The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi guys... so happy to report a loss again on the scales this morning :wink:
    Isn't it amazing how that little machine can put you on top of the world or at rock bottom depending on that digital read!
    Anyway, I know that daily weigh ins are not recommended but I am addicated to them and cannot shake the habit.
    So far having a killer eating day and got in my second intense workout of the week...already 2 wins over last week yippee.
    I'm focusing on strength training Mon- Wed and Fri and an hour of cardio Tues and Thurs. Sat and Sun are TBD!
    I subscribe to Oxygen! anyone out there a fan?
    It's incredible and really hits home the need to work out with weights to build muscle which burns fat so fast.
    Hope I can keep this motivated....I need this team to achieve my goals. Together we can do it!!!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Shredder...thats amazing!! Keep up the great work...I too am trying to incorporate strength training into my workout, and honestly I feel amazing already!! Has anyone tried P90X? I've heard great things about it, but it's pretty expensive (between $70-120) so I want to be completely committed to it before I buy/try it.

    I'll be the first official weigh-in of the day:
    SW: 159 (as of 10/1)
    CW: 156.5 (as of 10/12...I can't bare to weigh myself more than once everyother week)

    2.5 lbs isnt bad at all!! I like to think I lost more fat but gained some muscle haha I'm hoping to lose at least 2.5lbs by 10/26 (which is the next time I'll weigh myself)

    Good luck to everyone!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Oh and can anyone think of a good challenge for this week??

    I didnt drink pop all week & I went to the gym last Saturday (which I REALLY didnt feel like doing) WIN & WIN!!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Today is our very first weigh in...and thank you so much to allie for kicking it off. Are you kidding that 2.5lbs "isn't bad at all" :wink: That's a killer start to this challenge.
    That was also my loss for this week and i'm doing a jig around the front lawn :laugh:
    Here are my stats...

    SW- 189
    CW-186.5 -2.5lbs
    Exercise this week- 3 times plus add today and tomorrow because, come what may, I WILL make it my #1 priority.

    Wins- 1. I created a workout schedule that feels good to "check off" once completed vs. heading to the gym for those mindless sessions on the elliptical where I had no purpose or goals. Today I have both.
    2. I did not get discouraged and throw in the towel when my scale read 187 after a read of 186 the day before. Instead, like Allie, I chalked the increase up to heavier muscle mass (plus it's my TOM), got my gym gear on and headed for those leg machines. This is when I really would have been discouraged...Allie's challenge at the beginning of the week just kept resonating with me. Thanks girl!
    3.This is a BIG one for me. I cooked beef strogenoff for my family on Wed. night while I ate a dinner of grilled chicken and squash. :drinker:

    Ok.... what do you guys want to do for this week's challenge?
    Good luck with your first weigh in and for all of you readi8ng this's never too late to join us.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Great job on all your wins...and loses :happy:

    2.5 lbs ins a week is amazing!!! mine was over 2 weeks but I'm still overly excited about it...I was smiling all day Monday!

    Ive got an idea for a challenge...find a few muscles you didnt even know you had! maybe try out some different - machines at the gym, videos, or strength training routines .. you're sure to find something. I'm hoping to do a lot of complaining this coming week from being (the good kind of) sore...who's with me?!?
  • OK .. weigh in .. I am not sure I like this part

    SW 239
    CW 237.5 - down 1.5 so not so bad.

    WINS - I did a work out with out my exercise class.

    GOALS - To reduce my sugar intake to 1 day per week, and no eating after 6:30.

    Challenges - I need to learn how to notice my hunger earlier in the day, rather than not being able to sleep cause I am too hungry.

    Good Luck everyone on their weight in!!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Great work Lynette-

    Let me know how the no eating after 6:30 turns out. I have to stretch mine to 7:30 and even that's pushing it.

    Allie- I like you challenge for this week.
    It's so funny that's what you picked as I must have discovered some of those hidden and dusty leg muscles yestareday, I swear I can barely move today. Ouch:grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I forgot about weigh in today, so I'll do it tomorrow morning and report.

    Today's BIG win was that I ate reasonably well during our potluck at work today, which had a TON of food! I had 3-4 oz. of steak (which I cut off of a steak weighing 1 lb!), a small baked potato with a little bit of sour cream and lots of salad with a little french dressing, sunflower seeds (dry roasted, no salt) and grape tomatoes. There were five kinds of desserts available (cookies, three cakes and brownies), but I didn't even take a taste of any of them!!

    This week's goal is going to be to exercise every day, followed by a nice long stretching routine. Who knows? Maybe I'll also find some of those unknown muscles!

    Good luck and happy exercising,
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    i always weigh myself on mondays, so i'll let ya'll know how i did then.

    i got out 3 nights this week and played tennis, and then 2 nights went up to the mall, power walked there and back, and walked like crazy while there.

    i didn't get any videos in this week. i generally get up before the kids in the morning and do my vids then but they've had colds and haven't been sleeping well, therefore neither have i. so i haven't gotten myself out of bed early enough for any vids.

    i did get all my water in though, so at least i kept up with 2 things lol! not to sure how the weigh in will go...for some reason i feel as though i've gained. i'll find out monday though!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I would love to join in this challenge with you ladies.
    A little about me: Im 36, married and have 2 children 15 yo daughter who just got her driving permit and a son who we just celebrated a 4th birthday for, I was a stay at home mom for 5 years took one year and went back to school and graduated with my LPN and now just started orientation at a new job 2 weeks so now Im stressed trying to manage family, weight loss, work, not worrying when Im not home that everyones going to be ok.

    Ive put alot of weight on while in school and now Im having a very hard time getting it off 115 lbs needs to come off.

    I like to have goals and The Three Part Challenge looks to me like something I could handle for it giving me small challenges at a time and not having to look so far ahead and getting discouraged

    This week I will exercise 3 -4 times whether it be walking or dvds and weigh in on Friday. My last weight in was a couple of weeks ago and i was 264. So that will be my starting weight.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I weighed in today and lost 4 lbs since last weight, yeeha! So now Ill start weighing in on Fridays, I hope every ones having a good to the weekend:)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening!

    Welcome to the challenge, ckholmes!

    I weighed myself this morning and had no weight loss :ohwell: but I've been working hard on staying within my calorie allowances this weekend and have had calories left over both days. This is a huge win for me!

    My boyfriend and I spent two hours yesterday and two hours today hiking in local state parks. Both parks are challenging due to the hills, but we did much better than we did when we started in August. Yesterday burned 970 calories and today burned 957 calories. We had a great time just talking and enjoying the outdoors. What a great way to exercise without it feeling like too much work!

    I really need to get in gear this week to lose some pounds!

    Good luck all and happy exercising!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    A huge welcome to you ckholmes!!!!
    This is a great challenge and a great team!
    Stick with it and together we will be healthy hot mama's in no time.

    Heather-what a way cool idea to hike with your boyfriend and not only get that together time but look at the calories you toasted!!!

    I can only say that the weekend was a huge issue for me and I won't step on the scale again until Friday...I am shocked sometimes at my lack of willpower and then there are the times when I am so good at a little monk
    I hope I can hold it together until Friday :grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder, don't feel bad! You'll get back on track and be melting those pounds soon!

    Even with all of the hiking and staying within my calories, I STILL gained 1 lb. according to the scale this morning. I'm going to pretend it's due to the "girl problem" and that all will be better next week. Ugh!

    Tonight is Biggest Loser tonight, so I KNOW I will get some exercising in. Plus, I have my meals planned for the entire day and as long as I don't stray, I'll stay within my allowance. I have to keep telling myself to say no to soda!!

    Good luck and happy exercising!
  • erbs
    erbs Posts: 12
    Hey All! I would really like to join in on this challenge, I hope its not too late! Setting short term goals seems like a great way to acheive the final goal.

    A little about me :
    -My name is Alicia, I am 19 years old and currently a student. I joined this website very recently in order to get back in shape. I went from being extremely active to being completely sedentary. I lost control in what I was eating and as a result I gained 20 pounds in one year. I am just ready to be fit and confident.

    SW= 140.
    Halloween Goal- 137
    Thanksgiving Goal- 132
    Christmas- 127

    So far this week Ive been very good about eating the right foods; making sure I stay within my calorie limit. Tonight I went to the gym for the first time in who knows how long. It felt good to be active again, and I hope that I can keep that up. I really excited about this challenge and really want to stick to it. I am ready for some change!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Welcome Aliciaann!!! this is a wonderful group of amazing women and we are so happy to have you come aboard.

    Our first 11 days away.
    Funny how that date is already upon is.
    Are you on track to hit your goal?
    Do you need to power down and hit the gym more?
    Do you need to re-evaluate your calorie intake?

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome to the challenge, Alicia, and good luck!

    Last night after Biggest Loser, my sister joined me for Level 1 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I only burned 294 calories, but I can feel it in my abs today, which is a good thing. I also stayed within my calories for the day.

    This morning, in an attempt to see some faster weight loss, I had MFP recalculate my daily calorie allowance, so today is the first day of having to cut 300 calories out of my eating each day. Scary, but should be obtainable if I stay away from the sodas I usually have in a day.

    Happy exercising!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Welcome to the challenge, Alicia, and good luck!

    Last night after Biggest Loser, my sister joined me for Level 1 of Jillian's 30 Day Shred. I only burned 294 calories, but I can feel it in my abs today, which is a good thing. I also stayed within my calories for the day.

    This morning, in an attempt to see some faster weight loss, I had MFP recalculate my daily calorie allowance, so today is the first day of having to cut 300 calories out of my eating each day. Scary, but should be obtainable if I stay away from the sodas I usually have in a day.

    Happy exercising!

    So how many calories are you on daily?
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    11 days?!? Wow that came up quick!

    As long as I stay on track I'm sure I can do it!
    I just bought the p90X...I'll let everyone know how it is once I try it out!
  • erbs
    erbs Posts: 12
    Thank you for the Welcomes!

    Halloween is so soon, only 11 days! WOW, but I am going to do everthing I can to reach my goal!
    That means no giving in to the Mexican food, this could be hard!! :frown:

    So.. Do we weigh in on fridays? or what?
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