Women 50+ for October



  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi Karen!

    Come to this group any time you feel like it. I haven't been here too long myself and was taken right into the fold. It does help to be able to chat with others.

    There have been lots of good tips and recipes shared.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Karen WELCOME!!! You've come to the right place. :flowerforyou: You and I are about the same age (I'll be 62 in March) so we have the "age thing" in common!:wink: Also I live in RI so we're both East coast gals! :laugh: My niece hooked me up with MFP in August, and it's the best thing I ever did! I haven't been motivated for years until I came to this website. I LOVE IT! And the women on this thread are all so special:happy: In 2 months I've dropped almost 20 lbs. but more than that, I've learned so much from the awsome women on this site!! Stay in touch! And if you want another thread that's great and many of us belong to, try Senior Golden Sneakers Club....October!
    Have a great evening! And again Welcome!!:flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    For the Wed. night weigh-in, just concentrate on the differences -- how many pounds you've gone down. I only count my scale at home too and I only count it on Mondays! :laugh:

    I had my first physical therapy appointment today. I don't know if I mentioned that I've been having problems with my calf muscle. I think I hurt it doing my Half-marathon. It only hurt when I run and I don't run that much so I wasn't aware how bad it was until it got much worse. I just hope I can complete my race on Sunday. It's my big race of the season!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Karen WELCOME!!! You've come to the right place. :flowerforyou: You and I are about the same age (I'll be 62 in March) so we have the "age thing" in common!:wink: Also I live in RI so we're both East coast gals! :laugh: My niece hooked me up with MFP in August, and it's the best thing I ever did! I haven't been motivated for years until I came to this website. I LOVE IT! And the women on this thread are all so special:happy: In 2 months I've dropped almost 20 lbs. but more than that, I've learned so much from the awsome women on this site!! Stay in touch! And if you want another thread that's great and many of us belong to, try Senior Golden Sneakers Club....October!
    Have a great evening! And again Welcome!!:flowerforyou:


    Welcome! Here is a link to help you find the Golden Sneakers group more easily.


    This thread is located under the fitness and exercise category, but if you paste the above into your browser address bar, (or just click on the address itself) and it will take you to the page currently being posted on, and once you have posted, it, along with this thread and any others will come up for you under "my topics" tab.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I spent the day at parent/teacher conferences for my kids and 13 teachers later, I'm exhausted. Both kids are doing well in school and have good grades. Yeah!

    I don't think I can excercise tonight. I walked back and forth across the high school campus all day. Not sure how to count the start and stop walking. I just guessed at 30 minutes at a slow pace. It takes about 6 minutes to walk from one end to the other and I did that many times.

    It's amazing how tired meetings can make you. My mind is blank right now.

    Have a nice evening all,

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    Today was ok still not weighting until things settle down. My Fatherinlaw is still declining slowly so sad 92 has had a great life and in the past year has continued to decline and is now in a hospice care facility his wife is 88 and no longer able to take care of him. She told my husband she cries herself to sleep every nite they have been married around 67 yrs. So sad.

    Good nite all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Jake left in the door to door airport van this morning at six so I put on Sweatin' to the Oldies and danced around the house, then walked the dogs, showered, went to line dance, then Costco (a great place to take a walk but I'll never go again just before lunch----too many temptations for a hungry person :laugh: ) then home for lunch, then the dog park, then to a friend's house to pick apples, followed by ride on the exercise bike and a nap in front of the TV

    Now I'm enjoying wasa crackers with peanut butter thanks to all the exercise calories :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Heather, your visit to the gym sounds wonderful.....after you've weighed at night at few times you'll be more comfortable with it because you'll be able to compare those weights with each other and see how you're losing from week to week.---just don't compare it to your morning weight. You're smart to take it easy the first time until you know more about what your body will handle.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I love that story about the golf balls and pebbles and sand and coffee. It was a good reminder for me

    :flowerforyou: mamacindy, I'm glad you found time to post even with your busy schedule...this is like having coffee with a friend only easier to do and fewer calories. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Karen, welcome to the group---we're 50+ but there is no upper limit to age. This thread and MFP changed my life. Check in with us every day and get to know us and let us get to know you. Do this one day and remarkable things will happen in your life.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, best wishes for success in your physical therapy......You'll be back in the race in no time. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, have you thought about getting a pedometer. It's very satisfying counting steps and seeing the number at the end of the day. Parent-teacher conferences are very exhausting if you do them right by caring and paying attention. It's no wonder you're exhausted.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you are always so encouraging. I love reading your posts.

    After getting up at four this morning, I think this will be an early night for me. hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning girls!

    Well I'm off to the beach at 12 today so I don't have much time for chatting.

    I've got to finish packing and give my MIL a shower before I go. I alway like to leave her clean because that of course makes the caregiving easier!

    I hope you all have a good weekend. I won't have access to a computer so I am going to make the best choices I can and hopefully do a lot of walking.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good Morning all,

    Mamacindy- I hope you enjoyed the beach. I miss not living near the water. Swim a few minutes in memory of us inlanders. Pools are OK, but there is nothing like the beach.

    Heather- I've been following all your posts about joining the gym. Good luck, I hope it works out for you and you can keep going there and getting your excercise hours in. It may be a hard new habit to get into, but it will be worth it in the end.


    Barbie- I have a pedometer, but stopped using as due to my height and built it kept hitting my stomach when I sat down at work. But, I think from now on I will wear it when I'm running errands and having days like yesterday with all the stop and go walking. Great idea. Thanks. I'm glad your trying the water before coffee idea. I can't really take credit for it. I got it from some one here over the summer. It does help.

    Update on my families health issues: The out of state pediatric specialies has agreed to review my daughter's file to see if he can fix her hip. It will take a month or so to find out. My Dad is starting to walk a little when we aren't looking, but we won't know until next Friday what the final outcome is on his recent knee injury. Just when those two are settling down: Hubby's Mom had a heart attack 2 days ago and is in the hospital. We will find out today the results of all her tests. It appears to have been mild and she got to ER in time. It's a miracle as her friend/neighbor drove her 2.5 hours to the nearest hospital in her HMO.

    Time for me to get moving.

    Have a nice Friday all.

    I am hope, but our mini vacation plans got cancelled, so it's an opportunity to catch up on errands and house cleaning.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. I feel as if I dodged a bullet last night...it was the first time I really had an overbearing desire to keep eating even when I knew I was full. Fortunately I was able to reign myself in before I did too much damage...the fact that my indulgences occured with roast chicken, a tiny bit of red beans and rice, and a few baked tostitos and salsa did help. I finally resorted to a quick prayer and a nice hot cup of Alpine sugar free spiced apple cider which seemed to satisfy the hunger beast inside of me. Anyway, it's sort of scary to feel like you are losing control of yourself when you so badly do not want to.

    Welcome Karen...you really have joined the right group. Inspiring, uplifting and caring ladies post here:smile:

    :heart: Barb, I really loved the full-jar story, thank you for posting it.
    MacMadame, sorry to hear about your calf muscle. Hope you are able to run Sunday. I admire anyone who can run...I have never been able to...maybe when there is less of me to bounce and jiggle :tongue:
    :flowerforyou: MamaCindy and SwissMiss good luck on your busy schedules. Life does seem to get really hectic, doesn't it? MamaCindy...bless you for being a caregiver to you MIL...I did it for 13 years and know it isn't an easy row to hoe.
    Jeannie--PT conferences for the kids and health issues for the family...hang in there and carve a few minutes of the day out for yourself!
    Barbie...Jake gone again? Talk about busy schedules!! Congrats on the new coat. I'm just happy that I'm back into the winter coat that really was too small for me last year!

    After reading everyone's post...I find the day so much easier to face with a positive attitude. I love reading your words of wisdom. It also makes me glad to know that I'm not the only one with a scale fixation and that my scale isn't the only one that weighs less than the doctor''s office!

    Have a great day ladies. Terri
  • Boy we have all been there....over eating and upset with ourselves again. But what seems to work for me recently is that when I blow it...and i think we all do...I do not let that go into days of blowing it. And so I jump back on the wagon the very next hour or day and I have noticed that one bad hour does not turn into me giving up.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well I got all the things I had to do done! Now I'm just waiting for my GF.

    Won't be getting in the water at the beach cause I think it will be too cold. Brrrrr. Maybe my toes but not much else. My god-daughter is 8 so we will see if she gets in or not.

    So y'all have a good weekend and I'll be back Monday evening!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    Thanks for the encouragment for the gym. I went again last night and just swallowed the negative self talk and did my thing. I forgot a work out shirt so I had to go in my shell I wore under my sweater to work. I was going to just go back home but then I revised my thinking and carried on. - Flabby arms and all:laugh: I increased my time on the cardio and my reps on the machines and will continue to do so. I finished with a infared sauna and a hot shower. It made a difference when I got home to as far as snacking - More real in my head how much it takes to burn off a stupid cookie:tongue:

    My 14 yr old daughter left this morning for Minneapolis (7 hr drive) with her church group, so as usual I will be nervous until they get back home on Sunday night.

    Robinia - that's a great way to look at it - the very next meal is a perfect opportunity to get back on track.

    I got and email from prevention that gave a list of twenty healthy meals I will try to find it and copy/paste the link for your viewing pleasure:tongue:

    Have a great day all
    Gotta work now - YAY Friday!!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Good Day All!

    Love reading all the great posts. Glad to see so many advances made on so many fronts. Finding the courage to face; the gym, being alone, family health issues, and our own momentary failings.

    What an inspiring group of women!

    I am still cheerfully marching along, small hitch in my step as I have caught the bug that's going around. Held it at bay for a long time, but it caught me in a weak moment. Cough Cough Hack Hack.
    I feel better today than yesterday. Onward and upward!

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Heather- I've been following all your posts about joining the gym. Good luck, I hope it works out for you and you can keep going there and getting your excercise hours in. It may be a hard new habit to get into, but it will be worth it in the end.

    Thanks Jeannie
    I too drink 2-3 glasses before morning coffee (when I remember) and it really helps get the quota in for the day and I also had parent teacher for the kids - both doing well except for a bit low in Math, My son is actually above 98% in three of his subjects - Sure hope that lasts as this is "scholarship" year. Lots in common for us these days isn't there.

    Take care
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :ohwell: MacMadame: Hope your calf situation is resolved for this weekend. It would be a shame to build up to such an event only to not be able to do it!!! You’re such an inspiration!

    :yawn: Jeannie: Conferences can certainly render one brain dead! But it sounds like you’ve been dealing with a whole lot of things besides conferences! Your daughter…your dad…your mother in law! :noway: :noway: Thank God the heart attach was a mild one! Wow…a lot to deal with…stay positive.:flowerforyou:

    :frown: Lynn: That IS so sad. My parents were never separated so when my father had a stroke 4 years ago, we all went through the same thing. But, it’s my personal experience, that in many of these situations, God gives us time to evaluate the situation and when WE finally decide it’s too much to see them (the sick one AND the spouse) go through this trauma any longer, and WE say that we will let go…then they cross over the threshold into eternity.:heart: Both your father-in-law and my father lived their lives to the fullest but it’s still hard to let go.:cry: And also, God seems to give grace to the spouse to be stronger than we think they’ll be.:flowerforyou: My mother misses dad very much, but she has such a tremendous spirit to go on (she’s 85) that I swear sometimes SHE is carrying US! You are all in my prayers…stay strong.:heart::heart:

    :smile: Barbie: You may miss Jake but you really stay busy! It’s good that two people can be so close and yet have their own space to do their own thing too!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy: Hope you have a great weekend. I think the world of Caregivers! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You deserve a break!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :angry: Terri: We’ve all been there! It’s like we become an eating machine and can’t stop!:noway: :noway: Sounds like you managed to escape a disaster, though! Good for you!.:flowerforyou: What helps me is to only eat what I have decided to put in my plate. I don’t go for seconds even if I have the calories, as a discipline. If I’m still hungry an hour later, then I’ll have a planned snack. If you are in the OA program, then you probably don’t eat in between meals, so I would just plan a real healthy meal and walk away. I was in OA for 14 years, many years ago, and was abstinent for that long. But eventually my abstinence became sloppy…. I was NOT being honest about the meals. They say 3 meals a day with nothing in between...... I would have 3 – 2 hour long meals and started gaining my weight back. Now I plan every bite I put into my mouth as much as I can. It will save you from compulsive behavior that I am all too familiar with!:wink:

    :smile: Robina: You’re right! Not only one day at a time…sometimes it’s one minute at a time!

    :flowerforyou: Heather: I give you credit for exercising without going back home for a workout shirt. It shows your convictions! Well done!!:flowerforyou:
    :love: Your daughter will be home before you know it. Sounds like she’s doing something special!

    :happy: Alice: Hope you keep feeling better! That can wear you out! Try to have a good and restful weekend….as much as you can!

    BirdieM :smooched:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    :flowerforyou: Heather: I give you credit for exercising without going back home for a workout shirt. It shows your convictions! Well done!!:flowerforyou:
    :love: Your daughter will be home before you know it. Sounds like she’s doing something special!
    THanks Birdie I'm glad too because i wouldn't have gone back. This weekend I will try to hit some sales for some comfy t-shirts to where there - ones with arms:wink:

    I'm going to try for today and tommorrow - looking forward to a Saturday time becuase I won't have worked all day already. My daughter just texted me to say they are almost there and that she is feeling a bit better YAY I'm just a little worried about H1N1. You're right she'll be back before I know it. THanks:heart:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good evening everyone. I am once again stuck at my weight. I have been here for almost two months. I added more exercise and so far it hasn't helped. Today I just about gave up entirely. But, I didn't. I ate my usual healthy lunch. I guess that I am just getting depressed up this.
    Nice thing is that I have the house to myself for a few hours. My girls are at the football game and my husband is at work. I am planning on driving three and a half hours on Sunday to pick up two more of my daughters for a visit. So, I will be having a busy weekend.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    hello everyone,

    I miss it when I don't have a chance to read all of your things. I have been so busy with the grandkids at school. But I wanna tell you all something. The last time I wrote I was crying in my chocolate and then God led me to a friend and the South Beach Diet.

    Well, I am doing fantastic. I haven't weight but the inches that are coming off are dramatic. But most of all, I feel so awesome. No blood sugar spikes. Every day is great. I even am losing that tired slump in the afternoon. It's been one week and this sunday Jose and I are going to weight in to see who lost the most weight. We are in a little contest. I don't care if I win cause I am praying he loses. I took his blood sugar and it has now put him as a diabetic which his parents are.

    Please pray for that man too. he is far to young for this. Well, God bless you all. kc:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member

    Barbie- I have a pedometer, but stopped using as due to my height and built it kept hitting my stomach when I sat down at work. But, I think from now on I will wear it when I'm running errands and having days like yesterday with all the stop and go walking. Great idea. Thanks. I'm glad your trying the water before coffee idea. I can't really take credit for it. I got it from some one here over the summer. It does help.
    Jeannie, Omron makes some pedometers that you can carry in your pocket thus avoiding your stomach when you sit down. I researched pocket pedometers because I had lost so many that clipped to my waistband.