Fat Women in Bikinis!!!



  • RainyAM
    RainyAM Posts: 18 Member
    Here's another, you can see I have some thighs going on ;).


    You've got a great bod - those curves are to die for! :) Wishing I looked that good in a bikini ... not been in one since my daughter was born 6 years ago ...
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I have never owned a bikini, but I have promised myself that when I reach 150 lbs, I'm buying one.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm not gonna post my bikini picture in the forums cuz...reasons (some of you know why).

    But there ya go!
  • No matter what size you are, I believe everyone is beautiful. I am about to head to the beach this weekend and am very self conscience of my figure. But! I will put that swim suit on and have a great time and not care what other people think of me. Because no one is perfect and I can at least remind myself that I am trying to loose weight and tone up. Sport those bikinis girls!
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I have read through every page of this thread and absolutely love it and think all you ladies look amazing! With that being said i never in a million years would have thought i would post an actual picture but you have all inspired me to share, i love how all of you have so much confidence and don't worry about what everyone else says or thinks. I feel i should share a bit of where i came from before i actually post the pic. because i am really freaking out about posting it but feel that i should seeing how all of you have. This is the only swimming suit i have owned since i was about 10, aside from a maternity suit i had but it was really more of a short dress than it was a swimming suit lol. I always wear shorts and a tank top. I have always hated the way i look and constantly feel like i am being judged and i think most of that comes from my mom, she weighed 95lbs. when she met my dad and was always super skinny and growing up all i ever heard was her judging people, they shouldn't wear that, that looks so gross, do they really think they need to eat that, they need to cover up etc. etc. etc. so i always hear that voice in the back of my head and i just assumed everyone else is like her and the funny thing is she is no longer small, she is my size now but still judges others, and i feel thats why i have such a hard time feeling comfortable with my body. So here is my picture and besides my kids and my husband you guys are the only ones i actually feel comfortable with sharing with, so thank you all :smile: and sorry this post is so freaking long, maybe i am trying to postpone pushing reply lol


    Also seeing all these bikinis makes me want to go try some on because my suit pretty much covers up everything i can possibly try to cover with a suit so i feel like I'm not really sharing as much as you ladies, plus who doesn't love going out and trying on new clothes, no matter what it is, I know i do lol.

    Where did you get the swimsuit??? I wants one!!! Sooo flippen cute!!!
  • LadyOfNightfall
    LadyOfNightfall Posts: 15 Member
    I feel tempted to post pics here but gaaah. My stretch marks... D:

    No worries! Even though I'm sure most of us here have them, I don't think I've noticed stretch marks in any of these pictures! Just many fantastic women of several shapes and sizes that are all beautiful! I hope to one day look like the ones on here!

    Btw, your avatar is too cute!!!
  • I am so going to post a picture as soon as I find a suit! I can't believe my first post ever on this sight is gonna be me in a suit! Just thought about it, it will be my second! LOL
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Here's hoping this works, it's my first time every posting photos. I'm currently sitting at 226, and would like to get down to 150.

    One piece:

    Okay, so not a bikini, but same concept:
    OMG You are rocking those! You have an awesome waist Amanda and you'll have some smoking curves when you hit goal, actually you will have smokier curves! I love, love, love the red and I'm in awe of you in the black! :) Beautiful!

    You look awesome in both and that red is such a nice suit. You make me feel inspired to be 226, I'm at 260 right now. I've got a sort of tankini now, but i don't like it very much.

    If you don't mind my asking, how tall are you?
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    oy best I got!

    You look great to me in ALL the pics!
  • Adorable!!
  • TiffanyWasmer
    TiffanyWasmer Posts: 190 Member
    Okay, ladies, I'm back!!! All those that post in my absence look fantastic! Keep 'em coming, ladies!!!


    ^^^^This is made of awesome sauce! :)
  • sundaywishes
    sundaywishes Posts: 246 Member

    Just a question.... you can see it best in this photo. Does anyone else have way bigger rib cage than their stomach? My ribs stick out so far, and I think I'd look weird in an actual bikini.

    Also, this photo kind of makes me giggle. And I'm pumped this rolled!

    My ribcage has always pushed out further, whether I was thin or cubbier. Big ribcages for women run in my family. I have always hated it because I always felt I would thinner if the darn thing didn't protrude so much! lol
  • uuuh here we go:

    I lost about 10lbs then fell off the wagon. I'm starting Insanity on Monday and I'm excited to continue to reach my goals.

    As for the worries about stretch marks, I have miles of them, but I've decided to look at them as battle scars. They tell the story of where I was and help me remember how far I've come. Embrace them, they're a part of you and they're beautiful just like all you ladies are.

    also sorry those are so big... idk how to resize them :(
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    oy best I got!


    You look awesome in all three! Nice work.

    I particularly like that there you are in the middle one, at 200 lbs, in a bikini and looking really smoking. So often on forums, articles, dating ads ("must weigh less than 125" etc), books, people (probably men or very small women) use "200 lbs" in this *omg 200!!* lbs way, as if this was some terribly huge number of universal badness, regardless of height or build or general fitness, and anyone that or over must be [insert list of negative things here]. I'm pretty sure most of those people have no idea the range of what 200 lbs can look like and the image in their head of "200 lbs!" is more someone at my height (5'5') and perhaps 350 or 400, rather than 200, and certainly not you at 200.

    Hope none of that came off weird, I mean it as positive and complimentary.
  • DarleneBl
    DarleneBl Posts: 4 Member
    I don't feel I should even be in a bikini - but my hubby of 30 years has been encouraging me to. I'm down 20# since last October - and I'm hoping another 40 to go before I'm 'done.'

    I am encouraged that it's getting there.

    Here's my picture I took today :) I didn't take a 'before' picture - so today will eventually become my 'before' !

    I think this thread is fantastic! Rock it ladies!!! :)

  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Here's hoping this works, it's my first time every posting photos. I'm currently sitting at 226, and would like to get down to 150.

    One piece:

    Okay, so not a bikini, but same concept:
    OMG You are rocking those! You have an awesome waist Amanda and you'll have some smoking curves when you hit goal, actually you will have smokier curves! I love, love, love the red and I'm in awe of you in the black! :) Beautiful!

    You look awesome in both and that red is such a nice suit. You make me feel inspired to be 226, I'm at 260 right now. I've got a sort of tankini now, but i don't like it very much.

    If you don't mind my asking, how tall are you?

    I'm 5'9, and I've always been told I carry my weight well. I'm sure because most of it is in my boobs and butt! :laugh:
  • slm0257
    slm0257 Posts: 72 Member
    Ok..wow...here goes. I just bought this and I'm really not sure about it. I go back and forth. I just wish I didn't feel like my *kitten* was hanging out the back. Lol. I may order a different bottom. Or send the whole thing back. Who knows. :ohwell:


    PS our wall are not really green. It was my hubby's green screen for work. Lol.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Since we rolled, and I'm pretty sure that no one remembers, I'm going to repost my bikini and ask a simple question.

    5'9" 255lbs.

    Should I venture out anywhere in public in this? Honestly? I mean, please be brutally honest.

    I feel okay wearing it in my backyard where no one will see it and around my Love but that's it.
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    Ok, so this is the first full body pic I have EVER posted. I'm very nervous about this but you ladies have inspired me! PLEASE BE KIND!! I hope this works!!

  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    Ok..wow...here goes. I just bought this and I'm really not sure about it. I go back and forth. I just wish I didn't feel like my *kitten* was hanging out the back. Lol. I may order a different bottom. Or send the whole thing back. Who knows. :ohwell:


    PS our wall are not really green. It was my hubby's green screen for work. Lol.

    You are absolutely GORGEOUS!

    You should probably order a smaller bottom though because it looks way big on you from the back!