Official Women's Insanity Group. "Time to Change"



  • k33rstyn
    k33rstyn Posts: 5
    I thought I was in shape, running and hiking about an hour a day, but Shaun T just laughed in my face during Day 1. I kept up fairly well, and I was most encouraged by the girl with the braids second row who arguably has the most bangin' bod of the bunch but took as many (if not more) breaks as I did! It makes me feel awesome that these Greek Gods and Goddesses are hurting as much as I am.

    I'm off to do Day 2 right now. My back is really hurting me, which I know is probably a mix between my abs being weak and a bit of bad form. Going to work on both.

    Feel free to add me on MFP. It would be nice to have more friends getting schooled by Shaun T everyday. Also, is it just me, or do you really want to not let Shaun T down? When I think about not doing it, I think about what Shaun T and Tanya would say. They'd be so upset. ;)

    Cheers! #DigDeeper
  • I completed cardio recovery today, it was a pleasant surprise as i wasn't sure if I was up to all the jumping around today. My legs were burning and I was still sweaty though.

    i did this today too, and my balance is horrible :( i wonder why i kept fallin over?
  • mayfly00
    mayfly00 Posts: 13 Member

    Start Date: 9/7/2012
    Projected End: 6/9/2012
    Following Nutrition Guide: Not really.
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 149lbs
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): 135lbs
  • sfgonzales
    sfgonzales Posts: 110 Member
    Start Date: 6/30/2012
    Projected End: 8/25/2012
    Following Nutrition Guide: No, following my diet!
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 147 (I did the first week twice- lost a total of six since then)
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): 135

    Friend me!
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    Start Date: 7//2012
    Projected End: 9/5/2012 ish
    Following Nutrition Guide: No, following my diet!
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 215
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): 190
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    Started today! Yay! SO excited to do this finally. I mentioned before that I just finished P90X a couple weeks ago. I only lost 3 lbs. so I think my calories were too high. I was eating about 1800-1900 every day (which is what they recommended). Anyways, I think I'm going to shoot for 1500 with Insanity. Does that sound right to everyone? I really would love to lose 10-15 lbs. I know I won't lose it all w/ one round of Insanity, but would love to at least lose more than 3 lbs!

    RJ74, seems we are in the same boat!! I lost 4lbs in my recent round of P90X. Not a whole lot of inches to speak of either. Altho I AM fitter and tighter..but I'd like to lose another 10/15 as well!
    I started on July 1st. No change. Im impatient.
    I too was at the 1800-1900 cals with P90X and felt it was too high. Im at 1878 w/Insanity..but usually try to get around 1600. My hr monitor says I burn 225-275 a you have a hr monitor and what do you burn? I see 500+ is to be expected...but my hr is UP the whole time....IDK what is up!


    Hey Michele- I DON'T have a hr monitor. I do take my heart rate during the breaks "old school" (aka cheap-skate) method w/ my fingers but that's mostly because I want to make sure I'm not REALLY dying, just feeling like I am! :) I have no idea how many calories I'm burning. I am planning on getting a monitor sometime soon and will let you know what I find out. About P90X, I did it with my hubby and he lost 12 lbs. (he didn't really want to lose any weight, just build muscle) and went from a size 34 pants to a LOOSE 30. Men. Sheesh. Anyways, I lost about 11 inches overall, so that's good. Not great, but I figure it's a start! Also, I can now do "real" push-ups like nobody's business. It's the little things, right? Looking forward to Insanity and hoping the switch to 1500 calories will boost the results. Let me know how it's working for you!

    yeah! men!! lol. Im loving it 10 under my belt. pushups are rough for me too..but i do knees pushups after i crash and burn with the real ones....i may do 4 or 5 moving ones..but hten I finish out the allotted time w/knees ones..hoping that will help! IM down to 1500 cals starting today. I looked at my P90X stats..and in May I lost 4lbs..only month I lost...and that month i ws at 1500 cals.... anxiously awaitng our results!!
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    Start Date: 07/08/12
    Projected End: 9/07/12
    Following Nutrition Guide: somewhat I'll be staying around 1600 calories
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 123
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion): 110-112ish
  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    bump for later
  • angiebmore
    angiebmore Posts: 34 Member
    Im in! I do my own thing at times! I have hip hop absand insanity. I prefer hip hop abs I have so much fun and I burn a lot of calories. I also do pure cardio often with the hip hip abs. Sometime I burn about 900?
  • Blainey
    Blainey Posts: 1
    I just started Insanity today and realized I have no way of keeping track of how many calories I am burning. It seems most of you use HRM's which I hadn't really thought about today. Would someone mind telling me how they work? Do they tell you how many calories you are burning or is there a calculation involved? What is a reasonable price to pay for one?

    Thank you!!!
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    I just started Insanity today and realized I have no way of keeping track of how many calories I am burning. It seems most of you use HRM's which I hadn't really thought about today. Would someone mind telling me how they work? Do they tell you how many calories you are burning or is there a calculation involved? What is a reasonable price to pay for one?

    Thank you!!!

    I have the polar ft7 that comes with a chest strap. There are some initial things you have to do to set it up with your information and I think I had to like figure out my max and min heart rate following some type of formula (I've had my HRM for a few years now, so I can't remember) but it came with instructions It tells you your calories burned, time in 2 diff 'zones', max/min/avg heart rate, etc. Check out to see the different ones and what they do/offer. I got mine from Academy (sporting goods store) but you can find them on Amazon as well.
  • waveindigo
    waveindigo Posts: 39 Member
    Nearly finished week three and starting to find it hard going. My initial enthusiasm has waned a little, combined with the scales REFUSING TO BUDGE.
    I know the right things are happening, I'm feeling so much firmer, my stomach has toned up somewhat, I'm down a whole cup size (WTH?) and my second fit test results were a good improvement, but it would be really satisfying to see a drop in weight.
    Is anyone else finding this?

    Diet wise I'm averaging around 1400- 1500 a day with good protein and lower carbs.
    Should I just be more patient?
    If you've done it before, when did you start to see results?
  • I'm In!
    Start Date: July 15th
    Projected End: September 25th
    Following Nutrition Guide: YES!
    Starting weight(with Insanity): 160
    Goal Weight(hoping to reach after completion):135
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    I'm starting it today with a work group however I think they are somewhere in month 2??? I figure it won't hurt to just jump right in. They do it 6 days a week in the evenings and from what I heard, they kind of skip around to a different dvd/workout depending on who gets to the workout room first... I know nothing about Insanity except that it's hard, there's a lot of jumping, no hand weights, and the before/after pictures are awesome. Does anyone think it would be a problem to just start it in the middle or do i have to do it from start to finish and in order?

    Apparently we have the workouts on our harddrive and I could start myself, but I've been doing RI30 and NMTZ by Jillian Michaels by myself and I tend to slack when no one is relying on me to be somewhere...
  • proudmommy1003
    proudmommy1003 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm in!! I'll just finish 30DS and then I'll move to Insanity.. cant wait to get started

    Start Date: Aug 1st 2012
    Projected End:
    Following Nutrition Guide: No
    Starting weight: 143 (This is my current weight as of today 07/11/12)
    Goal Weight: 135 (I will still be happy with 138)
  • mrzragz
    mrzragz Posts: 6 Member
    You are not alone with this frustration. I am in the middle of week 3 and am finding it hard as well to push through. I wish I could see more results on the scale as well, I have seen 3lbs lost since starting. I know things are working because my clothes are looser, where my jeans are more tight in the hip and butt area they are now loose with material to grab. So I am pushing myself and hopefully the lbs will start to come off.

    I think we have to remind ourselves that muscle weighs more than fat and I know I am gaining muscle. So my goal to help me push past this week is to focus on the way my clothes are fitting and reminding myself that I'm doing great.

    Keep up the great work!!
    Nearly finished week three and starting to find it hard going. My initial enthusiasm has waned a little, combined with the scales REFUSING TO BUDGE.
    I know the right things are happening, I'm feeling so much firmer, my stomach has toned up somewhat, I'm down a whole cup size (WTH?) and my second fit test results were a good improvement, but it would be really satisfying to see a drop in weight.
    Is anyone else finding this?

    Diet wise I'm averaging around 1400- 1500 a day with good protein and lower carbs.
    Should I just be more patient?
    If you've done it before, when did you start to see results?
  • shezza3
    shezza3 Posts: 4

    I am day 3 in and ouch I can feel it! my calves and hips are soooo sore! Anyone else found this?
  • dleon00
    dleon00 Posts: 4
    I can say I am very impressed with you ladies! Determination is the key to your success! I am a 39 yr old soldier male deployed to Afghanistan and im on week 7 of the Insanity prograrm. I do not follow the nutrition guide but I do make the right decisions in what I consume for the most part. My starting weight and measurments for myself goes as follows: 221 lbs, 37.5" waist, and 23% body fat. As of right now I am 204lbs, 35" waist, and 15% body fat. I came to Afghanistan 231lbs, 41" waist, and 26% body fat. I am on a mission to be in the best shape of my life. I lift weights, run and do Insanity on a regular. I havnt seen my wife since March, I sent her a pix of me and she did not recongnize me. When I told her that it was me in the pix she could not believe how much weight I have lost. I wont be home for another 5 months, and my goal is to be in the best shape of my life for her and myself. I want to be her eye candy! LOL Remember DETERMINATION & DEDICATION is the key to each owns success. Good luck ladies and congradulations!!
  • dleon00
    dleon00 Posts: 4
    I truly recommend that you start Insanity from the beginning! You will work your way up to month 2, trust me.. month 1 is hard enough...good luck
  • LariRB
    LariRB Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely understand your frustration. I just started week 5, and although I have lost inches in my thighs and waist I haven't lost a single pound :( I will admit that the first month, I cut back on some unhealthy foods, but I wasnt counting calories/tracking my intake. I hope now that I joined MFP, I will see better results. Some days it gets very frustrating, but keep it up (or at least any workout that your interested in) because your more likely to see results if you stay physically active. You can do it!
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