Walking With Pedometers



  • annasid78
    Hello. May I join you? I have been wearing a ped. everyday since June. My goal is 10000 each day. For sometime I was hitting 14000 or more aday. I have sort of fell off the boat abit. There have been many days over the last few months that I havn't made it to 10. :explode: This group is excatily waht I need to get back in gear!! I really like the sticker idea! :love:

    Here is my first report, and a sad one at that. :frown: 3000

    My Oct goal will be 290,000 That is 10,000 every Monday thru Saturday and 5,000 each sunday (my non-exercise days)
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Well of course you can join us, welcome annasid78. Happy to see you and I think you will find this thread helpful in reaching your goals. Great goal for October!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello. May I join you? I have been wearing a ped. everyday since June. My goal is 10000 each day. For sometime I was hitting 14000 or more aday. I have sort of fell off the boat abit. There have been many days over the last few months that I havn't made it to 10. :explode: This group is excatily waht I need to get back in gear!! I really like the sticker idea! :love:

    Here is my first report, and a sad one at that. :frown: 3000

    My Oct goal will be 290,000 That is 10,000 every Monday thru Saturday and 5,000 each sunday (my non-exercise days)
    Wow you go girl. You are on the right track. I just made about 4300 yesterday and my goal is 5,000 a day. I am a begininer walker Hope to manage 10,000 somewhere along the way...... Calie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    Hello. May I join you? I have been wearing a ped. everyday since June. My goal is 10000 each day. For sometime I was hitting 14000 or more aday.

    Welcome :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This thread has been very encouraging to me.

    Yesterday I walked just over 22,000 steps.

    Today after line dance I'm riding to Seattle with two friends for a weekend business meeting so I will be sitting a lot and expect that even if I get to the hotel fitness center before bed and go for a walk at lunch, my steps will be lower than usual. I'm going to aim for 10,000 steps. I feel sorry for the people in the hotel room below me tonight if I have to walk back and forth to get to my goal :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    OMG Barbie - over 22,000 steps!. Would it suprise you to learn that 5 years ago when I was much more physicially fit, I ran a 5K, walked all over Center City Philadelphia and still did not rack up that kind of mileage! I am sure you must be in the top 1% of all walkers. It also would not surprise me to learn if you walked more than anyone on this entire site. Don't you stop posting in this thread or I will ferret you out and bring you back since you're such a great role model. :drinker:
  • annasid78
    12693 I think is all I am going to get today. I am done. My hip is hurting and I am ready to lay in bed and read.

    I did day 2 of c25k today. I increased my distance. So I must be running faster. :)

    By 10am I had 5,000steps. :)

    See you all tomorrow
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Congratulations annasid78, nice work! I'm checking in a little later than usual. I had only put in 2.75 miles and was beat, but I noticed my calorie consumption exceeded the calories burned today. I got on my treadmill at 1:15 a.m. and walked 3 brisk miles on an incline for a total of 5.75 miles today. Tomorrow I must buckle down and do some weight lifting. I hope everyone has a great weekend and continues to check in with her progress. Talk to you later.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    just completing my Friday though it is 1:30 a.m. :smile:

    14296 today and that's with no "real" exercise!

    I stayed plenty busy watching a friends baby daughter and getting some cleaning done.
    Tonight the same friend hosted a Crop for the Cure (Breast Cancer) and I helped her with that/
    The best part was walking all around to help clean up after the event...

    Busy busy day tomorrow and I am hoping to get more steps in than I did today!

    Happy weekend, my walking friends!!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • CameraShy
    I dont have my pedometer yet but I hit the treadmill this evening and logged 6 miles. I feel GREAT!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    got 5,238 steps in yesterday
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Bad day today. I did a number of chores, was very hungry, brought home roasted chicken and ate too much. I have been eating too much all night and only walked about 2 miles. I also don't feel well. I will try to get back on the program tomorrow. I hope your day was better than this.
  • annasid78
    Bad day today. I did a number of chores, was very hungry, brought home roasted chicken and ate too much. I have been eating too much all night and only walked about 2 miles. I also don't feel well. I will try to get back on the program tomorrow. I hope your day was better than this.

    :heart: Hugs! :flowerforyou: Cheer up! No need to feel guilty. Just take the lesson learned. Just take the next right step from this moment on! :happy:
  • everyday
    Hi Girls :smile:

    Sorry I have not posted my steps.... cant seem to make the time to get here.

    Tues 15794 did a hr on my st bike durning Biggest Loser
    Wed 12476
    Thurs 15415 Yard work
    Fri 4583, Only wore my pedometer in the morn
    Sat 8066

    As you can see I am all over the place, but averaged over my 10 k for the 5 days :smile:

    Hello annasid78- WELCOME:smile:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I was gone from Friday after lunch to Saturday evening on a business trip. I knew I had to be vigilant about finding opportunities to walk and I had some success.

    I left my laptop home so I would be forced to use my free time to walk or use the hotel fitness room. It was a good decision because the wifi in the hotel wasn't free and hotel fitness room was fabulous. I traveled with women who are the in the same health and wellness business with me and we brought our own food so there were no issues about eating at restaurants and extra time to go to the fitness center.

    On Friday I went to line dance in the morning and walked on deck during the ferry ride and used the stairs instead of the elevator in the hotel and ended up with 17,167 steps.

    On Saturday I took the stairs down to the fitness room and walked on the treadmill for almost an hour. I used the treadmill again for 30 minutes during the lunch break and walked for 20 minutes on the ferrry. In spite of Saturday being sit in a chair events from 8 to 4:30, it was such a long walk to the washrooms that I got a lot of exercise making several trips.:laugh: Steps on Saturday 14,398 :bigsmile:

    hugs and happy Sunday :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    This was my day of rest but I did manage to get 2,883 steps in. But tomorrow back to the grime of things. Diet and walking.It is goning to be cooler and that will help. It is really hard for me to get 5,000 in. So I get out often. try to get 1,000 steps in each time........ Calie
  • Peschuntz
    Peschuntz Posts: 270 Member
    Back in the swing of things today!!! Most times when I get off course it takes a long time for me to get back to diet and exercising, but this web site - most importantly, this thread - has made me accountable and motivated. Thank you, ladies. I walked 5.43 miles today for a total of 12,749 steps. Have a good night. Talk to you tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • everyday
    Good Morning ALL:smile:

    My Sunday steps 10841

    Pes I'm right with ya... good going on your choice to get "back in the swing"

    Have a great day girls!!!
  • everyday
    Calie... it ALL counts~ GOOD JOB :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sunday is my cleanse day so I take it easier than other days. Hubby walked the dogs so I didn't get those steps. So my total for the day was just over 13,000 step.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • doriedee
    I would love to know the conversion for yoga, I also take a strength training class. I would love to join this group. thanks