high and do 3 sets of advanced step and then 30 minutes of freestep. I usually hit the 3000 mark for 30 minutes. What I am really excited about is the new Wii Fit Plus coming out. I cant wait!!! I live in the country and walking out on these roads is not safe (crazy drivers!). I commit to 5 days a week, but usually do 6. I have a big cruise coming up next year and I need motivation to catch up to my cheating, surgery having, sister. Surgery or NOT, I will not be the fat sister on this vacation!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    I've never done the free step. Didn't know you could buy a riser, either!

    Today was Yoga day. I try and get a new high score on at least one exercise a day - today's was on triangle pose.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Freestep is nice because you can watch TV at the same time. But it is tough doing 30 minutes!!! You can buy risers online and they REALLY intensify any workout on the Wii. It sure does make me sweat more!
  • 15togonar
    I did 2374 steps in 20 minutes-next time will try for 3000 steps in 30 minutes...

    Where do you find the risers for the wii?
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I bought mine at:

    I like it alot, but you have to put a large washer or a quarter in each leg well or it doesnt read accurately. Not that I really care if it is perfect, I want the extra oomph to the time I spend on it. :)
  • PaperDahlia
    PaperDahlia Posts: 41 Member
    count me in!!!! i've had my FIT for about a year-- and its really mad at me for not showing up as often as i should be! LOL. it likes to make snide little comments when i do show up now. ...LOL. I love the free step== because i can still watch tv :) I just bought the riser. (not quite on that level yet) but once i get into a normal pattern, i'm gonna do 20 min of straight free step, 10 min w/rise and then another 20 w/o. and build from there.. i also walk a 20-25 minute power walk on my lunch break.. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :)
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    30 Balance fit credits tonight - today's high score... balance bubble!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Congrats Paperdahlia!! I worked up to the 30 minute freestep on the riser, now I have been thinking about going to 2 - 30 minute freesteps, but I am too scared to start. Boy am I looking forward to the new Wii Fit Plus due out in a couple of weeks now!!! It will be nice to program in my workout and not stop and start all the time. Scale was down one last night. WooHoo!
  • 15togonar
    I had a bench I had bought with a step DVD- so I put my Wii balance board on top of it and am using that as my riser. So--- yesterday I did 3224 steps in 30. Yeah!!!!!!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Wow!! That is a LOT of steps. What a pace. You are my hero! I am doing the 45 min tonight on the Wii and then meeting a girlfriend for her 4 mile power walk. I hope I survive to post tomorrow!
  • constancemwj
    I reached my goal tonight,,
    3day/45min +.. but after reading everyones post I desided I'ed try the 30 min step... I've only done 20 in the past.... I got my head phones and some fast upbeat toons and went to town,,, I did 3672 in 30min...I was moving...dancing on and off the board,,, I think I need to invest in the riser too...I've been trying to think of a way to rise it up alittle....then after I finished me and my daughter played tennis for an hour..... she skuncked me every match..... (I think she cheats,,,I 'm not quite sure how though).... one of these days I'll beat her lol.....

    everyone keep stepping :flowerforyou: