Food you thought weren't too bad until you logged them?



  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    Just for the record. Nutella is the devil. LOL. it is horrible discused as healthy

    I ate Nutella growing up in Greece. But, it was always looked at as a treat - it wasn't marketed like it is here in the US (at least not back in the 80's)

    Nutulla is about the same as low-fat peanut butter.....not the worst ever, but not high health with whole fruits/veggies/whole grains
  • red_nine
    red_nine Posts: 8 Member
    Everything has more calories than I expected before I started paying attention to it. Ketchup is mostly sugar, but mustard has no appreciable calories at all. I now use mustard over mayo or ketchup wherever I can find it palatable.

    Many packaged snacks are loaded with calories, trans fat, sodium, etc. But we're evolutionarily-tuned to like crunchy foods. Primates consume insects which have a lot of good protein. A carry-over is our love of crunchy snacks. Now I snack on radishes, pickles and carrots instead when I need that crunchy fix. Not insects, but hey if you wanna go old school...

    I find it impossible to meet my sodium goals if I eat any food that comes in a package. The amount of sodium in food is scandalous. It should be criminal. I wonder how much we would save on health care if we stopped loading up packaged food with sodium. It should be as obvious as smoking and other health risks. Sodium haters: UNITE!

    Archer Daniels Midland
    ad nauseum....

    Eat local, eat fresh, if you can. These multi-national corporations are poisoning us.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    The entire menu at Sonic. Oh my god, it cannot be unseen.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Oh and Mike's Hard Lemonade Mango Punch - my favorite drink on the weekends - we were buying it by the case - I thought it was probably the same as a beer. Nope - 300 calories a bottle! No wonder I packed weight on last fall!.
  • tangoa24
    tangoa24 Posts: 27
    Ah pretty much any prepared food from any major chain!!! It's insane! Where do these calories come from?! I used to perpetually eat out, and I have to seriously cut back since one meal out has the same calorie content as three meals prepared myself!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    salad dressings. ew
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    granola! thought it was healthy!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member

    A hamburger patty from Costco. One patty is 6 oz...yet the serving size is 3 oz. That was not a fun revelation.

    Ok - things like that just piss me off. Who is eating only a 1/2 burger as a general rule when making it themselves? I've gone out to a restaurant and gotten a ridiculously fattening burger with crazy toppings, etc, and split it with someone and had that be great, but I have never just made burgers at home and had 1/2 of one.
  • sundedo
    sundedo Posts: 6
    35 per slice?! Mind telling me what kind of bread that is?

    Sara Lee 45 Calorie Delightful - Low Carb Bread is only 45 cal./slice. I won't make a sandwich with any but that. I also don't put cheese or mayo on it. Jut bread, spicy mustard and meat.

    Calories 45 Sodium 120 mg
    Total Fat 1 g Potassium 0 mg
    Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 9 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 2 g
    Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 1 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 3 g

    I eat Nature's Own bread. Love, love! I get either the Whole Wheat (50 calories per slice) or Whole Grain (70 calories per slice). Both have substance (read gluten) and meet whole grains requirements. I won't eat anything else! The hot dog and hamburger rolls are awesome as well! Bread is one of the foods where I will go higher calorie to get a better product.

    Anyone who is interested, WalMart carries it.

    Yea, I switch between the Sara Lee low carb and FlatOut wraps. The key for me is watching the "extras" that I used to put on a sandwich (cheese, mayo, etc.). I found that I really like spicy mustard so I just use that.

    A decent sized sandwich and green beans or broccoli is around 300-400 calories for me. That's 1/4th of my daily goal. Throw in some exercise and it doesn't hurt me one bit :)
  • brighteyes31143
    Will read later, BUMP!! :0)
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    It was definitely chicken wings for me. Hooters wings, to be exact. Holy crap. My hubby brought us there the last day of the kids' school as a treat for the kids. I thought I was being "safe" by ordering six wings. No dressing. And when I got home and logged them, I thought I'd die...
  • Ailly28
    Ailly28 Posts: 3
    Fruit. I didn't realize I was actually self sabotaging until I started logging them into my food diary. YIKES!
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    cheese lol. i love the stuff but its too high in sodium and ive been trying to keep it low. :/
  • anjsdav
    anjsdav Posts: 34 Member
    Chicken Burrito and Chicken Wings (buffalo, lemon pepper, curry, jerk...I love them all!) Man, I thought chicken was "healthy." A burrito from Chipotle's is more than half my day's calorie goal but ohhhh so good.
  • steffanyjames
    steffanyjames Posts: 47 Member
    I have a recipe on my blog here for granola bars that I make myself. They are approx 160 calories and they gives me the chew and sweet that I sometime crave. Check it out.. I also like knowing all the ingredients in them, and no preservatives.
  • msharif71
    msharif71 Posts: 34 Member
    All fast food.......calories aren't terrible but fat and sodium content are off the charts.

    I used to eat the baja salad at Wendy's thinking I was doing good......540 calories, 32 Grams of fat.....15 saturated and 1600 g sodium.....without any dressing. With the dressing I would be over my daily sodium intake with just a salad at lunch.

    That is just mind blowing and a perfect example of why we have so many health problems in this country - because they can market this crap as healthy alternatives - what BS

    Amen! I was surprised by all the sodium in EVERYTHING, I am trying to lower my sodium intake and some days it feels so useless!
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    Applebee's Spinach Shrimp Salad. I got the lunch portion... (it's free refills and I got two).... 800 calories. I was beyond angry and still freaking hungry!
  • mebtai2
    mebtai2 Posts: 14
    My wonderful Banana Pudding milkshake at Chic-fil-a!! LORD WHY!!
  • steffanyjames
    steffanyjames Posts: 47 Member
    Sadly, my fav - spicy salmon/tuna maki rolls are about 450 calories. I just logged one today for lunch and almost fell of my chair.
  • JenCat162
    JenCat162 Posts: 28 Member
    Diet Dr. Pepper. Crazy high sodium.