Sexy September Starters



  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Nola: Doesn't it feel great to do something that you couldn't do before! Keep up the good work!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    mamacindy: ahh yes it does! thnx for the motivation.

    everyone else: it'd be nice to hear more from everyone on their progress and not just on weigh ins :)
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Ha ha, I agree. Some of my successes so far this week:

    1. I work at a restaurant at night and there are always french fries and other unhealthy things readily available to snack on. The french fries are a major weakness for me, but I have not touched them once this week.

    2. I do not usually work out on Tuesdays, but yesterday I had the time, so I went. Did 15 minutes at level 10 on the stair stepper (dripping sweat) Then 20 minutes on the elliptical.

    3. I've been drinking lots and lots of water, which I'm usually bad at doing. I keep a water bottle at my desk that I keep refilling.

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    that's awesome linz! u are very strong for not touching those fries cuz I won't lie, I woud eventually give in. but hey if u work there then they are always there so u can tell urself that they will always be there tomorrow and the next day so u can talk urself out of eating them today. (make sense? )

    water is great i'm havving trouble meeting my 8 cups a day. I try tho!

    thnx for sharing~ :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Nola: try some plain seltzer water. It gives you the fizz of a soda without the calories or sodium.

    Linz; I sure am glad I to hear you stayed away from the fries too! Great job on not caving!
  • shellybelly83
    I am starting to really see progress with my P90X program. I am going up in weights and the Ab dvd that was SO hard, is finally becoming tolerable. It is still extremely difficult but I am able to do more than I was the first couple weeks!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    great job shelly. i also did p90x and loved it. plyo kicked my butt evertyime, and yoga sometimes was frustrating cuz its tooo long (who has time for 90min work out?) but my favorite was kempo!
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Nola: try some plain seltzer water. It gives you the fizz of a soda without the calories or sodium.

    Linz; I sure am glad I to hear you stayed away from the fries too! Great job on not caving!

    Thanks! Managed to stay away from the french fries last night, too. But then one of the cooks made us an order of tempura shrimp(!!!). I had one...I even said no at first, and then totally succumbed to the fried goodness. I'm going to workout extra today at my lunch hour here in about 20 minutes.
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Oh, yeah. Nola, if you want to try a good seltzer water...I like to drink La Croix. It comes in a 12 pack, its like drinking soda, but no sugar and no sweeteners, just a hint of natural flavors. The flavors to choose from are grapefruit, lemon, or lime. I just buy at my local safeway. Its delicious:)
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I think my progress is going well. I'm consistently at or under my calories for the day. I'm having a hard time getting in all of my water, since I'm not a big water drinker. I am trying to at least drink less diet soda. Today, I had a good surprise though. About six weeks ago, I had to buy a bigger pair of jeans because my "fat jeans" were getting too tight. Well, today I tried on my skinnier fat jeans and they fit again. They're not loose, but they also don't look like I painted them on. I like having physical progress besides just seeing different numbers on the scale. Now I can't wait to get back into my regular jeans. I'm sure that's going to be a while though. I'm about 30-35 lbs too heavy for them right now.
  • shellybelly83
    WTG Ali!
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Ladies, :happy:

    I hope all of you are having a wonderful week. I have had a great week! I have worked out more than I had planned too, have not went over the calorie limit even once (YEAH!), have been drinking a ton of water, and a bought a size 7 jeans THAT FIT!!! They are a little snug, but I can wear them. :smile: I know within a week or two they will fit perfect. I love the progress that I am seeing. My stomach looks flatter, I don't have any roll on my back under my bra, and I just feel so much better! I had been wanting naps everyday though it wasn't always possible and now I don't usually feel like I need one. I have Hypothyroidism and my thyroid had been off, so I know that was part of my fatigue and weight gain also. BUT, it's back in normal levels and I am kicking butt. Nothing is going to stop me this time!!! This weight is coming off and it will never find it's way back on this body again! This time this TRULY feels like a life change. If I want a treat, I have it in moderation and I just make sure I planned for it ahead of time and there is room for it in my calories. There has been NO eating unless it is on my food diary. I LOVE this site and I thank God that I have all of you to help me on this journey. Have a blessed rest of the week and I am hoping we all have great numbers on Monday! :wink:

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I did pretty good yesterday until I had to end up fixing supper for my god-daughter. My BF asked me to pick her up from school yesterday which I had no problem doing. She had gone to Charlottle with her husband and I was expecting them back way earlier than me having to fix dinner. My husband works second so we eat our main meal at lunch time. Anyway I ended up fixing her nachos because that was quick & easy. I ended up having some. I just can't eat stuff like that in the evening. Blew my calories away!

    It's a new day! It's a new day.

    My daughter is coming home from her mission trip today! I'll be glad to see that she is home safely.

    Shelly: Keep up the good work on the "Smoke Free" ticker! Not to be morbid or anything but I took care of my FIL when he was dying of lung cancer. That wasn't a nice thing to go through so it always does my heart good to see someone put those ciggs down. You are doing a GOOD thing for yourself and your family who loves you!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Jessica - Whoo hoo! Size 7 with a thyroid problem? That's fantastic!

    Mamacindy - When I have times like that, I always just think about how much I have grown in my healthy eating habits. Before I had started this, if I had been in that situation, I would have had my big meal at lunch and then eaten a big plate of nachos and thought "Well, that was great. I got two dinners today!" But now you know that's not the healthy way to eat, and next time you can think about how you feel now and maybe have a different snack or just have a couple bites, or take your god-daughter to a restaurant where you can order a small salad or just a cup of coffee. I think of this whole weight loss process as trying to do a little better every day. The small changes really add up.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Thanks Ali: I just really have to find a way to get over the stress eating thing. My god-daughter is 8 and very high energy. Next time if I have missed my walk I will just make her go with me. She doesn't mind if she has her scooter. We will just have to walk past her house and get it.

    Well I have to go & get my MIL up for the day. Today is bath day......I'm always glad when that is over! Poor thing she probably didn't sleep worth a hoot last night because the smoke alarm in her room was chirping when I got up. I thought it was the one in the hallway so I didn't get one of my men up to change it for at least a couple of hours and no telling how long it had been chirping already.

    I hope you all make wise choices today!

  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    :smile: :smile:
    Hello Ladies, :happy:

    I hope all of you are having a wonderful week. I have had a great week! I have worked out more than I had planned too, have not went over the calorie limit even once (YEAH!), have been drinking a ton of water, and a bought a size 7 jeans THAT FIT!!! They are a little snug, but I can wear them. :smile: I know within a week or two they will fit perfect. I love the progress that I am seeing. My stomach looks flatter, I don't have any roll on my back under my bra, and I just feel so much better! I had been wanting naps everyday though it wasn't always possible and now I don't usually feel like I need one. I have Hypothyroidism and my thyroid had been off, so I know that was part of my fatigue and weight gain also. BUT, it's back in normal levels and I am kicking butt. Nothing is going to stop me this time!!! This weight is coming off and it will never find it's way back on this body again! This time this TRULY feels like a life change. If I want a treat, I have it in moderation and I just make sure I planned for it ahead of time and there is room for it in my calories. There has been NO eating unless it is on my food diary. I LOVE this site and I thank God that I have all of you to help me on this journey. Have a blessed rest of the week and I am hoping we all have great numbers on Monday! :wink:


    WTG JESSICA! wow that's an awesome job! you are doing just great. plz share some tips especially with diet and recipes cuz i'm running out of ideas.

    thanks.. n keep it up....

    everyone else, get ready for the wkend, I will try my very best to be good this wkend.
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Well, I messed up last night and went over my calories. Had a couple drinks with my coworkers which then led to late night hunger. I hadn't gone out in a while because this always happens when I do....drinking makes me eat more, not to mention the calories I already consumed from the the drinks. Anyway, I am getting a fresh start today. I had a healthy breakfast and a snack, but it sucks that I did that....because today I do not feel like exercising at all.:grumble: I'm nervous about Monday. Anyway, just venting. I'll get over it.
  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Nola and Ali, thanks for the encouragement! :happy:

    To all of you ladies, I hope you have had a great week and that you stay on track this weekend. I am loving the journey with all of you. I am sticking to this better than I have ever stuck to something like this before. I have been working out 6 days a week, walking 2-3 miles a day. I have been walking 2 miles in the morning, and then 1 mile in the evening. It's hard for me to walk 3 miles in a row because my kids get bored, but breaking it up like that really helps. :wink:

    I have also been doing also with my eating. I have not really given up anything. I use 1% milk instead of 2%. If I want a sweet treat, I measure out the amount (instead of guessing) and I make sure EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth is put on the food diary FIRST!!! I don't know that it would work for everyone, but for me, I know I will choose to NOT eat something simply because it's not on my food diary. If I get on and try to add something and it puts me over, I have always talked myself out of it because I don't want to go over. I have even had some fudge the last couple days, but only .5 oz serving. I thank God that this is going so great and I am so thankful for all of you, your support, and your motivation.

    BTW, I highly recommend the Semi Homemade Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes under recipes. They are 98 calories a piece and they are SO GOOD!!! :tongue:

    Can't wait to hear how we all did this week. Be blessed! :smile:

  • JanetParks
    Weigh to go Jess!! I can't weight to see how you've done this week.( notice my little play on words):smile:

    I haven't done as weel as I would have liked but today is a new day. And I think I will have a loss just not a huge one like last week.

    Keepin the faith!!
  • JanetParks
    Doesn't it feel awesome to put on something that you haven't been able to wear in a while?:happy: I have clothes too in my closet that I am looking forward to wearing again!!:wink:

    About your water intake, Have you ever tried lemon slices or lime slices in your water along with some ice cubes? I really like it that way.