Positive comments on unhealthy diaries

Comments like "awesome" and "good job" are very nice and can be supportive, but I don't get it when I see these type of comments, then I peek at the diary to which they are referring, and while they may have been under their calories, the day's food is nothing but sweets, carbs and a bunch of "junk" food. No fruits and veggies whatsoever. Very little protein. How is that "awesome" or a "good job"?? I would never criticize with a comment, as it is none of my business really, but to offer congratulations for that kind of eating? I don't think that's really all that helpful.


  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Why bother even posting this if it isn't any of your business. Just ignore it and move on.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Pet peeve for me, folks just go through and stick a positive comment on every dairy that is under on their friends list, lol. Not me, if it sucks I just don't comment or if they trust me I'll pm them and say, "hey what's up"
  • queenofgrey
    queenofgrey Posts: 70 Member
    no one is good all the time. i think, as long as my pals are keeping within their goals & exercising, they deserve some encouragement. after all, it does take some courage to log junk food around these parts. i applaud them for being honest, even if their health choices could be a bit better.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Comments like "awesome" and "good job" are very nice and can be supportive, but I don't get it when I see these type of comments, then I peek at the diary to which they are referring, and while they may have been under their calories, the day's food is nothing but sweets, carbs and a bunch of "junk" food. No fruits and veggies whatsoever. Very little protein. How is that "awesome" or a "good job"?? I would never criticize with a comment, as it is none of my business really, but to offer congratulations for that kind of eating? I don't think that's really all that helpful.

    agreed. i'll call someone out if they barely make their daily calories and only make it because they had 2-3 sodas and junk food. especially if it is a regular occurance.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Teliooo - Um, this is a comment board. I'm making a comment. I'm not losing any sleep over it for pete's sake.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Why bother even posting this if it isn't any of your business. Just ignore it and move on.

    and there ya have it.
    shake your head and keep it pushing.
    at least that person logged maybe it was a rough day and they'll do better tomorrow.
  • futuremalestripper
    futuremalestripper Posts: 467 Member
    Pet peeve for me, folks just go through and stick a positive comment on every dairy that is under on their friends list, lol. Not me, if it sucks I just don't comment or if they trust me I'll pm them and say, "hey what's up"

    I only comment if they eat something delicious that I'm jealous about. Like pizza.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Why bother even posting this if it isn't any of your business. Just ignore it and move on.
  • irishcanadianwoman
    no one is good all the time. i think, as long as my pals are keeping within their goals & exercising, they deserve some encouragement. after all, it does take some courage to log junk food around these parts. i applaud them for being honest, even if their health choices could be a bit better.
    THIS! We all need encouragement, and when friends post the truth on their down days, I know they need even more encouragement to help them along. Nothing succeeds like success!
    I don't say, "Great food choices", obviously! But I do encourage! They do the same for me. Great MFP people!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    probably because people don't actually read the logs and just comment.
  • akrnrunner
    akrnrunner Posts: 117 Member
    I'm there with you on the calorie thing. That bothers me. What they eat, not so much.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I skip them if there is a lot of junk in there. But if I could, I would say PE = pathetic effort! Because it's all about me, I don't even read others comments. ;)
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    Comments like "awesome" and "good job" are very nice and can be supportive, but I don't get it when I see these type of comments, then I peek at the diary to which they are referring, and while they may have been under their calories, the day's food is nothing but sweets, carbs and a bunch of "junk" food. No fruits and veggies whatsoever. Very little protein. How is that "awesome" or a "good job"?? I would never criticize with a comment, as it is none of my business really, but to offer congratulations for that kind of eating? I don't think that's really all that helpful.

    I understand what you are saying and I agree with you. However I think for a lot of people, just logging their food and being aware of their eating habits is a big deal and should be encouraged. So even though someone may have a crappy diet for right now, the congratulations may just be for the fact that they are here and took the time to log even though their diet may not be so good. That being said. When I see a diary, I'll look for the things I like about it an comment on that, like "good breakfast today" or "nice snack choices".
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    Comments like "awesome" and "good job" are very nice and can be supportive, but I don't get it when I see these type of comments, then I peek at the diary to which they are referring, and while they may have been under their calories, the day's food is nothing but sweets, carbs and a bunch of "junk" food. No fruits and veggies whatsoever. Very little protein. How is that "awesome" or a "good job"?? I would never criticize with a comment, as it is none of my business really, but to offer congratulations for that kind of eating? I don't think that's really all that helpful.

    I understand what you are saying and I agree with you. However I think for a lot of people, just logging their food and being aware of their eating habits is a big deal and should be encouraged. So even though someone may have a crappy diet for right now, the congratulations may just be for the fact that they are here and took the time to log even though their diet may not be so good. That being said. When I see a diary, I'll look for the things I like about it an comment on that, like "good breakfast today" or "nice snack choices".

    I will pick out the positives too, at the very least i will say well done for logging, but i don't put a blind congratulations if its not really a great day. Everyone is at a different stage in this, for some step one is cutting back on something. Baby steps.

    As for the comments about it being none of your business - at the end of the day, these are meant to be your online friends that you encourage and help on their journey. Trying to assist them in doing well, I feel is part of my business. If they don't want it to be, they can always make their diary private.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    Sometimes people don't want to hear constructive criticism and find it patronising/judgemental etc, even though that's not how it's meant. It may be that you and this friend are just not 'a good fit', and if you feel you can't support them the way they want to be supported and they're not happy with the support you want to give, then perhaps the time has come to delete each other and move on.

    Speaking from my perspective, I need those comments to keep me on my toes - it keeps me accountable and often makes me think harder about my choices during the day, knowing that they'll be picked up on later!

    I also agree that it takes courage to log a day when you know you've made bad choices, but also it's quite easy to make a note to that effect to explain why you think the day went the way it did so that your friends and you (looking back) in the future can understand why the day went the way it did.
  • aleham
    aleham Posts: 44
    If someone has had a day where they eat food that isn't good for them, chances are they're already feeling guilty and beating themselves up over doing something they "shouldn't" have been doing. People make their own decisions, and sometimes people comfort eat. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with that as long as it's in moderation. If, however, you've noticed one/several of your MFP friends are consuming unhealthy food and drink on a regular basis that's a different story.

    I'm not sure why it's a personal thing for you (is it because you really want those people to be giving more helpful feedback?), but instead of allowing yourself to feel annoyed perhaps you should approach the individual you feel needs some help and give some constructive feedback on what they could be doing differently in order to progress towards their goals. You could do this privately, through messaging, if it would make you feel more comfortable.

    MFP is a social medium because it encourages its members to support one another. Members are making their diet and exercise details your business by making it public so if you feel that strongly about it you should talk with the people in question; otherwise, what you're doing is really no more helpful.
  • murphmurph07
    murphmurph07 Posts: 54 Member
    How do you see other peoples diaries?
  • LDM90
    LDM90 Posts: 24
    A lot of people don't have their diaries visible so when you see that your MFP friends were under their calorie goal for the day you're obviously going to say well done.
  • aleham
    aleham Posts: 44
    Also, being positive and commenting on what someone does RIGHT is a central part of constructive criticism. People need to feel encouraged and supported before they can listen to the cold, hard truth.
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    I'm never worried. That's their business and their business only. For me to sit back and judge them and their support is pathetic. No matter what they are being accountable for their food. Kudos for that alone.
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