Greek Yogart - how do you eat this stuff?!?



  • ravenwcatz
    ravenwcatz Posts: 105 Member
    You can say whatever you like about the added sugars and whatnot, but I could seriously eat a pot of Chobani's pineapple yogurt every single day. It's seriously the best thing I've ever eaten.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Alrighty folks, here is an update since this thread is somehow still alive. Thanks to some feedback on here I finally found a way to make this stuff not suck.

    The trick is hiding the icky tart taste with Jello, preferably the sugar free variety, even though the sugar full kind tastes way better (way more calories too).

    So far my favorite is:
    2 Cups fat free greek yogart
    1/2 packet of sugar banana cream jello
    2 tbsp hershey unsweetened cocoa powder
    2 tbsp PB2 powder
    1/4 cup almond milk (for a more creamy texture)

    I had this for lunch today. Under 400 calories and 51 grams of protein.

    Gonna try pistachio next.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    1 tbsp of honey, chopped walnuts and unsweetened coconut flakes works for me : )
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Chobani Apple Cinnamon.

    Best. Stuff. EVER.
  • sdpridd
    sdpridd Posts: 1
    I saw this on YouTube. Making vegetable dip out of greek yogurt.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    With a spoon. LOL I used to add Stevia but gotton acquired ot the taste now I eat it plain
  • csalter61
    csalter61 Posts: 13
    1/2 cup non-fat greek yogurt and 1/2 oz of raisins mixed in, the tart and sweet work well.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    I would also like to know which brand you tried. I've been thinking about switching over from my beloved Yoplait light(strawberry and very cherry are my faves). I know the Greek version is better for me, but I've heard friends talk about the taste, so I've been hesitant.

    For anyone: What brand would you recommend, knowing how much I love, love, love the above mentioned regular yogurts? I don't mind the tart taste, but it has to taste good or it will waste away in my fridge. ;)

    Stonyfield Organics Oikos Caramel Greek Yogurt is like heaven in a cup! It's also really good mixed into a protein shake- just scoop the individual serving container into the blender, add protein powder (I use chocolate, but vanilla is good too), water (or skim milk if you prefer) and the fruit of your choice. It's awesome. But my favorite way to eat it is with Grapenuts cereal mixed in. I like the crunch from the grapenuts. It makes breakfast taste like desert :bigsmile:
  • JDking22
    JDking22 Posts: 12 Member
    I got the keylime pie kind and i eat it with gram crackers probably not the best but is taste like keylime pie and has a simular texture
  • Add mint leaves or lemon balm!
  • ooooh I LOVE greek yogurt, here are some of my favorite ways to use (and enjoy) it!

    equal parts (any type) mayo and plain greek yogurt
    3 cloves of fresh chopped garlic (a big spoonful of already chopped, jarred works well too)
    a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
    a pinch or two of sea salt
    Mix really well, let sit at least an hour so flavors can meld and then use it for fish or if you eat anything meatless (I love it with meatless nuggets). I don't know cals etc, but I LOVE this one.

    1 cup greek yogurt, 2 tablespoons honey (you can use artificial sweetener, but I think honey gives it less of a bite)
    1/2 cup of your favorite fresh/frozen-unsweetened fruit.
    Stir, let sit for about 15 min (again for flavor melding) and enjoy!

    And last:

    1 cup plain greek yogurt
    1/2 c each of 3-4 different fruits you enjoy (again, fresh or frozen -unsweetened); add a banana for a thicker drink
    12 oz V8 VFusion Green Tea (any flavor)
    I sometimes add fresh spinach too or can and usually does make it a funny color, but oh so fresh and tasty! Blend on high for a couple minutes!
    Should serve two people about 6 oz each!
  • gjriddle
    gjriddle Posts: 46 Member
    I really love Greek yogurt, too -- but not plain! Like a lot of folks have said, the taste and consistency really varies from brand to brand. I am not a fan of the Yoplait Greek, but Voskos is absolutely delicious! I love their honey and vanilla-honey. Both are great on their own, but fantastic with some granola and fruit!!! I also love pairing Greek yogurt with a slice of grilled pineapple for a delicious, guilt-free dessert :smile:
  • ahoag_83
    ahoag_83 Posts: 54 Member
    Add some honey and a little granola, but maybe buy a vanilla flavored greek yogurt. The "plain" stuff is pretty hard to adjust to.
  • I really like plain Greek yogurt with honey, but aside from that I also find that it is not as well suited to the sweet side of things. It can, however, be *amazing* with savories, where its tanginess and creaminess can really compliment the flavors. I really like it mixed with canned chipotles in adobo sauce, for an easy and tasty dip/sauce, or used instead of heavy cream in recipes like mushroom stroganoff, and of course its traditional uses like tzatziki.

    If you're looking for a yogurt that has a similar nutritional profile, but has a smoother flavor, you might want to try the Icelandic yogurt (edit: technically a soft fat-free cheese, but tastes and is packaged like yogurt) called skyr. It tastes really rich and creamy, but has no fat and a lots of protein, and works well with sweet things, especially berries. The brand available in the U.S. is called Siggi's, and you can get it plain or in a variety of agave-sweetened flavors. They carry it at most Whole Foods- type markets.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I put a couple scoops into a smoothie to make it smoother. I agree, I can't eat the stuff on its own. The flavor isn't bad, but it's just way too creamy.
  • Lay821
    Lay821 Posts: 73 Member
    Fage with just about any cereal, 2 tablespoons of PB2, or 1 tablespoon of Agave ...YUMMY
  • lozzle91
    lozzle91 Posts: 38
    I add 1T of peanut butter, 1tsp honey, cinnamon, 1tsp cocoa powder, and today 1/2c blueberries. It's delicious.

    This sounds yummy!
  • tatertotwithcheese
    tatertotwithcheese Posts: 3 Member
    I think its an aquired taste. I hated it at first, but once I found a couple of brands that I liked (oikos organic and chobani) I cant go a day without eating one. Some like dannon I personally think taste awful.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Dannon Okios vanilla w/fresh fruit & granola. My fave fruit right now is strawberries..... but I also like it w/banana, peaches & pineapple. YUM!!!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Chobani Apple Cinnamon.

    Best. Stuff. EVER.

    Chobani apple cinnamon & Chobani strawberry banana. For vanilla I prefer Dannon Okios. The Chobani vanilla & plain are bitter tasting to me. Dannon's peach is good too.