Positive comments on unhealthy diaries



  • SorchaRavenlock
    SorchaRavenlock Posts: 220 Member
    I look at my friends' diaries to get meal ideas and to support them, not to judge them. It's not up to me to tell them to eat clean or to eat back their exercise calories, or anything else for that matter. I always take a peak when they finish their diary, and I'll post a "well done" or similar if they stayed at or under their goal (I don't care about net). Heck, I'll even post something positive if I know they've been struggling that day and ended up going over, since they stuck with it and logged it.
    Most of my friends do the same for me. We support each other when people ask questions or post that they are struggling, but we don't pick each other's diaries apart. I suppose I'm just lucky with the friends I have :heart:
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    :noway: @ some of the comments!! LOL

    Ummm....well, I feel a certain kind of way about unsolicited advice regarding my diary (which is why folks that I VALUE their opinion/advice can view it)...otherwise...who the hell are you (not literally you OP) to say whether someone is eating crap...I think the positive comments on unhealthy diaries are to say, at least you logged it and that's being held accountable...which is HUGE for some of us that do mindless eating!

    I'm here for support...not for some random person I really don't know 'calling me out', like some of the comments I've seen. :indifferent: If they log crap...they know it is...you're not telling them anything new boo boo.

    Anywho...if the person eats crap and you're annoyed folks are putting positive comments, unfriend them....surround yourself with folks that eat just as healthy as you are. Problem solved. :happy:
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I really think each person should comment as they want and let the chips fall where they may. Personally, if someone tries to give me constructive criticism - I will probably unfriend them. I don't mean to sound rude but I have had issues with my weight my entire life - I know what I am supposed to be doing - but if I have a bad day and still log all my food and then post it - that is a huge step for me. If you can't understand that then you and I probably are at different levels and I don't need to hear/read your comments. This is about ME not YOU!! Anyways, just my thought - I saw a lot of support comments reading this thread but saw a lot of people commenting on this thread who are obviously at a different point in this process than I am and I wouldn't appreciate there contrsuctive criticism comments on my diary.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    Good lord, it's not a "personal thing" for me and I don't "feel that strongly" about it. I was just posting some musings about why such a diary would be congratulated. I have no intention nor desire to offer my construction criticism to anyone. I'm not perfect either.
    You feel strongly enough about it to come here and complain so you can get validation, instead of confronting the person directly.

    I have to agree with other posters that being able to share opinions or thoughts like these is the purpose of the forums. I, too, have had the same thoughts that the OP addressed in her post. As have most of us since many of us have commented on this thread, either to offer their insights, or, as in your case, to pass judgment on her post. It's a conversation, albeit *slightly* controversial, but a conversation nonetheless. Users on MFP should be allowed to feel comfortable posting their thoughts in the forums without fearing undue criticism from other users. I've seen other users use the forums to discuss anything from who's hotter to abortion. Why the heat?

    On the topic, I comment on diaries only occasionally. I would feel a bit taken aback if someone commented negatively or criticized my diary, but it is open and can be viewed by my friends. I think positive comments encourage MFP users to post and to get in the habit of simply logging their food. That is a challenge in and of itself for most people. I think constructive criticism should be withheld unless you've made personal contact with that user and there's a level of trust. And certainly, I would appreciate any criticism (positive or otherwise) of my diary to be put in a PM so that, while I'll appreciate it, I won't become unnecessarily embarrassed by it.
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Pretty surprised so many people are actually supportive of the positive reinforcement of poor habits. I know negatively commenting on them isn't very useful, so I don't... But to actually defend the general "GJ" on an under calorie day without paying any attention to what it is, that seems insane. I just assumed the great majority of people don't bother to actually look, but it seems there are more people who just really don't care if you did a good job, just that you were under a number. I guess the ends do justify the means and such...

    I don't post on anyone's page when I see their calories are under. I look at diary and go "Good or bad." When they have a bad day, I look to see the other stuff and I will comment about Keeping up the good work and getting back to what they were doing. But if I see someone who claims to eat more, has been "sick" yet regularly eats a monstrous 800 calories a day for a couple weeks+, I call bs and am not supportive. I'm not into positively reinforcing bad habits, and it amazes me when others are quite willing to do so. Ultimately I just only visit people's diaries anymore who I know put in the best work day in and day out.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    Just to be clear, I have never and I would never post negative comments on someone's food diary. So I agree that that is a no-no unless specifically asked for feedback.
  • TheOriginalGinging
    Why bother even posting this if it isn't any of your business. Just ignore it and move on.

    My best pals are the ones that notice and comment on specifics of my eating. They're there to help me and I value their comments. I had low calories one day and a pal asked if I was feeling OK--I wasn't. ninelives58 is a caring person--not nosey.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I log my food like a religion but I never hit the complete button and frankly I never comment on my "friends" diaries. I don't really see it as any of my business what they eat if they are happy with their results who am I to judge, if they aren't they will be able to use their diary to reflect on what to change. It's a rare person who can be shamed into change most people have to come to it on their own. then again depending on their age and metabolism they could eat a lot more "junk" then I could and get the same results so I'm inclined to live and let live.
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    personally im here to have my *kitten* kicked.. if I am eating crappy.. i would hope one of my friends would say.. Yo.. knock off the crap..
    or even hey.. instead of pizza, have you tried eggplant pizza.. or other suggestions..

    maybe just me.. but i really want to get my diet better, lose those nasty last 20/30 pounds and look ripped.

    THIS....I wouldnt be here if i didnt mean business...I dont take this lightly at all...taking it lightly and being babied is what got me FAT in the first place!!!

    OH YES...COMPLETELY AGREE bad choices TO OFTEN is why I ended up a fat butt in the first place :)
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    My diary is open because I asked for people to help me get ideas a while back, and I just left it that way. If someone comments on a day where I only ate popsicles and donuts and netted 1000 cals with a "good job," I'm not going to unfriend them, but I'd rather they didn't comment if they weren't going to read. If I had a bad day, I had a bad day. The great part about most of my friends is that they DO read the log first and THEN say something (and if it's a bad day, they'll say something to the effect of "you'll kill it tomorrow!").

    I personally won't comment unless I read the log. As someone else inferred, congratulating a crappy diet isn't why we're here. I'm also more likely to comment on a log that DOES NOT say "and was under their calorie goal" because that's usually when people need the support - one of my friends went over yesterday, for example, but ate well almost all day and had one chocolate bar which pushed him over. He was depressed about it. I posted to tell him how well he did and that everyone needs chocolate now and then.

    Slightly off topic, but this irked me a bit: to the person who "manages to stay under 1200 and IS NOT FOOD POLICE" - I hope that you educate yourself a little more about your body and its needs. I don't know where you started from, your history, or your goals, but there are a lot of people on here who will gladly help you get a better idea about nutrition if you only allow them the chance -- and they won't even be "policey" about it. I'm glad that your current methods are working for you, and lord knows I'd like to lose 11 more pounds, but starving your body won't help you for much longer - and that's what you're doing if you constantly net under 1200 (unless, perhaps, you're 5'1").

    To the OP: I wouldn't feel bad about asking this question. People here just need to chillax.
  • CarriLu123
    CarriLu123 Posts: 82 Member
    I think the biggest thing people on this sight forget is we are all in our on phase of becoming healthy. I made my diet private because of comments. I may have eatin Panda Express but I had a third of the amount I would have a month ago. I might have a late for breakfast but I didn't have the 2 doughnuts I would have had a month ago. For many of us just getting control of the amount of food we take in is hard enough. For me I know the only way I will win this race is with baby steps. Now its calories control next is food choices. You don't have to say good job say good for you for logging or if it makes you feel better don't say anything.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    I think sometimes people just see:

    "So and so is under their goal"


    Next person to encourage....

    I see the issue though. I am trying to more regularly examine the diary to make sure that I am not encouraging something that will be unhealthy if they do all the time. Like you, I won't bring someone down. I just want to give them props for the positive. I am doing a low carb diet and sometimes I am full at 600-1500 calories. Depends on the day and largely on what I eat. I just made my diary public to friends, and I realize that even with the disclaimer on my profile I may come to regret that. (FYI, I have over 100lbs of fat that can be burned before I go in starvation mode, so I don't think I'll starve :)

    The other Really Important thing to remember,

    Is that there is no one standard way to eat. Mediterranean. Paleo. South Beach. Weight Watchers. Cabbage soup. LOL. Some are better than others some are terrible. BUT they might have a medical reason for doing what they do, and are not obligated to broadcast their medical issue if they don't want to. They might be recovering from food issues, and keeping that to themselves. They are doing the best they can. I think there is so much info on here I don't see how a person can not know what info is "out there". They have to decide for themselves what is right for them and no one is perfect in their choices either.
  • AddictedtoAerosmith
    AddictedtoAerosmith Posts: 186 Member
    I find your thought process utterly annoying. You sound like a you spend too much time on here, assessing other people's intake. You are supposed to be supportive and encouraging. I love my MFP peeps as they have gotten me to where I am today. You should consider gettting a hobby, I'm just sayin'
  • CarriLu123
    CarriLu123 Posts: 82 Member
    double post
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    I didn't even know you could look at other people's food diary. I feel like that's kind of an ivasion of privacy. What I eat is my business. I am only hurting myself if I eat unhealthy foods so why should that even be posted as a public thing. I can see how that would be annoying though. Being prased for eating unhealthy foods is silly, however, I wonder if the people who do that really even know that the person has eaten unhealthy foods all day. Like I said I didn't even know that was an option. I just assumed that no one was able to look at your food diary.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    The fact that someone is actually taking the time to log their food is awesome, so I try to focus on that. Everyone has their own truth/path to what they are looking for, and I figure they will eventually get it if they keep coming back.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Weight loss can be a long process. It's none of your business what other people eat and what not. But maybe the person who has the unhealthy diary is just beginning the journey. It is a big step to start recording everything. Maybe then they can look back and start making the correct changes they need. That's what my doctor told me a couple years ago when I was beginning to lose weight on yet another journey. Just record what you eat and look back later to see what changes have to be done. Just hope that when they do look back, they're realize the things you see want to change it.
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    This is true. We are all working our way toward being healthy. It takes a lot of discipline to eat healthy every day!
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    I am having problems quoting other people. How do you do that? Please help!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Why bother even posting this if it isn't any of your business. Just ignore it and move on.

    Well...it is our business if they are our friend and have an open diary....why would you give positive feed back for a poor diet?? That is just counter productive...

    She was the one that actually said it wasn't any of her business...

    and to note. All together i have lost over 120 pounds since i started weightloss. I do alot of exercise and i am pretty fit. My diiary is open and is very much not perfect but I am a balanced eater who has good and bad days. I disaapear sometimes because life is busy or I fall of the wagon. For some, what they eat now is probably 10x better than what they did. You may not know the back histroy but those people congratulating them may know or just be saying that for the sake of it. If someone made a comment that was a bg negative about my eating, i would be upset as they personally do not know me or my struggles with food. To where I am now is amazing. I think you have to delve deeper than just looking at a diary.

    Just unfriend these people and don't gve it a second thought.
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