Ladies: Do you accept friend requests from guys on MFP?



  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    Hell yes! :drinker:
  • nahid101
    nahid101 Posts: 18 Member
    How often do you delete people
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    I can also appreciate that at your tender age, you have very little experience with the world and how it works.

    Wow, that's the most condescending anyone's ever been to me in my short uneventful life :laugh: Congratulations, you set a new record! :drinker:
    It has nothing to do with preventing yourself from cheating (although, the BEST prevention is not putting yourself in the position to have to choose. Common sense 101). What you can't seem to comprehend, is that they ARE taking responsibility for their actions. They ARE acting with self control. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean its not happening.

    That's not the best prevention, it's just the best way to avoid the issue altogether. Obviously, setting boundaries in a relationship is hugely important. They decided to set what most would consider a strict boundary, and if it's working for them, that's fantastic. I'm not criticising the boundary itself, just the reason behind it.
    Again, I appreciate your intentions...but until you've walked more than a couple miles in other peoples should probably remove that chip and stop being so judgmental. Not everyone defines trust as you do. That doesn't mean they aren't trusting. Not everyone defines their relationship as you do. That doesn't mean their relationship is flawed, or doomed for failure. They've kept it together for 24yrs.

    That's one less year than you've been ALIVE. I think that they know a bit more about how things work than you do.

    You're reading things that aren't there. I'm not being judgamental at all. I never said there was no trust in their relationship or that they were doomed for failure. I said, based on how she wrote certain things, that they think they have no control, and that this is not true.
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm not familiar with the US school system... what do you mean by "causing problems?" Are you saying that female students in the US falsely accuse professors of sexually molesting them in their own offices? (I don't think that's what TinkrBelz was talking about, though).

    If that's not what she was talking about, I assure you her thoughts were running in a similar vein. Yes, female students have been known to bring false accusations against professors and teachers. It does not end there. Sexual harassments lawsuits ran rampant throughout the US for while, where the burden of proof rested with the accused.

    That is completely ****ed up. Ok, so forget the part about him leaving the door open.
  • outspan87
    outspan87 Posts: 98 Member
    I guess you have never heard of innocent men being accused of sexual harassment? The first year my husband was a professor, a very nice fellow professor was accused of sexual harassment. He had no way to prove he was innocent! He said/She said. My husband has set guidelines to follow for several reasons. To protect himself from false accusations and from allowing a friendship to get too close, by setting up these boundaries he is protecting himself.

    I've never heard of that happening in the country where I live, and it sounds really, REALLY messed up... but if that's the state of things in the US, then forget the part about your husband, I can understand that.
    You said I have control over how much flirting I do and I can stop when it gets too intense. I AM a married woman, I should not be flirting with other men. Why give off a signal when I have NO intention on following through with the act? When I flirt with a man, it is because I am interested in him. I should and I AM only interested in my husband. So, I do not flirt with other men and he does not flirt with other women....we do all of that stuff with each other. AND, this could be why we have a very strong and trusting relationship.

    You have control way before it gets to that point. If a man flirts with you, you can stop him and reject him right away. If an MFP friend pervs on you, you can delete him, just like any other girl does. In the message before this, you wrote:
    I am not going open myself up to something that could destroy our relationship (ie: chatting with men or having them on my FL and then talking to them too much or texting them, or eventually sexting them)

    What I'm saying is, you can stop things way before they escalate into sexting. Attractive women get hit on all the time, but they are very good at rejecting advances. The people who leave their spouses didn't do so because they were exposed to a lot of people of the other sex, they did so because there was something missing in their own relationship. You grow feelings toward someone when what you already have isn't enough. And it sounds like you're very close to your husband, so I believe there's no risk of that happening.
    I think it is wise to set up boundaries for oneself. And I believe it is foolish to think, it will never happen to me. I have no problem with others have male and female friends on their FL. That is cool and they can do what they want. I just find it odd that when someone says that they do not have the opposite sex in their FL, they are attacked as "not having control" or having "trust Issues"

    AND, I need to say, that I would not be happy if my husband was flirting with other women or asking other women to send him special pictures through Email or text.

    Yes, of course it's very important to set up boundaries, but I think they must be there for the right reasons. I'm not criticising your decision not to have males in your FL. I'm just trying to show you that the reason why you've been faithful and so close all these years is because you fulfill each other, not because you've successfully avoided temptation at all costs.

    All the best
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Do you have a sister?


    Christ dude.. she is taken already. Nuzzeling is not gonna get you know where.

    Reading comprehension isn't your strong it? Which part of asking about a sister...compliment that it is...implies I want her? Which part of the absolute respect I've shown for how she and her husband handle their relationship was the part that confused you?

    Just let me know...and I'll be happy to clarify.
  • Tanyawhite30
    Tanyawhite30 Posts: 473
    I can`t handle men
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I can also appreciate that at your tender age, you have very little experience with the world and how it works.

    Wow, that's the most condescending anyone's ever been to me in my short uneventful life :laugh: Congratulations, you set a new record! :drinker:

    Thanks. And welcome to the world. When you put condescension out're likely to get it spit right back in your face. You can backpedal all you like...and claim you weren't judging their relationship...but that's exactly what you did.


    I'll reply to clarify later when I'm at a PC...but I'll leave you with this.

    Which part of their 24 years of happiness...makes you feel they need your unqualified opinion on anything they're doing? You were already shown you were wrong (based on lack of knowledge and experience...not your fault...but opening your mouth without it, is), yet you continue advising her...when in'd do well to listen instead.


    I stand by my first statements.
  • destanicheri
    destanicheri Posts: 297 Member
    I accept from anyone really, encouragement is encouragement, but if they don't use the site or give any encouragement, bye bye!
  • xipow
    xipow Posts: 58
    I find this idea disturbing in that it is stereotypical, prejudicial, judgmental etc. As we all know, it is dangerous to generalize behavior of some to all in a group. We are all individuals and should be judged one by one.
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    I didn't even know there were other guys on this website

    No guys on're the only one! You didn't miss a thing!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Absolutely NOT! It's like asking to be assaulted.

    a little paranoid, aren't we? how, exactly is someone going to assault you through the computer?
    That's...the...point. It's sarcasm
  • skinyZ
    skinyZ Posts: 89 Member
    yes i do, i love men! :laugh:
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Why not? If they turn out to be creepy just delete them... men, women, same support from both, so ...
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member

    Hi ladies.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I have accepted men as friends...but if they are perverted or don't say anything than no.
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    Sure... why not?:bigsmile:
  • Twilightsunflower
    Twilightsunflower Posts: 330 Member
    i find the guys on my friends list have higher burns which is inspiring to me to push harder and get bigger numbers.... and they are just as encouraging as my women friends...

    but its a personal choice that everyone has to make..
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    :( I can give good advice even though I lack estrogen. And I'm good for entertainment as well.

    ^ true story.

    I don't understand why you would limit yourself like that. Friendship, encouragement and motivation is good no matter which sex it comes from.

    ^^This. If a guy sends me a friend request, I'm going to accept just like I would any woman who sends me a request. Sure their bodies work differently, but they can still encourage and advise me just as well as any woman.
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I accept friend requests from any gender, but only of people who have interests related to mine. I don't see a point in being "friends" with someone who hates sci-fi, fantasy, anime, animals and costumes. It just so happens that at the moment the only two people with similar interests as me are girls.