what to do with cottage cheese?



  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    I put it on whole grain crackers, hold my nose, and bite! Lol I need ideas too :sick:
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    straight off the spoon/ryvitias/crispbread
  • HikingChic
    HikingChic Posts: 8 Member
    I use sugar free raspberry jello (powder), sugar free whip cream, fresh raspberries and 3/4 container of small curd cottage cheese. It's awesome!!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    try to get the low sodium variety or it's ridiculously high in sodium! It's good on salads. Also good on a burger with salsa (I use it on chicken burgers). Good all by itself too! A lot of people like it with fruit (peaches, strawberries, pineapple, etc).
  • staydreamer
    My dad used to make it the following way when I was young girl... I got the taste for it too but I haven't had it since I left home.
    My dad lives in New Zealand now so I don't get to have him make it for me nowadays :(
    I could make it myself I know but you know when you assosiate a particular dish with a person it never comes out the same when you do it yourself lol

    Anyway, here's how daddy dearest does cottage cheese:

    1.Get a plate and put on a layer of diced green apple
    2. Then sprinkle on top of the apple with grated cheddar cheese
    3. Next add some raisens over the cheese
    4. Then add your cottage cheese - pineapple flavor goes great with this recipe
    5. Now repeat the above again in order only this time make the layers smaller as if making a pyramid shape

    ..... And voila! A healthy meal or snack that is really tasty and good for you too!

    Would love to know what y'all think if anyone tries it.... and yes I will be making it myself! Writing this has given me a hankering for it... Even if it doesn't come out exactly like my dads it's still yummy! :)
  • TheWave97
    TheWave97 Posts: 11
    I love just keepin it simple, just throw some stevia, some fruit like strawberries or bananas, and some walnuts and mix them all together and you have a Wonderful quick and super easy meal!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,784 Member
    Throw it away, nasty stuff :noway:
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    I give it to my dog.
  • jc86
    jc86 Posts: 151
    i like it for breakfast with 1 splenda, cinnamon, 1T walnuts, and berries
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    This is a really yummy salad type idea for cottage cheese:

    1 large tub of small curd lo-fat cottage cheese
    1/4 onion, diced
    2 roma tomatoes, diced
    i medium avocado, diced
    2 tsp of dry ranch dressing mix for seasoning
    black pepper

    mix well and chill for at least an hour before eating. This makes approx 5 cups total, I serve it out in 1 cup servings. Its not bad on calories at all and packed with protein :)
  • Flora1961
    Flora1961 Posts: 9 Member
  • fancyacuppa
    fancyacuppa Posts: 66 Member
    Bumping this - love cottage cheese
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
  • becsnz1
    becsnz1 Posts: 85 Member
    I used to have a recipe for a low fat cheesecake made with cottage cheese. It was really simple but went something like this:

    blend a 250gm tub of plain low fat cottage cheese
    dissolve a low cal jelly in one cup of hot water. Leave to cool. Add to cottage cheese and mix. I would then spoon into small individual bowls and leave to set for a delicious dessert. If I was feeling really decadent I would crush up a plain biscuit and put it on bottom of small bowl then put the cheese mixture over top and chill til set.
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    I give it to my dog.

    Me too, but my dog does eat better than most people. :laugh:

    Love cottage cheese on a baked potato with tuna, on Ryvita with sliced tomatoes and basil, mixed with canned peaches or pineapple or dolloped on a bowl of veggie soup or pasta.
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Bump for later! These are all delicious. I never thought of doing anything with cottage cheese other than just eating it out of the pot.
  • jens_journey
    jens_journey Posts: 25 Member
    I cannot eat cottage cheese plain however, I do buy the fiber one cottage cheese and add it to eggs to make quiche. We had taco's on lettuce leaf this week and I added it as a topping on my taco meat. You can add ranch seasoning to it and use it as a veggie dip. So many ways to incorporate it into other foods.
  • happymiche
    happymiche Posts: 164 Member
    A friend of mine likes to cut up potatoes and put cottage cheese over it and bake...it's actually pretty good. Otherwise I like mine with wheat crackers or fruit.
  • Julie_718
    Julie_718 Posts: 3
    Thanks for asking the question. I always eat mine plain or with a little pepper. But after all these great suggestions - I'm inspired!
  • emg9
    emg9 Posts: 112
    this might sound gross but it tastes amazing!! mix a 170g pot with just under a tspn of marmite, yummy!