New Challenge for Late Night Snackers (June 2012)



  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    If at first you don't succeed...try try again :drinker: Debbie :heart:

    I second that!
    Also, if at some point you fail again, then try try try again :wink:.
  • gritty1
    gritty1 Posts: 19 Member
    ME 2
    LNS 1

    In my defence your honour I was playing sport at the time and when we had finshed someone got out some chocolate and orange rolls so I had 2 (oops)

    Though I did refuse the maltesers.

    Felf really guilty as well.

    I will defeat LNS...:)
  • Brandnewdea
    Brandnewdea Posts: 6 Member
    ME 1
    LNS 0

    The first night is always the easiest, right? lol
  • ksantomas
    ksantomas Posts: 19 Member
    So glad I saw this topic! I (almost every night) give in around 9pm and eat cookies. Starting this challenge tonight!

    Oh cookies! I have never met a cookie I didn't like, can sooo relate to this.
  • ksantomas
    ksantomas Posts: 19 Member
    Having a great day, on track, organized feeling great. Start walking around the house putting myself together for the following day, stop by the freezer pluck a weight watchers ice cream bar out of the freezer and proceed upstairs. I'm halfway through eating the ice cream when I begin to think: (a) when did I get this ice cream? and (b) it is past my cut off. LNS gremlin strikes again! At least I logged it in and did not try to "hide" it.

    Me: 9
    LNS: 5
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    Last night was GOOD!

    So, now it is a tie.

    LNS: 1
    Me: 1

  • ajl101
    ajl101 Posts: 1
    I know it is almost the end of the month but I want to start this challenge too! Any advice? I am such a late night snacker. If only I could just stop eating after dinner. Are people having an evening snack before their cut-off time or just dinner?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    It looks like last night was a good one for the participants!!

    Me: 17
    LNS: 2

    ajl101 - I do usually have a snack before my cut-off time. Sometimes, if I have a later supper, than I do not. But, if I eat my supper between 6 - 6:30, then I'll usually have a snack between 8 - 8:30 pm. I'm working on making sure that is a HEALTHY snack....if it's healthy, the point goes to me (because I still need to get all of my calories in) - if it's unHEALTHY, or if I eat past 9:00 pm (anything), then the point goes to LNS.

    But, there's no "hard-and-fast" rules for this challenge. It's really just a way to help keep those of us who are REALLY trying to cut-down/eliminate late-night-snacking HONEST!!
  • missxh0llywo0d
    missxh0llywo0d Posts: 14 Member
    Okay so I started yesterday and I stayed strong! I had some coffee (black) when my tummy started growling, but that's it!
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 11*
    LNS: 3
  • HYP1317
    HYP1317 Posts: 74 Member
    ME 4
    LNS 0
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Starting day 6/19/12!!!

    ME 2
    LNS 0

    I had an instant coffee with almond milk. Maybe, I should not give myself credit?
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    If at first you don't succeed...try try again :drinker: Debbie :heart:

    I second that!
    Also, if at some point you fail again, then try try try again :wink:.

    Thanks for all you great encouragement here Dew...Love your profile photo...LOVE butterflies :flowerforyou: Deb
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Okay so I started yesterday and I stayed strong! I had some coffee (black) when my tummy started growling, but that's it!
    Me: 1
    LNS: 0

    AWESOME..>Grrreat FOCUS..and a FANTASTIC Start...keep up the great work :drinker: Deb
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    June 12...Me (0) LNS 1 (Could not resist those Cheez-its)
    No more!!!
    June 13...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 14...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 15...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 16...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 17...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 18...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 19...Me (1) LNS - 0
    June 20...Me (1) LNS - 0 Cutoff 6:30pm

    Total: Me (8) LNS - 1

    Cut off time was 6:30pm varies cause I have evening activities. My latest time was 8pm since I started...but I am up til midnight..and again NO JUNK since that first day! For my own record, I will record my cutoff time...but I won't eat ANYTHING after 8pm. (just notice I didn't give a cutoff time LOL... Stay STRONG and is getting a bit easier (for me)...Yay!! But have no expectations regarding sudden cravings...just have to do something to ignore them :noway: :laugh:

    :drinker: Deb (lifting my glass of water)
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Me 15
    Lns 4* grrrr

    but tonight is definitely mine!!
  • musiclvr81
    musiclvr81 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started on this site a few days ago. I've always been a late night snacker so I'm in!!!
  • concavity
    concavity Posts: 143 Member
    Oh I want to join! I'm going to make my cut off around 10pm (time I usually go home from friends house and eat everything in mine)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Starting day 6/19/12!!!

    ME 2
    LNS 0

    I had an instant coffee with almond milk. Maybe, I should not give myself credit?

    That's OK, don't worry. Though I, for one, would get really hungry after coffee and would not be able to sleep for hours! You're fine, keep on.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 14 - LNS: 6*

    duh! at least I did well calorie-wise (at night!, cos the day was pretty bad :( ) maybe we should start a thread on "no more bad snacking"?