Workout Buddies (Women ages 25-35)



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 20 of the challenge and I can't believe I am still going strong. Only 10 more days left and then it's off to find another challenge.

    Can I just say I am EXHAUSTED!! I worked my little tail off today at the gym. First, I completed my boot camp homework assignment which was to jog for either 2 miles or 4 miles. I jogged for 45 minutes which totalled 3.75 miles and 331 calories burned. According to the treadmill I was averaging a mile every 12 minutes, so, I am happy. Second, I took a kickboxing class at the gym and I'm so sore I don't know what to do with myself. I did a full 45 minutes and according to MFP burned 439 calories. I'm unsure of how accurate MFP is but I know I burned something because sweat was pouring from my body.

    Two of my weekend goals have been accomplished (complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class) and I will be tackling the third one later this evening when I attend my friend's holiday cocktail party (I WILL NOT OVER INDULGE).

    AMK1725 I'm sure you too could burn 500 calories a day but if you're short for time perhaps your goal could be 500 calories every other day or something to that extent. Since I am single, with no children and am done with my college education I have the time to hit the gym or attend exercise boot camp. While I am employed thankfully my job starts and stops at the same time most days so I don't worry about late nights at the office.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I MET MY GOALS, I MET MY GOALS.....WooHoo, WooHoo. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    First, I went to the gym to complete my boot camp homework which was to jog/run 2 or 4 miles. I jogged/ran 3.75 miles and then headed to kickbocking class. I attended the full 45 minute class and between jogging and kickboxing burned a whopping 770 calories.

    My final goal was harder to attain but I am soooooooooooooo proud that I did. My friend catered her annual holiday celebration and the girl can THROW DOWN. My goal was not to over indulge and I did not. She started the evening off with cocktails. She made Pomegrante margaritas w/the sugar rimmed glasses and everything and I did not have one single drink. I opted for a tall glass of cold water.

    In addition to the drink, she made about 15 appettizers......crab dip, salmon dip, shrimp w/kidney bean puree on a baguette (this was great and actually a very healthy choice....she had whole wheat baguettes and the kidney beans were cooked w/chives and sweet yellow onions), egg plant w/portabella mushrooms, mexican meatball served on a tortilla, flatbread w/bleu cheese and onion, and a whole bunch of other things I can't remember.

    I was so thankful she only offered appetizer sized plates so you couldn't pile the food on and I purposely sat the furthest away from the food so whenever I thought about getting up to get another helping I would take a sip of water and then remain seated.

    I also did not make a "to go" plate although she offered several times.

    I did enjoy myself however fellowshipping with good friends and watching the football game.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Its Monday, blah! Anyway, I did pretty good this weekend, I did freeze my tail off at the 5K but I improved my time by 2 whole minutes! best time ever, 25:26, which is crazy for me since I am an ex smoker, who still occasionally has a puff here and there( I know they are so bad for me, but I used to be a pack a day smoker and now I am lucky if I smoke a pack a month) Eating wise, although I was unable to make really healthy choices due to BF work christmas "cookout" all there was to eat was hamburgers and hotdogs, but I only had one hotdog, a small bag of chips, and no dessert! I did good on portion sizes atleast and did not go back for seconds yesterday, when I made chicken pot pie for dinner ( a healthy version I came up with)
    Choco-your will power is awesome! I wish that I could go to a party like that and not have any cocktails, they are my undeniable weakness!
    AMK- cant wait to hear how your 5K went! Atleast I know im not the only one on here that froze my butt off saturday in order to get a tshirt (lol)
    Everyone else, lets stay strong and motivated, we can do this!!!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Happy Monday! My weekend was great. The Rockette show was wonderful, although they made we want to go straight to the gym afterwards. The legs on those girls, whoa! I was good at lunch I had a burger but didn't eat the bun and I got garlicy steamed green beans instead of fries. Now desert was a whole different story. I ate a big piece of cake and some very yummy expensive coffee. But that was all I had the whole day was lunch and dessert. My bf and I went to IHOP yesterday like we do a lot on Sundays and I ordered off the "diet" menu on the back and it was only 400 cals for a whole plate of yummy food so I felt good about that. Didn't go to the gym all weekend though. Walked very briskly in downtown Atlanta on Saturday (we had to park far away from the show and it was freezing).
  • saz7
    saz7 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope it isn't too late to join in on this group. I'm starting a new challenge tomorrow with a friend. The challenge is to workout everyday until January 11th (except on Christmas day). I'm not concerned with being able to accomplish that, just having some struggles with my weight lately. My wedding was just this past September, and since then I have gained 10 pounds. I admit I probably have been eating more sweets lately (my weakness) but I have also been working out 5-6 days a week for an at least hour. Around the time of my wedding I had lost roughly 5 pounds pretty quickly due to stress, so I wasn't surprised I gained that back, but then to gain 5 more pounds is just crazy! My goal now is to mix up my excercise more and to start tracking my calories in/out again. Anyway, I'd like to chat with you ladies as we work towards our individual goals.

    I saw the posts about running a 5k. I too ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving. It was such a huge accomplishment for myself and I was extremely proud. I look forward to running a 10K hopefully in 2010.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Welcome Saz7! good luck on your challenge..and we are glad to have you!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My hat goes off to all you ladies who are running these 5k races b/c I'm unsure if I could accomplish that. You all are making me want to try it out. I can jog on the treadmill but the few times I jogged outside I struggled. I was able to complete a two mile jog but the wind and the chill was crazy ridiculous.

    One of my boot camp members asked me to participate in an event called the "urbanathalon". The event takes place in October 2010 and involves teams of three in which each member jogs/runs 4 miles and participates in an obstacle course. The boot camp instructor is willing to help us train if I decide to participate. I'm considering it but a little scared. It's going to take a lot of committment so i haven't made a decision as of yet. I'll keep ya posted. The event takes place in Chicago or New York. If anyone's interested in more details check out the website

    Have a great day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I forgot to post that my workout is complete for today and my eating has been on point. I also got rid of the scale temporarily because I was driving myself insane with daily weigh ins. I'm sure we'll weigh in next friday at boot camp since it's our last day until 2010. Once I complete that weighin my goal is to not weigh in until the beginning of 2010 and then again two weeks later which will be my birthday. My hope is that by my birthday not only will I have attained my weight loss goal of 5 lbs but will have dropped significantly in body fat percentage and met my friends challenge of fitting into this little black dress.

    Keep you posted on this as well.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning! one day closer to the weekend! I had a great workout last night, and burned 657 cals! woo hoo! I am hoping to burn that many tonight as well....I also did good on the eating part. I was slightly annoyed at the gym last night, I go to a very small gym for the convience (its like 2 mins from my house) and there is a small room for children to stay in while their parents workout, well, there is a certain parent who brings their child in the gym and does not make him stay in the child room. He cant be more that 8, and he got on the treadmill next to me yesterday and began trying to run at 10 miles an hour, he almost fell off and i had to stop my work out to rescue him for killing himself. I love kids, but if you are going to bring them to the gym, make sure you watch them or make them stay in the child room! grrrr, okay I am off my soap box for
    Choco- that urbanathon sounds really neat, I may be interested in it, I will have to check it out! If you can run 2 miles outside, you can run a 5K, its only 3 miles and when other people are running with you, it makes you push yourself!
    Have a good day all!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good Morning! one day closer to the weekend! I had a great workout last night, and burned 657 cals! woo hoo! I am hoping to burn that many tonight as well....I also did good on the eating part. I was slightly annoyed at the gym last night, I go to a very small gym for the convience (its like 2 mins from my house) and there is a small room for children to stay in while their parents workout, well, there is a certain parent who brings their child in the gym and does not make him stay in the child room. He cant be more that 8, and he got on the treadmill next to me yesterday and began trying to run at 10 miles an hour, he almost fell off and i had to stop my work out to rescue him for killing himself. I love kids, but if you are going to bring them to the gym, make sure you watch them or make them stay in the child room! grrrr, okay I am off my soap box for
    Choco- that urbanathon sounds really neat, I may be interested in it, I will have to check it out! If you can run 2 miles outside, you can run a 5K, its only 3 miles and when other people are running with you, it makes you push yourself!
    Have a good day all!

    I love children too but that would have annoyed the heck out of me as well. I'm glad you opted to save the child though rather than continuing on your

    You should check out the urbanathalon b/c it seems like a challenge you may enjoy. I need to get acclimated to outside jogging and I don't do well in the cold so I may not be able to really tackle this beast until the spring.

    My boot camp instructor gave us an assignment to complete 30 standard push ups and to jog/run 2 miles. I was able to do 15 standard push ups but because my arms were so sore I had to do the other 15 on my knees. One mile was at a steady speed and the 2nd was to be at an incline. I was able to bang that out in less than 30 minutes and burn a total of 250 calories in the process. In order to meet my other challenge of burning 500 calories a day for 30 days I hopped on the ellipitical machine for 30 minutes. When it was all said and done I had burned 595 calories. I am also trying to eat some of my exercise calories so I can break this plateau it seems I've recently reached. Eating the exercise calories is a little more challenging then I had expected.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning, Happy hump day! I did great yesterday with keeping up with my challenge to burn 500 cals a day...i ran on treadmill/ellipticaled and lifted weights, I burned 515 cals. I ate pretty decent and did not go over my cals, which is good! I am so ready for the weekend!!!! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I have been so caught up on this 30 day challenge that I can barely remember what day I'm in. I think this is day 23 or 24, all I know is that next week it's over and while i've been going strong I am SUPER EXCITED to have accomplished it and moved on.

    Anyway, the workout is complete for today. My boot camp instructor worked us so hard today that I didn't have the strength nor the desire to head to the gym afterwards. Since it's suppose to be a warm day I am considering heading to the park later and walking/jogging a little. All the posts I read about running has inspired me to try it out although I will admit I'm VERY SCARED. I don't like jogging at all but I suck it up and do it while at the gym but interested to see how well I could do outside. I've only done it once and surprisingly did alright. I'll see how my work day progresses before making a definitive decision.

    I burned at least 500 alories already this morning so anything else I do is just a bonus.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    Good Morning! Happy Thursday! Once again I think that we may have lost some posters......where are you mkwrose? and amk? well atleast I still have Choco! Last night I kicked butt again burning 532 cals! I was under my cals eating for the day, but over on sugar and sodium...I hope that everyone has a fantabulous day!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't been around much this week, work has been extremely hectic yet again this week. I haven't been very good either this week but not horrible. TOM usually wins when it comes to whether or not I should eat a cookie. But I have stayed in my calories I believe most of the week, maybe over by a few. I find some days I have a hard time not getting enough though. And if I eat more I go over on my carbs, so I don't know how to balance right I guess. I want to start running but am scared to, hopefully after I get my new shoes it will be easier for me to do so. Even walking briskly on the treadmill makes my ankles scream.
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been crazy this week and I'm just now getting the time to get on here and post. This week has flown by!!

    I'm so impressed at how you girls have been doing!! :love: vrdz & are blowing us out of the water. I soooo wish I had the same motivation right now. Mine has slowly been dwindling this month, unfortunately.

    So my 5k on Saturday......I loved it! And you're right's addicting. As soon as it was over I was already thinking about the next one. LOL! My fiance and son went with me and we met some friends of ours there. It was absolutley freezing but we layered up and I think my adrenaline made me warmer. My friend and both our sons were doing the 5k and the men did the 1 mile fun run. I impressed myself.....i jogged the first 2 miles at a good pace...once I hit that marker though I had a cramp in my side and had to walk a bit. Once I talked myself into jogging again, I saw my son who was complaining of his knee hurting. So, the last mile we walked/jogged to the finish. We crossed the line at 40 minutes. It felt so good to actually accomplish it and it wasn't as hard as I thought. The people around you, really help you keep up the jogging when you want to stop. And there were so many people walking, so it wasn't intimidating either. My friend and I are already trying to find another race to do next month. I'm not too fond of this cold weather either so more in the spring sounds much better!

    So after the race I was a little worn out. I think it was from taking off that week of Thanksgiving and not jogging frequently enough beforehand. I'll know better next time.

    I met last weekend's goals of doing the race & putting up my holiday decorations, but I didn't do the long, hard video on Sunday like I wanted and haven't worked out this week. :grumble: I'm disapointed in myself, but there are other factors weighing in that have convinced me it's okay. Work has been crazy and I think I'm coming down with something. I have been lethargic, no energy, and yesterday my head and throat started hurting. I so hope I'm not coming down with something. I'm going to the doc today to find out so wish me luck. If I feel better tomorrow my goal is to at least get a quick video in tomorrow night to kick start myself back on track.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Sorry for the long post...I feel like I had a lot to report! :happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Glad to see a couple of our posters have returned. Welcome back Mkwrose & Amk. I know this time of year is very difficult to stay motivated so don't beat yourselves up too much. Remember slow and steady wins the race and get back on track.

    Let me start by saying I really truly did not feel up to working out and completing today's boot camp assignment (jog/run 4 miles). I just did not want to leave the house, however, I struggled out the door and made it to the gym. I decided to do to interval training on the treadmill. I was able to jog/run 4.60 miles in 48 minutes and burn 444 calories. My intense speed alternated between 6.0 -6.5 mph and my recovery speed alternated between 5.0 - 5.2 mph. In order to ensure I met my 30 day challenge goal (burning 500 calories a day for 30 days) I jumped on the elliptical machine for an additional 12 minutes and was able to burn 115 calories. My total for today is 559, so, my goal was met. Thank you God b/c I am just exhausted. Oh, I forgot, my boot camp instructor also wanted us to bang out 30 push-ups. I was able to do 15 standard push ups, took a 90 second break and completed an additional 7 standard with the last 8 being done on my knees.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I Heart Friday!!!! made it through another week....i am sooo glad to see some posters back!!! I had an awesome workout yesterday and burned 710 cals!! woot woot! I had to make up for the fact that we went to chinese at lunch...but I only had sushi and one spring roll so I still did okay...I am looking forward to a weekend of relaxation, gonna get a long run in on Sunday (hopefully) if the weather holds out, its suppossed to rain:frown:
    AMK- Congrats on your 5K, I told you there were addicting! That is a great time for your first one, especially if you walked part of it!
    mkrose- I completely understand about TOM winning, I am fighting the same battle and for the most part, winning...although the scale says not so much ( I always retain so much water when TOM visits)
    Happy weekend all! Lets stay strong!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's day 25 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days) and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I had a great workout today. I burned over 500 calories by walking on the treadmill and taking a 45 minute kickboxing class. I just had a great lunch and I'm looking forward to chilling out for the rest of the weekend.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am REALLY DISAPPOINTED b/c it appears I miscalculated the number of days I've been participating in this challenge. According to when I posted my first official post today is only day 24 NOT 26 therefore I have 6 more days left of my challenge (burning 500 calories a day for 30 days). DAMN, DAMN, DAMN, I was sooooooo looking forward to it ending on Thursday and now it looks like I have to go until next Saturday.