How did y'all gain your weight?



  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    Birth control. If I had to do it all over again, would never go on depo provera or the patch EVER!

    Oh my goodness YES, I know the feeling!

    This makes me nervous! I'm about to switch birth control and I don't wanna gain weight. But I kinda heard that that's a myth. Are the hormones just giving you cravings to eat more or is it just the birth control itself that makes your weight go up?

    Its the hormones that make it harder to lose weight, when your body is fed extra hormones and doesnt ovulate its mimicking when youre pregnant and need that extra weight for a baby. Yes, for some people it makes you hungrier but for most the way is just harder to move. I would say to go with something that is light in hormones - ie. a lighter dose of the pill or an IUD like I have. Its the only thing that hasnt made me gain. I have an implanon.

    I gained my weight - well put a few pounds on, when my fiance stopped traveling with a race team and I started cooking every night for him, and working longer hours at my job so I "couldnt" find time for the gym. After I put 15 pounds that I swore I was going to lose before summer (this is in Jan of 2011) I found out I was pregnant and gained another 35 putting me at my heaviest of 180!! And this time around getting it off my hips and pouch area is hard work. But Im down to 150ish!! with 10 pounds to go!

    I guess I don't know what to believe yet since pretty much everywhere I research says that the pill is not responsible for weight gain, but it's the increase in appetite...but then there's still women who swear it's just the pill itself. So who knows! But I didn't gain weight when I first started the pill a few months ago(had loads of other side effects like vomitting the first two days and mood swings simply because my hormones have never been altered before). I'm just not gonna let myself think I'll gain weight...I'm gonna stick to what I've been doing and keep shredding and not let a pill get in the way! :)

    I'm on the NuvaRing and I don't think it affects me (weight-wise) at all. Even if it did, the minute amount of weight gain it could possibly cause is nothing compared to the weight I would gain if I was preggo. ;)
  • Jacqueline32
    Jacqueline32 Posts: 5 Member
    My Mom passed away and I didn't know how to cope with it. All I did was eat the pain away, gained over 100 lbs. Just looking for the support to help me continue to change this dangerous life style.
  • firefli0523
    Getting married, having two kids...metabolism slowed. Then it was sitting on my butt when I wasnt working or taking care of kids. Eating what I wanted, watching tv...or in front of the computer or.....playing many many hours of video games WHILE eating stuff that was no good for me.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    i found beeeeeeeeeer! and then stopped working out
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I'm 5'6.

    I went from 135-199 during my pregnancy.
    (My son was born June 2008.)

    1 year later......
    By June 2009 I was 142, but was "skinny fat".

    6 months later......
    By January 2010 I was back up to 180.
    I stayed around this weight until April 2011.

    I started dieting & exercising again.

    Within 5 months.....
    I went from 180- 150 by August 2011.
    I was eatting 1200 calories a day, exercising 8 hrs a week.

    5 months later.........
    I then gained 30lbs back by January 2012.
    I was binge eatting and drinking atleast 2L of POP daily.
    No exercises other then walking rarely.

    I'm currently 176.

    Classic yo-yo.

    I eat too much, with little to no activity, then I bounce back and restrict my intake and work my *kitten* off.
    As I get older It's a lot harder to do, so I am trying to break the cycle.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Married, Kids, and a retail job that was withing walking distance of 4 fast food joints (McDonalds, Texas RoadHouse, a Greek Pizza Joint, and a Quizno's... plus a gas station that sold 64 oz soft drinks for $.99). Do that for a year and the weight piled on like crazy.
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I ate for two when pregnant. I ate for two Sumo Wrestlers .....lmao
    and didnt do a whole lot of anything for 9 months.
    Big mistake
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I came from an abusive family where my mom used to comfort and protect me. This is where I learned that food couldnt hurt my physically (like being beaten) or emotionally, or verbally. My mom did what she thought was best, and through this journey I have learned to forgive her. She did not know any better she was trying to protect me.
  • Lovely135
    Lovely135 Posts: 161
    I was born big. Never lost my baby wt. and I added some more as I grow.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I had a severe hemorrhage 14 weeks into my second pregnancy and was put on bed rest... Gained about 50 lbs from that.
  • bigpopsonswole
    1 pound at a time
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    For me, it was hormone issues. I gained from implanon, the birth control. I was 155 after giving birth to my son, and then after having implanon put in two months later, I started to feel awful. In three months I shot up to 170. I also lost a ton of hair. I had it removed almost a month ago, and ill tell ya, I've never felt better. The weight is finally coming off and i have energy again.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stopped exercising but continued to eat as if I were still exercising regularly.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    You know how people feel full and stop eating? Yeah, I didn't do that.
  • tweetybaby69
    tweetybaby69 Posts: 258 Member
    I ate CRAP instead of FOOD :ohwell:.....


  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Birth control. If I had to do it all over again, would never go on depo provera or the patch EVER!

    Oh my goodness YES, I know the feeling!

    This makes me nervous! I'm about to switch birth control and I don't wanna gain weight. But I kinda heard that that's a myth. Are the hormones just giving you cravings to eat more or is it just the birth control itself that makes your weight go up?

    Depo and implanon are both progestin based birth control. Depending on your estrogen and progestrone levels, this might throw your hormones out of whack in a bad way. I don't even want to go into some of the gross side effects I had on implanon. There are low hormone options available, like seasonique, or non hormonal, like paraguard. Talk to your OB about your options
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Bad choices and complete lack of exercise starting at a very young age, Kindergarten-ish, and I ballooned from there. I was 150 by 4th/5th grade, 250 by 8th grade, and 310 by the start of my freshman year in college (fall 2010). Between depression, anxiety, food addiction, low self-esteem, a bad break-up, and pure laziness, that's what happened. Doing much better now and am back to my 8th grade weight and feeling awesome :smile:
  • naswegan
    naswegan Posts: 9
    Um, I got lazy and ate...and did both a little too well.

    I always was an overachiever :o)
  • Ssicaaa
    Ssicaaa Posts: 15
    Not being an active (enough) child, junk food, milk and soda instead of water and the list goes on.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I got big due to lots of bored snacking. And huuuge portions of my meals. I always wanted to till I was super stuffed. Of course I mainly sat around and rarely moved.