Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    My turn to ask a question! I am a month in 4 pounds down and 10" off overall. I am working out 5 days a week doing the 30DS and adding free weights here and there. I have logged EVERY bite and stayed at or under 1200 everyday. I am surprised how slow the weight loss is. I don't eat low fat or processed foods and I try to keep my carbs reasonably low. On days when I have BIG excercise burns I may eat up to about 1500 cals. Am I not eating enough or should I be watching fat intake more???

    Any thoughts would be helpful :smile:
  • My turn to ask a question! I am a month in 4 pounds down and 10" off overall. I am working out 5 days a week doing the 30DS and adding free weights here and there. I have logged EVERY bite and stayed at or under 1200 everyday. I am surprised how slow the weight loss is. I don't eat low fat or processed foods and I try to keep my carbs reasonably low. On days when I have BIG excercise burns I may eat up to about 1500 cals. Am I not eating enough or should I be watching fat intake more???

    Any thoughts would be helpful :smile:

    Need yer stats first, hon. Congrats on the weight loss so far though! Depending on where you start, YES!....weightloss can be very slow! If you're starting a hundred plus pounds overweight, it is going to be a lot easier than for a person that is trying to lose that last 5 pounds. Makes sense though. The further you go in basically anything, the harder it is to get to the next rung of the ladder.
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    My turn to ask a question! I am a month in 4 pounds down and 10" off overall. I am working out 5 days a week doing the 30DS and adding free weights here and there. I have logged EVERY bite and stayed at or under 1200 everyday. I am surprised how slow the weight loss is. I don't eat low fat or processed foods and I try to keep my carbs reasonably low. On days when I have BIG excercise burns I may eat up to about 1500 cals. Am I not eating enough or should I be watching fat intake more???

    Any thoughts would be helpful :smile:

    Need yer stats first, hon. Congrats on the weight loss so far though! Depending on where you start, YES!....weightloss can be very slow! If you're starting a hundred plus pounds overweight, it is going to be a lot easier than for a person that is trying to lose that last 5 pounds. Makes sense though. The further you go in basically anything, the harder it is to get to the next rung of the ladder.

    Sorry I am 44, 5'8 and want to lose another 15 lbs. I think my age unfortunately is starting to make the weght loss side harder!
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    My turn for a question or eight! Okay, my stats... I have been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for over a year. I am beyond frustrated. I am currently using Weight Watchers and MFP simultaneously (mostly just the meetings at WW - tracking on MFP).
    After not seeing any change in weight, I went to the Health and Wellness center and did the bod pod test.
    33 y.o. Female / 5 foot 3

    Weight 207.8
    Lean Muscle Mass: 100.6
    Fat Mass: 107.2
    % Fat:: 51.6%
    % Fat free mass: 48.4%
    My RMR is 1374
    TEE: 1704 Sedentary
    2088 Low Active
    2391 Active
    2844 Very Active

    So, here come the questions - what do I do with that information? I thought RMR was the same as the TEE sedentary, but its a 400 calorie difference.. My MFP net calories are set at 1200. Is this the culprit for the gain/lose/gain/lose I am experiencing? I workout - not as consistently as I need to, but I am a freaking champ at tracking my food.
    What should I aim for calorie wise? I need to lose this weight for my health and sanity.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm happy with my stats; I just need help with my diet. Finally upped my calories to TDEE and love it, have my protein up and my carbs at 45% which I want but now with eating more protein and cals; my fat intake went way up and it concerns me; almost doubled. I'm afraid if I try to cut in that area I'm going to lose in another. Ugh!

    My stats:

    32 yo female, CW 113.5, 5'2, BF% (bod pod 4/28) 19%; hoping it goes to 18% at my June follow up.
  • My turn to ask a question! I am a month in 4 pounds down and 10" off overall. I am working out 5 days a week doing the 30DS and adding free weights here and there. I have logged EVERY bite and stayed at or under 1200 everyday. I am surprised how slow the weight loss is. I don't eat low fat or processed foods and I try to keep my carbs reasonably low. On days when I have BIG excercise burns I may eat up to about 1500 cals. Am I not eating enough or should I be watching fat intake more???

    Any thoughts would be helpful :smile:

    Need yer stats first, hon. Congrats on the weight loss so far though! Depending on where you start, YES!....weightloss can be very slow! If you're starting a hundred plus pounds overweight, it is going to be a lot easier than for a person that is trying to lose that last 5 pounds. Makes sense though. The further you go in basically anything, the harder it is to get to the next rung of the ladder.

    Sorry I am 44, 5'8 and want to lose another 15 lbs. I think my age unfortunately is starting to make the weght loss side harder!

    Yes, age is a factor, but 44 is still VERY young. Look up Elaine Goodlad, Tosca Reno, Gina Ostarly....all easily and well into their forties with bodies that most twenty-somethings would kill for.
  • My turn for a question or eight! Okay, my stats... I have been gaining and losing the same 10 lbs for over a year. I am beyond frustrated. I am currently using Weight Watchers and MFP simultaneously (mostly just the meetings at WW - tracking on MFP).
    After not seeing any change in weight, I went to the Health and Wellness center and did the bod pod test.
    33 y.o. Female / 5 foot 3

    Weight 207.8
    Lean Muscle Mass: 100.6
    Fat Mass: 107.2
    % Fat:: 51.6%
    % Fat free mass: 48.4%
    My RMR is 1374
    TEE: 1704 Sedentary
    2088 Low Active
    2391 Active
    2844 Very Active

    So, here come the questions - what do I do with that information? I thought RMR was the same as the TEE sedentary, but its a 400 calorie difference.. My MFP net calories are set at 1200. Is this the culprit for the gain/lose/gain/lose I am experiencing? I workout - not as consistently as I need to, but I am a freaking champ at tracking my food.
    What should I aim for calorie wise? I need to lose this weight for my health and sanity.

    1200 is very generic, but works for most at some point of their journey. It's simple, just reduce your calories on a daily/weekly basis till you start losing. When you stall, readjust down and or increase activity levels till you start losing again. When you get to where you want, slowly start adding calories back to the point that you neither gain nor lose more than a pound or two every few weeks.
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    So reduce down below 1200? I don't understand where the TEE numbers factor in if I am supposed to bottom out on calories like that...
  • joyb31
    joyb31 Posts: 8
    I have lost 17 lbs (out of the 23 I planned to lose)..I feel like a have failed myself and am at a stand~still with my diet & excercise..I do zumba and exercise as much as I can but still feel down..How can I bring myself out of this rut? Oh and I gained 5 lbs back.. Need to get back to my happy place and fast!:sad:
  • I'm happy with my stats; I just need help with my diet. Finally upped my calories to TDEE and love it, have my protein up and my carbs at 45% which I want but now with eating more protein and cals; my fat intake went way up and it concerns me; almost doubled. I'm afraid if I try to cut in that area I'm going to lose in another. Ugh!

    My stats:

    32 yo female, CW 113.5, 5'2, BF% (bod pod 4/28) 19%; hoping it goes to 18% at my June follow up.

    If it bothers you, then I'd just decrease the fat calories and make up for them in carbohydrates. Fat alone doesn't make you fat though...TOO MUCH of it does. Obviously you want to watch your saturated and trans fats, but you DO need a basic amount of healthy fats in your system as this is just being healthier.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm happy with my stats; I just need help with my diet. Finally upped my calories to TDEE and love it, have my protein up and my carbs at 45% which I want but now with eating more protein and cals; my fat intake went way up and it concerns me; almost doubled. I'm afraid if I try to cut in that area I'm going to lose in another. Ugh!

    My stats:

    32 yo female, CW 113.5, 5'2, BF% (bod pod 4/28) 19%; hoping it goes to 18% at my June follow up.

    If it bothers you, then I'd just decrease the fat calories and make up for them in carbohydrates. Fat alone doesn't make you fat though...TOO MUCH of it does. Obviously you want to watch your saturated and trans fats, but you DO need a basic amount of healthy fats in your system as this is just being healthier.

    Thank you. :)
  • So reduce down below 1200? I don't understand where the TEE numbers factor in if I am supposed to bottom out on calories like that...

    You're missing what I'm saying.....Reduce down as NECESSARY. If you're at 2000, then try 1750 for a week or two. Nothing still?....reduce down to 1600. Lost for a month on 1600 but now stalled out?....Reduce for a week or two to 1500 and then reevalutate. Simple as that.
  • sid719e
    sid719e Posts: 47
    Here's my issue - I'm male, 5'10" 169lbs. I've been eating anywhere between 2000 - 2200 calories a day. I haven't lost anything in over three weeks (no weight, no inches around my gut). I'm really not looking to lose weight per se, but decrease the fat around my belly and inbetween my armpits and pecs. I only do weight training, and it's 3 - 4 days a week. Is the 2000 - 2200 range my maintenance level? Is that why I've basically stalled? I can see some compositional changes in my body, but not much. Should I reduce my calories a bit and see if that helps, and then slowly bring them back up again when I get to the point that I want (so I can put on more muscle)?

    This question gives me a chance to elaborate a little on metabolism and calculators. The calculators are generic. They don't take into consideration things like genetics, body fat percentage, and lean body mass. So if somebody asks me if X is their maintenance level, my next question is is are you losing or gaining, and then are you exercising. I have a different maintenance for different things. If I don't do anything my maintenance is about 2,750 personally. If I add in lifting, it increases to 3,250-3,500....if I add dance in it, god forbid kickboxing and yoga, my numbers start going through the roof for maintenance. But this is just me. If you're not losing, then you're consuming too much for your given activity level. How long have you stalled?....if it's been three weeks and nothing, then yes, I would go to 2,000 flat for the next week and see what happens then. I would also as usual look into how precise you're being with the calorie counting in. Always be looking for hidden calories yeh.

    It's been exactly 7 days since I've taken your advice and I've lost 1 lb, a half inch from my gut, and a half inch from my waist.
  • I have lost 17 lbs (out of the 23 I planned to lose)..I feel like a have failed myself and am at a stand~still with my diet & excercise..I do zumba and exercise as much as I can but still feel down..How can I bring myself out of this rut? Oh and I gained 5 lbs back.. Need to get back to my happy place and fast!:sad:

    Stop treating yourself like a helpless lamb, and go get motivated. Fill your Youtube favorites up with inspiring videos. Save inspiring pics to your phone's homescreen. Partner up with more like-minded individuals. Either you're a doer or you're a viewer. Either you're the one achieving their dreams, or you're the one watching everyone else achieve your dreams. Take my favorite quote from SuckerPunch: "You have all the weapons you FIGHT!"
  • hmc4
    hmc4 Posts: 27
    Okay, now I see what you are saying I think. Where I was confused is that I stated I was consuming 1200 a day with no loss - and when you said reduce I boggled! :)
    If I am now on the same page - I will start with the TDEE numbers given from the bodpod test, and reduce from those - rather than bottoming below 1200.
    Thanks for your help.
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
  • Okay, now I see what you are saying I think. Where I was confused is that I stated I was consuming 1200 a day with no loss - and when you said reduce I boggled! :)
    If I am now on the same page - I will start with the TDEE numbers given from the bodpod test, and reduce from those - rather than bottoming below 1200.
    Thanks for your help.

    You got it! Most people don't like the slow and steady of figuring out THEIR personal systems, but it makes it SO easy after you have.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I'm a 246lb female, hit a 6 month plateau after using mfp macros, changed to 40c\30f\30p. I lost good amounts for 3 weeks, then got a 2.4lb gain, and 0.7lb gain last 2 weeks. I'm exercising most days burning an average of 700 cals. I eat 1500 cals, my dietitian says to not eat exercise cals back as I'm still so heavy. (I was on best rest for a few months, being ill then sugery until 6 weeks ago) the only exercise I'm doing is hiit walking. Could I be gaining muscle or is this gain fat? Could 30% protein be too high for some?

    Zara :-)
  • _hi_hat3r_
    _hi_hat3r_ Posts: 423 Member
    I have lost 17 lbs (out of the 23 I planned to lose)..I feel like a have failed myself and am at a stand~still with my diet & excercise..I do zumba and exercise as much as I can but still feel down..How can I bring myself out of this rut? Oh and I gained 5 lbs back.. Need to get back to my happy place and fast!:sad:

    Stop treating yourself like a helpless lamb, and go get motivated. Fill your Youtube favorites up with inspiring videos. Save inspiring pics to your phone's homescreen. Partner up with more like-minded individuals. Either you're a doer or you're a viewer. Either you're the one achieving their dreams, or you're the one watching everyone else achieve your dreams. Take my favorite quote from SuckerPunch: "You have all the weapons you FIGHT!"

  • jaynita2
    jaynita2 Posts: 53 Member
    I've got a question...This is my 2nd week on mfp. I did very well last week with an 8 lb loss. This week, nothing so far. I've checked very detail of my menu and activity and there has been no change significant enough that I should be stalled already. I've been under my calories by no more than 20 cal. and not over by than 10 cal. Unfortunately, I am a daily weigher just because I love to see those numbers go down even if it's by a lb. Now for my question...Have any of you experienced a stall after an initial pretty big loss? Should I change anything?