Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildeb - that has got to be hard on everyone (your mil illness), so sorry. :flowerforyou: I like the challenge. I am ready to start doing something for these big legs! LOL And you're right, my arms are pretty sore! I must admit I could not do ten reps, but I did four or five most of the time.

    check in:

    cals: good
    water: half-way there
    exercise: 20 mins bike, plan to do twenty more plus the leg challenge
    proud: I am really starting to feel better, gals. I mean it! I am up moving a LOT more than I EVER was! Today I took the grocery cart all the way back to the store instead of putting it in the cart bin next to my car. THAT is a miracle!!! :laugh:

    Thanks...she goes in and out the good is good but the bad is really bad.

    My legs need much improvement...(along with everything else)

    INlaws are leaving in the morning and DH has to go to a company meeting tomorrow, it will be all day , but he will get 100.00 gift card so that is good...trying to figure out what me and the girls will do tomorrow. GOt his schedule and he has to work all next week and next weekend so that is cruddy..oh well it is ot.

    Tomorrow is actually my daughters bday , be nice if they both slept all day but doubt that is happening.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,369
    Exercise: None to speak of, though I did work photographing kids from 9am-2.45pm and that's a pretty physical job.
    Water: Oh so bad.
    Proud: I'm having a splurge day (why would I be proud about that, you ask? Keep reading! :smile:). I haven't had one in quite some time. Yet look at my calories... haha. Now even my splurge days are good days in the calorie department! (I'm about to eat an entire Oreo Blast from Sonic for dinner!! :laugh:) I'm also proud the scale moved down to 235.4 this morning. I just realized I'm half of the way to being under 200 pounds! I haven't been under 200lbs since probably my Junior year of high school. And even then, I was probably 190-something.

    I'm going to get to gulping down some water before bed. I feel a little dehydrated after only drinking about 20oz water today (when normally I drink 80oz+). My knees feel almost 100% so I was going to run today but after I ended up having to work a couple hours longer than planned, and my boyfriend told me I should wait another day until my knees truly felt 100%, I decided to wait to do it tomorrow. It's probably a good idea, I don't want to end up right where I started with them hurting so much again so I think I'm going to try running 2x a week (Sundays & Thursdays) until I think I can comfortably increase to 3x/week.
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi girls! I am back. I fell off the wagon again *sigh* but I am back on now. I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks, but I think I gained a little this time.

    I started the couch25K program again, and it is so much easier now that I am in better shape! I tried it about 5 months back and it was so hard for me! I did the week 1 workout today and yesterday, and felt fine, only had to push myself the last run interval. My goal is to be able to run a full 5k by my birthday in June. I also want to hit the 100 pounds lost mark my then.

    I wish I didn't keep falling off the wagon...this time was bad. It involved homemade cookies and fast food...but I wont give up!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jenn - glad you are back...
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello gals.. So... for whatever reason I am having one heck of a time! My will power is really sucking! It just seems I am not excited about this as I have been. Oh the emotional rollercoaster! :noway:

    I have not really worked out as much as I should over the past week.. :indifferent:

    Today started off ok.. still no motivation.. I am craving crap food aka fast food.. ugg.
    ate pretty good today and did well on the water but after shopping all afternoon I caved and took the kids to Taco Bell.
    Needless to say I ate more than I should have. When I got home and logged it I was over 340 calories :frown:

    So. I got on the treadmill and walked for about 70 minutes

    so, I guess I am proud that even though I caved at Taco bell and went over in Calories, I countered it by walking off the extra I ate!

    I just hope I make it through these Holidays.. I did not think some of these choices were going to be so hard :grumble:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Glad to see you here, Jenn. You named two of my biggest downfalls - cookies and fast food. :grumble: You can do this! A big step is coming back and logging in your day. :flowerforyou:

    dawn - Taco Bell is my ultimate enemy. I can totally relate. 350 is not bad at all for a TB outing! Give yourself some credit - my TB outings go for about 800 cals! :huh:

    I think this time of year is very difficult for all of us. I know it is for me. I find that coming here and admitting my food intake helps me a LOT. I learn with every mistake. We can survive the holidays with each other as support, can't we????? :love:
  • patrice27
    Hi everyone,
    I have been a lurker on your thread for awhile. Your collective stick-to-it attitude has helped me alot!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I can't believe it. I need to edit my calories for the day. 1,225

    Why? Because I got a regular sized Oreo Blast. I couldn't eat it all. :noway: About half way through, I thought I was going to die it was so sweet. :sick: Wow - me? Not being able to finish something because it's too sweet? Insanity. I was the kind of fatty who could easily sit down and eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting. The girl who could easily finish off a giant candy bar at once.

    I used to have zero problems finishing off a large Blast. This is good! :drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hi everyone,
    I have been a lurker on your thread for awhile. Your collective stick-to-it attitude has helped me alot!

    Patrice, you're always welcome here. :flowerforyou: Tell us your story.

    jlb - This is VERY good!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member

    It was nice to get on tonight and read from so many of you.:happy:

    zorahope: moving more is the right thing and it is great that you have noticed that it is easier for you. Keep it up. You are doing great.

    lildebbie: There are days when I haven't seen my husband much because of long days and if I coment to my Mom about it she always reminds me how glad she is the he has a good job. With the economy the way it is, just remember it could be worse. (This is ment to make you feel better, not depress you.:bigsmile: ) When my kids were little we would make homemade playdough, paint, make macaroni necklace, if you kids are big enough you could teach them how to cut out snowflakes. Make Dad a special love note on color paper. The progects helped pass the time for me and the kids were distratced so they weren't asking EVERY five minutes "when is daddy going to be home". Maybe this will help you too.
    Good job on being the biggest looser, and regarding the leg challenge, my arms are thanking you, and legs are thanking you that you didn't throw some redidulas number out there. hee hee I am going to keep working on the arms, but makeing it resonable good grief.:laugh:

    jlb123: From what I can tell, you seem to be very consistant with you calories and all. Super duper! You will be under 200 lbs.:flowerforyou:

    jenn: Good to see you post. Sorry you weren't apart of the arm challenge. :noway: hee hee I challenged a ridiculous amount and it was hard.:sad: You have come so far and you will continue to do well.:flowerforyou:

    dawnann: It is really tuff not go back to old habits that aren't that old. And some days are much harder than others and I haven't figured out why. The more I read posts on really hard days, helps distract me and keeps my mind busy. You will make it through the holidays. I have been given two dozen cookies and talk about tempting! I took a bite of sugar cookie and it wasn't at all enjoyable and even my kids didn't eat them so the next day I through them out. This is huge because I would never throw away treats and also it was a gift. I feel guilty but the calories are not worth it. We will make it through the holidays together. You are not alone.:wink:

    patrice27: Welcome! I joined Sep 2009 as well. Feel free to join in.

    Today was the mock disaster for the C.E.R.T. and what an eye opener. We had Boy Scouts and school children in the disaster. I want to live in Mayberry where the biggest diaster is Aunt Bea's bottled dill pickels tasting like caroseen.

    Calories: yes 1300
    Exercise: the mock disaster
    Water: not enough
    Proud of: Finally got our Christmas tree up. (I like it up closer to Thanksgiving.)
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    snowflakes - yah i know i am gratefull he has a job and he is geting extra money for christmas so i know that is good...I guess makes it worse for him is he doesn't like doing what he is doing, but it is a paycheck and that is what is imporant right now. He wants to go back to school just not going to happen right now. Figure out by he working next saturday and all the ot this week we will be bring almost 400 extra $$ right before christmas and that is good.

    BOth girls have some arts that they need to do for day care/school so i think we will do that today. My older one got an arts and craft thing and she has been playing with that constiently.

    thething he has today is a "meeting' for 7 hrs, more like a pretend xmas party. THey get 100.00 for going and they are having a meeting with awards, food, and gift exchange that he isn't doing...so i really don't see how this is going to last for 7 hrs.

    jib - way to go on only can eating 1/2 of it. I know i can't eat lots of super sweet stuff now, it just make me sick.

    I am so excited I WILL meet my 20 lbs loss this week..only got 1 lb to loose this week to get there....
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Debbie, I am so proud of you coming up on the 20 pound mark!

    Thanks for the welcome back. I know I tend to disappear when I am struggling. I have PMDD (basically PMS only a lot worse) and tend to have a really hard time staying on track when I get depressed.

    Anyways, today so far - exercise - 30 mins (1.5 miles) walk/jog

    Today is my 6 year anniversary, we are going out for dinner and a movie on Tuesday.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Jenn, You were about to get one of my infamous "where are you" messages. I bet you are glad you avoided that one:laugh: I am so glad you are back. You are one of my inspirations!!!!

    Patrice, Welcome to our group. We would love to get to know you!!!!!

    lildeb, thanks for the leg challenge

    snowflakes, I am going to keep doing the arm challenge 5 days a week. :sick:

    zora, I am proud of you for passing on that cake!!! I could not do it. Yesterday, someone brought See"s candy to our house and I had 3 or 4 pieces. 240 cals 18 g. fat for a few tiny delicious peices of wonderful candy:love::cry:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    glad everyone is digging my challenge...I tried 1 of the exersises earlier, going to be tougher than i thouhg.

    I am having such a low low motiviation today...Hubby is at work and it is cold outside and i just want to snack.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Worked at my brother's concert today (there are three of us siblings that are musicians/music teachers). Wow, people can be really crabby when they show up LATE for a concert and expect you to bend over backwards to find them a seat at a sold out show! :tongue: I am proud to report I STOOD THE ENTIRE TIME THAT I USHERED, thank you very much! :bigsmile: because I have more energy to do simple things like standing & :sad: because my feet hurt! LOL


    cals: in range
    water: almost there
    exercise: 20 mins bike
    proud: I feel soooo much better!!! You can't tell I have lost because I am too big, but I KNOW I feel better! That's all that matters to me right now. :happy:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb, just keep looking at that ticker - 19! Almost 20! Have that be your motivation this week. :flowerforyou: You can do it! You are doing it!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildeb, just keep looking at that ticker - 19! Almost 20! Have that be your motivation this week. :flowerforyou: You can do it! You are doing it!!!

    Ate soo poorly for dinner, but i was craving a good burger and we went to fudruckers for dinner. I will get back on ...I was excited earlier today i was finally under 290 i know it will probably be up tomorrow, but I can do it, I will be back down by friday :)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: no, under
    exercise: no
    water: no, way under (that is unlike me)
    proud of: not picking in treats
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Cals - not good...about 2200
    Exercise - 25 min on elip.
    Water - not good.
    Proud - I didn't want to exercise but i did
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,204
    Exercise: 60 minutes on stationary bike - 743 burned
    Water: I'm probably at 6 cups now. I don't know why I don't drink enough water on the weekends.
    Proud: I'm 1 pound away from no longer being "morbidly obese." What a horrible term.