Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • Hi I am just starting out on MFP. I am 45, 5' 0", and need to lose 20-25 lbs. How come it says I can only lose .6 pounds a week on a 1200 calorie diet? It's going to take one month to lose just 3 pounds. That's not fair! Is this correct?

    If you do the math then yeh it's right. That would be a 300 calorie a day deficit basically. 3,500 calories in one pound of fat on your body. 0.6 of that is 2100 calories. divide that by 7 and you get the 300 a day deficit. You COULD lose more obviously through increased activity, decreased caloric intake, or a combination of the two....but why in such a rush. Easily lost, easily gained back if ya ask me.
  • philfinallyfit
    philfinallyfit Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Maybe I will not plateau as much, thus not needed to diet down as often. And the way my workouts are finally kickin' in, I could just up the exercise anyway...effectively keeping my body off-kllter I hope.

    Incidentally, I just weighed again this morning, even though it has not been a week. My mid-week weigh-in shows another 1.5 lbs lost, down to 232.6. What do you think about me interjecting an Atkins-like pure-protein weekend every four weeks or so? Take the hunger away, refocus the diet success and momentum, etc. Thoughts???
  • wendy8883
    wendy8883 Posts: 50
    Hi, Official
    For about a month and a half I have been working out 5-7 days a week(cardio and weghts lifting) and counting calories(every calorie). I don't go over 1200 calories and after a good workout its even lower. But after all of that I have only lost 15lbs, and maybe thats good but i just feel that I should have lost more than that by now. At this point I dont have "cheat days" because I feel that I have cheated myself for years........Im 5'3" and started out at 201 now im at 186 and cant seem to get past that...I guess my question is, does 15lbs sound about right with it only being a mnth and half or is their something else I could do....
  • girlznme
    girlznme Posts: 28
  • Hi, Official
    For about a month and a half I have been working out 5-7 days a week(cardio and weghts lifting) and counting calories(every calorie). I don't go over 1200 calories and after a good workout its even lower. But after all of that I have only lost 15lbs, and maybe thats good but i just feel that I should have lost more than that by now. At this point I dont have "cheat days" because I feel that I have cheated myself for years........Im 5'3" and started out at 201 now im at 186 and cant seem to get past that...I guess my question is, does 15lbs sound about right with it only being a mnth and half or is their something else I could do....

    15 pounds in a month and a half is FAST, lady! A pound a week is slow, and two a week is decently ambitious. Don't expect one of these Biggest Loser speed makeovers. At your height, and starting out at 201, you've done your share of damage. You didn't put it on in three months, don't expect it gone in three months. Just keep on doing what you're doing.
  • Thanks for confirming my suspicion. Maybe I will not plateau as much, thus not needed to diet down as often. And the way my workouts are finally kickin' in, I could just up the exercise anyway...effectively keeping my body off-kllter I hope.

    Incidentally, I just weighed again this morning, even though it has not been a week. My mid-week weigh-in shows another 1.5 lbs lost, down to 232.6. What do you think about me interjecting an Atkins-like pure-protein weekend every four weeks or so? Take the hunger away, refocus the diet success and momentum, etc. Thoughts???

    I did the Atkins about 5 years ago, and it WAS successful.....but towards the end I was so miserable you could have just gave me a bottle of whiskey and a gun to put upside my head. At this point in the game I'll say that Atkins IS legit, but in my eyes it's also extreme, and there aren't many extreme things I advocate. I personally wouldn't do it.
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    Hi, Official
    For about a month and a half I have been working out 5-7 days a week(cardio and weghts lifting) and counting calories(every calorie). I don't go over 1200 calories and after a good workout its even lower. But after all of that I have only lost 15lbs, and maybe thats good but i just feel that I should have lost more than that by now. At this point I dont have "cheat days" because I feel that I have cheated myself for years........Im 5'3" and started out at 201 now im at 186 and cant seem to get past that...I guess my question is, does 15lbs sound about right with it only being a mnth and half or is their something else I could do....

    15 pounds in a month and a half is FAST, lady! A pound a week is slow, and two a week is decently ambitious. Don't expect one of these Biggest Loser speed makeovers. At your height, and starting out at 201, you've done your share of damage. You didn't put it on in three months, don't expect it gone in three months. Just keep on doing what you're doing.

    "these Biggest Loser speed makeovers" I love this show! It's hard not to get caught up in it, but the weight loss is extreme. If you read the follow ups on the people, alot of them have gained a bunch back, if not all back. I agree w/ TheOfficialEpic. Keep moving forward!
  • amy_marlene
    amy_marlene Posts: 178 Member
    i'm 5'5, starting weight 161 lbs, 20 years old
    i'm eating 1200 cals. i've lost 8.8 lbs in the first month but in the second i haven't lost anything. i was exercising 4-5 days a week for 30 minutes without eating exercise calories back. i was stuck at the same weight for 5 weeks. so i stopped exercising and since then i've lost 4.4 lbs in one week. was i plateauing or just water retention? what happened? thank you :))
  • alimark1504
    alimark1504 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 40 years old, 5'4" and currently weigh 196.6. I track every bite and weigh my foods on a digital scale. I am exercising 5 x per week. 60 minutes of cardio and strength training also on 2 of those days. I wear a HRM when exercising. My net calories average about 1240 per day. I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water even when I don't want to but I am not getting anywhere. The first week I lost 3 pounds but nothing for the last month. I am beyond frustrated. Am I not eating enough? Should I up my calories to my BMR level of 1519. I have tried to lose weight many times over the last couple years. I get the same results. 3 pounds first week and then nothing for 2 months and I give up. Then I decide to try again. Please help!!! What should my net calories be??
  • I am 40 years old, 5'4" and currently weigh 196.6. I track every bite and weigh my foods on a digital scale. I am exercising 5 x per week. 60 minutes of cardio and strength training also on 2 of those days. I wear a HRM when exercising. My net calories average about 1240 per day. I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water even when I don't want to but I am not getting anywhere. The first week I lost 3 pounds but nothing for the last month. I am beyond frustrated. Am I not eating enough? Should I up my calories to my BMR level of 1519. I have tried to lose weight many times over the last couple years. I get the same results. 3 pounds first week and then nothing for 2 months and I give up. Then I decide to try again. Please help!!! What should my net calories be??

    You're probably not counting accurately enough. At your current weight, there is no reason(aside from maybe stress) for you to plateau out THAT early on the calories you mentioned above. Also, it seems as you are impatient with it. Don't be. You have a LONG fight ahead of you. You didn't put it on in two months....probably took years. Start looking for hidden calories, they're EVERYwhere! The more serious you take this, the harder you work, the more serious your results will be. This lifestyle isn't for everyone. Stop being frustrated and acting life a helpless lamb. As for the not eating enough.....eating too much is what got you here in the first place! Continue consistently tracking everything. Occasionally treat yourself to a day slightly over maintenance. No more than once a week though. You're most likely still losing, but you're adding back muscle mass in place of the fat....That is a good thing in the long run! Stick to your plan, track calories as accurately as possible, treat yourself occasionally, be aware of water weight and stress levels, and you should be just fine. Oh, and once again: Stop frustrating and embrace the hard work ahead! You'll get there, just don't expect a quick fix. :)
  • alimark1504
    alimark1504 Posts: 4 Member

    I am 40 years old, 5'4" and currently weigh 196.6. I track every bite and weigh my foods on a digital scale. I am exercising 5 x per week. 60 minutes of cardio and strength training also on 2 of those days. I wear a HRM when exercising. My net calories average about 1240 per day. I drink 8 to 10 glasses of water even when I don't want to but I am not getting anywhere. The first week I lost 3 pounds but nothing for the last month. I am beyond frustrated. Am I not eating enough? Should I up my calories to my BMR level of 1519. I have tried to lose weight many times over the last couple years. I get the same results. 3 pounds first week and then nothing for 2 months and I give up. Then I decide to try again. Please help!!! What should my net calories be??

    You're probably not counting accurately enough. At your current weight, there is no reason(aside from maybe stress) for you to plateau out THAT early on the calories you mentioned above. Also, it seems as you are impatient with it. Don't be. You have a LONG fight ahead of you. You didn't put it on in two months....probably took years. Start looking for hidden calories, they're EVERYwhere! The more serious you take this, the harder you work, the more serious your results will be. This lifestyle isn't for everyone. Stop being frustrated and acting life a helpless lamb. As for the not eating enough.....eating too much is what got you here in the first place! Continue consistently tracking everything. Occasionally treat yourself to a day slightly over maintenance. No more than once a week though. You're most likely still losing, but you're adding back muscle mass in place of the fat....That is a good thing in the long run! Stick to your plan, track calories as accurately as possible, treat yourself occasionally, be aware of water weight and stress levels, and you should be just fine. Oh, and once again: Stop frustrating and embrace the hard work ahead! You'll get there, just don't expect a quick fix. :)

    Thanks for the advice. I am not expecting a quick fix but I thought I could lose about a pound a week with the amount of exercise and calories I am eating.I have at least 50 pounds to lose so I wouldn't call that a quick fix. My life is VERY stressful. That's why I started doing more cardio. It makes me feel more relaxed. Maybe it's still too much stress. I don't feel helpless at all and found that comment unnecessary. I wanted advice to be sure I wasn't creating too large of a deficit. There is so much conflicting advice on calorie levels. My doctors don't even give the same advice. I thought a trainer may have a better plan. I will stick with it and see what happens.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
  • Probably gonna start winding this thread down now, guys. When it comes to obesity, I am very to-the-point and my attitude may not be what's best for everyone to hear. On top of that, I'm basically getting all the same questions re-asked every other second from people who haven't been readying through the thread. Here are the general cliff notes I want everyone to take home though:

    1) It's all about burning more than you're consuming.

    2) Your deficit will change as you diet down.

    3) You might THINK you're in a deficit, but if you're not losing, then most likely not.

    4) Don't do ANYthing drastic with your diet. Ex: Going from eating 2500 calories a day to 1000, probably not the smartest thing.

    5) Try to meet your daily protein needs as best as possible. You want to try and maintain as much muscle as possible on a cut, and this will OBVIOUSLY help. Also, more muscle means higher metabolism(all things equal).

    6) Your metabolism WILL GO DOWN BY DIETING. That's gonna happen how MUCH now is dependent on you. Lifting weights, taking the slow and steady, meeting your protein requirements, not overtraining....all these things can help keep it at it's strongest.

    7) Don't get caught up in generic numbers. Two people of the exact same weight, height, and gender can have comPLETELY different metabolic rates. So the calculator says you should be losing at 1500 calories a day but you're not. Then simply readjust your calories down a bit and or increase your activity a little on a weekly basis until you do.

    8) There's no magic to this. There's nothing new under the moon. Stay active, try and eat healthy for the most part, and watch your weight fluctuations on the weekly. Gaining weight and not wanting to?....Eat less. Losing weight to fast and workouts going to the crapper because of it?.....Eat more.

    9) Nothing is going to really make or break you in one day. Consistency and commitment are the key here. Once slice of cake doesn't make somebody fat, and you can only lose so much genuine weightloss in one day.

    10) Supplements only SUPPLEment what you should already be doing. 95% of it is your sheer will, determination, diet, and exercise program.

    11) Expect to work. Expect to work hard. Frustration will eventually happen. You'll stall out here and there. Take a step back, reevaluate, focus, and never stop going. You're most likely not even two more week away from seeing another positive change.

    12) Never ever EVER feel sorry for yourself....and never make excuses. Stand up, brush the dirt off your shoulders, and fight till there's nothing left.

    It's been real, guys. I hope I helped out at least one of you. Cheers
  • keaani34
    keaani34 Posts: 33 Member
    I found this to be very helpful! thank you for taking the time to help us all.
  • fishergreen
    fishergreen Posts: 109 Member
    You've been extremely helpful and kind. Thank you
  • GraceK2012
    GraceK2012 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you for all your help and for the patient, thoughtful answers you've given, never snarky or cruel and with good humor.
    There's a lot to learn, so thanks also for the cliff notes.
  • ebonijo2
    ebonijo2 Posts: 73
  • tripod271
    tripod271 Posts: 112 Member
    You are a consummate professional! To think of your generosity in giving advice and encouragement over these MANY days is really pretty remarkable. Who does something like that these days without expecting anything in return. Very best wishes to you on your journey and know you have made MANY friends here!
  • jshhh1
    jshhh1 Posts: 12
  • pamelaf2
    pamelaf2 Posts: 39 Member
    New to this site, but already find your advice very sound and motivating, thank you. I always look to see where you have responded and look forward to reading what you have to say. You always put things in perspective for me.