

  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    Great day in Georgia it was in the mid 70’s I had my top down on the covetable:glasses: that is what I call one great Monday.:bigsmile: (did all my workouts and stayed within my calories)

    KC we are all so proud of you :bigsmile: keep up the great work.:flowerforyou: I also love cheese and have to not overindulge.:blushing:

    Eava welcome I weigh in less often because I make myself crazy :laugh: I weigh about every two weeks. If I weigh weekly and do not have a loss I tend to sabotage myself.:angry:

    Swiss miss you are so close to your goal weight maybe that is why you are struggling. :flowerforyou: You can do it maybe you could add an extra walk on the weekend to up the amount of calories. :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Jeannine how funny I wrote the same answer before reading your post.:bigsmile:

    Susie I am sure that you ministered to this family.:heart:

    Well thank you all for the love and support what a blessing you all are to me.:heart:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome newcomers! It's great to have you join us. The only advise I can offer is to post daily. It really does help. We each have our own diet needs and our own excercise issues. Posting daily keeps the spirits up.

    Macme- I know exactly what your daughter's room looked like. It is so fustrating when kiddos spend more time fighting what needs to be done than it could ever possibly take to just do it.

    Mondays are my long day, so this will be short.

    Have a nice weekend everyone

    PS: SuzyQ- You're an angel! Sorry it was awkward for you.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Great day in Georgia it was in the mid 70’s I had my top down on the covetable:glasses: that is what I call one great Monday.:bigsmile: (did all my workouts and stayed within my calories).....


    Hi Lynn,

    If I had a convertible, I would no doubt consider it "covetable" as you do !!:laugh: :laugh:


    Today would NOT be the day for a convertible in Washington. We are anticipating a bad windstorm on the coast, so it was very breezy in SW Washington today. From the news I saw, I am not surprised that Barbiecat was drowning in rain. I am south of her, so it didn't reach this far. I was able to take the doggies for a walk of a little over an hour today, and they love to have their ears flap in the breeze, so fun for all.

    Yesterday, I drove up the Columbia to a little town on the Oregon side to visit a friend that I just reconnected with. I can't remember if I mentioned having a beer with him at the end of September. We have connected by phone and email since, but his job takes him out of the local area frequently, and my work schedule is not conducive to meeting after work except on Wednesdays or Sat - Mon. Anyway he called me on Saturday and invited me to come down on Sunday morning for breakfast and then a drive to the Oregon Coast, which would be about another 50 miles from his place.

    I loaded up the doggies and away we went. I was wondering how the introductions would go between my three little canine darlings and his little guy, a 6.5 lb. Chiuhuahua/Pomeranian, whom he refers to as "Little Man":laugh: He (the dog) was a little taken aback at having his space invaded by 3 interlopers, but after spending 4 hours in a vehicle, everyone had adjusted beautifully.

    If you can imagine 2 people and 4 little doggies (though with Mai Li at 25 lbs., maybe "little" is stretching the truth!!:laugh:) in a pickup that has a second row of seats that fold down flat, that is how we travelled. Mai Li hogged most of the back, and that left just enough room for Pepper or Bradley to sit with their head between the two front seats, and then the little guy sitting on the console on a pillow. That left me with another doggie on my lap, also on a pillow for comfort. I quickly decided that Bradley at 14.5 lbs. made a better "lap robe" than Pepper at 18.5 lbs. With Pepper on my lap, my thigh kept going to sleep!!:yawn:

    We spent about 20 minutes on the beach and the doggies all ran around having fun, but none of them liked the sand that was blowing along just above ground level and getting in their faces, so we put everyone back in the truck, after shaking off as much sand as possible, and headed out. It is possible to drive along the beach for about 10 miles at this time of year, so we got to see the waves close up and personal, even though the tide was on its way out.

    Today--with 80+ mph winds expected tonight--driving on the beach would NOT be a smart idea!!

    I am happy to report that despite eating a breakfast of 3 strips of bacon, 2 eggs and a biscuit, I maintained my lowest weight, so for that I am thankful as there was no exercise to speak of on Sunday. This is only about the 3rd day since I started my program in April that I haven't done SOMETHING that could be classified as exercise.

    SuzyQ--I am sorry your singing didn't go as planned, but you can feel good that you made the effort to be there, and I agree with the previous poster who said the family probably didn't know the difference about who sang what.

    Welcome to the newcomers, Renny and Eava57:flowerforyou:

    BTW, there is a post tonight that has a link to an interesting tool. If you provide a picture, it will show you what you will look like after losing X number of pounds. Sounds interesting:


  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thanks! I will try to post often. I am motivated by all your stories.:wink:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks! I will try to post often. I am motivated by all your stories.:wink:


    You CAN do it this time!! You have found the right place-MFP and the right thread--HERE!! I read your profile. WW isn't the right answer for everyone. Personally, I can't stand organized "programs" and "meetings" and the thought of going somewhere to be "weighed" once a week is not inspirational for me.

    Last April, I looked at myself the week after my 55th birthday and decided something HAD to change. The 12 lbs. I lost after my hysterectomy in January had jumped back on board, despite my stated intention to "watch it" and keep the downward trend going. I have successfully lost on Atkins and other "quick fixes" but once I started eating like me again, it was game over, and all my hard work disappeared in a cushion of F-A-T.

    I did some internet research and found that people who log their calories and exercise are more likely to be successful at weight loss. I also read that people who decide to adopt a (permanent) "lifestyle change," rather than a "diet" are more likely to KEEP weight off. Lastly, those who adopt a program of moderation, in general, rather than an extreme eating program, are more likely to stick with their choices, long term, and be successful over the long term.

    My past history certainly supported the last idea. I looked at the WW website as a way of keeping track of calories and exercise, but I am cheap, so I didn't want to pay a membership fee. As a result of a google search, I found MFP, and as I am fond of saying, "the ticker tells the tale." My loss of 46 lbs in 30 weeks averages to just over 1.5 lbs. per week. I lost 12 lbs. in the first month and lesser amounts each month since then.

    I eat anything I want, just less of it. And I watch fat and sodium in the choices I make. Since nothing is off limits, I don't feel deprived, so I don't have to worry about "going off" my "diet" since I am not on one. This may seem like wordplay, at first, but it is very freeing to know that you CAN have what you want. For me, it eliminated cravings for sweets and carbs, though I still have a couple of "trigger foods" that I know it is better to "just say no" to and not have in my house.

    If you make up your mind to keep trying every day, and don't let a bad choice derail you for several days thereafter, you WILL succeed over the long haul. There is a lot to be learned from others who post on here regularly, and you will find the women on this thread to be most supportive and inspirational.

    Good luck!!

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: barb, that is excellent advice. And, you are proof that it works.:flowerforyou: I have found that if I have a cheat meal about once a week that it helps. Sort of jump-kicks my body into losing. I truely overdid it on Saturday. My husband and I had breakfast out and I didn't order "heathy". Oh, well, pick myself up and continue on.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, that is a great idea. When I have "blown" it on the weekend I should add more exercise. I do a Zumba class on Saturday morning but then nothing else (with the exception of house work) for the rest of the weekend. My husband did invite me to go along with him and the dog for a walk but I got busy in the house and didn't go.:sad:

    I am doing well today because I am at work, with limited access to foods. I know that my husband wants that steak in the freezer for dinner tonight. I will probably have a small piece. My husband can eat most of it...and not gain a pound.:grumble:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I hope this finds you all well. Sounds like everyone is busy trying to stay on track. Keep up the good work. I have been a BAD girl. I made a chocolate cake on Sunday and I ate a small piece by choice. Then I put on counter and each time I passed I ate a bite. Mindless eating like Barbie says. I am not beating myself up over it but my workout on MOnday was awful. I felt every bite of cake trying to escape my body. I stayed within my calories but that cake did not agree with my new healthy lifestyle. What a difference from before. Now that I have logged on and confessed I will be back on track. Kenneth opted out of early morning exercise today so I will go later after dropping off the girls and after bible study. I wanted to be in 170's before our trip but might not happen. Have a great day ladies. Keep up the good work.
    Vicki M
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Welcome to all the newbies! You've found a wonderfully motivating group of ladies who will share the good and the bad with you, never beat you up, and make you laugh to boot! :laugh:

    I agree with Barb's advice to post every day. There's just something about accountability that helps us to do better. :flowerforyou:

    I found MFP in mid-February of this year ~ 8 months ago.At that time I weighed more than I ever had in my entire life, including pregnancies ~ 201.

    I had been to the doctor to have my thyroid checked because everything I was trying to lose weight was not working. I just knew he would give me a magic pill and the weight would come off. I was always too skinny until about 5 years ago. At the time I had no idea the ravages of stress on a middle aged body.
    (Let me back up a bit. The last few years have been one major life change after another including a hysterectomy, the death of both my parents and a major move. I felt a bit like Rip Van Winkle just waking up on that February day.)

    Well... long story short: all my tests came back normal and the doctor told me to "Eat less and exercise more." He told me there were lots of free online sites that help you log calories and exercise so I googled and found MyFitnessPal and this wonderful group of ladies. Tho I am not quite to my 50th birthday yet, I was greatly encouraged to find a group of postmenopausal women who were successfully losing weight and joined the thread.

    For me, its been a long slow process. The weight hasn't come off as quickly as I'd like. Its taken me 39 weeks to lose 32 pounds and go from a size 18 to a size 12. Other ladies have been able to lose much faster. But I have learned that progress is progress, and that all our bodies are different. If I had given up because I was only losing 1/2 - 1 pound a week I'd still be shopping in the plus size department. (You can see a before and now picture on my profile.)

    So hang in there girls! Experiment until you find what works for you. But you can bet whatever that is will include these things:
    :angry: Determination
    :wink: Accountability
    :drinker: Lots of water
    :glasses: Regular Exercise
    :noway: Identifying and avoiding your trigger foods
    :smile: Making Wise food choices every day

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    So today is a full day for me. Once I get off here I'll do some cardio, then I have an upper body massage (that I rescheduled to go to the funeral yesterday) lunch with a girlfriend, I'm getting my hair trimmed, then tonight we will be working on Christmas music at Praise Team practice. Its shaping up to be a wonderful day!
  • angl
    angl Posts: 188
    Good Morning girls,
    Eava57 and I have been posting on another thread that fell apart. Not sure where everyone went but the thread is lifeless. Gone.:grumble: Eava said she posted on this thread. I have been reading the postings here are looks like you all support each other. I am 57 so I fit right in with the age. Ive been doing pretty good on the weight loss journey. 12 lbs down for my first goal. Plan on making another 10lb loss goal after I reach my 1st one. A lifestyle change is necessary to maintain that goal. Looks like you all support each other in all aspects of the mid age problems. Believe me I have them too. Getting old S U C K s!:angry: But plan on making the best of it.
    Thanks for listening.
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Okay, so I blew it this week. I actually gained a pound, did no exercise. Stress overeating got to me again. I'm finding that I'm so exhausted in the evening that I don't want to exercise, and I wind up eating to sooth myself.

    So that's my sincere confession. Now I have to find better alternatives to dispel stress, instead of eating. Any ideas?
  • tdbear
    tdbear Posts: 13
    This is my first posting for this site. You are all so enthusiastic. I sure can use this. I am recently diagnosed as a diabetic so MUST lose weight. I started Yoga last year and that has helped but now I have to step up the exercise. This is very difficult for me because of multiple medical problems. I tried walking on the treadmill and broke a foot. I tried walking outside and broke a wrist. So now I am using a Wii. Wish me luck!!! My simple goal for November is to lose a pound a week. That means I have 2 for the rest of the month. I have my official weigh-in tomorrow at the doctor's. Wish me luck. Everyone have a great day.
  • bradybrookes
    Good day yesterday, even though we had to grab a quick dinner on the road. Went for a 6” Subway roasted chicken breast. All my exercise done, all my water done, and calories accounted for. A relief to not “cheat”. Up today, step aerobics in the garage with Gin Miller at 5am, and 48 oz. of water down . . . . . . . there’s an office party tomorrow which are nightmares for eating correctly. Lots of tempting food around, all day!!! Everyone keep going, you’re motivating me!!

    tdbear -- my husband is also diabetic (type 2) and struggles with his weight. We had a great doctor working with him that helped him watch the blood sugars and his carbs carefully. The one piece of advice he repeats everyday day is "Walk . . . walking sucks the sugar out of your bloodstream like a vacuum cleaner". . . somehow for him this seemed something he could focus on and totally do-able. Hang in there and never give up!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good Morning from the West Coast of Canada! While I am down with the flu (yes, the dreaded one) my husband is in the shop trying to mitigate the flood damage. Heavy rains and winds hammered our island.

    Now, here's the thing. I have not lost my appetite with this flu, :grumble: so I really have to watch my calorie intake this week since exercise is not feasible and resting a lot is the remedy.

    This maybe a set-back week, but I will try not to let it discourage me.

    Thanks for listening (cough, cough) :sick:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: bradybrookes, I hear you. I am having the same trouble at home. I do very well during the week while I am at work but during the weekend I mess up...sometimes during the week in the evenings also. Let's work together on this, OK?

    :flowerforyou: Hi angl. I, too, see that losing weight is much harder as we get older. I am 58. Didn't have much trouble losing until menoplause !!!

    :flowerforyou: Renny, eat healthy while recovering. You will be better quicker and won't gain weight. Be sure to drink lots of water.

    :flowerforyou: Laniv, sure, just exercise instead of eating when you are stessed. After exercising you will feel so good that you won't want to mess up the feeling by overeating.
  • bradybrookes
    Swissmiss – that would be great. I obviously need all the “weekend” help I can get. I seem to do fine in the evenings, mostly because we stay busy. But the weekends . . . somehow I turn into “vacation” mode. My other problem is I like to cook, and the colder weather in Washington state is bringing out the desire for heavy comfort foods . . . . I don’t usually log on over the weekend, but I’m planning to now!!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good Day Ladies

    Beautiful and bright here in Northern Ontario. Its a little chilly but its November!

    Welcome to the new girls.

    Renny I love Victoria I lived there for a short while about 20 yrs ago.
    bradybrookes what a cute little girl in your AV
    tdbear - welcome and good luck on the journey

    I've been doing good but not losing. I will just try to believe that my work will show up on the scale and my clothes sooner or later. I keep forgetting to drink water:grumble: Seems tougher when its not hot out. I will have to follow my own advice and get back to drinking three glasses before my morning coffee. I think I will schedule it for the day along with my meals so I get at least 8 glasses. Any more than that will be bonus. (as will the extra steps to the potty:laugh: )

    Too busy at work to play on here:sad:


    Oh I forgot Rosemary - great picture You look lovely.
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Welcome Newcomers…BradyBrookes, Eava, Angl, tdbear, Renny (and anyone else I may have missed)…sorry about the other thread breaking up…but I’m sure this one will more than adequately replace it. This is a great group of ladies that have so much empathy and insight…you will love it here.

    Barb, your Sunday with your friend and “the kids” :laugh: sounds wonderful!

    I love the ocean…really miss it here in Nebraska! But on the other hand, I LOVE the seasons (even winter…I think God gives me winter so I have a good excuse to sit inside in front of the fire with a nice hot cup of tea, cocoa, or coffee!!)…and Christmas shopping in Southern California never did much to get me into the Christmas spirit! As I tell my husband there’s always a positive, sometimes you just have to look a little harder for it and be open to other things.

    I was only down one pound this past weigh-in. However, that was after about six special lunches/dinners and events just last week, so I am very content. Also, I took my measurements and I have lost 16.75 inches (and that’s being generous and not pulling the tape too tight) since I began recording measurements in August. I have gone from Size 16 and XL’s (and some size 1’s in the really big ladies sizes) down to the smaller size 14’s and size 12’s. I say smaller size 14’s because some of the size 14’s I bought at the better stores are WAY too big for me!! :frown: Still kind of scared of the vacation and holidays looming ahead of me, but I will keep on keeping on...as the saying goes. Wish me luck, all, I'm sure I'll need it!

    Have a great day ladies. Congratulations to all those who are losing…hang in there to all who are struggling…for today we can all say no thank you to the goodies and yes to our health! Happy Thanksgiving to all in case I don’t get to post before we leave!

    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome all the newcomers!

    I agree with all the comments on posting, lifestyle change instead of a diet and excercise. That is what I am doing and eventhough I have a long way to go I feel confident that this is it this time and the weight will come off!

    Becky- I accidently did something Sunday that worked for our problem on weekends where we eat more. Usually, I have breakfast, lunch and dinner and an after dinner snack/treat. That works during the work week, but weekends are falling apart as I have to cook for "them" who are UNDERWEIGHT. This past Sunday I made a late breakfast for everyone, called it "brunch" and did not eat again until dinner. It was still within a couple of hours of waking, so I wouldn't trigger any starvation mode. I was able to stay within my calories for the day and stay full all day. My snack was a piece of fruit to hold me until dinner.

    I may try this again next Sunday and see if it works out again.

    Both my kids are borderline underweight right now. Getting up and going to high school is hard and they are missing breakfast eventhough there is food in the house for them to eat. So on Sundays I like to make a good breakfast for them.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I have not lost my appetite with this flu, :grumble:
    I never do either.
    Then I learned to pick my battles. What was really important, A clean room or spending quality time with them. I figure when they ran out of clothes they'd either clean their rooms or go naked :laugh:
    Unfortunately, what happens with my daughter is that we buy her things and they disappear into her room after about a month and then she tells me she needs more of :whatever it is:

    So she was trying to tell me that she needed new clothes and I said I would take her clothes shopping once she cleaned up her room and figured out what clothes she actually had. It turns out she about 30 tops and many dresses and shorts and adequate pants, PJs, underwear and socks. If I had taken her clothes shopping without making her clean her room, we'd have bought a bunch of stuff she didn't need. She only needs maybe 3-4 pairs of pants and leggings for winter, not half the other stuff she was sure she needed.
    Macme- I know exactly what your daughter's room looked like. It is so fustrating when kiddos spend more time fighting what needs to be done than it could ever possibly take to just do it.
    Exactly. It took us 7 hours together. But that was after she spent Fri. night and all day Sat. and part of Sunday supposedly cleaning. If she'd had actually done it right (or rather done the bare minimum acceptable level), it would have been done sometime on Sat.

    As a result, she didn't get to do anything fun all weekend.

    This leads me to conclude that she really has no idea how to clean her room or keep it clean and needs me to teach her. It just seems so obvious to me how to sort things into piles and organize them but it's clearly a foreign concept to her. Her brother taught himself and keeps his room presentable enough. I don't bug him unless we start running out of dishes and I'm sure he's got a bunch in there. It really shows that they are all different!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Oh, I know this drill all too well. I have FOUR daughters. On the last one (who is now in her second year at college - away from home, I might add), I learned to just close the door of her bedroom, since I couldn't bear to see the mess. Now, when she comes home to visit, the room is demolished in one weekend! But she is a real love, who is the first to rest her head on my shoulder. Funny thing: when they move out, their places are immaculate. So, I guess I've taught them right, after all. I really feel for you (times four!).:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: