I don't care about "losing pounds"... Male v Female?



  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm trying to get healthier and stronger and fitter. I am working on eating better, and getting more exercise (both cardio and strength) into my life. I'd like to lose weight too and I already have been, but I'm more concerned with what I can *do* and how my body feels more so than the number on the scale, and I'm not looking to be a size 2, but the high end of average might be good.

    I'm 44, and I've been noticing every year things get just a little bit harder. For a while I accepted that as part of life, but then it occurred to me it doesn't have to be (at least not so much). Every year I go camping where there is this big hill I must walk up and down pretty much every day in the bright sun in 90 degree weather..that in particular has gotten harder every year, and damn it,I want to be able to go up that hill without feeling like I'm going to fall over.

    A couple things have kind of kicked me into gear.....

    First...seeing my dad who is 75 who is now widowed and living alone, and how much trouble he has with things. He doesn't have any of the big bads ...but otoh wobbles when he stands, has a hard time lifting things, struggles to do so much of his daily stuff, has trouble remembering things etc. He never put a lot of focus on nutrition or exercise, but he generally lead a much more active life (ie, a physical job not a desk job like me) and I want to be able to lift my own groceries and clean my own house at 75, and make it to 75 in the first place.

    Then, not long ago my boyfriend died of a very fast acting cancer..at 48. He was pretty slim, ate fish and veggies and almost never junk, did yoga and walked regularly and went on really long backpacking trips in the wilderness.....yet it got him (cancer apparently doesn't care). The older I get the more I see people getting this or that illness, and I realize how lucky I've been that despite not putting much thought into it and eating crap, I'm pretty healthy. So I want to improve my odds.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Maybe it's me, but I couldn't care less about how many pounds I lose.

    I don't really, either. My goal weight would still put me at a high BMI, with the caveat that I want to be fairly muscular at that weight.
    I also don't give a flying rat turd about how I look in a mirror.


    Well, I guess I do. I've been overweight for more than a decade, and I haven't seriously dated in almost 13 years. Having someone be interested in me again would be nice - although I am fairly comfortable alone most of the time.
    Please know, I'm not saying anything bad about those who are shedding weight and/or trying to look better. It's great and I support you. However, I'm more focused on getting lean, and fighting better.

    My primary motivation is not losing weight to look good. It's to reverse the insulin resistance/pre-diabetic condition I currently have. My mother was recently diagnosed diabetic and I have several other risk factors.
    I started a string a few days ago that discussed the reasons most people are here... i.e. training for a sport, etc. 95% of the responses revolved around "running." There were a handful of other sports, and a few the said "life."

    Hmmm, I guess I missed that one, because mine is "to be strong and healthy".
    Is this a "guy thing?"
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    As a woman, I feel like we have it drilled into our brains that we need to weigh a certain amount. We grow up bombarded with magazines saying "Drop 10 lbs before summer!" Or "Lose 5 lbs fast!" etc. Men are encouraged more to get fit, get a 6 pack, get lean ripped muscles, etc....but there isn't nearly as much mention of weight.

    As much as I KNOW that I don't need to weigh a certain amount and that my body fat percentage/way my clothes fit is about a trillion times more important, I do catch myself commiserating over the # on the scale. I think it's just something women grow up with (in general---of course there are exceptions to both sides of this generalization).

    It's a process, getting past that mentality. I'd like to say that once I am in what is considered in healthy weight range for my height and frame size, I'll stop worrying about it. But I can't say that with 100% honesty. My hope is to be able to look in the mirror, be satisfied with what I see, and totally bypass the scale altogether. I've gone from weighing every day (I know, obsessive), to once a week, and now I'm slowly working toward weighing every other week. Eventually, I'd like that to only be once a month.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    i don't think that it's really a male v female thing. i think it's a fitness level thing.

    you have a lot of ppl like me on here. many have 100+ to lose - i have over 200 to lose - and for us it IS about the weight. but the weight is just the cause of the effect we're trying to get around. you know, that effect where you're in a box six feet down before you ever had a chance to blow out 40 birthday candles. yeah. that effect sucks. and we're trying to avoid it.

    then there are those here who are building. they care how they look in the mirror and how the clothes fit b/c at first, it's hard to trust the scale.

    then there are those who are competing and/or training. most eating at a surplus, watching every macro, and killing it in the gym.

    males and females in every grouping.

    and let me tell you - when i am anywhere NEAR goal, you better believe that i'll be posting mirror pics. not b/c i want to feel like a 13 yo, but b/c i will have earned the hell out of a rockin' bod.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Notice that they don't sell spanx to men.


    I was wondering if this was a thing....But I suppose the idea that most people don't know they exist still helps prove my point. :ohwell:

    Thanks for the link.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    I really don't care about losing pounds(technically), I actually care about not being able to play with my kids. After losing the weight I have so far i can now be more active with my kids and run and do a lot more things that I couldn't do before. I'm more into getting myself back into being healthy and if that means losing pounds then that's what it means. As for the people looking for a quick fix then they need to go somewhere else(and will eventually) because this site provides the information that you need to lose weight the right way. I'm proud to say that I lost 61 pounds so far and plan to lose at least 39 more pounds before I'm done. Currently I am focused on running and will be lifting soon to tone things up so I'm stronger and can perform better for my kids.

    BTW Yes I do find it annoying about the pics. I guess tonight I'll take a pic of my man boobs to see if they find that equally as appealling LOL!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
  • sandrajayne09
    Hi This is my first time ever of posting-but I had to smile when I read your post about touching toes-for the first time in years I can actually see mine-next goal will be touching them!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    On a related note... Men who pose shirtless in front of their bathroom mirror, and use their cell phone to take a picture like a 13 year old girl... bother me. ;)

    LMAO!! Love this!!
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Hey, nothing wrong with running. Great cardio transfers itself to MANY sports, including fighting (which as you know requires a hell of a lot of cardiovascular endurance if you want to make it past the first round). At least running trains you to run fast (which can come in handy where I live, as we have many bears and cougars around and I hike a lot). Last I checked....you can't ellipitcal away from a bear ;)

    You can if the bear is also on an elliptical.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    <-- Thirteen year old girl reporting for duty :tongue:

    I have been cutting for a bit and this is the best way to show progress.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    Try weighing over 300 lbs. and tell us you don't care about "losing pounds".
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I just this morning was thinking about this. I look in the mirror and realize that what I really need is tone, with that tone I know the weight will come down but it's more important to me to be lean. If anybody out there could help me with some advice and motivation please add me!
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Hi This is my first time ever of posting-but I had to smile when I read your post about touching toes-for the first time in years I can actually see mine-next goal will be touching them!

    No. My picture is the "webcam pic while my 7 & 3 year old sons are pretending to be Ninjas and punching me in the ribs."
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    I just this morning was thinking about this. I look in the mirror and realize that what I really need is tone, with that tone I know the weight will come down but it's more important to me to be lean. If anybody out there could help me with some advice and motivation please add me!

    Cardio with light weights. And lots and lots and lots of water.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    Try weighing over 300 lbs. and tell us you don't care about "losing pounds".

    I weigh 275. I'm a beast. I feel ya.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Maybe it's me, but I couldn't care less about how many pounds I lose.

    I also don't give a flying rat turd about how I look in a mirror.

    Please know, I'm not saying anything bad about those who are shedding weight and/or trying to look better. It's great and I support you. However, I'm more focused on getting lean, and fighting better.

    I started a string a few days ago that discussed the reasons most people are here... i.e. training for a sport, etc. 95% of the responses revolved around "running." There were a handful of other sports, and a few the said "life."

    Is this a "guy thing?"

    It's not a guy thing. I do care about losing extra fat, because hauling it up a pole, or over my head is effing hard. While I do have a "weight goal," I'm far less concerned with the number on the scale than I am with my physical strength, stamina, and agility. All of that said, it would be a complete lie to say I don't care about my appearance, but my appearance goals (a muscular/athletic body) happen to be compatible with my fitness goals.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    <-- Thirteen year old girl reporting :tongue:

    I have been cutting for a bit and this is the best way to show progress.

    There's nothing that says my opinion is valid. I'm just personally not a "bathroom mirror & cell phone" kinda guy.

    To each their own. Congrats on the progress though.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I don't have a problem w/ the shirtless guys or bikini girls. It's called a progress pic.

    I'm here for general fitness, concentrate mostly on weights since I'm generally considered thin, but I'm really skinny fat. I mix HIIT cardio in w/ my weight workouts.
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