Oh, It's TOM so You Can't Exercise? BS!



  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I don't feel alone anymore! :flowerforyou:
  • caddygarcia123
    caddygarcia123 Posts: 122 Member
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    TOM I'm guessing? Lighten up
  • shoobz
    shoobz Posts: 119
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to call me names because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.

    1. I didn't call you names, unless you're insulted by the word woman?

    2. How is speaking freely, in a public forum, with other women, about what it is like day-to-day to be a woman "[competing] with men" or "trying to be men"? I have every right to talk about whatever I damn well please, and any man who finds menstruation disgusting can either suck it up or go to hell. You think I enjoy it? You think I look at my underpants and think "Wow, that just looks AWESOME and not one bit repulsive"? No, I don't, but I'm stuck with it, and any guy who wants the perks of being allowed entry to a vagina should be able to deal with the bad parts. Any guy who scrolls down through this thread and thinks "Wow, these girls sure are disgusting" doesn't deserve to be allowed near them.

    3. Whether you pee in front of your husband is your business, and I'm still going to think you're a disgrace to your gender, no matter how "classy" you think you are.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I did 345 reps of ab workout (Ab RIpperX) on my first day of my period, was it worse than not being at TOM YES! But whatever, I got through it. I actually find the more you workout it relieves cramping and helps move things along faster.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to post insulting things to me because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.


    Sorry this thread about WOMEN'S BODIES wasn't ladylike enough for you. Which "words" exactly are you referring to? Vagina? Uterus? Blood clots? Because guess what.... those are REAL THINGS that women have, and it's nothing to be ashamed of or grossed out by. It's bad enough that we have to deal with this *kitten* every month, but on top of that people like you tell us we can't even blow off a little steam about it because we might offend men's gentle sensitivities.

    I'm not disgusted by you, but I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry that society has taught you that your body is something to be ashamed of. I'm sorry you feel that some parts of being a woman are so disgusting that we need to just keep our mouths shut about it. I'm sorry that you can't whine about these things to your husband! When I'm on TOM my boyfriend asks how I'm feeling and if he can get me anything. And if he ever acted grossed out by it, you better be sure we'd be over. I deserve someone who loves me no matter what my body does, and whether I decide to talk about it or not. And so do you.

    There is nothing wrong with what is being discussed in this thread, nothing at all. Again, I think it's incredibly sad that people like you think there is. Please learn to love yourself, your body, and your gender.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    My particular favourite is when the excess sweat from the pad mixes with the blood and starts to smell like rotting meat.

    Oooh, and then there's when you're wearing a tampon and the movement makes it rub off the inside of your vagina in weird ways and it hurts in indescribable ways and you can't tell anyone or complain or say "I'm taking a day off today because my tampon is chafing me from the ****ing inside" because we live in a society where to so much as mention having a period makes you weak and useless.

    Oh AND, it's actually mostly women who propagate this - because if we stick up for one another, men will apparently like us less, I guess?

    OMG. I thought I was THE ONLY One that suffered tampon rash!!

    Not only have I gotten rashes from tampons, sometimes I bleed through them so quick I dont have a chance to change them an this results in even worse cramps
  • SummerBlondiie
    You try working out when you have cramps so bad that you can't even stand up and it's like niagara falls between your legs every time you move! and no exercising does NOT help everyone's cramps go away... for me it makes them come back twice as bad after they finally went away. I workout for at least 2 hours everyday so excuse me for taking off a few days a month!

    Get off your high horse and stop being a judgmental ***** :angry:
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Exercise actually helps with cramps and the feeling you have during TOM...some ladies are just wimpy.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to post insulting things to me because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.

    So why are "ladies" expected to hold to a different standard than "gentlemen?" Neither sex should hold a patent on TMI acceptability. It's not 1950, FFS. I can push a small person out of my neither regions and that ability has led to nearly 30 years of discomfort every month (or every 23 days, in my case--oh, joy!). That affords me the right to be crass, methinks.

    I never said "gentlemen" have a different standard. My husband keeps certain things to himself as well. It doesn't have to be the 1950s, if this were a verbal conversation, and there were men in the room, I wouldn't participate. I 'agree to disagree' though, if you choose to speak about things like this in every day conversation and with your husband, that's your choice. I don't, and I don't think men should be subjected to it if they don't want to hear about it. One of the above posters did have a great point though: that the thread itself has TOM in the title and if a man has gone 8 pages in, I guess they wanted to read all that...which begs the question...WHY would they want to read all about some strange women on the internet and their menstrual cycles??? :huh: :laugh:
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    And I'm still not going to exercise on my period, so... lol.

    Had my period last week.
    Didn't do *kitten*.
    Lost 3 lbs.

    Should be ovulating now (according to this app on my phone), so you can go ahead and suck my egg, see you next tuesday. :tongue:

    :laugh: :laugh: :heart:
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to call me names because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.

    1. I didn't call you names, unless you're insulted by the word woman?

    2. How is speaking freely, in a public forum, with other women, about what it is like day-to-day to be a woman "[competing] with men" or "trying to be men"? I have every right to talk about whatever I damn well please, and any man who finds menstruation disgusting can either suck it up or go to hell. You think I enjoy it? You think I look at my underpants and think "Wow, that just looks AWESOME and not one bit repulsive"? No, I don't, but I'm stuck with it, and any guy who wants the perks of being allowed entry to a vagina should be able to deal with the bad parts. Any guy who scrolls down through this thread and thinks "Wow, these girls sure are disgusting" doesn't deserve to be allowed near them.

    3. Whether you pee in front of your husband is your business, and I'm still going to think you're a disgrace to your gender, no matter how "classy" you think you are.

    Um, I dont think calling someone a "disgrace" is any better than what you were offended about. I think you're a disgrace to feminism. Oops, did I say that? oh well.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Wow, I am glad you know what my cramps feel like! I have to take a freaking narcotic to not be doubled over in pain the first couple days. They have always been bad, but when I got the Paragard IUD, the intensity skyrocketed. It's all I can do to take care of my son, let alone run. And for the record, I love working out. It's the best stress relief and mood enhancer I have found, but when your cramps feel like labor pains, going running just isn't in the cards. Heaven forbid I take two days off out of the month because I am in PAIN.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member

    This was the BEST thing about this whole thread.
  • zoom2
    zoom2 Posts: 934 Member
    2. How is speaking freely, in a public forum, with other women, about what it is like day-to-day to be a woman "[competing] with men" or "trying to be men"? I have every right to talk about whatever I damn well please, and any man who finds menstruation disgusting can either suck it up or go to hell. You think I enjoy it? You think I look at my underpants and think "Wow, that just looks AWESOME and not one bit repulsive"? No, I don't, but I'm stuck with it, and any guy who wants the perks of being allowed entry to a vagina should be able to deal with the bad parts. Any guy who scrolls down through this thread and thinks "Wow, these girls sure are disgusting" doesn't deserve to be allowed near them.

    My hubby is awesome and I give him major props. He'll go buy my tampons for me if they're on the shopping list. He's as frustrated about my cyclical misery as I am, but never suggest that it's an inconvenience for him in any way. I got a good one and he's been supportive for me since we met when I was 17. Some guys still behave like teenagers about the whole thing when their female SOs are suffering. I have a pretty low opinion of those fools.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to post insulting things to me because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.


    Sorry this thread about WOMEN'S BODIES wasn't ladylike enough for you. Which "words" exactly are you referring to? Vagina? Uterus? Blood clots? Because guess what.... those are REAL THINGS that women have, and it's nothing to be ashamed of or grossed out by. It's bad enough that we have to deal with this *kitten* every month, but on top of that people like you tell us we can't even blow off a little steam about it because we might offend men's gentle sensitivities.

    I'm not disgusted by you, but I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry that society has taught you that your body is something to be ashamed of. I'm sorry you feel that some parts of being a woman are so disgusting that we need to just keep our mouths shut about it. I'm sorry that you can't whine about these things to your husband! When I'm on TOM my boyfriend asks how I'm feeling and if he can get me anything. And if he ever acted grossed out by it, you better be sure we'd be over. I deserve someone who loves me no matter what my body does, and whether I decide to talk about it or not. And so do you.

    There is nothing wrong with what is being discussed in this thread, nothing at all. Again, I think it's incredibly sad that people like you think there is. Please learn to love yourself, your body, and your gender.

    What what! Tell 'em girl!
  • AwesomeAshley87
    I feel SO sorry for any men who have read through this thread! :laugh:

    Why? Oh my god, women like you, and the men for whom you feel sorry, disgust me.

    Wow, really? You're going to call me names because I feel bad for men who might have read some of the very picturesque visuals that have been posted in this thread? Yes, my husband knows i have lady parts, but I certainly wouldn't talk to him in some of the words that have been used here about it. I also don't use the restroom in front of him, either. Some things are just better done privately. It's called being a lady. More women should practice it nowadays instead of trying to be men and compete with men all the time.

    1. I didn't call you names, unless you're insulted by the word woman?

    2. How is speaking freely, in a public forum, with other women, about what it is like day-to-day to be a woman "[competing] with men" or "trying to be men"? I have every right to talk about whatever I damn well please, and any man who finds menstruation disgusting can either suck it up or go to hell. You think I enjoy it? You think I look at my underpants and think "Wow, that just looks AWESOME and not one bit repulsive"? No, I don't, but I'm stuck with it, and any guy who wants the perks of being allowed entry to a vagina should be able to deal with the bad parts. Any guy who scrolls down through this thread and thinks "Wow, these girls sure are disgusting" doesn't deserve to be allowed near them.

    3. Whether you pee in front of your husband is your business, and I'm still going to think you're a disgrace to your gender, no matter how "classy" you think you are.

    ^^i think your awesome!!
  • mommamindi
    mommamindi Posts: 273
    I am on the implanon. My periods are very irregular. I have one every threeish months. When I have them though the first week I feel like I am in labor. I have horrible back pain/cramps/migraines. I do not even move out of bed the first day due to the migraine. I let my body rest that first week. I dont care what a random on MFP thinks about me not working out the first week. I work out on my own time :) I have about a 3 week period though. After the heavy first week its mostly light or spotty.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    Exercise actually helps with cramps and the feeling you have during TOM...some ladies are just wimpy.

    Have you read ANY of this thread? Obviously not since you will see plenty of women here who go through more then just "normal" cramps and flows. You really should not judge them unless you have been in their shoes... and pads.

    I don't have those issues, though I do sometimes get migraines with my TOM. On those days I can't even open my eyes, much less get up and work out.
  • taahine01
    taahine01 Posts: 120 Member
    me, i love working out when i have my period. it makes the blood squirt out.

    oooooh. squats and deadlifts! *squirt*

    Ooooh! Treadmill! *squirt! squirt! squirt!*

    Gross? Yeah, well not everyone is the same. I bleed like i been shot and tampons are useless. Ever try running with a maxipad? Can you say RASH?!?!?

    hahaha. Yeah. I don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, but I thought I'd share for those who might be pursuaded to agree with OP.... some of us don't work out when we are bleeding to keep the gym from turning into a biohazard zone.

    OH-EM-GEEEE THIS!!!! Especially because there are some women who have no common courtesy or consideration for others and are just DAMN NASTY in their personal hygiene and are so sloppy in cleaning up after themselves in the bathrooms/showers -- EEEWWW GROSS!!!!

    While I still do a light workout during my monthly, I totally understand not working out when the river is flowing heavily....I definitely won't during those times.......but really --

    WHO CARES whether someone else works out during their monthly or not??? Like SERIOUSLY????
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    This post is pathetic.
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