Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Shampa21
    Shampa21 Posts: 3
    Hey all,
    Tried out the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 for the first time yesterday. I could not get through the entire first week workout but it felt great to get through atleast half of it. It looks easier than it is. I was sweating and out of breath. I did feel intimidated while I was working out but I will give it a try again. I am sure with repetition, I can finish the 1 week workout. I am using 3lbs for now ( that's all I have right now).
    Any advice on motivation to continue doing the workout would be so helpful.
    Thanks all.
  • get_sexxxy_shanni
    get_sexxxy_shanni Posts: 8 Member
    I did 30 Day Shred in 2010 with amazing results... then I moved to NYC, stopped working out, and gained 20 pounds. I'm still carrying around those extra 20 pounds (10 pounds more than my previous highest weight ever) and I am miserable. I started RI30 on May 15th and have done week one every day since (except on Friday, my day off). I've done RI30 before, but I've never gotten past week three OR simultaneously kept my eating habits under control, so I didn't really see results. Now I'm using the app to track my caloric intake, and I really feel like things are going to be different this time. I definitely feel like I'm excelling in a way I never have before; I'm really kicking this workout's butt. One thing that has really helped me: working out when I get home from work, before eating dinner. Usually I'm on autopilot and head straight for the fridge when I get in the door, but working out is so much easier when I don't have crap sloshing around in my stomach. I start week two tonight… wish me luck!
  • mimsicle
    mimsicle Posts: 2
    Just finished Jillian's ripped in 30 week 1 day 1.
    She is insane indeed! Really hard but good (and HOT)
    I can definitely feel the muscles in my legs and arms...!!
    I don't feel I worked my muscles that much - that's definitely my fault!!
    Way too out of shape. Although, I run 5k at the weekend... ;P
    Couldn't feel my legs!!!
    Looking forward to doing it tomorrow a little better

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • mimsicle
    mimsicle Posts: 2
    Rectification, I CAN feel my abs...
    Have a great evening
  • meyers31
    meyers31 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started today - Week 1, Day 1. Wow that was intense. I can only imagine what the future holds. Now I just need to stay motivated to keep doing it.... That's definitely my downfall.
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Just started this yesterday - looks like a few of us are going to be doing it together, yay!!
    Week 1 day 3 tomorrow (I'm already feeling sore all over, sooooo out of shape!!)

    How are you all doing?

    We doing it six days every week?

    Here we go :)
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Just started today - Week 1, Day 1. Wow that was intense. I can only imagine what the future holds. Now I just need to stay motivated to keep doing it.... That's definitely my downfall.

    I have the same issues!!! Maybe we can keep each other on track? I'm starting it today too!!!
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    Starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow, I'm also on week 4 of C25K and I'm going to start alternating both of those together, scheduled to finish up in the same week. Really looking forward to it, feel free to add me!
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    I've added you briebear, good idea - anybody else doing this feel free to add me too - would be great to have a few of us going through it together :)

    I haven't done mine yet today - off to do it now.... dum dum dum..
  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member
    Ok, day 4, week 1 done... Still sore - was out shopping today and could barely walk, I swear my *kitten* may be broken :noway:
  • Desika87
    Desika87 Posts: 111
    I love Jillian too!! I'm just re-starting 30day shred after a week off with the flu. I dont know what pound weights your supposed to use with it but all i have are 5LB weights. I as well have noticed a huge difference even since I had started the previous time! My "pecs" are disappearing! lol But my tummy is visibly shrinking!! WHOOHOOO Its easier to stick with it when results show so quickly!! Tough workout for me right now, but again just started yesterday! I told my hubby he's going to do it with me as well!
    Good luck ladies and when I'm done with 30 day shred I bet I will move on to Ripped in 30!

    Good luck :-) Today the DVD came per mail delivery and gonna start the 30 day shred-journey on Monday^^ looking forward to see/read your results :-)
  • evlipford
    evlipford Posts: 29 Member
    Hey guys, i just went and picked the dvd up on my lunch brake and I am super excited to see what is instore for me with the video...I will definately update my progress!!!!
  • T_Marie4
    T_Marie4 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm on day 4 of week 2- I hate week 2. LOL I have noticed changes though, and it's worth every ounce of pain! I am doing each level for 6 days - rest day in the middle then immediately start the next level - so working out 6/7 days a week. LOVE JM! She definately "kicks your blank!" as stated in level one! LOL

    Edited to say anyone can add me!
  • I have just begun, and I am on level 1, day 2. I gotta say my thighs are really feeling it, yet soarness is kind of a good feeling :D I hope to see some results, and I am planning on doing cardio as well some days of the week. Have anyone seen some results yet?
  • cat_s85
    cat_s85 Posts: 24 Member
    I just did this for the first time and I feel like I might be about to die!! I'm ok fitness wise and don't have a huge amount to lose. Does anyone have any tips?

    There are parts when she says you aren't allowed to stop, if I hadn't stopped I would have fallen over! I also struggle getting very far with lunges and squats, apparently I have short tendons in my lower legs which used to cause me similar issues with dancing when I was a child.

    I'd love to hear how people got through the first couple of days, argh!! :noway:
  • DevSea
    DevSea Posts: 26
    I am on Level 1-Day 2. I think it would be sufficient enough to do 6 days a week! I heard that the first 2-3 days of each week are brutal, and I'm not going to argue in the least. It takes every ounce of energy out of you. Make sure to stretch, though (Learned that the hard way), as this really puts a stretch on your inner thighs and arms. Although it's brutal during the workout, you feel great afterwards!
  • I just started Jillian's Ripped in 30 today; Week 1 Day 1. I love her NMTZ, and so far this video seems great, too. I was wondering if you guys could tell me- how do you track your workout on My Fitness Pal? I want to call it strength training and cardio, but I can't find anything in the database that really matches. Maybe Circuit Training? Please help! Thanks! :smile:
  • brichinthecity
    brichinthecity Posts: 4 Member
    I have the same question.
  • jenlynell
    jenlynell Posts: 3
  • melkel0508
    melkel0508 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm new on myfitnesspal and this is my first post here. :flowerforyou:

    I'm also doing the ripped in 30, tomorrow is day 3 week 1. I do it five times a week with two days of. :-) I really enjoy Jillian Michaels workout, and I can really feel the burn afterwards. (And during.) I'm hoping for good results by the end of week 4. :-)
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