Book Nerds --UNITE!



  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    I like Mary Higgins Clark, Steven King, Danielle Steel, Nora Roberts and James Patterson.
    BEMND Posts: 33
    I'v ebeen reading "Barney's version" by Mordecai Richler. Absolutely hillarious.

    I'm personally a huge Mario Puzo fan, read every single book written by him. Try reading "The Sicillian" if you're into Godfather type genre. I absolutely loved The Sicillian.

    Love, love, love, Puzo!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member

    - I love to read
    - I need to have the actual, physical book
    - Some of my favourites are:
    A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ~ Betty Smith
    Gone With the Wind ~ Margaret Mitchell
    Their Eyes Were Watching God ~ Zora Neale Hurston
    The Shadow of the Wind ~ Carlos Ruiz Zafon
    To Kill a Mockingbird ~ Harper Lee
    The Handmaid's Tale ~ Margaret Atwood
    - This is my goodreads:

    I always said that I'd not go down the reader route. Have eaten my words. Love it. I still read proper books (in the bath!) but love being able to instantly download a book.

    I can never give this up:


    I could probably learn to use an e-reader, particularly for travel and to prevent the inevitable overtaking of my room with actual books (they're already 2 deep and 2 high in all of my shelves, along with a box full on the floor and several's a problem), but I would never, ever give up my real books unless I absolutely had to, and I'd still hang on to all my first editions, signed copies, and random textbooks that I collect from the 1920s-1940s.
  • heberlonghurst
    I calculate I've already read over 11,000 pages so far in 2012. I read a lot of philosophy, theology and fiction. I've recently purchased the Great Books of the Western World collection.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm reading Roméo Dallaire's 'They Fight like Soldiers, They Die like Children' as well as Gretchen Rubin's 'The Happiness Project'.

    Sorry, I'm not a romance novel person, infact I despise it haha
    I do fiction, young adult fiction, bibliographies, biographies, how-tos etc but after working in a book store for a little while you realize how annoying publishing get. Especially when we were dealing with the monthly releases of Harlequin :explode: :mad:
  • talkingtohope
    I mostly like mysteries. But I will read just about anything on my KINDLEs!!!

    Favorite authors:

    Robert Crais -- start with The Monkey's Raincoat
    Harlan Coban -- any of the standalones or the first of the Myron Bolitar series
    David Rosenfelt - the Andy Carpenter series, especially if you are a dog lover, Golden Retrievers
    Lee Charles Kelley -- Jack Field mysteries, again for dog lovers
    Karen White

    Get a Kindle. :-)
  • dusty_712001
    dusty_712001 Posts: 172 Member
    I read constantly. Even when relaxing from reading textbooks from classes, I pick up a book. I read science fantasy. Favorite authors are Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series), Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series), and Raymond E. Fiest (Riftwar Saga). There are others, but those are my favorites.

    I know I'm a guy, but I also have read Stephine Meyers Twilight series repeatedly.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hey, fellow bibliophiles... look for Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. It is great and funny. Reminded me a bit of the humor in Catch 22. Hilarious.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I calculate I've already read over 11,000 pages so far in 2012. I read a lot of philosophy, theology and fiction. I've recently purchased the Great Books of the Western World collection.

    can i tell you how much of a Bada$$ you are, 11,000 pages already? awesome!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I read constantly. Even when relaxing from reading textbooks from classes, I pick up a book. I read science fantasy. Favorite authors are Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series), Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series), and Raymond E. Fiest (Riftwar Saga). There are others, but those are my favorites.

    I know I'm a guy, but I also have read Stephine Meyers Twilight series repeatedly.

    Kudos to you! i liked the Twilight series personally. and I've heard good things about the Wheel of Time series
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I am on the 11 (and final?!) book of the Sookie Stackhouse series! I've still only seen 1 episode of True Blood but I'm getting more and more curious about the show as I go through the books! And I will admit, I didn't REALLY get into the series until the 4th book. Things really started picking up! Thanks to all who suggested it!
  • Lainnee
    Lainnee Posts: 61 Member
    Save...great topic.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I read constantly. Even when relaxing from reading textbooks from classes, I pick up a book. I read science fantasy. Favorite authors are Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series), Terry Goodkind (Sword of Truth series), and Raymond E. Fiest (Riftwar Saga). There are others, but those are my favorites.

    I know I'm a guy, but I also have read Stephine Meyers Twilight series repeatedly.

    Sword of Truth is my favorite series that I've read (so far). It's such a fantastic story and the writing is perfect for my taste. I miss Richard and Kahlan so much sometimes, but I don't have the time right now to reread the books. It made me so sad when they ruined the story in the show Legend of the Seeker (which, IMHO, was absolute garbage). I've picked up R A Salvatore's Drizzt series a bit recently, but I became distracted by The Art of Happiness and Camus' The Fall. Then again, I also like my weeknight trash, such as 50SoG and Chelsea Handler's hilarious autobiographies. :ohwell:

  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    Room, a Novel by Emma Donoghue
    Saving Ceecee Honeycut by Beth Hoffman
    Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante
  • utahgirl247
    utahgirl247 Posts: 370 Member
    Thought of a few more

    Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
    Whistling in the Dark by Lesley Kagen
    The Murderer's Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers
  • UtahWalker
    UtahWalker Posts: 29 Member
    I have read some paranormal romances. My favorite are time travel romances. I have read all of Susan Plunkett, Constance O'Day-Flannery, Judith O'brien, Jenny Lykins. There are other Time Travel Romance writers out there too. My favorite romance writers are Barbara Delinsky, Jude Deveraux and Fern Michaels. I just started a Daniel Steel novel. I only like some of hers. I need to finish it because I have 14 other romance novels waiting to be read.