

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    How many of you are preparing for snow today as we are here? Just curious. The first snow of the season is always rather exciting, and I'm never sure if I am ready for the bone chilling cold. Hope everyone is having a blessed Sunday!
    We had a very snowy winter last year. We had a fun adventure, slipping and sliding into the Nutcracker ballet (couldn't wa$te those ticket$). Now it is in the brrrrr 30s at night, but no snow yet. The mountain (45 min from me) usually tries to open for skiing by Thanksgiving. They've been open for weeks now. We caught a glimpse of the mountain yesterday, and it is a beautiful white, where one month ago it was still a big gray rock.

    I've considered joining a red hat group, but I think this thread satisfies me! :smile: Thank you!
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning ladies !! Just got back from church and getting ready to take a walk. No snow here....it's like a spring day....sunny and 70's.

    I admire all of you who are so committed to exercising, I have joined so many health clubs, fitness groups, aerobic classes, etc......but I never stick with it. I usually go for about a month or so, then I start finding excuses. I have a treadmill here at the house. I don't use it much during the summer unless it's raining. I prefer to walk outside with my dog but will use the treadmill when the weather doesn't permit. This winter I expect to use it alot more.

    Have a great Sunday ladies and talk with you later.
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    Have had a busy weekend and did ok on my food.:smile:

    Barbiecat that is great you invited your neighbor to line dancing it will be so good for her to get out of the house and be with other people.:flowerforyou:

    Mary I would love your recipe.

    KC hi after you lose some weight maybe if you try doing some crunches and superman’s those two exercises will strengthen your core which should help your back.

    Nana pami way to go exercising on your business trip shows determination.:flowerforyou:

    Hi SusyQ I weight train 3 times a week at a boot camp for women on fly’s I use 10 lbs my upper body strength is my weakest area. With boot camp we do compound movements and always try to keep out heart rate high to burn more calories I usually burn at least 5oo calories in that hour. We almost always do walking lunges with 15 -20 lb dumbbells my lower body is much stronger than my chest. We do tons of pushups usually 100 in 25 increments I can now do military but my legs are farther apart and I can’t go as low as I like but it is a work in progress. Jumping rope also burns ton of calories.I love exercise as much as food. I hope to one day have a life of balance not obsession.

    Hope everyone has a great week,

    ps keep my mom in your prayers she had a mini stroke last night.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Evening all,

    Well, you're reading from the Biggest Loser in my house for the week. I was 1 point on the scale from losing 2 pds. I thought it would be 5 at least for all I've done and the size of my clothes, but you know what. I am happy. I am steadily going down and that's what counts. And I am looking good in my clothes. So I was 260 and now am 246.

    Next Sunday is my next weigh in and my B-day. I am going to cut back on the amount of cheese I've been eating and fill up on a better protein.. That is probably what slowed me down.

    I am looking at all of you and you look so good. I can't wait until I've can post 14 pounds to go. I started this journey at 318 pounds almost 8 years ago. My mom died, my brother, I got diagnosed with diabetes and had a pill push'n doc. Now I have perfect blood sugars and am on no meds.

    So all is well. I pray the same for each one of you.
    i have a hard time keeping up with your names cause you don't sign off. I guess I'm blog challenged. Be blessed, kc
    P.S. yes, I am going to try tokeep up with the exercise. I am going to stop the machine that I think is hurting my back. It's the one that strengthens the insides of your thighs and the other does your butt. bye
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I would love to be part of your group. I am 52 and need to lose 40 lbs. I was off MFP for a month due to illness but I'm ready to be back. Do you do weekly weigh-ins? Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Eava,
    We're happy to have you join us. some of weigh weekly (I'm part of a challenge with Thursday weigh-ins) and some weigh less often. the thing we do best on this thread is encourage each other. We also share our successes and rough spots. We exchange good ideas. This thread has changed my life. I hope we'll hear from you often, get to know you, and learn from you.

    And remember, never, never, never, give up. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: kcwriter, you can keep your cheese if you are eating a low fat one. I love Sargento's lower fat snack sticks.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you are such an inspiration for all of us. Thanks for taking us under your wing.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Eava. I am sure that you will find the support and encouragement to lose that weight.

    I did terrible again this weekend. I am fine while at work, where I have only healthy foods to eat. Once at home though I fall off the wagon.:mad:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Eava- Welcome and glad your over your illness.

    Becky- I understand what you are going through. My weekend calories are always higher too. It's like I don't have as much control due to family and the lack of the structured day. I try to do higher calorie excercises and/or excercise longer on the weekend to compensate, but that does not always work. Hang in there. We will both figure out what works in our homes to get past this.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I drank my protein smoothie and am about to pump some iron.

    Would appreciate all thoughts and prayers between 2-3 central time this afternoon as I'll be singing at a funeral then. (Don't really know the family, but the husband of the woman who died is best friends with my lunching buddy's husband. She was diagnosed with cancer about 2 1/2 weeks ago and was only 57. I feel honored that they asked). Did I mention it is an acapella service? Praying the songs minister comfort to the family.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeanie, thanks so much for the encourageing words. Let me know if you come up with a solution for this.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Suzi, I certainly will be praying for you and for the family. It much have been quite a shock to lose her so quickly.:heart:
  • bradybrookes
    AACK!! I had a very rough "eating" weekend - two birthdays with pie and cake. I seem to hang on great during the week at work (compelled to be good!) but at home I just seem to fall off the wagon. Today is a new day, right? So up at 5 am doing the Power Step Workout with Gin Miller in the garage, and logging all my calories. Need help for the weekends?? And welcome Eava . . . this is a great group!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    For example, I'm going to a group bike ride tomorrow. If I didn't do that, I'd probably not doing anything tomorrow -- just like today! :laugh:
    And, my car wouldn't start so I missed it and, as predicted, didn't do anything else exercise-wise.

    This is the downside of group workouts --- they happen at a certain time and that's that.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Okay, I missed some posts...

    And now I can't remember who I was going to respond to... My brain is spastic today!

    Anyway, I'm sorry about your mom's stroke.

    Bad weekend for me. Started Friday at work when I burned my wrist very badly. Then Sat. I just didn't have the energy to do anything. I have so much to do for my trip on Thurs. and I didn't do any of it or any of the other things I had to do. Sunday, I was going to do the group bike ride, but my car wouldn't start and I missed it. Then I was going to do AquaFit but I realized I had to do some of the things I needed to do so I got my car washed and went to Trader Joe's instead.

    Then, when I got home, I was supposed to go through my kid's clothes and figure out what she needs for winter. She supposedly had spent Friday and Sat. cleaning her room. I knew she'd done mostly a crap job as not one bag of trash came out of her room, but I thought she had at least pulled all the clothes out of the corners and closet and under the bed as that was a condition of us going shopping.

    Nope. There were still clothes everywhere when I started poking around

    I want ballistic. Naturally, she cried. I wasn't particularly mean but I did yell and that always makes her cry. Which completely pisses me off more because she's the one trying to pull the wool over my eyes but when she cries it makes her the victim.

    Anyway, she's grounded until the end of the month.

    And we spent Sunday working on her room. It took 7 hours. Which means that, if she had actually cleaned it on Fri and Sat., it would have been done. So she wasted her entire weekend and one day of mine by not doing it right the first time.

    It's very empty now. And, as I suspected, it turns out she has TONS of clothes that fit and she likes and will wear. She only needs a few pairs of pants, in fact, and maybe another pair of leggings.

    She also gave me a bit of grief in the middle and so got a second talking to and a second grounding. She was mouthing off and laying around while I did all the work. Not acceptable.

    Can you tell I'm still kind of pissed about it? :laugh:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks to my friends :flowerforyou: who suggested I join this forum.

    I am 58 and want to look like my profile picture again that was taken 4 years ago when I had lost 35 lbs. I gained 40 lbs back due to some traumatic events :brokenheart: that happened to our family the last couple of years in particular. I know that many of you also have had events that sent you eating and I definitely belong in the "emotional eating" category. I also have heart disease in my family, and am on meds for cholestorol.

    I live in Canada and work full time as an accountant. I have been married for 39 years and have 4 adult children, 3 sons (25, 36, 37) and 1 daughter (27). :smile:

    I started the new "slimming" journey on October 31, 2009, and the daily logging is my way to accountability. I am 5' 6" and used to be thin, until thyroid problems overtook in my twenties. The thyroid has been under control with meds, for which I am very grateful.

    SW 178
    CW 174
    GW 125 (but may stop at 135)

    Any advice is welcome :smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Welcome, newbies! Glad to have you -

    Sounds like most are pretty motivated, and I am happy for you. I just had to jump on here and say that my ticker finally moved in the right direction! It only moved one pound, but that is the first time since October 5th that it has done that, and I am thrilled! Goodbye weight from being sick, I am now officially back on track!

    My thoughts are with those going through trying times. Lynn, how is your mother? SuzyQ, hope your singing touched others.

    I'm off to get ready to play in a concert tonight.

    Here's to smart choices! Mary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Renny, I know what that is like. I am finally losing after 2 years of very stressful times. Makes it almost impossible to shed pounds or inches.

    Thanks to all of you who were praying for me., but I ended up not singing at the funeral. The person at their church who was in charge never returned my call and we definitely weren't on the same page about who was supposed to do what. I thought I was supposed to sing "Amazing Grace" and "Softly and Tenderly" during the service that another group was supposed to do the before and after music.

    I arrived an hour early as told and cooled my heels in the hallway outside the room I was told we'd practice in until a few minutes before the service was to start. Turns out they weren't willing for me to sing anything solo, but expected me to sing all 12 songs with their quartet without practicing. Talk about an awkward situation! They aren't used to singing with me and I 'm not used to singing with them, plus I HATE thrown together things, so I declined as politely as possible, and just sat with my husband for the service. Poor guy. he took off work to accompany me for moral support, then I didn't even need him.

    Lest you think I'm mad~ I'm not. A wee bit disappointed, cuz I love to sing and has practiced the songs. But seeing as how this service was a different denomination that I am, it probably turned out for the best. And I 'm sure the grieving family never even noticed.

    Afterwards hubby wanted to go eat pizza, but I still managed to stay under my calorie limits for the day thanks to my iron pumping session this morning. :laugh:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening all, I’m back. :happy: The new picture isn’t very clear, my son the groom and me. It was taken before we left for the wedding. It was a very small intimate affair, only about 40 people. :cry: I cried of course. My 18 year old baby, married. :heart: My new daughter is very sweet and I love her to death. The church was very old and small. I think it held 80 people give or take a few. The reception hall wasn’t much bigger. I will post better pictures once we get the proofs.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all our newbies and welcome back Susan. It is always nice when we get new friends to join in our fun and struggle. The ladies here have been through so much and can give you the support and encouragement you need to help you get over the rough spots.
    :smile: It finally stopped raining yesterday and what a glorious day it was.
    :noway: Today was weigh in. I wasn’t really surprised to find I had gained 2 lbs. It could have been the garlic bread, macaroni salad, Chinese food, I felt real thirsty after eating them (not at the same time, different meals) or it could be the muscles I have gotten in my legs from all the "Walking Away the Pounds" with Leslie. Doesn’t really matter cause I am back on track and will take them 2 lbs off again.:wink: They are just visiting not setting up permanent residence.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame: I feel your stress. My kids really knew how to piss me off. HIDING everything under the bed, in the closet, or so they thought. I would put up with so much and then………. I would CLEAN their room. When they came home and everything was in the trash it changed THEIR cleaning habits…… for awhile at least. Then I learned to pick my battles. What was really important, A clean room or spending quality time with them. I figure when they ran out of clothes they'd either clean their rooms or go naked :laugh:
    Those were the days. Just like the song, "Don't Blink" you just might miss something important
    Well gotta go do dishes and exercise with Leslie.Everyone have a great evening. Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    At the moment I am feeling very grateful that the only children at our house are the four legged kind.:laugh: :laugh: It has been raining all day and the cats have been in and out hoping the weather has changed since the last time they came in. The dogs need to be walked in the rain but since Jake is home today, I didn't have to do all the walking myself.

    today is "cleanse day" so I've neither consumed nor burned many calories. I made four more big pots of applesauce,did laundry, and caught up on some reading and paperwork but except for the crunches I do in bed before I got up and walking the dogs, I haven't done anything that qualifies as exercise.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary you look great in your picture with your son. I look forward to seeing the other pictures when you post them.

    On the subject of only having healthy food in the house, yesterday I decided to have a small snack of dry kashi cereal and instead of measuring out a portion, I just put the box on the table ( something I know not to do) and before long I realized that I was eating mindlessly............it would have been so easy to eat the whole box:laugh: memo to self "don't eat out of the box again." :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, how wonderful that you were willing to sing and how disappointing to have practiced and not get the opportunity.......and how great that you didn't overeat to soothe your disappointment

    :flowerforyou: Mary congratulations on losing another pound......you are a great testimonial to never giving up.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, welcome to the group......you'll have a lot of support here from all of us who are one day at a time refraining from emotional eating.....I live in NW Washington not too far from BC and we spent time this summer in Trail and Oliver.......if we ever decided to live somewhere else it would be in BC.

    I have a cat about to sit on the keyboard so that must be my signal to get up and do something different like clean the kitchen or get on the exercise bike.

    stay warm and dry and drink that water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Thanks to my friends :flowerforyou: who suggested I join this forum.

    I am 58 and want to look like my profile picture again that was taken 4 years ago when I had lost 35 lbs. I gained 40 lbs back due to some traumatic events :brokenheart: that happened to our family the last couple of years in particular. I know that many of you also have had events that sent you eating and I definitely belong in the "emotional eating" category. I also have heart disease in my family, and am on meds for cholestorol.

    I live in Canada and work full time as an accountant. I have been married for 39 years and have 4 adult children, 3 sons (25, 36, 37) and 1 daughter (27). :smile:

    I started the new "slimming" journey on October 31, 2009, and the daily logging is my way to accountability. I am 5' 6" and used to be thin, until thyroid problems overtook in my twenties. The thyroid has been under control with meds, for which I am very grateful....

    Any advice is welcome :smile:
    P.S. I'm hypothyroid, too.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :wink: Susan I love your welcome sign where did you find it?.....
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie I hope someday to look as good as you. Slowly but surly I will loose the weight. Good Night All...:yawn: zzzzzzzzzzzzz Rosemary