Is there anyone on here not looking to be a size 2?



  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm not looking for "size 2" status either. I'm 5'2", currently 129 pounds, and for jeans I go back and forth between a size 5 and size 7. I have lost about 7-8 pounds in the last couple months, so I'm kind of back in the size 5, but it's a little tight. The size 7 is definitely loose. I'd like to just be a looser size 5.

    I've put on at least 10 pounds of muscle in the last couple years, between weight-lifting and pole dancing, so my ideal weight has had to increase appropriately along with that. I'd say my ideal weight is around 120.
  • lelstar
    lelstar Posts: 374 Member
    Ok I've done some maths and while I still don't know what a size 2 is I can figure out the rest. I'm 5'9" and my goal weight is about 155lbs which should put me back in my size 10's
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I was a size 3 in high school and I never want to be that size again. I looked very unhealthy. I'm looking to be a 8-10, which was my later college year weight. I was very healthy looking at that size.
  • Samstudent88
    Samstudent88 Posts: 135
    I'v never ever been below 180lbs...I think in my adult life..when i was in highschool I was 188....and I wore a 12-14, but later after I got a job..and worked I was a size 8-10 but I weighed about 200lbs then...But the job I had was very physical...and it made me feel good because I worked with a ton of guys and I could do it faster and more efficiently...Even though I couldn't lift as much weight as they could...I don't know, everyone is different but it was nice to be able to wear that size and be able to eat a lot. :) I miss those days!!

    My goal now is to be 160..but I highly doubt I'll be much smaller than a size 8...just not in the cards for me!!
  • hthrld
    hthrld Posts: 125 Member
    Not me! I started at 248 and I'm 234 now. I don't know where I want to end up... I want to keep my curves!!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Bone size/structure is a reality. I don't think I COULD get to a size 2. At my tiniest, 18% bodyfat, I was a size 5 (bottoms... top has never been smaller than a 10/large).

    edit to add: 5'3.75"
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I don't have a "size" in mind - I have a goal weight, and when I reach that weight, whatever that size is, that's where I'll be! :wink: That being said, if I find myself comfortable before reaching that, I'll work on building muscle then! And if I end up being a size 2, I'm ok with that, being a shortie!
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I am definitely not aiming for a 0 or 2. I'm 5'6, 42 years old, and am aiming for 135-140, which puts me a solid size 8. I'd be thrilled to maintain 135 and be fit.
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    -I am 5'7.5" and weigh 169 lbs right now and wear a size 14... I would like to wear a "perfect" size 12 and be around 140-145 lbs.. I can't seem to get past the 169 lbs though.. But I won't stop now... I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.. I couldn't do it w/o Him...
  • me target weight is 114-154 lbs and i wanna be 180 or so!! i still want my big booty,hips,lil less thighs,lil less tummy,back fat & arms but i still want all my curves :)
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Heck no, I think women look sexier with curvy waists and busts.

    The thing is, though, that some of us have those at size 2. The last time I was a size 2 I wore a 34C or a 32 D (depending on the brand) and had hips at least 10 inches bigger than my waist. I also had thighs bigger than 21 inches each. For petite people, size 2 looks different than those with bigger frames. At 5'5 and140 lbs, I had over 26% body fat. To get my body fat down to the low 20s is probably going to put me into a size 2. I probably won't have a perfectly flat stomach but I'll look leaner and healthy and have some curves. People carry weight differently, and saying that a certain size is "too skinny" is an unfair generalization. For a lot of people a 2 is unrealistically small. For others, it's just the size they happen to be when they get lean.

    I agree. ^^^

    EXACTLY. I'm curvier when I'm thinner (i.e. size 0-2). My waist is more defined in comparison to my small hips. I have about 5 pounds to go and the only measurement that keeps lowering at this point is my waist.
  • bellyake3
    bellyake3 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm looking to be a size "gddm she's hot"
    Really tho I have no set size I just want to feel sexy.
  • dancecentral
    dancecentral Posts: 50 Member
    I don't think a size 2 is even possible for me.. when I weighed 110 in high school I was a size 5.. now im hoping for a 8 or 10
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    I'm not looking for a size or a weight. My goal is to be in the best shape of my life. Whatever size that gets me!
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    I'm a 4 now. I've been a 2..... it was during a very painful period of my life (divorce!)..... I felt like I might have been too 5'9". But, I'm pretty happy when my 4s are a little bit loose.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    I'm not determining success by my pants size, I just want to look good again. The smallest size I recall wearing was a 10/12, and I was [unhealthy] skinny at the time. So we'll see where I end up once I hit GW.
  • Looking to get to a size 10 and then go in maintenance mode . If maintenance works maybe an 8 but then get again need a reality check.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I'm looking to be a size "gddm she's hot"
    Really tho I have no set size I just want to feel sexy.

  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    this was kinda funny to me. I'm 5'2" and I'm supposed to weigh I think 115-130. I look sickly at 115!!! I was 115 one time at 4'11" when I was younger and I was too low in weight when I was going through chemo, but I was still a size 8/9!!! So, my goal is around 135-145 which on BMI is still over weight which is crazy but it is what it is. At 145 I would probably be a size 12 and I would be pretty small especially if I get a lot of muscle!
  • kettle_belle83
    kettle_belle83 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm definitely not looking to be a size 2!!! I've never been that size in my life. I'm pretty sure it's impossible actually. I have curves and I think no matter how healthy I eat or how much I exercise I won't ever be that size. I'm ok with it. I want to look healthy and toned. That's what matters most to me.