30 Day Shred - June!



  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    L2D10 Done! rest day tomorrow and then level 3. I can't believe I haven't given up - yay!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I am gettng pretty frustrated. I twisted my ankle on Monday, and it is still painful. I decided to not stress it further by attempting any more 30DS until it is healed. I guess that means I will start back at the begining of Level 2 after the weekend. I was doing so well at keeping on track too :(
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Level 3 is KILLER! Almost the entire thing was jump training it felt like haha =) I still liked it a lot more than level 2 (no more chair squats XD) but the cardio circuit with all the weights added is OW

    Also, the cooldown music sounded different this time... maybe its the first time that I noticed it but it sounds like a bad jazzercize tune
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    Level 3 is KILLER! Almost the entire thing was jump training it felt like haha =) I still liked it a lot more than level 2 (no more chair squats XD) but the cardio circuit with all the weights added is OW

    Also, the cooldown music sounded different this time... maybe its the first time that I noticed it but it sounds like a bad jazzercize tune

    Great! I hate the jumping stuff, I actually "liked" level 2 (aside from the pendulum lunges) oh well I'll power through!
  • Kellylovesricky
    Kellylovesricky Posts: 47 Member
    Level 3 day 2 done! This is by far my favorite level. Definitely doesn't seem like 20 mins!
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    YAHOOOOO Level 2 is done forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Just completed Day 9 of Level 1. I doubled up and did Day 8 and 9 together since I haven't worked out since Sunday due to illness. Ready to move to Level 2.....I think.

    I don't like plank rotations with weights though. So I hope that is kept to a minimum.
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Apparently doing Level 2 Day 10 at 9 pm and then doing Level 3 Day 1 at 6 am is too much for me...sigh...found it extremely hard. Hoping that by tomorrow morning it will feel better. Have a good day everyone!
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    Decided to skip my rest day. Did L3D1I - liked it but had trouble with a couple of moves ,that's ok, only up from here.
  • krbates84
    krbates84 Posts: 96 Member
    Level 2 day 5 today! Been derailed by wisdom tooth removal, but today I should be back to it!!!
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    Level 1 day 10 today!!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've been away so have had 2 days off but did day 6 of level 2 today. And after a 5 hour drive back from Manchester so feeling very proud of myself! I definitely feel trimmer and will weigh myself and take measurements Sunday, I really hope they show more inches gone and maybe even some lbs too!
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Circuit 2 of Level 3 is the worst XD but at the same time the pain means I'm changing my body right? haha

    I can't believe I only have 8 more days of the 30 DS! It has gone by so fast.. What is everyone going to do when they finish it?
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I've ordered JM's kick boxing DVD, I think I'll do that once I finish the 30 DS but I will probably do it again after a short break and try doing the harder moves instead of the beginner! I'm going to Portugal in September do I could fit in another two 30 DS before then!
  • Kellylovesricky
    Kellylovesricky Posts: 47 Member
    Level 3 day 3 done! 7 more days of the shred! I favorited each of the 4 levels of ripped in 30 on YouTube, so that's my next workout. Looking forward to that!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Day 7 of level 2 done! And I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 5lbs! Woohoo! Just another 40 or so to go now! Ha ha!
  • I've been so so bad! I finished my 10 days of level 1 but i just couldn't get into level 2 so I'm doing level 1 again! Please tell me i'm not the only one to do this! *feels bad* it just hurts!! hahaha
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I've been so so bad! I finished my 10 days of level 1 but i just couldn't get into level 2 so I'm doing level 1 again! Please tell me i'm not the only one to do this! *feels bad* it just hurts!! hahaha

    If that is what works for you then that's what you should do. In her description of the program it says to do each level until you are ready to move on. As long as you are working out - keep going. If you start to plateau I would move on since your body may adjust to the same exercises after a period of time...
  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    3rd day of level 1! Planning on I think 5 days in total of this level before I move to 2. Maybe that's too short? But I know I won't be challenging myself if I stick at 1 for too long