How did every 1 gain weight



  • JourneyOfaVirgo
    JourneyOfaVirgo Posts: 44 Member
    eating alot of carbs and calories and being inactive
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    Wow... I guess having 3 kids. Post Traumatic Stress (I drove up on the accident my cousin died in. He was still in the car.)
    I crushed the weight bearing bone in my ankle. Went from being super active to barely moving. Then had surgery. Total I was on crutches 1yr 6mos and 6wks. I tried getting the weight off several times after that,but just really wasn't into it. I'd give up, because it wasn't easy. Which lead to putting back on the few pounds I had lost and then some. So now.... Here I am today. Trying to do it the rite way without some diet pill, or fad diet.
  • After high school and moving out of my mom's house, I was home a lot more during the day which meant I was bored a lot which meant I was eating a lot. I put on a good 10 to 15 lbs that way. And I gained approximately 40 to 50 pounds during my pregnancy and only lost about 20 of it afterwards. So now I'm hoping to lose 30 and get back down to the weight I was in high school.
  • viannee
    viannee Posts: 52 Member
    Bad food choices and PCOS.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    A doctor told me that my baby had autism and I pretty much stopped caring about myself and the way I looked. To this day we are not sure about autism, some experts say no. But he did have apraxia and could not communicate at all until he was 4 and even then you could hardly understand him. Now he is seven now and while his speech is not perfect, I know someday it will be, someday soon. That gives me peace of mind enough to focus on myself as well as my family. When he is okay, I am okay.
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I got pregnant.
    Also, I took "eating for two" literally. I wasn't properly educated on maintaining a proper healthy food regime until halfway through my pregnancy and after.
    Edited: Also had undiagnosed PPD. Finally got diagnosed with severe depression, and since I've been getting help and better, I've been exercising more and feeling better. Crazy hormones
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    bipolar meds and a pretty bad poor college student style diet for 3 years.
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.
  • adalychee
    adalychee Posts: 28 Member
    A combination of leaving the Air Force (and thus mandatory physical training), going to school full-time for engineering, and having a high-stress full-time job. With 40 hrs/wk spent on school and 60+ hrs/wk spent on work, I just didn't have time or energy to work out or make healthy meals. Because of the sleep loss, I was eating more and my body was out of balance. I only ended up gaining about 10 lbs over the past year and a half, but I lost a lot of muscle during that time as well.

    I'm now trying to get back into healthier habits--working out regularly again, building up muscle, and eating delicious, healthy food--and so far it's going well!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    My daughter was killed, went into menopause literally overnight, almost lost husband to leukemia, youngest daughter became ill, I ended up with breast cancer, I did not care about what I ate or exercise. I was in pure survival mode for 7 years........I am finally finding my way back to living and caring again.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    A doctor told me that my baby had autism and I pretty much stopped caring about myself and the way I looked. To this day we are not sure about autism, some experts say no. But he did have apraxia and could not communicate at all until he was 4 and even then you could hardly understand him. Now he is seven now and while his speech is not perfect, I know someday it will be, someday soon. That gives me peace of mind enough to focus on myself as well as my family. When he is okay, I am okay.

    ((((((((((I understand what you mean about "when he is okay, I am okay" Bless your heart!))))))))))))
  • SaraSM143
    SaraSM143 Posts: 10 Member
    Quitting smoking, lack of activity, losing a very physical job, taking steroids, a new relationship...
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    A doctor told me that my baby had autism and I pretty much stopped caring about myself and the way I looked. To this day we are not sure about autism, some experts say no. But he did have apraxia and could not communicate at all until he was 4 and even then you could hardly understand him. Now he is seven now and while his speech is not perfect, I know someday it will be, someday soon. That gives me peace of mind enough to focus on myself as well as my family. When he is okay, I am okay.

    ((((((((((I understand what you mean about "when he is okay, I am okay" Bless your heart!))))))))))))

    Your story almost made me cry.(do tears in my eyes count?) (((hugs))) Its hard to be a mama sometimes.
  • mustangbass
    mustangbass Posts: 18 Member
    I usually wait too long to eat, I get would get so hungry when I did sit down to eat I would gobble up everything in sight! I was consuming portions that were too large. I was over using olive oil in my cooking; olive oil is 110 calories a TBSP, I was drowning everything in it - that adds up quickly. I work as a musician and the patrons are always buying a round for the band - I hate to refuse their kindness, although I wish they would buy a CD or just throw some $$ in the tip jar.
  • bp716
    bp716 Posts: 68 Member
    3 babies in 4 1/2 years, with 15 leftover pounds each. Single momhood for 20 years and all those stresses. Night shift ICU RN- totally messes with your body. Inactive due to exhaustion. Now it is time for ME!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    Eating too few calories
    Eating the wrong foods when I finally had my one-a-day meal
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    I've always been overweight even as a child. My mom bought my clothes in the chubby's department at Sears. I think it's gotten worse since the doctor put me on meds that cause weight gain. I lost 25 pounds 2 years ago and have stalled for a year. I have done everything to try to break the stall but have only gained the weight back. I am so discouraged but I can't quit because than think how big I will be. I will just keep exercising and trying to eat right and pray to God that something works. I can't get the scale to budge it only goes up but I am dropping sizes. I've gone from a 20 women's to a 16 women's so I guess with all the exercise I am toning up. But I would give anything to weigh 199 or below. I only want to get to 180 and just can't seem to get there. sigh
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Medication and bad eating and exercise habits. I slimmed down a bit in marching band but once I went to college I gained a lot of it back if not more.
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    Hi my name is Glenbabe and I am a foodaholic :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I moved away from home, got caught up in the student 'culture' here - lots of alcohol, lots of takeaways, skipping meals, no exercise, etc etc. Then I moved in with my boyfriend, we ate in restaurants a LOT and had yet more takeaways and alcohol...then when furnishing out first flat I decided we needed a scale for the bathroom, and when I weighed myself i was disgusted and thus this journey began!

    (Wow, I seem to have accidentally created a new thread with this...)