Highest weight how you felt



  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I felt bad about myself, depressed, ashamed, insecure...and wanted to shy away from people.

    Now I', 99 pounds lighter....and I feel good about myself, positive, secure, have lots of energy, and friendly

    love your before and after pics so inspiring thanks for sharing!!! and congrats with the weight loss:flowerforyou:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    my highest weight 150, was very uncomfortable and unhappy.

    Where are you now and how do you feel? You look very happy and healthy:bigsmile:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    255. And that was the same day my husband proposed to me so the emotions were mixed, of course. I was happy to know that I was accepted no matter what I weighed but miserable knowing i couldn't be energetic with him. I ultimately ended up weighing about that much when we got married and was depressed....

    TOTALLY feel tons better now and my husband is so proud of me.

    Isnt is awesome when our spouses loved us bigger and smaller true test of love:heart: , I have to say we are blessed. Congrats on the weight loss this far I just know you will meet your goal. thanks for sharing
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Ugh, I'm about 5'6 and my highest weight was somewhere around at least 176 lbs. It may have even been closer to 180 some days. I hated the scale back then. Getting dressed to go out was the worst! At 165 I could still disguise the trouble spots and pull off some cute looks, but with the extra 10 lbs on top of that, nothing looked right. I'm pretty apple shaped, so I don't gain as much weight in my legs. So I knew things were out of hand when my pants stopped fitting.
    Now I'm a little under 160 and I'm amazed at what a difference 15 lbs makes. When I think about it, sometimes I get frustrated that I went unchecked for so long (i gained 20 lbs in less than a year.) It seems so silly that I let myself be unhappy with my body for so many months and in just three months I have made such a turnaround. Why didn't I do this sooner?! Lol.
    I have a long way to go, but I'm so much happier now that I'm eating better, working out regularly and wearing things I haven't been able to wear in over a year, plus being able to buy things that I wouldn't have dared to try on.

    OP: Your progress so far is amazing, and I'm sure you have the motivation to keep going and ultimately reach your goal. =]

    Isnt it great to buy things you actually want to wear not just the clothes that fit you. great job keeping healthy and thanks for sharing cheers:drinker:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    What a great bunch of people with great motivating stories. I am so happy to be a part of this program. My higest weight three and half years ago was 280 with my last pregnancy and it was very hard on my 5'5" frame my hips hurt so bad and it was very hard to walk. When I started on this website I was at 238 and I am down 9 pounds in 7 weeks which makes me feel awesome about the accomplishment. I know that a lot of my recent success is because of this website and the motivation that I get from the AWESOME people out here. May you all continue to be strong on your journey's to health - happier - sexier- you. Hope to see you around.:flowerforyou:

    Right back attcha babe!! feel free to add me as a friend the more support the better the outcome cheers:drinker:
  • When I was a my highest of 237 I felt like the most disgusting thing walking. It was hard to breathe after a single flight of stairs, I was too lazy to walk a block to the grocery store, I didn't even go out with friends because of how embarrassing I felt and looked. There is no amount o money nor any wish that can be granted to get me to ever relive those days. Currently i weigh 190lbs and I plan to lose 60-775 pounds more. Knowing that I got off my bottom and did something about my unhappiness, that's the best feeling in the world.
  • thatTOPSlady
    thatTOPSlady Posts: 199
    I feel like I'm this skinny little thing LOL

    Every once in a while, I'll see myself in the mirror and realize---oh wow---I'm still fat! (I have 75 pounds to goal)

    But I think the best compliment was from my sister who told me I now look like a normal person. :)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    255. And that was the same day my husband proposed to me so the emotions were mixed, of course. I was happy to know that I was accepted no matter what I weighed but miserable knowing i couldn't be energetic with him. I ultimately ended up weighing about that much when we got married and was depressed....

    TOTALLY feel tons better now and my husband is so proud of me.

    Isnt is awesome when our spouses loved us bigger and smaller true test of love:heart: , I have to say we are blessed. Congrats on the weight loss this far I just know you will meet your goal. thanks for sharing

    Thank you and :drinker: cheers!!! To all of us who rock!! GO US!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    When I was a my highest of 237 I felt like the most disgusting thing walking. It was hard to breathe after a single flight of stairs, I was too lazy to walk a block to the grocery store, I didn't even go out with friends because of how embarrassing I felt and looked. There is no amount o money nor any wish that can be granted to get me to ever relive those days. Currently i weigh 190lbs and I plan to lose 60-775 pounds more. Knowing that I got off my bottom and did something about my unhappiness, that's the best feeling in the world.

    you lost weight for you and that is the best way to do it!! congrats on your weight loss so far:flowerforyou:
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    I can't believe I'm admitting this, but 221 and I felt like a sack of lethargic ****.
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I can't believe I'm admitting this, but 221 and I felt like a sack of lethargic ****.

    where are you now in your weight loss and how do youe feel?
  • aquitania
    aquitania Posts: 92 Member
    The highest i know of was 264, but it could have been higher as well, i just didn't had a scale at that time.

    It felt horrible. I have bad knees and at that time they were hurting as hell, i could hardly move, and i felt like a big ball. Now i'm down some 50 lbs and feel so much better! I'm starting to see the difference in the mirror and i really like what i see. Not to mention the knees, now i feel nothing, i can move with ease. :-)
  • I know I was at least 204 at one time. Probably heigher when pregnant. I felt awful both physically and mentally. My hips hurt and I ached all the time. My hips still hurt some but a whole lot less since losing 36 pounds. I hated buying clothes. Still not my favorite thing to do but it's a lot easier to find something at a 14. I know I'll like it better when I get more weight off.
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    197 pounds. Uncomfortable and akward. Back pain, high cholestrol etc etc
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    The highest i know of was 264, but it could have been higher as well, i just didn't had a scale at that time.

    It felt horrible. I have bad knees and at that time they were hurting as hell, i could hardly move, and i felt like a big ball. Now i'm down some 50 lbs and feel so much better! I'm starting to see the difference in the mirror and i really like what i see. Not to mention the knees, now i feel nothing, i can move with ease. :-)

    I know at my highest my legs were swelling (retaining lots of water) Now that I have lost almost 60lbs my legs dont retain water unless i eat alot of crap then they do but if im good there good lol . YOur weight loss is fantasic!!! keep up the great job:smile:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    I know I was at least 204 at one time. Probably heigher when pregnant. I felt awful both physically and mentally. My hips hurt and I ached all the time. My hips still hurt some but a whole lot less since losing 36 pounds. I hated buying clothes. Still not my favorite thing to do but it's a lot easier to find something at a 14. I know I'll like it better when I get more weight off.

    Wow look how close to the end your ladybug is CONGRATS on all your weight loss. cant wait to get to a size 14!!! great job:flowerforyou:
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    197 pounds. Uncomfortable and akward. Back pain, high cholestrol etc etc

    How do you feel after the weight loss???
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Not including being pregnant, I was at about 283lbs. I was a hot, sweaty and uncomfortable mess. I was only at that weight once and briefly and I will never go there again. I feel okay now, but really can't wait until I reach my goal and can feel comfortable in my own skin.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Just wanted to add this, as my reply was quite short.

    As aforementioned, my highest weight was 196lbs, in March.

    It's hard to fit all of the emotions and sensations I experienced then into a condensed paragraph or sentence, but I'll try.

    I felt so ashamed. I felt like hiding. I felt like a beast. Unfeminine. Disgusting. Sickening. I felt inadequate compared to other females. I felt like men were turned off by me. I stopped dressing nicely. I didn't look after my hair. I hated looking in the mirror. I stopped taking photos of myself. My bones ached. My back ached. My stomach was constantly bloated and large. I felt uncomfortable, and when I sat down, my fat belly was in the way, making me feel like I had a pillow on my lap. I felt like people were staring at me every time I ate. I binged and hid the evidence. I felt out of control and powerless. I think that was the biggest thing - the feeling of being powerless to change.

    Now? 19.5lbs less - I feel amazing. I feel attractive. I'm looking after myself again. I dress up every day. I get my eyebrows done. I take pictures ALL the time. I love the mirror now. I got my tattoo on my back. My body doesn't ache so much, and my stomach is WAY smaller.
  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 322 Member
    My highest was 304 recorded but I quit weighing myself for and gained a tiny bit more, I only stayed that heavy for about 2 months then something clicked I guess and I started losing weight without trying. My next highest weight was 291....

    All my life I have flucuated between 200 and 240 but averaging out usually at 220. Even at these weights I felt the same as I do now and at 291. Im so insecure that cant have relationships with people and my fiance' suffers because Im so insecure. I scared to go to the doctors because of what they'll tell me. I feel disgusting!!! Theres so many negative feelings I associated with myself, even now at 266lbs. Why does helove me and not opt for a girl who is able to go try things with him instead of video taping him?! Someone who is easier on the eyes when trying to seduce him....I just dont get it.

    I cant lie and say I wasnt comfortable eating and not moving all day everyday. I was very comfortable but I was miserable when I tried to hit my problems head on.

    The difference when I realized I was over 300lbs I became incredibly depressed for those next 2 months and I felt more out of control than ever. I didnt know I could hate myself more than I already did and in that moment I realized it was very possible. No more hating myself though!! After 2 months was up and that something clicked in my head I started gain confidence! This is who I am! I embraced myself, I started to dress nicer and do my makeup! I even became a professional MUA. I was the big boss chick lol then I slowly became ready and braced myself to lose weight. No matter how I masked my true emotions or what true self esteem I gained I was still horribly unhappy with my health and appearnce and not being able to experience things with my man. Im sick of video taping him having fun lol I wanna have fun with him! Im still getting a grip on this but my health is much better than it was Im sure. Im still afraid to go to a doctor, But one true feeling is that I am less insecure (not by much lol but at least its something) And Im becoming happier and happier with who I am and soul searching is becoming a lot easier.

    I know I just gave you this long long story but Here is how it was for me and is for me :)